11 research outputs found

    Endovascular treatment of acute aortic isthmian ruptures: case study

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    Traumatic rupture of the aortic isthmus is a rare lesion occurring in patients subjected to violent deceleration. Because of the forces involved, it is frequently associated with concomitant life-threatening injuries. The endovascular intervention has been described to be a feasible and efficient technique which may be proposed as a therapeutic option for patients with multiple traumas instead of delayed classical surgical repair after stabilization. We report the case of an adult who has had an accident with a traumatic rupture of the aortic isthmus associated with other lesions, our patient received endovascular treatment. The aortic prosthesis was imported from France and the surgery was done 3 days after the patient's admission. This procedure was performed for the first time in Morocco in our hospital with a multidisciplinary team. The prosthesis was implemented successfully and the result was very satisfactory on the heart level.Keywords: Endovascular treatment, aortic isthmian ruptures, endovascular prosthesi

    Efectos de la administración crónica de risperidona en un modelo de esquizofrenia en rata

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    [ES]El impulso para estudiar la esquizofrenia está en gran medida justificado tanto por su prevalencia como por su pobre pronóstico. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados preliminares, se espera obtener una mejoría del déficit de la PPI en el modelo animal de esquizofrenia al tratarlo con antipsicóticos y además, obtener un aumento en el volumen de la sustancia gris cortical. Se intentará averiguar a costa de qué elementos estructurales se produce ese incremento volumétrico, probablemente a expensas de un incremento de neuropilo mediado por sinaptogénesis. El objetivo del presente trabajo es profundizar en los efectos conductuales, morfológicos y bioquimicos producidos por la administración crónica de un antipsicótico atípico, la RISP, en un modelo de esquizofrenia experimental en ratas.[EN]The impetus for studying schizophrenia are largely justified by both its prevalence and by its poor prognosis. Given the preliminary results expected from an improvement in the deficit of PPI in the animal model of schizophrenia treated with antipsychotics and also obtain an increase in the volume of cortical gray matter. We will try to find out the price of what structural elements that increase volume occurs, probably at the expense of increased neuropil mediated synaptogenesis. The aim of this study is to deepen the behavioral effects, morphological and biochemical produced by chronic administration of an atypical antipsychotic, the RISP, in a experimental model of schizophrenia in rats

    The Berber question, the case of Morocco

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    La question berbère au Maroc est le problème des rapports entre l’État national marocain et sa composante berbère surtout dans ses dimensions linguistiques et culturelles… cette question et plus particulièrement, celle des revendications berbères, est impossible à élucider tant qu‟elle est l'objet de malentendus et passions… Les rapports entre les deux acteurs principaux de cette question : l’État marocain et le mouvement culturel berbère ont évolué dans le temps. L'attitude de l’État marocain vis-à-vis du mouvement culturel berbère a évolué de la négation en passant par la répression et récemment on peut parler de concessions et le début de l'institutionnalisation… Ce processus correspond à l'évolution de l'existence politique des mouvements sociaux à savoir les trois étapes : la rupture anti-institutionnelle puis l'affrontement politique et enfin l'influence institutionnelle. Nous nous interrogeons sur la question berbère au Maroc, son contenu ? ses spécificités ? les rapports entre ces acteurs : l’État marocain et le mouvement culturel berbère. Comment l’État monarchique autoritaire gère la question de la revendication berbère ? Comment le mouvement berbère répond à la domination de l’État ? Comment ces rapports ont évolué de la négation jusqu'au début de son institutionnalisation actuellement ? Pour bien cerner la question berbère nous l'avons placé dans son contexte régional et nous avons analysé sa dynamique transnationale.The Berber question in Morocco is the problem of connections between the Moroccan national State and its Berber constituent in its linguistic and cultural dimensions this question and more particularly the Berber demands is impossible to clarify so much that it is the object of misunderstandings and passions … Connections between the two main actors of the Berber question: the Moroccan State and the Berber cultural movement evolved in the time. The attitude of the Moroccan State towards the Berber cultural movement has moved from denial through repression and recently we can talk about concessions and the beginning of the institutionalization … This process corresponds to the evolution of the political existence of the social movements including the three steps: the anti-institutional break then the political confrontation and finally the institutional influence. We wonder about a Berber question? Its contents? Its specificity? connections between the Moroccan State and the cultural Berber movement. How the authoritarian monarchic State manages the question of the Berber demand? How the Berber movement answers the domination of the State? How these connections evolved of the negation till the beginning of its institutionalization at present? To encircle well the Berber question we placed it in the regional context and we analyzed its dynamic transnational

    Properties of Coated Slow-Release Triple Superphosphate (TSP) Fertilizers Based on Lignin and Carrageenan Formulations

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    International audienceCoated triple superphosphate (TSP) fertilizer with slow-release and water retention properties was prepared using lignin extracted from olive pomace (OP) biomass and k-carrageenan biopolymer. The aim of this work was to develop coating formulations that serve as a barrier to phosphorus diffusion through TSP fertilizers. Different formulations of lignin and k-carrageenan with or without polyethylene glycol (PEG 2000) were prepared. The chemical composition and morphological, mechanical, and surface properties of different formulations were characterized and compared. The blending of lignin with carrageenan in the presence of PEG enhanced the tensile properties of the formulation. Indeed, the mechanical properties of different formulation composites are classified in the order of lignin-carrageenan-PEG > lignin-carrageenan > lignin. After 6 h in water, the lignin@TSP formulation released two times less phosphorus (P) than the uncoated TSP. Lignin-carrageenan@TSP and lignin-carrageenan-PEG@TSP released only 28.21% and 13.51%, respectively, of phosphorus after 6 h compared to 72% for uncoated TSP. Indeed, lignin-carrageenan-PEG@TSP absorbs more water than TSP. The addition of plasticizer did not significantly modify the mechanical properties of the formulation composites. In the future, these products will be tested to evaluate their impact on chemical and biological soil properties

    Combination of Dry Milling and Separation Processes with Anaerobic Digestion of Olive Mill Solid Waste: Methane Production and Energy Efficiency

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    This experimental work aims at investigating the effects of milling; sieving; and electrostatic separation on the biochemical methane potential of two olive pomaces from traditional olive oil extraction (M) and from a three-phase system (T). Sieving proved to be efficient for increasing the soluble chemical oxygen demand in the smallest fractions of the sieve of both M (62%) and T (78%) samples. The positive fraction following electrostatic separation also enhanced chemical oxygen demand (COD) solubilisation by 94%, in comparison to sample T milled at 4 mm. Sieve fractions with a size greater than 0.9 mm contained 33% and 47% less lipids for the M and T biomasses; respectively. Dry fractionation modified sample properties as well as lipid and fiber distribution. Concomitantly; milling increased the accessibility and facilitated the release of organic matter. The energy balance was positive after knife milling and sieving; while ball milling and ultrafine milling proved to be inefficient

    Immunological and Clinical Characteristics of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Series from Morocco

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    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a complex autoimmune disease with a high female predominance. To date, studies about SLE in Morocco are few. This retrospective study describes the clinical and immunological features in a series of 50 SLE Moroccan patients in University Hospital Center of Rabat, Morocco, between December 2011 and December 2013. All patients were screened for antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and anti-DNA antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence, followed by identification of anti-extractable nuclear antigen antibodies by ELISA. The female to male ratio was 6.1:1. Mean age was 31.72 years. The main clinical manifestations were arthritis (82%), mucocutaneous manifestations (80%), renal manifestations (50%), and hematological features (46%). Of the mucocutaneous features, the highest frequencies were observed in the malar rash (68%) and photosensitivity (60%). Of the hematological features, lymphopenia was most frequently observed in 30% of patients, followed by hemolytic anemia in 16% and leucopenia and thrombocytopenia in 8%. Central nervous system was involved in 10%. ANA were found in 88%, anti-DNA antibodies in 56%, and anti-Sm antibodies in 50%. Anti-SSA, anti-SSB, anti-Sm/RNP, and anti-Scl70 antibodies were detected in 38%, 10%, 48%, and 8%, respectively. Our data show that, in our patients, the main clinical and immunological features of SLE remain comparable to patients from other Arab countries