336 research outputs found

    Analyse d’une zone grise d’emploi en France et au Brésil : les Travailleurs Indépendants Economiquement Dépendants (TIED) : Analysis of a grey zone in France and Brazil: the Economically Dependent SelfEmployed Workers (EDSW)

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    This article deals with a specific category of workers set in a grey zone between wage-labor and self-employment. Those we refer to as Economically Dependent Self-employed Workers (EDSW) are workers who are legally self-employed but are in fact depending on a single client for most of their income. Using the semi-structured interviews we did in France and Brazil with forty EDSW working in the Information Technology sector, we study the actual condition of these workers in order to locate them on a continuum between disguised wage-labor and real self-employment. After differentiating two EDSW profiles, we focus on the \u201cservice providers integrated into the client structure\u201d group, whose emergence answers different logic in France and Brazil. Then, we identify the risks to which these workers are exposed because of their self-employed status, and we analyze the way they try to cope with those risks by negotiating benefits with their client and/or mobilizing individual protection mechanisms.Cet article porte sur une cat\ue9gorie sp\ue9cifique de travailleurs qui se situe dans une zone grise entre salariat et travail ind\ue9pendant. Ceux que nous appelons les Travailleurs Ind\ue9pendants Economiquement D\ue9pendants (TIED) associent une ind\ue9pendance juridique \ue0 une d\ue9pendance \ue9conomique vis-\ue0-vis d\u2019un donneur d\u2019ordres dont provient l\u2019essentiel de leurs revenus. \uc0 partir d\u2019entretiens r\ue9alis\ue9s en France et au Br\ue9sil avec quarante TIED du secteur des Technologies de l\u2019Information, nous \ue9tudions la situation concr\ue8te de ces travailleurs pour pouvoir les situer sur un continuum entre salariat d\ue9guis\ue9 et v\ue9ritable ind\ue9pendance. Apr\ue8s avoir distingu\ue9 deux profils de TIED, nous nous centrons sur le groupe des \uab prestataires int\ue9gr\ue9s \ue0 la structure commanditaire \ubb, dont l\u2019\ue9mergence r\ue9pond \ue0 des logiques diff\ue9rentes en France et au Br\ue9sil. Nous identifions les risques auxquels ces travailleurs sont expos\ue9s du fait de leur ind\ue9pendance juridique et analysons comment ils tentent d\u2019y faire face en n\ue9gociant des avantages avec leur client et/ou en mobilisant des m\ue9canismes individuels de protection

    Hybrid areas of work between employment and self-employment : emerging challenges and future research directions

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    The growth of non-standard employment relations has created one of the major challenges in terms of workers\u2019 rights as well as collective representation in European societies. Among non-standard employment relations, so-called \u201csolo self-employed\u201d\u2014self-employed workers without employees\u2014are challenging the very foundations of our labor markets, that is to say the opposition between employers and employees, fostering the development of emerging \u201chybrid\u201d areas of work. The heterogeneity of the solo self-employed is difficult to capture from official statistics, which are still based on traditional classifications, and questions also the legal categories that qualify these workers. Moreover, the fact that solo self-employed workers do not form a homogenous group, and are diverse in terms of their activities, interests and needs, calls for changes in the way trade unions, employer organizations, and new freelancer associations develop collective actions, claims-making activities, and strategies of organizing. With the aim to achieve an in-depth understanding of the increasingly extensive and populated categories of the solo self-employed, this contribution aims at reconstructing the state of the art within different fields of study, such as employment relations, labor law, industrial relations and social movements, and at offering some possible future research directions

    Entrevista: Bernard Lahire

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    Entre os dias 24 e 25 de Novembro de 2011, o sociólogo BernardLahire, professor da École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, ministrou o cursoProblemas e métodos de uma sociologia disposicional e contextualistapara docentes e discentes integrantes do Programa de Pós-Graduaçãoem Sociologia da UFRGS. Naquela ocasião, o mesmo concedeu uma entrevistaque oportunizou, de modo complementar ao curso, uma melhorcompreensão de algumas de suas contribuições teóricas e metodológicaspara as Ciências Sociais. As questões que lhe foram colocadas visaram,primeiramente, informações sobre a trajetória intelectual do autor assimcomo definições conceituais a respeito de sua proposta teórica no que tange a compreensão da sociedade em escala individual. Tópicos diversosforam abordados, tais como o objeto da reflexividade, o senso prático daação, a questão da identidade, bem como temas clássicos como a relaçãoentre o indivíduo, instituições e sociedade. Além disso, abordou-se a suaavaliação sobre algumas proposições teóricas em voga na sociologia contemporânea. A entrevista a seguir deixa escapar um sociólogo bem-humorado, que não poupa a crítica a outros consagrados teóricos no campo das Ciências Sociais e nos remete constantemente à dimensão histórica dos fenômenos sociais.

    Histopathology, vitellogenin and chemical body burden in mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) sampled from six river sites receiving a gradient of stressors

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    There are over 40,000 chemical compounds registered for use in Australia, and only a handful are monitored in the aquatic receiving environments. Their effects on fish species in Australia are largely unknown. Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) were sampled from six river sites in Southeast Queensland identified as at risk from a range of pollutants. The sites selected were downstream of a wastewater treatment plant discharge, a landfill, two agricultural areas, and two sites in undeveloped reaches within or downstream of protected lands (national parks). Vitellogenin analysis, histopathology of liver, kidney and gonads, morphology of the gonopodium, and chemical body burden were measured to characterize fish health. Concentrations of trace organic contaminants (TrOCs) in water were analyzed by in vitro bioassays and chemical analysis. Estrogenic, anti-estrogenic, anti-androgenic, progestagenic and anti-progestagenic activities and TrOCs were detected in multiple water samples. Several active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), industrial compounds, pesticides and other endocrine active compounds were detected in fish carcasses at all sites, ranging from < 4–4700 ng/g wet weight, including the two undeveloped sites. While vitellogenin protein was slightly increased in fish from two of the six sites, the presence of micropollutants did not cause overt sexual endocrine disruption in mosquitofish (i.e., no abnormal gonads or gonopodia). A correlation between lipid accumulation in the liver with total body burden warrants further investigation to determine if exposure to low concentrations of TrOCs can affect fish health and increase stress on organs such as the liver and kidneys via other mechanisms, including disruption of non-sexual endocrine axes involved in lipid regulation and metabolism

    Migration, Racism and the Hostile Environment: Making the Case for the Social Sciences

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    Cite as: Social Scientists Against the Hostile Environment (SSAHE)(2020). Migration, racism and the hostile environment : Making the case for the social sciences. London. https://acssmigration.wordpress.com/report/

    In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Culture Strongly Impact the Placental Transcriptome in the Mouse Model

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    BACKGROUND: Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) are increasingly used in humans; however, their impact is now questioned. At blastocyst stage, the trophectoderm is directly in contact with an artificial medium environment, which can impact placental development. This study was designed to carry out an in-depth analysis of the placental transcriptome after ART in mice. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Blastocysts were transferred either (1) after in vivo fertilization and development (control group) or (2) after in vitro fertilization and embryo culture. Placentas were then analyzed at E10.5. Six percent of transcripts were altered at the two-fold threshold in placentas of manipulated embryos, 2/3 of transcripts being down-regulated. Strikingly, the X-chromosome harbors 11% of altered genes, 2/3 being induced. Imprinted genes were modified similarly to the X. Promoter composition analysis indicates that FOXA transcription factors may be involved in the transcriptional deregulations. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, our study shows that in vitro fertilization associated with embryo culture strongly modify the placental expression profile, long after embryo manipulations, meaning that the stress of artificial environment is memorized after implantation. Expression of X and imprinted genes is also greatly modulated probably to adapt to adverse conditions. Our results highlight the importance of studying human placentas from ART

    Online Hate: From the Far-Right to the ‘Alt-Right’, and from the Margins to the Mainstream

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    In the 1990s and early 2000s, there was much discussion about the democratic and anti-democratic implications of the Internet. The latter particularly focused on the ways in which the far-right were using the Internet to spread hate and recruit members. Despite this common assumption, the American far-right did not harness the Internet quickly, effectively or widely. More recently, however, they have experienced a resurgence and mainstreaming, benefitting greatly from social media. This chapter examines the history of their use of the Internet with respect to: (1) how this developed in response to political changes and emerging technologies; (2) how it reflected and changed the status of such movements and their brand of hate; and (3) the relationship between online activity and traditional methods of communication

    Effectiveness of a telephone-based intervention for smoking cessation in patients with severe mental disorders: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: up to 75% of inpatients with mental disorders smoke, and their life expectancy is decreased by up to 25 years compared to the general population. Hospitalized patients without monitoring after discharge quickly return to prehospitalization levels of tobacco use. The aim of the 061 QuitMental study is to assess the effectiveness of a multicomponent and motivational telephone-based intervention to stop smoking through a quitline addressed to smokers discharged from mental health hospital wards. Methods: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial, single blinded, will include 2:1 allocation to the intervention group (IG) and the control group (CG). The IG will receive telephone assistance to quit smoking (including psychological and psychoeducational support, and pharmacological treatment advice if required) proactively for 12 months, and the CG will receive only brief advice after discharge. The sample size, calculated with an expected difference of 15 points on smoking abstinence between groups (IG, 20% and CG, 5%), α = 0.05, β = 0.10, and 20% loss, will be 334 participants (IG) and 176 participants (CG). Participants are adult smokers discharged from psychiatric units of five acute hospitals. Measurements include dependent variables (self-reported 7-day point prevalence smoking abstinence (carbon monoxide verified), duration of abstinence, number of quit attempts, motivation, and self-efficacy to quit) and independent variables (age, sex, and psychiatric diagnoses). In data analysis, IG and CG data will be compared at 48 h and 1, 6, and 12 months post discharge. Multivariate logistic regression (odds ratio; 95% confidence interval) of dependent variables adjusted for potential confounding variables will be performed. The number needed to treat to achieve one abstinence outcome will be calculated. We will compare the abstinence rate of enrolled patients between groups. Discussion: this trial evaluates an innovative format of a quitline for smokers with severe mental disorders regardless of their motivation to quit. If effective, the pragmatic nature of the study will permit transfer to routine clinical practice in the National Health System

    Effectiveness of a telephone-based intervention for smoking cessation in patients with severe mental disorders : Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Up to 75% of inpatients with mental disorders smoke, and their life expectancy is decreased by up to 25 years compared to the general population. Hospitalized patients without monitoring after discharge quickly return to prehospitalization levels of tobacco use. The aim of the 061 QuitMental study is to assess the effectiveness of a multicomponent and motivational telephone-based intervention to stop smoking through a quitline addressed to smokers discharged from mental health hospital wards. Methods: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial, single blinded, will include 2:1 allocation to the intervention group (IG) and the control group (CG). The IG will receive telephone assistance to quit smoking (including psychological and psychoeducational support, and pharmacological treatment advice if required) proactively for 12 months, and the CG will receive only brief advice after discharge. The sample size, calculated with an expected difference of 15 points on smoking abstinence between groups (IG, 20% and CG, 5%), α = 0.05, β = 0.10, and 20% loss, will be 334 participants (IG) and 176 participants (CG). Participants are adult smokers discharged from psychiatric units of five acute hospitals. Measurements include dependent variables (self-reported 7-day point prevalence smoking abstinence (carbon monoxide verified), duration of abstinence, number of quit attempts, motivation, and self-efficacy to quit) and independent variables (age, sex, and psychiatric diagnoses). In data analysis, IG and CG data will be compared at 48 h and 1, 6, and 12 months post discharge. Multivariate logistic regression (odds ratio; 95% confidence interval) of dependent variables adjusted for potential confounding variables will be performed. The number needed to treat to achieve one abstinence outcome will be calculated. We will compare the abstinence rate of enrolled patients between groups. Discussion: This trial evaluates an innovative format of a quitline for smokers with severe mental disorders regardless of their motivation to quit. If effective, the pragmatic nature of the study will permit transfer to routine clinical practice in the National Health System. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03230955. Registered on 24 July 2017

    Covid-19 as a breakdown in the texture of social practices

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    A lot of things need to be repaired and a lot of relationships are in need of a knowledgeable mending. Can we start to talk/write about them? This invitation - sent by one of the authors to the others - led us, as feminist women in academia, to join together in an experimental writing about the effects of COVID-19 on daily social practices and on potential (and innovative) ways for repairing work in different fields of social organization. By diffractively intertwining our embodied experiences of becoming together-with Others, we foreground a multiplicity of repair (care) practices COVID-19 is making visible. Echoing one another, we take a stand and say that we need to prevent the future from becoming the past. We are not going back to the past; our society has already changed and there is a need to cope with innovation and repairing practices that do not reproduce the past.Funding Agencies|European Research Council (ERC) under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmeEuropean Research Council (ERC) [715950]</p