1,405 research outputs found

    On emotions and salsa : some thoughts on dancing to rethink consumers

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    Dance forms are a big business, highly marketable commoditized cultural universes, with a plethora of markets constructed around their spirit, vitality and possibilities. In this paper, we explore one particular dance form, that of Salsa, arguing that as consumer researchers we look for a more vibrant vocabulary and mindset with which to capture the experiential and transcendental nature of such social associations. We demonstrate that the metaphor of dancing is useful to revitalize our notions of consumer actions; taking them out of the grey mundane of calculative and rational action into the possibilities of emotional economies constructed around the effervescence and vitality of the social (cf. Maffesoli, [1996])

    Reflections of Self in Food Sharing Interactions and Experiences

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    Music in advertising and consumer identity: The search for Heideggerian authenticity

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    This study discusses netnographic findings involving 472 YouTube postings categorized to identify themes regarding consumers’ experience of music in advertisements. Key themes relate to musical taste, musical indexicality, musical repetition and musical authenticity. Postings reveal how music conveys individual taste and is linked to personal memories and Heidegger’s coincidental time where moments of authenticity may be triggered in a melee of emotions, memories and projections. Identity protection is enabled as consumers frequently resist advertisers’ attempts to use musical repetition to impose normative identity. Critiques of repetition in the music produce Heideggerian anxiety leading to critically reflective resistance. Similarly, where advertising devalues the authenticity of iconic pieces of music, consumers often resist such authenticity transgressions as a threat to their own identity. The Heideggerian search for meaning in life emphasizes the significance of philosophically driven ideological authenticity in consumers’ responses to music in advertisements

    Formation Motivational Mechanism of Labor Management for the Modern Enterprises

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    In the article the view of staff motivation enterprises, allowing to assess the characteristics of the formation of new social values and motivational orientations knowledge economy that modify the behavior of modern people. The role of work motivation in providing enterprise development. The essence of the major theoretical approaches to the motivation of employees and their ability. Defined motives leading professional work opportunities for understanding the application of basic motivational theories to increase innovation activity staff. Formed generalized motivational mechanism for the modern enterprise. It was found that the existing mechanism of motivation into account such important motives of professional work, the motives of self, material and moral incentives, they fully contribute to the activities of employees. The main ways to improve the process of formation of motivation system, including the need for continuous monitoring measures to meet the needs of employees, evaluate existing tools from the standpoint of the formation, expansion methods of teaching staff.В статті запропоновано погляд на мотивацію персоналу підприємств, що дає змогу провести оцінку особливостей формування нових соціальних цінностей і мотиваційних орієнтирів економіки знань, які видозмінюють поведінку сучасних працівників. Розглянуто роль мотивації праці в забезпеченні розвитку підприємства. З’ясовано сутність основних теоретичних підходів до мотивації працівників та їх можливості. Визначено провідні мотиви професійної діяльності для розуміння можливостей застосування основних мотиваційних теорій до підвищення інноваційної активності персоналу. Сформовано узагальнений мотиваційний механізм для сучасного підприємства. З’ясовано, що існуючий механізм мотивації враховує такі важливі мотиви професійної творчості, як мотиви самореалізації, матеріальні та моральні стимули, вони повною мірою сприяють підвищенню активності працівників підприємства. Визначено основні шляхи покращення процесу формування системи мотивації, що включають необхідність здійснення постійного моніторингу міри задоволення потреб працівників, оцінювання існуючих інструментів з позицій формування, розширення форм та методів навчання працівників.В статье предложен взгляд на мотивацию персонала предприятий, что позволяет провести оценку особенностей формирования новых социальных ценностей и мотивационных ориентиров экономики знаний, которые видоизменяют поведение современных работников. Рассмотрены роль мотивации труда в обеспечении развития предприятия. Выяснено сущность основных теоретических подходов к мотивации работников и их возможности. Определены ведущие мотивы профессиональной деятельности для понимания возможностей применения основных мотивационных теорий к повышению инновационной активности персонала. Сформирован обобщенный мотивационный механизм для современного предприятия. Выяснено, что существующий механизм мотивации учитывает такие важные мотивы профессионального творчества, как мотивы самореализации, материальные и моральные стимулы, они в полной мере способствуют повышению активности работников предприятия. Определены основные пути улучшения процесса формирования системы мотивации, включающие необходимость осуществления постоянного мониторинга степени удовлетворения потребностей работников, оценка существующихинструментов с позиций формирования, расширения форм и методов обучения работников

    Complexes diène du rhodium et de l'iridium portant des ligands diphénylphosphinoferrocényl thioéther: synthèse, activation et hydrogénation catalytique

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    De nouveaux complexes diènes du rhodium portant des ligands diphénylphosphinoferrocénylthioéther [Rh(P,SR)(diene)]X (diène = cyclooctadiène (COD), norbornadiène (NBD); X = Cl-, BF4-) ont été synthétisés et entièrement caractérisés. La structure moléculaire des complexes cationiques [Rh(P,SR)(diène)]+BF4- révèle une géométrie plan carré légèrement distordue. Pour les complexes chlorure [Rh(P,SR)(diène)Cl], l'utilisation des spectroscopies RMN et IR complétées par une étude théorique par DFT a permis de proposer une géométrie plan carré avec le diène, le chlorure et le phosphore coordonnés au métal, la fonction thioéther restant en dehors de la sphère de coordination.Les complexes de rhodium [Rh(P,SR)(diène)]X catalysent l'hydrogénation des cétones et sont donc de bons modèles fonctionnels pour l'étude de l'hydrogénation asymétrique des cétones par les complexes d'iridium [Ir(P,SBut)(COD)Cl]. Pour les composés [Rh(P,SBut)(diène)]X, les vitesses de réaction et les énantiosélectivités évoluent dans le sens COD-Cl > COD-BF4 > NBD-BF4 > NBD-Cl. Pour les complexes portant des ligands diéniques NBD, les vitesses de réaction et les énantiosélectivités évoluent dans le sens But >> Et > Ph > Bz.En utilisant la RMN du parahydrogène, nous avons établi que l'activation du précatalyseur était obtenue par réaction des complexes [Rh(P,SBut)(diène)]X avec le dihydrogène en deux étapes via l'obtention d'un composé intermédiaire [Rh(P,SR)(alcène-alkyl)] ([Rh(P,SR)(1-kappa-4,5-eta-C8H13)] pour les complexes COD) suivie de la formation d'un complexe solvaté [Rh(P,SR)(Solv)2]+ (Solv = MeOH, MeCN, acétone). L'hydrogénation des ligands NBD est plus rapide que celle des ligands COD. Le complexe [Rh(P,SBut)(MeOH)2]+ provoque un échange H/D très rapide entre H2 et le solvant deutéré via une espèce dihydrure [Rh(P,SBut)(MeOH)2H2]+ accessible énergiquement d'après des calculs DFT. L'addition de ligand L (py or MeCN) à une solution de [Rh(P,SBut)(diène)]X en présence de H2 à basse température a résulté en la formation d'espèces dihydrures diasteréoisomères [Rh(P,SBut)L2H2]+ dont la structure a été établie sur la base des résultats RMN.New diene rhodium complexes with diphenylphosphinoferrocenylthioether ligands [Rh(P,SR)(diene)]X (diene = COD, NBD; X = Cl-, BF4-) were synthesized and fully characterized. The molecular structure of the cationic complexes [Rh(P,SR)(diene)]+BF4- shows a slightly distorted square planar geometry. For the chloride complexes, [Rh(P,SR)(diene)Cl], a combination of NMR and IR spectroscopy and DFT calculations points to a four coordinate square planar geometry with the diene ligand, the chlorine and the phosphorus atoms in the coordination sphere and with a dangling thioether function. It was found that rhodium complexes [Rh(P,SR)(diene)]X are good structural and functional models to study the ketone asymmetric hydrogenation mechanism catalyzed by the iridium complexes [Ir(P,SBut)(COD)Cl]. For the [Rh(P,SBut)(diene)]X derivatives the rate of hydrogenation and the nantioselectivity change in the order COD-Cl > COD-BF4 > NBD-BF4 > NBD-Cl. For the complexes with the NBD ligand the activity/enantioselectivity change in the order But >> Et > Ph > Bz. By use of parahydrogen NMR spectrometry, it was established that the catalyst activation involves the reaction of the rhodium complexes [Rh(P,SBut)(diene)]X with dihydrogen, which occurs in two steps through the generation of an intermediate [Rh(P,SR)(alkene-alkyl)]([Rh(P,SR)(1-kappa-4,5-eta-C8H13)] for the COD complexes) followed by the formation of a solvated complex [Rh(P,SR)(Solv)2]+ (Solv = MeOH, MeCN, acetone). Hydrogenation of the NBD ligand proceeds faster than that of the COD ligand. The rhodium complex [Rh(P,SBut)(MeOH)2]+ promotes a very rapid H/D exchange between H2 and the deuterated solvent via a dihydride species [Rh(P,SBut)(MeOH)2H2]+, which is accessible according to the DFT calculations. Addition of L (py or MeCN) to the solution of [Rh(P,SBut)(diene)]X in the presence of H2 at low temperature results in the formation of a diastereomeric dihydride species [Rh(P,SBut)L2H2]+, the structure of which was established on the basis of the NMR spectroscopic data

    Uberficación y movilidad urbana en el Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara: entropía en las nuevas configuraciones de acceso al transporte motorizado

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    El uso de dispositivos móviles de última generación por parte del cibernauta urbano se ha convertido en el medio más práctico para acceder al servicio de transporte. Sin embargo, la ausencia a priori de un de marco regulatorio de las operaciones de compra-venta en el ciberespacio ha generado escenarios entrópicos entre los prestadores tradicionales del servicio y los nuevos oferentes; sobre todo, cuando estos últimos han recibido el beneplácito de una buena parte de la sociedad virtual. En este trabajo se revisa la experiencia del servicio ofertado por la empresa Uber en el Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara a través de la práctica netnográfica. Los resultados sugieren que la interacción socio-espacial de estas nuevas hibridaciones del servicio de transporte aportan significativamente entropía a la ciudad-sistema

    (Il)Legitimisation of the role of the nation state: Understanding of and reactions to Internet censorship in Turkey

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    This study aims to explore Turkish citizen-consumers' understanding of and reactions to censorship of websites in Turkey by using in-depth interviews and online ethnography. In an environment where sites such as YouTube and others are increasingly being banned, the citizen-consumers' macro-level understanding is that such censorship is part of a wider ideological plan and their micro-level understanding is that their relationship with the wider global network is reduced, in the sense that they have trouble accessing full information on products, services and experiences. The study revealed that citizen-consumers engage in two types of resistance strategies against such domination by the state: using irony as passive resistance, and using the very same technology used by the state to resist its domination

    Public health strategies to reduce sugar intake in the UK: An exploration of public perceptions using digital spaces

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    Objective: To explore UK public perceptions of children's sugar consumption, Public Health England's Change4Life Sugar Smart app and the Soft Drinks Industry Levy, using solicited and unsolicited digital data. Methods: Data from three digital spaces were used as follows: (1) an online questionnaire advertised on parenting forums; (2) posts to UK online parenting forums; and (3) English language Tweets from Twitter. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics and qualitative data using content and inductive thematic analysis. Results: Data were (study 1) 184 questionnaire participants; (study 2) 412 forum posts; and (study 3) 618 Tweets. In study 1, 94.0% (n = 173) agreed that children in the UK consumed too much sugar and this had a negative health effect (98.4%, n = 181). Environments (n = 135, 73.4%), media/advertising (n = 112, 60.9%) and parents (n = 107, 58.2%) were all reported as barriers to changing children's sugar intake. In study 2, more posts were negative towards the Soft Drinks Industry Levy (n = 189, 45.9%) than positive (n = 145, 35.2%), and themes about the inability of the Levy to affect sugar consumption in children and childhood obesity emerged. Other themes related to distrust of the government, food industry and retailers. In study 3, the Sugar Smart app was viewed positively (n = 474, 76.7%) with its function associated solely with identification of sugar content. Conclusions: Participants accepted the necessity of sugar reduction in children, but recognised the complexity of behaviour change. Public health activities were not always perceived as effective strategies for health promotion. There was some distrust in government, public health officials and the food industry. A less simplistic approach to sugar reduction and more credible sources of information may, therefore, be welcomed by the public