1,226 research outputs found

    Background levels of heavy metals in surficial sediments of the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean): An approach based on 133Cs normalization and lead isotope measurements

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    This paper presents an attempt to reach natural background levels of heavy metals in surficial sediments of the Gulf of Lions(NW Mediterranean). To correct for the grain-size effect, normalization procedures based on a clay mineral indicator element are commonly used, after a first grain size separation by sieving. In our study, we tested the applicability of this method with respect to commonly used normalizer elements, and found that stable Cs shows the best ability to reflect the fine sediment fraction. Background levels were successfully reached for Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb, compared to various literature references. Nevertheless, in the case of lead, the normalized data depicted a general enrichment in all samples, and the natural levels could only be reached when concentrations were corrected for the atmospheric contribution by analysing lead isotope ratios. Also for Zn, a general enrichment was found in our samples, although less important

    Fate of metals in coastal sediments of a Mediterranean flood-dominated system: An approach based on total and labile fractions

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    The dynamics of sediment-bound metals (Cs, Cu, Ni, Pb, Ti and Zn) were studied off the TĂȘt River (western Gulf of Lion), a typical Mediterranean coastal river punctuated by short and violent flash-floods. Spatial and temporal sampling strategies were combined to elucidate the fate of these elements in response to both the riverine sediment input and the offshore transport of these sediments through hydrodynamics. Our results show the temporal entrapment of riverborne particles and associated metals, consecutively to a major flood event, in the nearshore sedimentary unit called prodelta. Here, deposition and resuspension mechanisms define a sedimentological cycle that could be followed completely in this study. In terms of speciation between reactive (labile) and residual fractions along the fluvio-deltaic continuum, our results show that Cu, Pb and Zn are the most labile (potentially mobile) metals in the river, in accordance with their contributions from anthropogenic sources. But in the marine surficial sediments, two main behaviours can be discriminated when compared to the riverine suspended particulate matter. While Pb and Zn depict rather a constant labile fraction, Cu is characterized by decreasing levels (up to 50% difference). In terms of environmental impact, these contrasting trends have direct repercussions for the contaminant dispersal in the coastal area. Whereas Pb and Zn conserve their enhanced levels because of their stronger affinity with fine sediments, Cu is marked by the entire loss of its anthropogenic component that is progressively transferred to the dissolved phase, likely mediated by organic ligands. We ascribe these behaviours to different post-depositional partition mechanisms with respect to oxidation of the particulate organic phase at the bottom sediment/water interface. Also, analysis of one sediment core from the prodelta indicates that these early diagenetic processes govern the chemical forms of land-derived contaminants sequestrated in the nearshore sedimentary archives

    Sources and sinks of sediment-bound contaminants in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean Sea): A multi-tracer approach

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    Surficial sediments collected in 2002 throughout the Gulf of Lions continental shelf (NW Mediterranean) were analysed for trace metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sr, Zn and Zr), major elements (Al, Ca, Fe, P and Ti) and the sewage marker coprostanol. In addition, particle size distribution, organic carbon (OC) and carbonates were also determined. Results showed that the metal contamination (Cd, P, Cu, Pb and Zn) is mainly introduced by the local rivers and accumulates—via a regulation by OC and silt fraction (2–63 mm)—in the direct vicinity of the mouths, in high shear stress environments. Here also the signal of sewage contamination is the best preserved, especially off the eastern point sources where local sedimentation rates save the faecal marker from biodegradation processes. It is demonstrated that the shallow prodeltas are the first repository areas for land-derived particles, exposing local ecosystems to both inorganic and organic contaminations. When going seaward, however, sediment dilution, particle sorting and biodegradation processes make that most riverborne contaminants rapidly reach natural levels. Only some metals (i.e. Pb and Zn)—closely associated with the clay fraction—still depict anthropogenic enrichment, which seems to be inherited from man-made aerosols

    Impact of oceanic floods on particulate metal inputs to coastal and deep-sea environments: A case study in the NW Mediterranean Sea

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    An exceptional flood event, accompanying a marine storm, was investigated simultaneously at the entrance and the exit of the Gulf of Lion's hydrosystem (NW Mediterranean) in December 2003. Cs, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb signatures of both riverine and shelf-exported particles indicate that continental inputs and resuspended prodeltaic sediments were intensively mixed with resuspended sediments from middle/outer shelf areas during advective transport. As a result, particles leaving the Gulf of Lion inherited the mean signature of shelf bottom sediments, exporting anthropogenic Pb and Zn out into the open sea. When assessing the particulate metal budget in relation with the event, it appears that the output fluxes accounted for between 15% and 60% of the input fluxes, depending on the element and the period of reference. This trend is also observed for annual budgets, which were drawn up by compiling the data from this study and the literature. Results evidenced that, except some element fluxes during extreme output scenario, outputs never counter-balance the inputs. In its current functioning, the Gulf of Lion's shelf seems to act as a retention/sink zone for particulate metals. Regarding anthropogenic fluxes, the contribution of the oceanic flood of December 2003 to the mean annual scenario is considerable. Environmental impacts onto coastal and deep-sea ecosystems should therefore tightly depend on both the intensity and the frequency of event-dominated sediment transport

    Trends of COVID-19 pediatric admissions number during the first 24 weeks of COVID-19 vaccination in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / TendĂȘncias do nĂșmero de admissĂ”es pediĂĄtricas da COVID-19 durante as primeiras 24 semanas de vacinação da COVID-19 no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Objective: To describe trends of COVID-19 pediatric admissions number during the first 24 weeks of COVID-19 vaccination.   Design: A retrospective study was conducted in children (0-18 years), admitted in two pediatric hospitals of Rio de Janeiro city, between January 17 and July 3, 2021 with confirmed COVID-19 by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction or serological tests. Trends of COVID-19 pediatric admissions number during the first 24 weeks of COVID-19 vaccination in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and the pre-vaccine period were measured by linear regression. Participants: Children admitted in pediatric hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, city, Brazil Results: The number of total admitted patients (with all diseases) were 5340 during the pre-vaccine period, being 94 (1.8%) of them with confirmed COVID-19, and 4182 children admitted during the vaccine period, with 86 confirmed COVID-19 patients (2.1 %) (p=0.29). Media of cases admitted per/week were 2.02 in pre-vaccine period and 3.6 during the first 24 weeks of COVID vaccination (p=0.009). One death was reported in the pre-vaccine period and four in the vaccine period (p=0.14). Trends of increase in the number of admitted cases were verified both in the pre-vaccine period as in the vaccine period, being more expressive in the last one. Conclusion: There was trend of increase in number of children admitted with confirmed COVID-19 during the first 24 weeks of COVID-vaccination in Rio de Janeiro, city. Considering that few people were fully vaccinated, reducing of number of admitted children with confirmed COVID-19 was not verified

    Ribosomal RNA 2â€ČO-methylation as a novel layer of inter-tumour heterogeneity in breast cancer

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    International audienceRecent epitranscriptomics studies unravelled that ribosomal RNA (rRNA) 2â€ČO-methylation is an additional layer of gene expression regulation highlighting the ribosome as a novel actor of translation control. However, this major finding lies on evidences coming mainly, if not exclusively, from cellular models. Using the innovative next-generation RiboMeth-seq technology, we established the first rRNA 2â€ČO-methylation landscape in 195 primary human breast tumours. We uncovered the existence of compulsory/stable sites, which show limited inter-patient variability in their 2â€ČO-methylation level, which map on functionally important sites of the human ribosome structure and which are surrounded by variable sites found from the second nucleotide layers. Our data demonstrate that some positions within the rRNA molecules can tolerate absence of 2â€ČO-methylation in tumoral and healthy tissues. We also reveal that rRNA 2â€ČO-methylation exhibits intra- and inter-patient variability in breast tumours. Its level is indeed differentially associated with breast cancer subtype and tumour grade. Altogether, our rRNA 2â€ČO-methylation profiling of a large-scale human sample collection provides the first compelling evidence that ribosome variability occurs in humans and suggests that rRNA 2â€ČO-methylation might represent a relevant element of tumour biology useful in clinic. This novel variability at molecular level offers an additional layer to capture the cancer heterogeneity and associates with specific features of tumour biology thus offering a novel targetable molecular signature in cancer

    The Gaia-ESO Survey: Dynamical analysis of the L1688 region in Ophiuchus

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    The Gaia ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey (GES) is providing the astronomical community with high-precision measurements of many stellar parameters including radial velocities (RVs) of stars belonging to several young clusters and star-forming regions. One of the main goals of the young cluster observations is to study their dynamical evolution and provide insight into their future, revealing whether they will eventually disperse to populate the field rather than evolve into bound open clusters. In this paper we report the analysis of the dynamical state of L1688 in the ρ Ophiuchi molecular cloud using the dataset provided by the GES consortium. We performed the membership selection of the more than 300 objects observed. Using the presence of the lithium absorption and the location in the Hertzspung-Russell diagram, we identify 45 already known members and two new association members. We provide accurate RVs for all 47 confirmed members. A dynamical analysis, after accounting for unresolved binaries and errors, shows that the stellar surface population of L1688 has a velocity dispersion σ ~ 1.14 ± 0.35 km s-1 that is consistent with being in virial equilibrium and is bound with a ~80% probability. We also find a velocity gradient in the stellar surface population of ~1.0 km s-1 pc-1 in the northwest-southeast direction, which is consistent with that found for the pre-stellar dense cores, and we discuss the possibility of sequential and triggered star formation in L1688

    Znf202 Affects High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels and Promotes Hepatosteatosis in Hyperlipidemic Mice

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    Background: The zinc finger protein Znf202 is a transcriptional suppressor of lipid related genes and has been linked to hypoalphalipoproteinemia. A functional role of Znf202 in lipid metabolism in vivo still remains to be established. Methodology and Principal Findings: We generated mouse Znf202 expression vectors, the functionality of which was established in several in vitro systems. Next, effects of adenoviral znf202 overexpression in vivo were determined in normo- as well as hyperlipidemic mouse models. Znf202 overexpression in mouse hepatoma cells mhAT3F2 resulted in downregulation of members of the Apoe/c1/c2 and Apoa1/c3/a4 gene cluster. The repressive activity of Znf202 was firmly confirmed in an apoE reporter assay and Znf202 responsive elements within the ApoE promoter were identified. Adenoviral Znf202 transfer to Ldlr-/- mice resulted in downregulation of apoe, apoc1, apoa1, and apoc3 within 24 h after gene transfer. Interestingly, key genes in bile flux (abcg5/8 and bsep) and in bile acid synthesis (cyp7a1) were also downregulated. At 5 days post-infection, the expression of the aforementioned genes was normalized, but mice had developed severe hepatosteatosis accompanied by hypercholesterolemia and hypoalphalipoproteinemia. A much milder phenotype was observed in wildtype mice after 5 days of hepatic Znf202 overexpression. Interestingly and similar to Ldl-/- mice, HDL-cholesterol levels in wildtype mice were lowered after hepatic Znf202 overexpression. Conclusion/Significance: Znf202 overexpression in vivo reveals an important role of this transcriptional regulator in liver lipid homeostasis, while firmly establishing the proposed key role in the control of HDL levels

    Measurement of energetic single-photon production at LEP

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