66 research outputs found

    Morfología polínica de "Lactuceae" (Asteraceae) en la Península Ibérica.: I. "Lactuca L. y géneros relacionados

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    Morfología polínica de Lactuceae (Asteraceae) en la Península Ibérica. 1. Lactuca L. y géneros relacionados. Se estudia la morfología del polen de los taxones incluidos en los géneros Lactuca L., Prenant hes L., Cicerbita Wallr. y Mycelis Cass. que habitan en la Península Ibérica con los microscopios óptico (MO) y electrónico de barrido (MEB). El polen, 3-zonocolporado y equinolofado (sin lagunas polares), se caracteriza por presentar una cresta ecuatorial y 15 lagunas: 3 porales, 6 abporales y 6 paraporales. Tamaño pequeño o mediano, P x E = 21-41 x 24-47 xm. Exina de 3-8 gm de grosor y ornamentación perforada y equinulado-equinada. Se han observado diferencias en cuanto al tamaño, amplitud de las apocolpias y tamaño de las espínulas-espinas. Nuestros resultados muestran de una manera bastante clara la afinidad entre los distintos géneros. En el caso de Lactuca, el género con mayor número de especies, los resultados polínicos permiten discutir sobre las relaciones evolutivas entre los representantes de la Península

    Cytochrome c: Surfing Off of the Mitochondrial Membrane on the Tops of Complexes III and IV

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    The proper arrangement of protein components within the respiratory electron transport chain is nowadays a matter of intense debate, since altering it leads to cell aging and other related pathologies. Here, we discuss three current views-the so-called solid, fluid and plasticity models-which describe the organization of the main membrane-embedded mitochondrial protein complexes and the key elements that regulate and/or facilitate supercomplex assembly. The soluble electron carrier cytochrome c has recently emerged as an essential factor in the assembly and function of respiratory supercomplexes. In fact, a 'restricted diffusion pathway' mechanism for electron transfer between complexes III and IV has been proposed based on the secondary, distal binding sites for cytochrome c at its two membrane partners recently discovered. This channeling pathway facilitates the surfing of cytochrome c on both respiratory complexes, thereby tuning the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation and diminishing the production of reactive oxygen species. The well-documented post-translational modifications of cytochrome c could further contribute to the rapid adjustment of electron flow in response to changing cellular conditions.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2015-71017/BMC MINECO/FEDER and PGC2018-096049-B-I00 BIO/BMC MICINN/FEDER, EU

    An experience of education for participation

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    La participación social y ciudadana es una condición para el desarrollo de una democracia auténtica, de una democracia participativa que, a su vez, es necesaria para que se produzcan procesos profundos de cambio social, capaces de hacer posible una sociedad más justa, igualitaria y libre. Por eso surgieron, surgen y surgirán metodologías e iniciativas creativas que tratan de servir al desarrollo de esos procesos de empoderamiento ciudadano. Ese es, en buena parte, el sentido de metodologías como la Animación Sociocultural, el Desarrollo Comunitario o la Educación Popular. Y ese es el escenario metodológico en el que nace el Centro de Recursos para Asociaciones de Cádiz y la Bahía (CRAC en adelante), y en el que ha vivido ―y mutado― durante casi dos décadas.Social and civic participation is a condition for the development of an authentic democracy, of a participatory democracy that, in turn, is necessary for profound processes of social change to take place, capable of making possible a more just, egalitarian and free society. For this reason, creative methodologies and initiatives that try o be useful for the development of these processes of citizen empowerment that have emerged and will keep on emerging. That is, in good part, the sense of methodologies such as Sociocultural Animation, Community Development or Popular Education. And that is the methodological scenario in which the Resource Center for Associations of Cádiz and La Bahía (CRAC) was born, and in which it has lived -and mutated- for almost two decades

    Oxidative stress is tightly regulated by cytochrome c phosphorylation and respirasome factors in mitochondria

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    Respiratory cytochrome c has been found to be phosphorylated at tyrosine 97 in the postischemic brain upon neuroprotective insulin treatment, but how such posttranslational modification affects mitochondrial metabolism is unclear. Here, we report the structural features and functional behavior of a phosphomimetic cytochrome c mutant, which was generated by site-specific incorporation at position 97 of p-carboxymethyl-l-phenylalanine using the evolved tRNA synthetase method. We found that the point mutation does not alter the overall folding and heme environment of cytochrome c, but significantly affects the entire oxidative phosphorylation process. In fact, the electron donation rate of the mutant heme protein to cytochrome c oxidase, or complex IV, within respiratory supercomplexes was higher than that of the wild-type species, in agreement with the observed decrease in reactive oxygen species production. Direct contact of cytochrome c with the respiratory supercomplex factor HIGD1A (hypoxia-inducible domain family member 1A) is reported here, with the mutant heme protein exhibiting a lower affinity than the wild-type species. Interestingly, phosphomimetic cytochrome c also exhibited a lower caspase-3 activation activity. Altogether, these findings yield a better understanding of the molecular basis for mitochondrial metabolism in acute diseases, such as brain ischemia, and thus could allow the use of phosphomimetic cytochrome c as a neuroprotector with therapeutic applications.España, Junta de Andalucía BIO-198España MINECO BFU2015-71017/BM

    First monitoring results in the El Recuenco Cave (Ejulve, Teruel)

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    El Recuenco Cave (Ejulve, Teruel, NE Spain) is developed with a complex topography in Upper Cretaceous dolomitic limestones. A monitoring survey is in progress in the cave (covering now the 1st semester of 2013) in order to know the isotopic path from rainfall to dripwater and in-situ farmed calcite. Rainfall results show that δ18O values reveal a clear seasonality (-12,73‰V-SMOW in winter, -8,94‰V-SMOW in spring). Dripwater values are mainly influenced by homogenization processes in the epikarst and also reveals seasonality in δ18O values (-10,9‰ V-SMOW in winter, -9,8‰ V-SMOW in spring). Finally, isotopic values of in-situ farmed calcite confirm this seasonality pattern (in δ18O values, -8,17‰ PDB in winter, -8,11‰ PDB in spring; also in δ13C values, -9,84‰ PDB in winter, -9,68‰ PDB in spring). Nonetheless, new monitoring tasks are needed to confirm this preliminary pattern. These conclusions will help to better interpret of speleothem records in this cave for paleoclimatic reconstructionsLa cueva de El Recuenco (Ejulve, Teruel) presenta una topografía compleja desarrollada en calizas dolomíticas del Cretácico superior. En ella se ha efectuado un seguimiento instrumental del desarrollo espeleotémico actual (primer semestre de 2013) de cara a evaluar el recorrido isotópico desde el agua de lluvia, pasando por el goteo interno hasta el carbonato precipitado. Los resultados del agua de lluvia evidencian que el δ18O muestra una clara estacionalidad (-12,73‰ V-SMOW en invierno, -8,94‰ V-SMOW en primavera). Los valores isotópicos del goteo se encuentran controlados por la homogeneización producida en el epikarst,mostrando de nuevo cierta estacionalidad en δ18O (-10,9‰V-SMOW en invierno, -9,8‰V-SMOW en primavera). Finalmente, la señal isotópica del carbonato resultante confirma este patrón de estacionalidad (en δ18O, -8,17‰ PDB en invierno, -8,11‰ PDB en primavera; en δ13C, -9,84‰ PDB en invierno, -9,68‰ PDB en primavera). No obstante, es necesario ampliar el seguimiento temporal para confirmar este patrón estacional preliminar. Estas consideraciones ayudarán a una mejor interpretación de los registros espeleotémicos en esta cueva de cara a realizar reconstrucciones paleoclimática

    Evaluación del Entorno de Aprendizaje Clínico con la versión española de la escala CLES+T: el antes y el después de la Declaración de Bolonia

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    En esencia la enfermería es una profesión basada en la práctica, y consecuentemente, la formación durante las prácticas clínicas de las y los estudiantes, resultan un componente esencial del curriculum de pregrado en el conjunto de países vinculados al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. La firma de la Declaración de Bolonia, supuso para los países europeos la implicación en la restructuración del sistema educativo, la adecuación de los programas educativos a la legislación comunitaria, y la promoción de la movilidad de discentes y de docentes entre los mismos. Acontecidos los principales cambios y desarrollados e implantados los programas de pregrado, nos hemos propuesto en este trabajo determinar cómo evalúan los estudiantes del grado en Enfermería de la Universidad de Alicante el entorno de aprendizaje clínico hospitalario, y comparar estos resultados con las evaluaciones emitidas por las/los anteriores estudiantes de la diplomatura. Para tal fin se realiza un estudio transversal en el que se utiliza como instrumento la versión española de la escala CLES+T (Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher)

    Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease: An Integrative Analysis

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) constitutes the most prominent form of dementia among elderly individuals worldwide. Disease modeling using murine transgenic mice was first initiated thanks to the discovery of heritable mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilins (PS) genes. However, due to the repeated failure of translational applications from animal models to human patients, along with the recent advances in genetic susceptibility and our current understanding on disease biology, these models have evolved over time in an attempt to better reproduce the complexity of this devastating disease and improve their applicability. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview about the major pathological elements of human AD (plaques, tauopathy, synaptic damage, neuronal death, neuroinflammation and glial dysfunction), discussing the knowledge that available mouse models have provided about the mechanisms underlying human disease. Moreover, we highlight the pros and cons of current models, and the revolution offered by the concomitant use of transgenic mice and omics technologies that may lead to a more rapid improvement of the present modeling batterThis research was funded by INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III (ISCiii) of Spain, cofinanced by FEDER funds from European Union, through grants PI21/00915 (to AG) and PI21/00914 (to JV); by JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA CONSEJERÍA DE ECONOMÍA Y CONOCIMIENTO through grants UMA18-FEDERJA-211 (to AG), UMA20-FEDERJA-104 (to IMG), P18-RT-2233 (to AG) and US-1262734 (to JV) co-financed by Programa Operativo FEDER 2014–2020 and CONSEJERIA DE SALUD grant PI-0276-2018 (to JAGL); by SPANISH MINISTER OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION grant PID2019-108911RA-100 (to DBV), BEATRIZ GALINDO PROGRAM BAGAL18/00052 (to DBV), Alzheimer Association AARG-22-928219 (to DBV), grant PID2019-107090RA-100 (to IMG) and RAMON Y CAJAL PROGRAM RYC-2017-21879 (to IMG); and by MALAGA UNIVERSITY grant B1-2019_07 (to ESM), grant B1-2020_04 (to JAGL), grant B1-2019_06 (to IMG) and NASARD grant 27565 2018 (to IMG). M.M.-O. held a predoctoral contract from Malaga University, J.J.F.-V. held a postdoctoral contract from Malaga University, and E.S.-M. a postdoctoral contract (DOC_00251) from Junta de Andalucia. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    A Study on the Influence of the Use of Sulphur Dioxide, the Distillation System and the Aging Conditions on the Final Sensory Characteristics of Brandy

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    Brandy is a unique alcoholic beverage obtained from wine distillates. Numerous studies have been published on its physicochemical traits and the effect of certain elaboration variables on them, but not many studies have been carried out from a sensory point of view or that have followed standardized methods applicable to this discipline. This study intends to determine the effect that certain production variables have on the sensory characteristics of brandy. These variables are the following: The use of sulphur dioxide during the fermentation of the base wine, the subsequent distillation system, the alcohol content during aging, the botanical origin of the aging casks, and their toasting degree. For this purpose, the guidelines provided by the ISO standards for sensory analysis have been followed, and chromatic parameters have also been determined. Heavy extractions from Quercus petraea casks resulted in brandies with widely varying colors, although these were hard to distinguish using the olfactory and gustatory properties associated with the factors under study. Conversely, those brandies aged in Quercus alba casks presented very consistent greenish shades that are not traditionally associated with aged brandy. This lower extraction could explain why the aromatic traits that are found in the fresh spirit are better preserved when this type of oak is used. The spirit obtained through the distillation of SO2-free wines aged in Quercus robur presented average sensory characteristics: Good color, smooth in the mouth, and medium-intensity oak notes. The distillates that were aged at 55% ABV were later perceived as more aromatically intense with a greater oak note on the palate. On the other hand, the brandies obtained from wines without SO2 added were perceived as less alcoholic, sweeter, and more balanced, with a softer oak note.26 página

    HPLC-DAD-MS and Antioxidant Profile of Fractions from Amontillado Sherry Wine Obtained Using High-Speed Counter-Current Chromatograph

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    n the present work, the polyphenolic profile of a complex matrix such as Amontillado sherry has been processed by means of high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) and characterized by HPLC-DAD-MS. An Amberlite XAD-7 column was used to obtain the wine extract, and three different biphasic solvent systems were applied for HSCCC separation: MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether)/n-butanol/acetonitrile/water (1.1/3/1.1/5+0.1% trifluoroacetic acid), MTBE/n-butanol/acetonitrile/water (2/2/1/5), and hexane/ethyl acetate/ethanol/water (1/5/1/5). As a result, 42 phenolic compounds and furanic derivatives have been identified by means of HPLC-DAD-MS, with 11 of them being identified for the first time in Sherry wines: 3-feruloylquinic acid, isovanillin, ethyl vanillate, furoic acid, dihydro-p-coumaric acid, 6-O-feruloylglucose, ethyl gallate, hydroxytyrosol, methyl protocatechuate, homoveratric acid and veratraldehyde. In addition, the antioxidant capacity (ABTS) of the obtained fractions was determined, revealing higher values in those fractions in which compounds such as gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, protocatechualdehyde, trans-caftaric acid, syringic acid, isovanillin or tyrosol, among others, were present. This is the first time that HSCCC has been used to characterize the phenolic composition of Sherry wines

    Measurement report: Spatial variability of northern Iberian rainfall stable isotope values - investigating atmospheric controls on daily and monthly timescales

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    For the first time, this article presents a large dataset of precipitation isotopic measurements (δ18Op and δ2Hp) sampled every day or 2 d from seven sites on a west-to-east transect across northern Spain for 2010-2017. The main aim of this study is to (1) characterize the rainfall isotopic variability in northern Spain at daily and monthly timescales and (2) assess the principal factors influencing rainfall isotopic variability. The relative role of air temperature and rainfall in determining the stable isotope composition of precipitation changes along the west-to-east transect, with air temperature being highly correlated with δ18Op at daily and monthly timescales, while a few sites along the transect show a significant negative correlation with precipitation. The highest air temperature-δ18Op dependency is found for a station located in the Pyrenees. Frontal systems associated with North Atlantic cyclones are the dominant mechanism inducing precipitation in this region, particularly in winter. This study allows an exploration of the role of air mass source and trajectory in determining the isotopic composition of rainfall in northern Iberia by characterizing the moisture uptake for three of the seven stations. The importance of continental versus marine moisture sources is evident, with clear seasonal and spatial variations. In addition, the type of precipitation (convective versus frontal rainfall) plays a key role, with convective rainfall associated with higher δ18Op values. This comprehensive spatiotemporal approach to analyzing the rainfall isotopic composition represents another step forward towards developing a more detailed, mechanistic framework for interpreting stable isotopes in rainfall as a paleoclimate and hydrological tracer