7 research outputs found
Biodegradabilita' dell'NTA in Ecosistemi Acquatici a Diverso Grado di Trofia
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1990
- Field of study
Abstract not availableNA-NOT AVAILABL
Distribution of oral nimesulide in female genital tissues
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Serum Complement Activity in Preeclamptic Pregnancies
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Aspirin (single dose) for perineal pain in the early postpartum period
- Author
- Aasheim
- Antithrombotic Trialists' Collaboration
- Baigent
- Beckmann
- Bell
- Bhounsule
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bruni
- Chou
- Chou
- Cooper
- Cunningham
- Derry
- Devroey
- Duley
- East
- East
- Friedrich
- Gindhart
- Gruber
- Hay-Smith
- Hedayati
- Hedayati
- Jain
- Jain
- Jain
- Jain
- Kettle
- Li
- London
- London
- London
- Maclagan
- Moggian
- Molakatalla
- Montgomery
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- Mukherjee
- Okun
- Olson
- Pas
- Prockop
- Rothwell
- Rubin
- Santiago
- Smith
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Trop
- Vane
- Vroey
- Vroey
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- Wuytack
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Aspirin (single dose) for perineal pain in the early postpartum period
- Author
- Aasheim
- Antithrombotic Trialists' (ATT) Collaboration
- Antithrombotic Trialists' Collaboration
- Beckmann
- Bell
- Bhounsule
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bruni
- Chou
- Chou
- Cooper
- Cunningham
- Derry
- Devroey
- Devroey
- Devroey
- Duley
- East
- East
- Friedrich
- Gindhart
- Gruber
- Hay-Smith
- Hedayati
- Hedayati
- Jain
- Jain
- Jain
- Jain
- Kettle
- London
- London
- London
- Maclagan
- Moggian
- Molakatalla
- Molakatalla
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- Mukherjee
- Okun
- Olson
- Prockop
- Reece-Stremtan
- Rothwell
- Rubin
- Santiago
- Smith
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Trop
- Van der Pas
- Vane
- Wuytack
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Paracetamol/acetaminophen (single administration) for perineal pain in the early postpartum period
- Author
- Aasheim
- Abboud
- Aissaoui
- Andrews
- Azpiroz
- Beaver
- Beckmann
- Begg
- Behotas
- Benson
- Bettigole
- Bhounsule
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Briggs
- Bruni
- Bucheli
- Buck
- Burke
- Carroli
- Cater
- Choi
- Chou
- Chou
- Chou
- Churchill
- Cluett
- Coburn
- Colacioppo
- Cooper
- Cunningham
- Daftary
- De los Santos
- De Vroey
- De Vroey
- Deeks
- Defoort
- East
- Egger
- Farzin
- Finch
- Fragen
- Friedrich
- Fyneface-Ogan
- Gindhart
- Gleason
- Greenshields
- Gruber
- Gruber
- Gruber
- Gruber
- Gupta
- Harbord
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Hay-Smith
- Hebertson
- Hedayati
- Hedayati
- Higgins
- Higgins
- Hofmeyr
- Honorato
- Hopkinson
- Hopkinson
- Hopkinson
- Hopkinson
- Hopkinson
- Jacobson
- Jain
- Jain
- Jain
- Jain
- Jain
- Kamondetdecha
- Kantor
- Kettle
- Kettle
- Kettle
- Khan
- Lasagna
- Laska
- Laska
- Laska
- Lataste
- Lawrence
- Lett
- Levin
- Levin
- Levin
- Levin
- Lim
- London
- London
- Macarthur
- McQuay
- Melzack
- Moggian
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- Movilia
- Mukherjee
- Norman
- Noveck
- Odigie
- Offen
- Ogunbode
- Okun
- Olson
- Olson
- Olson
- Pedersen
- Pedronetto
- Peter
- Petho
- Pitton
- Radman
- Ray
- Rubin
- Santiago
- Schachtel
- Schachtel
- Schinkel
- Searles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Szabados
- Taina
- Toms
- Trop
- Van Wering
- Veltmann
- Visanto
- Von Pein
- Walters
- Walters
- Williams
- Wisanto
- Yonkeura
- Yoong
- Yscla
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for dysmenorrhoea
- Author
- Akerlund
- Akinluyi
- Al-Waili
- Al-Waili
- Almeida Prado
- Andersch
- Anderson
- Arnold
- Baldi
- Balsamo
- Banikarim
- Baracat
- Barbosa
- Benassi
- Bitner
- Bonnar
- Boullaye
- Bowen
- Brooks
- Brown
- Budoff
- Budoff
- Budoff
- Buttram
- Campana
- Cash
- Catalan
- Chan
- Chan
- Chan
- Chan
- Chan
- Chantler
- Chantler
- Coco
- Cornely
- Corson
- Costa
- Costa
- Csapo
- Dandenell
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Dawood
- Dawood
- Dawood
- Dawood
- Dawood
- Dawood
- Dawood
- Delgado
- DeLia
- Donadio
- Doubova
- Dreher
- Du Rant
- DuRant
- Eccles
- Elbourne
- Elder
- Ertungealp
- Ezcurdia
- Facchinetti
- Fedele
- Fedorowicz
- Frank
- Fraser
- Fuchs
- Girolamo
- Girolamo
- Gleeson
- Gookin
- Graffenried
- Grossi
- Halbert
- Hamann
- Hamann
- Hanson
- Hanson
- Hart
- Hebert
- Heidarifar
- Henzl
- Henzl
- Henzl
- Henzl
- Henzl
- Higgins
- Hillen
- Iacovides
- Ingemanson
- Ingemanson
- Islas Perez
- Iyagba
- Jacobson
- Jacobson
- Jakubowicz
- Janbu
- Janbu
- Jansen
- Jay
- Joelsson
- Kajanoja
- Kajanoja
- Kajanoja
- Kapadia
- Kapadia
- Katternhorn
- Kauppila
- Kauppila
- Kauppila
- Kauppila
- Kauppila
- Kemp
- Killick
- Kintigh
- Kintis
- Klein
- Kollenz
- Krishna
- Kunz
- Lalos
- Langrick
- Langrick
- Langrick
- Larkin
- Latthe
- Layes Molla
- Legris
- Letzel
- Lichten
- Lopez Rosales
- Lundstrom
- Lundstrom
- László
- Maclean
- Makarainen
- Malmstrom
- Mannix
- Marchini
- Marchini
- Martinez Alcala
- Mehlisch
- Mehlisch
- Mehlisch
- Mehlisch
- Mello
- Milsom
- Milsom
- Milsom
- Milsom
- Milsom
- Milsom
- Milsom
- Milsom
- Moggian
- Montrull
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Nahid
- Nor Azlin
- Ogden
- Onatra
- Osathanondh
- Osinusi
- Ozbay
- Ozgoli
- Palmisano
- Pasquale
- Pauls
- Pedron Nuevo
- Peixoto
- Pendergrass
- Pendergrass
- Petti
- Pickles
- Pirhonen
- Pitts
- Plantema
- Pogmore
- Powell
- Prasad
- Proctor
- Proctor
- Proctor
- Proctor
- Proctor
- Pulkkinen
- Pulkkinen
- Pulkkinen
- Pulkkinen
- Rawal
- Riihiluoma
- Rondel
- Rosenwaks
- Roy
- Roy
- Sahin
- Salmalian
- Saltveit
- Saltveit
- Saltveit
- Sande
- Sauer
- Schulman
- Schwartz
- Sedgwick
- Serfaty
- Shapiro
- Shapiro
- Shi
- Shishegar
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soares
- Souza
- Stromberg
- Szigeti
- Tampakoudis
- Tilyard
- Villasenor
- Villasenor
- Wilhelmsson
- Wilhelmsson
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wong
- Ylikorkala
- Ylikorkala
- Yu
- Zahradnik
- Zhang
- Zhu
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study