1,189 research outputs found

    Hipodoncia: utilidad de hallazgos dentales en la determinación de patologías y parentesco en poblaciones antiguas. Estudio de dos casos en la necrópolis oriental de Carthago Spartaria

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    The use of forensic techniques when studying partial or badly-conserved human remains is very important when we want to determine age, sex, and race, as well as parental relation between two or more individuals. Of these techniques, some of the simplest but most reliable are those related to the dental studies of the retrieved remains. Finding dental anomalies may give useful information about diseases suffered by the individual (congenital or infecto-contagious) and possible family relation between several individuals. This study describes several cases of dental agenesia (absence of teeth caused by lack of formation of these teeth) found in populations living during the fi fth to seventh centuries (a.D.), retrieved in the oriental necropolis of Carthago Spartaria, in the neighborhood of the present University (Cartagena, Murcia).La utilización de técnicas forenses a la hora de estudiar restos humanos parciales o en mal estado de conservación son muy importantes cuando queremos determinar la edad, sexo y raza, así como el parentesco entre dos o más individuos. De estas técnicas, algunas de las más sencillas pero de resultados bastante fi ables son aquellas relacionadas con el estudio dental de los restos encontrados. El hallazgo de anomalías dentarias puede facilitar información acerca de enfermedades padecidas por el individuo (tanto infectocontagiosas como congénitas) y de posibles relaciones familiares entre varios individuos. El presente estudio describe varios casos de agenesias dentales (ausencia dental debida a la falta de formación de algún diente) encontradas en una población de los siglos V-VII d.C., recuperados en la necrópolis oriental de Carthago Spartaria, en la zona del actual Barrio Universitario. (Cartagena, Murcia

    Panorámica del impacto ambiental, sanitario, social ante la pandemia del covid-19

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    El 31 de diciembre de 2019, ante el reporte de cuadros respiratorios en Wuhan (China), nunca la humanidad se imaginó que cambiaría su curso, en marzo se declaro la pandemia de COVID-19 por la OMS, desencadenando en muchos países del mundo crisis sanitarias, como ejemplo en Italia siendo importante el número de adultos mayores que fallecieron, y en marzo ya se encontraba en América, y estableciendo el confinamiento como medida de mitigación contra la dispersión del SARCOV-2, teniendo esto un impacto en lo económico, social, cambiando las actividades de la humanidad, continuaron las funciones esenciales como la producción de alimentos, los servicios, los bancos, y cerrando los espacios de diversión cines, conciertos, teatros, instituciones de educación, muchos países cerraron sus fronteras. Iniciando la vida a distancia en múltiples sectores, sin embargo, ante ese confinamiento se agudizo la gran desigualdad que existe en el mundo, y se incrementó la vulnerabilidad de la violencia a las mujeres, niñas, adultos mayores, y teniendo un gran impacto en la economía de los más pobres. En el ambiente se mejoró las condiciones, disminución de los efectos de gases invernaderos, mejoraron las condiciones de la naturaleza, sin embargo no fue igual en todo el planeta, dejando desafortunadamente la muerte de millones de personas, y ante esto la comunidad científica se unió y pudo poner a disposición de la humanidad vacunas para mitigar la pandemia del COVID-19, y donde nuevamente observamos la desigualdad en la distribución de las mismas, hay países que iniciara el proceso de inmunización hasta el 2022, el reto de la pandemia agudizo los problemas de la humanidad, avanzo la ciencia de una manera impresionante, sin embargo seguimos teniendo poblaciones vulnerables, crisis económica, social, ambiental y sanitaria, hay mucho trabajo por hacer, la humanidad necesita empatía, trabajar de una manera conjunta, y no parar su lucha para el cuidado de la naturaleza. Siendo fundamental el papel de las instituciones de educación desde nivel kínder a posgrado, para ser ejes rectores en todos los campos disciplinarios.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Comparación del efecto osmodeshidratante de distintos solutos en pulpa de membrillo.

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    La deshidratación osmótica (DO) consiste en la inmersión de un alimento en una solución hipertónica de actividad de agua (aw) inferior a la del mismo (Genina, 2002), lo que establece un flujo de agua desde el alimento a la solución y un flujo de soluto en sentido contrario. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue investigar los diferentes efectos de los solutos, glucosa, sacarosa y jarabe de maíz de alta fructosa (JMAF) en la deshidratación osmótica de membrillo (Cydonia Vulgaris).Para ello se analizó comparativamente la evolución de la concentración de sólidos solubles de la fruta, el peso de la fruta y la concentración de la solución osmótica con respecto a tiempo y temperatura del proceso y cambio en la concentración de la solución osmótica. Se planteó un Diseño Multifactorial Categórico con 864 ensayos.El análisis de varianza indica que el tiempo y la Concentración de Solución Osmótica tienen efecto significativo en las repuestas en un 95% de nivel de confianza para los tres solutos ensayados, no así para la temperatura con valor p >0.05 para todas las respuestas. Se obtuvo mejor resultado en la DO utilizando Glucosa. Se ha observado que la pérdida de peso de la fruta fue mayor en la tratada con Glucosa teniendo un valor medio de 6,27 %, superior en pérdida de peso a la solución osmótica (SO) de Sacarosa y JMAF, además la fruta tratada con glucosa tuvo un mayor aumento en la concentración de la fruta llegando a 19.71°Brix (valor medio) indicando mayor pérdida de peso que con sacarosa y JMAF.Osmotic effect comparison of different solutes in quince pulp.AbstractOsmotic dehydration (OD) is the immersion of a food in a solution of water activity (aw) less than yours, which establishes a flow of water from the food to the solution and solute flow in the opposite direction. The aim of this study was to investigate the various effects of solutes, glucose, sucrose syrup, high fructose corn (HFCS) in the osmotic dehydration in Quince (Cydonia vulgaris). To this end we analyzed comparatively the evolution of the composition, mass and volume of the samples during the process and the kinetics involved in it. Multifactorial design was used a categorical with 864 runs.The variance analysis indicates that the time and osmotic solution concentration (CSO) have significant effect on all responses by 95% confidence level for the three solutes tested, but not for the temperature with p-value> 0.05 for all the answers.Best result was obtained in osmotic dehydration using as SO Glucose, Sucrose and HFCS that. It has been observed that the loss of fruit weight was higher in glucose treated having an average value of 6,26 percent, higher weight loss osmotic solution (SO). Sucrose and HFCS, as well as glucose-treated fruit had a greater increase concentration of 19,709 ° Brix (average) indicating greater loss of weigth.Key words: Quince; Dehydration; Solute; Osmosi

    Visión educativa ambiental, en la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, 2006-2020 y su impacto en el cambio climático y salud

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    La Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, desde su fundación en 1832 y hasta la actualidad ha estado comprometida con la sociedad y el medio ambiente. En el año de 2006 presentó su proyecto de Cultura Ambiental ante CECADESU-SEMARNAT y ANUIES, este proyecto es transversal a todas las actividades sustantivas (docencia, investigación, extensión, divulgación) y adjetivas (recursos humanos, infraestructura y economía) de la institución, acorde con su modelo académico UAZ siglo XXI, que inició en 2005 y está centrado en el alumno. Actualmente cuenta con una población de 40.504 alumnos (785 de secundaria, 12.255 de bachillerato, 25.559 de licenciatura, 1.876 de posgrado y 79 de educación técnica; 2.895 profesores y 1.985 trabajadores administrativos). Siendo fundamental el trabajo en el conocimiento de la salud, la educación y cambio climático, para la salud del hombre, animales, plantas y el planeta. Objetivo: Implementar la cultura ambiental en toda la comunidad UAZ y trasversal a todas sus actividades sustantivas (docencia, investigación, extensión, divulgación, vinculación) y adjetivas (recursos de infraestructura, humanos y financieros).Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Multiple glass transitions in star polymer mixtures: Insights from theory and simulations

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    The glass transition in binary mixtures of star polymers is studied by mode coupling theory and extensive molecular dynamics computer simulations. In particular, we have explored vitrification in the parameter space of size asymmetry δ\delta and concentration ρ2\rho_2 of the small star polymers at fixed concentration of the large ones. Depending on the choice of parameters, three different glassy states are identified: a single glass of big polymers at low δ\delta and low ρ2\rho_2, a double glass at high δ\delta and low ρ2\rho_2, and a novel double glass at high ρ2\rho_2 and high δ\delta which is characterized by a strong localization of the small particles. At low δ\delta and high ρ2\rho_2 there is a competition between vitrification and phase separation. Centered in the (δ,ρ2)(\delta, \rho_2)-plane, a liquid lake shows up revealing reentrant glass formation. We compare the behavior of the dynamical density correlators with the predictions of the theory and find remarkable agreement between the two.Comment: 15 figures, to be published in Macromolecule

    Association of alcohol control policies with adolescent alcohol consumption and with social inequality in adolescent alcohol consumption : a multilevel study in 33 countries and regions

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    Funding: The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) is an international study carried out in collaboration with WHO Europe. This research is funded by public sources in each member country. Specifically, ELL, CMM, and ISQ are supported by the Ministry de Health, Spain. CMM is supported by the VI Plan Propiode Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla 2018, under the action “II.5B Contrato de acceso al Sistema Españolde Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para el Desarrollo del Programa Propio de I + D + i de la Universidad de Sevilla”. JI is supported by the UK Medical Research Council (MC_UU_12017/12) and the Chief Scientist Office (SPHSU12).Background  Previous research found inconsistent associations between alcohol control policies and socioeconomic inequality with adolescent drinking outcomes. This study expands the focus beyond individual associations to examine whether a combination of policies is related to socioeconomic inequality in adolescent drinking outcomes and whether this relationship varies across survey years. Methods  Multilevel modelling of 4 waves of repeat cross-sectional survey data (2001/02, 2005/06, 2009/10, and 2013/14) from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study was carried out. The sample was composed of 671,084 adolescents (51% girls) aged 11, 13, and 15 (mean age=13.58; SD=1.65) from 33 European and North American countries/regions. The dependent variables were lifetime alcohol consumption, weekly alcohol consumption, and lifetime drunkenness. Independent variables were of three types: individual-level variables (age, sex, Family Affluence Scale, and the Perceived Family Wealth), time-level variable (survey year), and context-level variables (minimum legal drinking age, physical availability, advertising restrictions, a total alcohol policy index, and affordability of alcohol). Results  The total alcohol policy index showed a negative relationship with both lifetime and weekly consumption. Higher affordability of alcohol was related to higher lifetime and weekly consumption and higher lifetime drunkenness. Family Affluence Scale was positively related to all three alcohol measures and Perceived Family Wealth was negatively related to lifetime drunkenness, with these associations increasing across survey years. The total alcohol policy index buffered the associations of Family Affluence Scale and Perceived Family Wealth with adolescent drinking outcomes. Conclusion  A combination of alcohol control policies is more effective in reducing adolescent drinking outcomes than single policy measures. Reducing the affordability of alcohol stood out as the most successful single measure. Socioeconomic inequalities (i.e. higher alcohol consumption and drunkenness in adolescents with higher family affluence and higher drunkenness in adolescents perceiving their families to be poor) have persisted and even increased across survey years. A combined alcohol control policy can help in tackling them.PostprintPublisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Azoor. Tras una lesión por latigazo cervical

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    Purpose/Method: To present a case of a 30 years old woman that suffered a car accident one year ago, diagnosed of cervical sprain. One month after the accident, the patient saw a black stein in the outer side of the visuald field on the left eye.Results/Conclusions: Brain CAT, evocated visual potencials, color test and MRI were within of the normality. Acording with the ophtalmic examination, visual field test and OCT (optical coherence tomography), the diagnosis was acute zonal occult outer retinopathy (AZOOR).Objetivo/Metodo: Se presenta un caso clínico de una paciente de 30 años que sufrió un accidente de tráfico en el cual fue diagnosticada de contractura cervical. Aproximadamente un mes después, la paciente percibe un escotoma en la región externa del campo visual del ojo izquierdo. Resultado/Conclusiones: La TAC craneal, potenciales visuales evocados, test de los colores y RNM fueron normales. El estudio mediante oftalmoscopía, campimetría y OCT, sirvió para realizar el diagnósti- co de retinopatía zonal externa aguda oculta (AZOOR)

    Conscious mobility for urban spaces: case studies review and indicator framework design

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    A lack of data collection on conscious mobility behaviors has been identified in current sustainable and smart mobility planning, development and implementation strategies. This leads to technocentric solutions that do not place people and their behavior at the center of new mobility solutions in urban centers around the globe. This paper introduces the concept of conscious mobility to link techno-economic analyses with user awareness on the impact of their travel decisions on other people, local urban infrastructure and the environment through systematic big data collection. A preliminary conscious mobility indicator framework is presented to leverage behavioral considerations to enhance urban-community mobility systems. Key factors for conscious mobility analysis have been derived from five case studies. The sample offers regional diversity (i.e., local, regional and the global urban contexts), as well as different goals in the transformation of conventional urban transport systems, from improving public transport efficiency and equipment electrification to mitigate pollution and climate risks, to focusing on equity, access and people safety. The case studies selected provide useful metrics on the adoption of cleaner, smarter, safer and more autonomous mobility technologies, along with novel people-centric program designs to build an initial set of conscious mobility indicators frameworks. The parameters were applied to the city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon in Mexico focusing on the needs of the communities that work, study and live around the local urban campus of the Tecnologico de Monterrey’s Distrito Tec. This case study, served as an example of how conscious mobility indicators could be applied and customized to a community and region of interest. This paper introduces the first application of the conscious mobility framework for urban communities’ mobility system analysis. This more holistic assessment approach includes dimensions such as society and culture, infrastructure and urban spaces, technology, government, normativity, economy and politics, and the environment. The expectation is that the conscious mobility framework of analysis will become a useful tool for smarter and sustainable urban and mobility problem solving and decision making to enhance the quality of life all living in urban communities

    Cognitive impairment induced by delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol occurs through heteromers between cannabinoid CB1 and serotonin 5-HT2A receptors

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    Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive compound of marijuana, induces numerous undesirable effects, including memory impairments, anxiety, and dependence. Conversely, THC also has potentially therapeutic effects, including analgesia, muscle relaxation, and neuroprotection. However, the mechanisms that dissociate these responses are still not known. Using mice lacking the serotonin receptor 5-HT2A, we revealed that the analgesic and amnesic effects of THC are independent of each other: while amnesia induced by THC disappears in the mutant mice, THC can still promote analgesia in these animals. In subsequent molecular studies, we showed that in specific brain regions involved in memory formation, the receptors for THC and the 5-HT2A receptors work together by physically interacting with each other. Experimentally interfering with this interaction prevented the memory deficits induced by THC, but not its analgesic properties. Our results highlight a novel mechanism by which the beneficial analgesic properties of THC can be dissociated from its cognitive side effects

    Physiological lentiviral vectors for the generation of improved CAR-T cells

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    Anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells have achieved impressive outcomes for the treatment of relapsed and refractory B-lineage neoplasms. However, important limitations still remain due to severe adverse events (i.e., cytokine release syndrome and neuroinflammation) and relapse of 40%-50% of the treated patients. Most CAR-T cells are generated using retroviral vectors with strong promoters that lead to high CAR expression levels, tonic signaling, premature exhaustion, and overstimulation, reducing efficacy and increasing side effects. Here, we show that lentiviral vectors (LVs) expressing the transgene through a WAS gene promoter (AW-LVs) closely mimic the T cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 expression kinetic upon stimulation. These AW-LVs can generate improved CAR-T cells as a consequence of their moderate and TCR-like expression profile. Compared with CAR-T cells generated with human elongation factor alpha (EF1 alpha)-driven-LVs, AW-CAR-T cells exhibited lower tonic signaling, higher proportion of naive and stem cell memory T cells, less exhausted phenotype, and milder secretion of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interferon (IFN)-gamma after efficient destruction of CD19(+) lymphoma cells, both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, we also showed their improved efficiency using an in vitro CD19(+) pancreatic tumor model. We finally demonstrated the feasibility of large-scale manufacturing of AW-CAR-T cells in guanosine monophosphate (GMP)-like conditions. Based on these data, we propose the use of AWLVs for the generation of improved CAR-T products