15 research outputs found

    The power of social media storytelling in destination branding.

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    A large part of the global population is now connected in online social networks in social media where they share experiences and stories and consequently influence each other’s perceptions and buying behaviour. This poses a distinct challenge for destination management organisations, who must cope with a new reality where destination brands are increasingly the product of people’s shared tourism experiences and storytelling in social networks, rather than marketing strategies. This article suggests a novel interpretation on how these online social networks function with regard to generating engagement and stimulating circulation of brand stories by offering a conceptual framework based on the sociological concepts of storytelling, performance, performativity, and mobility. These concepts are characterised as ‘technologies of power’, for their role in shaping the social mechanisms in social media. VisitDenmark, the DMO of Denmark, is used as a case to put the framework into practice. The case demonstrates how DMOs can use the framework to strengthen their social media branding, and five practical recommendations for how to do so are provided

    Influence of country and city images on students’ perception of host universities and their satisfaction with the assigned destination for their exchange programmes

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    ABSTRACT: This research focuses on the effect that country image, city image and university image has on students’ a priori satisfaction with the assigned destination for their international exchange programme (Bachelor and Master). In particular, this study establishes six hypotheses related to the causal relationships among the different typologies of image and their effects on students’ satisfaction with the assigned destination to study at least one semester in a host university. In order to contrast these hypotheses, a quantitative research was carried out in the Spanish city of Santander (Spain), by obtaining a sample of 245 international students who participated in an exchange programme at the University of Cantabria. The research findings are: (1) students’ satisfaction with the assigned destination is positively influenced by the university image; (2) the university image is positively influenced by the city image; and (3) the city image is positively influenced by the country image

    Kvinnors problem efter en hjÀrtinfarkt samt deras behov av stöd frÄn sjukvÄrd och sociala nÀtverk - En litteraturstudie

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    Sammanfattning Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva behov av stöd hos kvinnor som drabbats av hjÀrtinfarkt samt deras upplevelser av problem i det dagliga livet. Ett ytterligare syfte Àr att bedöma kvaliteten pÄ studiernas urvalsmetod. Metod: Författarna gjorde en beskrivande litteraturstudie som Àr baserad pÄ elva vetenskapliga artiklar som söktes i databaserna Pubmed och Cinahl. Artiklarnas urvalsmetod granskades ur en kvalitetsaspekt. Huvudresultat: Studier visade att det var vanligt att kvinnor upplevde oro, osÀkerhet och rÀdsla inför livet efter en hjÀrtinfarkt. RÀdslan att rÄka ut för en ny hjÀrtinfarkt visade sig vara en stark kÀnsla hos mÄnga. Dessa kÀnslor upplevdes som stora problem för kvinnorna. Den fysiska energin efter sjukdomen var tydligt försÀmrad och begrÀnsade kvinnorna vardagligen.NÄgot tydligt framtrÀdande var hur viktigt det Àr att fÄ stöd efter en hjÀrtinfarkt. Inte bara stödet frÄn sin familj och sina vÀnner i sitt dagliga liv utan ocksÄ det professionella stödet frÄn sjukvÄrden. Studien belyser ocksÄ att rehabilitering var ett gott stöd för dessa kvinnor. Med den hjÀlpen upplevde kvinnorna sig sjÀlva sÀkrare. Slutsats: Att insjukna i hjÀrtinfarkt kan för de allra flesta kvinnor vara svÄrt och medföra en stor livsförÀndring. Stora problem i nuvarande forskning kan ses i form av att mÄnga kvinnor inte fÄr den information eller det stöd som krÀvs för att lyckas. Stödet frÄn familj och nÀrstÄende Àr minst lika viktigt som stödet frÄn sjukvÄrden. HjÀrtinfarktdrabbade kvinnor efterfrÄgar adekvat information om sin hjÀrtinfarkt, samt att deras anhöriga fÄr den rÀtta informationen för att de tillsammans ska kunna fullfölja förÀndringarna som bör göras för att livet ska bli lÀttare att leva. Detta medför att mer forskning behövs för att sjuksköterskor ska kunna tillgodose kvinnornas behov. Nyckelord: HjÀrtinfarkt, kvinnor, socialt stöd, dagligt liv och patienters upplevelse

    "Barnahus often becomes a pit stop on the way to the police" – A qualitative study on social workers’ experiences of the support given by Barnahus

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    Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare, som arbetar med barn- och ungdomsĂ€renden, upplevde stödet frĂ„n Barnahus. Socialsekreterare verkar enligt forskning under pressade arbetsförhĂ„llanden, vilket kan bidra till sjukskrivningar samt svĂ„righeter att rekrytera och bibehĂ„lla personal. Som stöd i den rĂ€ttsliga hanteringen av arbetet finns bland annat Barnahus; en verksamhet dĂ€r ett flertal myndigheter samverkar. MĂ„let Ă€r att erbjuda ett bemötande anpassat efter behov till de barn som misstĂ€nks ha varit utsatta för vĂ„ldsbrott eller sexuella övergrepp. Mot denna bakgrund, och med KASAM som den teoretiska utgĂ„ngspunkten, genomfördes sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare frĂ„n ett urval kommuner i Mellansverige. Resultatet pĂ„visade att flertalet deltagare upplevde stödet frĂ„n Barnahus som vĂ€lfungerande. Dock framkom missnöje riktat mot andra samverkanspartners inom Barnahus, vilket enligt deltagarna behöver Ă„tgĂ€rdas för att pĂ„ ett adekvat sĂ€tt kunna möta behoven hos de barn som aktualiseras inom socialtjĂ€nsten.The purpose of this study was to examine social worker’s experience of the staff support received from Barnahus. Recent research stated that social workers are suffering due to pressurised working environments, which can lead to difficulties with sick leave and a high staff turnover. Barnahus can be summarized as a place where concerned authorities are interoperating for the benefit of children who have been subject to violence or sexual abuse. They also offer support for social workers concerning the legal handling of said children. The study consists of semi-structured interviews with six social workers from different councils in mid Sweden. KASAM was used as the theoretical frame. Results showed that a majority of the participants were satisfied with the support. However, concerns about other authorities within Barnahus were raised. According to the participants these concerns need to be addressed in order to meet the needs of the children more effectively

    "Barnahus often becomes a pit stop on the way to the police" – A qualitative study on social workers’ experiences of the support given by Barnahus

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    Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare, som arbetar med barn- och ungdomsĂ€renden, upplevde stödet frĂ„n Barnahus. Socialsekreterare verkar enligt forskning under pressade arbetsförhĂ„llanden, vilket kan bidra till sjukskrivningar samt svĂ„righeter att rekrytera och bibehĂ„lla personal. Som stöd i den rĂ€ttsliga hanteringen av arbetet finns bland annat Barnahus; en verksamhet dĂ€r ett flertal myndigheter samverkar. MĂ„let Ă€r att erbjuda ett bemötande anpassat efter behov till de barn som misstĂ€nks ha varit utsatta för vĂ„ldsbrott eller sexuella övergrepp. Mot denna bakgrund, och med KASAM som den teoretiska utgĂ„ngspunkten, genomfördes sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare frĂ„n ett urval kommuner i Mellansverige. Resultatet pĂ„visade att flertalet deltagare upplevde stödet frĂ„n Barnahus som vĂ€lfungerande. Dock framkom missnöje riktat mot andra samverkanspartners inom Barnahus, vilket enligt deltagarna behöver Ă„tgĂ€rdas för att pĂ„ ett adekvat sĂ€tt kunna möta behoven hos de barn som aktualiseras inom socialtjĂ€nsten.The purpose of this study was to examine social worker’s experience of the staff support received from Barnahus. Recent research stated that social workers are suffering due to pressurised working environments, which can lead to difficulties with sick leave and a high staff turnover. Barnahus can be summarized as a place where concerned authorities are interoperating for the benefit of children who have been subject to violence or sexual abuse. They also offer support for social workers concerning the legal handling of said children. The study consists of semi-structured interviews with six social workers from different councils in mid Sweden. KASAM was used as the theoretical frame. Results showed that a majority of the participants were satisfied with the support. However, concerns about other authorities within Barnahus were raised. According to the participants these concerns need to be addressed in order to meet the needs of the children more effectively

    Compact oleic acid in HAMLET.

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    HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) is a complex between α-lactalbumin and oleic acid that induces apoptosis in tumor cells, but not in healthy cells. Heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to determine the structure of 13C-oleic acid in HAMLET, and to study the 15N-labeled protein. Nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy shows that the two ends of the fatty acid are in close proximity and close to the double bond, indicating that the oleic acid is bound to HAMLET in a compact conformation. The data further show that HAMLET is a partly unfolded/molten globule-like complex under physiological conditions

    HAMLET kills tumor cells by an apoptosis-like mechanism--cellular, molecular, and therapeutic aspects.

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    HAMLET (human α-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) is a protein-lipid complex that induces apoptosis-like death in tumor cells, but leaves fully differentiated cells unaffected. This review summarizes the information on the in vivo effects of HAMLET in patients and tumor models, on the tumor cell biology, and on the molecular characteristics of the complex. HAMLET limits the progression of human glioblastomas in a xenograft model and removes skin papillomas in patients. This broad anti-tumor activity includes >40 different lymphomas and carcinomas and apoptosis is independent of p53 or bcl-2. In tumor cells, HAMLET enters the cytoplasm, translocates to the perinuclear area, and enters the nuclei, where it accumulates. HAMLET binds strongly to histones and disrupts the chromatin organization. In the cytoplasm, HAMLET targets ribosomes and activates caspases. The formation of HAMLET relies on the propensity of α-lactalbumin to alter its conformation when the strongly bound Ca2+ ion is released and the protein adopts the apo-conformation that exposes a new fatty acid binding site. Oleic acid (C18:1,9 cis) fits this site with high specificity, and stabilizes the altered protein conformation. The results illustrate how protein folding variants may be beneficial, and how their formation in peripheral tissues may depend on the folding change and the availability of the lipid cofactor. One example is the acid pH in the stomach of the breast-fed child that promotes the formation of HAMLET This mechanism may contribute to the protective effect of breastfeeding against childhood tumors. We propose that HAMLET should be explored as a novel approach to tumor therapy