838 research outputs found

    The Australian News Media and Climate Change: How Frames Impact the Response of Individuals in an Anthropocentric Society

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    News media plays an instrumental role in shaping opinions and perceptions on climate change due to it being such a wide-reaching institution. The discourses of news media are able to use frames to determine the discursive context in which a concept or issue is discussed by promoting a central theme or message. This study aims to use critical discourse analysis to determine how climate change is framed in news media, and how these frames depict the forms and scope of possible climate action. The study also analyzes if these forms of action are predominantly anthropocentric in nature. Critical discourse analysis entails looking at how the use of linguistic elements can structure meanings and relations to larger structures or institutions and, for the purposes of this study, how news media constructs these relationships

    Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Reactive Flows under HCCI Engine Conditions

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    Large Eddy Simulation (LES) modeling is developed to study homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion under different engine operation and mixture conditions, including real engine configurations and generic test cases. A previously developed HCCI model has been validated by comparing the simulation results with engine experiments. A new spark-assisted HCCI (SACI) combustion model has been developed and tested. The tumble flow dynamics and turbulence eddies under an experimental low speed engine condition are simulated to improve the understanding of the engine flow dynamics. The onset of temperature inhomgeneity is systematically investigated and compared with laser diagnostic data. The ignition kernel/eddy interaction is simulated to gain insight into the HCCI ignition process in different turbulence conditions. It is found that HCCI combustion is primarily dictated by the in-cylinder temperature stratification. For a given combustion phasing, e.g. a given crank angle at which 10% of heat has been released (CA10), with large temperature stratification the combustion process is slower and the pressure-rise-rate is slower. This can offer an opportunity to run the engine at high load. LES results show that turbulence can affect the HCCI combustion process under certain conditions. Due to rapid propagation of the ignition front, under typical engine conditions turbulence cannot directly affect the reaction zones, e.g., by wrinkling the reaction front or by differential diffusion to adjust the radical levels. Turbulence affects HCCI combustion mainly through modifying the temperature field. Turbulence has two effects on the process: one is to generate temperature stratification by heat transfer between the wall and the in-cylinder gas; another is to smear out the temperature stratification in the gas mixture by turbulence eddy action. If the size of hot zone or the cold zone in the mixture is large, e.g. larger than the integral length scale, turbulence heat transfer may not smoothen the temperature stratification quickly. As a result, the effect of turbulence on the ignition process is less significant. On the other hand if the scales of the hot/cold zones are small, turbulence can play an important effect on the HCCI combustion process. It is shown that the stratification of temperature in an engine is generated through three main mechanisms: mixing of the cold intake gas with the hot residual gas, wall heat transfer, and compression of the mixture. The last mechanism is less well known. By having large amount of residual gas or exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in the cylinder the temperature stratification can be enhanced and thereby affect the HCCI combustion process. SACI combustion is shown to be sensitive to both turbulence and temperature stratification. The operation window for SACI is narrow: if the temperature is low the process is mainly SI, and if the temperature is high, the process is HCCI. As a result using SACI to control HCCI engine may not be easy

    Workers in the gig economy: employees or self-employed? - A comparative study on the concept of employment in the “gig economy”, focusing on Sweden and the United Kingdom

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    Syftet med denna uppsats är att ge en överblick över det nya, men snabbt växande, konceptet crowdsourcing. Konceptet kan enkelt beskrivas som en åtgärd att ta en uppgift som vanligtvis utförs av en utsedd arbetspresterande part (vanligtvis en anställd) och outsourca denna till en odefinerad, anonym och generellt stort grupp av människor i form av en ”öppen inbjudan”. Marknaden har under det senaste decenniet exploderat med företag som marknadsför sig som plattformar som möjliggör crowdsourcing. Uber är kanske den mest kända av dessa. Individer ansluter sig till Uber eller andra crowdsourcingföretag som oberoende uppdragstagare eller egenföretagare i hopp om att tjäna pengar. Problemet som uppstår i denna situation är att många av dessa företag är mer än bara plattformar som möjliggör crowdsourcing. De blir en tredje part i det avtalsförhållande som uppstår mellan den som outsourcar, och den arbetspresterande parten. Ofta har de ett stort inflytande över genomförandet av de tjänster som erbjuds via plattformen och den ersättning som utgår. Detta gör att det avtalsförhållande som uppstår avviker från vad som anses normalt för en oberoende uppdragstagare eller egenföretagare. Ett ytterligare syfte med denna uppsats är således att undersöka möjligheten att bemöta dessa nya förhållanden genom att applicera arbetstagarbegreppet. Är de som utför jobb genom dessa företag verkligen egenföretagare och oberoende uppdragstagare eller blir begreppet missbrukat i syfte att kringgå tvinga lagstiftning och kollektivavtal? Resultaten från denna uppsats visar tecken både för och emot denna fråga. I svensk lagstiftning är arbetstagarbegreppet väldigt brett och visar prov på en stor anpassningsförmåga. Frågan är dock hur skydd ska regleras för de som faktiskt är egenföretagare. Arbetsrättslig lagstiftning och de skydd som medföljer förutsätter att en arbetspresterande part generellt är en arbetstagare. Med en växande andel egenföretagare ökar också risken för en större del av befolkningen. Resultaten i uppsatsen visare vidare att arbetstagarbegreppets anpassningsförmåga kanske inte är den springande punkten, utan att fokus även bör läggas på att identifiera arbetsgivarens funktion, sprida risken mellan parterna och även hitta andra sätt att anpassa marknaden efter nya utvecklingar.The purpose of this thesis is to provide an overview of the new, but rapidly growing, concept of crowdsourcing. The basis of the concept can be described as the act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call. In the last couple of decades, the market has exploded with companies that market themselves as platforms that enable crowdsourcing, among which Uber might be the most famous one. People who join Uber or other crowdsourcing companies do so as independent contractors or self-employed workers in the hope of earning money. The problem arising in this situation is that many of these companies are more than just platforms that enable crowdsourcing. They become a third party of the contractual relationship between the consumer and the performing party. The platforms often has a great deal of influence over the implementation of the services offered through the platform and the remuneration that expires. The contractual relationship formed deviates from what is considered normal regarding independent contractors or self-employed works, whom often have a greater deal of autonomy. An additional purpose of this paper is thus to investigate the possibility of apply the concept of employment to the relationships occurring in chosen gig-economy platforms and asses the possibility for a performing party to be considered an employee. Are the people performing work in these companies really self-employed and independent workers or is the term abused to circumvent legislation and collective agreements? The results from this thesis shows signs both for and against this question. In the Swedish legislation, the notion of ‘employee’ is very broad and shows great adaptability. The question is how protection should be regulated for those who are actually considered self-employed, though with a greater dependence on the crowdsourcing companies. The protection following the labour law is generally under the presumption that the object of protection is an employee. With an increase in self-employed workers and independent contractors, there is also an increase in risk for these performing parties. The result of the paper further shows that the adaptability of the notion of ’employee’ should perhaps not be the area on which to focus. On the contrary, focus should also be put on identifying the employer’s function, spreading the risk between the parties and by other means adapting the market in accordance with new and exciting developments

    Bladder distension : aspects of a healthcare-related injury

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    Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are common health problems. For the individual, LUTS is troublesome and can greatly affect the health-related quality-of- life (HRQOL). One cause of LUTS is urinary retention (inability to void in the presence of a full bladder); a well-known complication following hospital care. If the bladder volume exceeds 500 ml there is a risk of overdistension of the muscle fibres in the bladder wall; bladder distension. This can result in motility problems with post-void residual volumes, urinary tract infections and an inability to void. If the bladder becomes stretched too far, or for a long period, the bladder may be permanently damaged and lose its ability to contract sufficiently for the rest of the person’s life. Bladder damage due to overdistension can be classified as a patient injury; harm caused to a patient as a result of their healthcare, and which could have been avoided. The overall aim of this thesis was to improve patient-safety by providing research evidence for bladder monitoring procedures and increase knowledge and awareness of bladder distension as a healthcare-related injury. Study I was a prospective observational study of peri-operative bladder volumes among orthopaedic or general surgical patients. Bladder volumes were measured on three occasions; after emptying the bladder before being transported to the operating theatre, and then both immediately before and after surgery. Thirty-three of the included 147 patients (22%) developed bladder distension (>500 ml), eight preoperatively and 25 postoperatively. Orthopaedic patients were more likely to develop both preoperative and postoperative bladder distension than surgical patients and had significantly higher post-void residual volumes Age, gender and time of anaesthesia could not predict bladder distension. Study II was a randomised controlled trial testing whether a protocol with frequent pre-operative ultrasound monitoring of bladder volumes starting in the ER could reduce the risk of postoperative bladder distension among acute orthopaedic patients. The result showed that patients in the control group (no preoperative scanning) were more prone to postoperative bladder distension than patients in the intervention group (OR=1.81, 95% confidence interval 1,02-3,23, p=0.042). This association remained after adjusting for confounding factors; neither gender, age nor volume of perioperative fluid affected the outcome. Studies III and IV focused on the impact of bladder distension from the patient’s perspective. Study III was a prospective, longitudinal follow-up survey exploring lower urinary tract symptoms and health-related quality of life up to three months after acute orthopaedic surgery. Patients who have had postoperative bladder distension reported more LUTS and lower HRQOL than patients without bladder distension. Study IV used a qualitative design with narrative interviews of 20 patients who had reported a healthcare-related injury to the Swedish Patient Insurance LÖF, and who had had their injury classified as avoidable bladder damage due to over-distension. The result showed that micturition problems after bladder distension affected the everyday life through several practical and social constraints. Suffering from pain and infections, impaired sex life and strong concerns for the future were other findings. Lack of knowledge, insufficient routines, mistrust and poor communication between the staff and the patient were contributing factors leading to the injury. Conclusions: Bladder distension is a common healthcare-related injury that can cause suffering and practical, emotional and psychosocial problems with a great impact on the life of the person affected, and anxiety for the future. Frequent bladder monitoring starting in the ER can reduce postoperative bladder distension among acute orthopaedic patients. Safe and effective prevention of bladder distension is based on early recognition

    Electric heavy-duty trucks - Policy Outlook : Planned and implemented policies to support battery electric heavy-duty vehicles in Sweden, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, UK and California (US)

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    The transport sector accounted for 37% of global CO2 emissions from end-use sectors in 2021. For the transport- and road freight sector to contribute to emissions reduction targets while still meeting the foreseen increase in transport demands, decarbonization will play a key role. This study focus on battery-electric heavy-duty trucks and the objective is to provide an overview of policy instruments, planned or implemented, that support the introduction of such trucks in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, UK and California (US). This study also aims to identify policy design that could be interesting to further investigate in a Swedish context.Although the number of trucks is still very low, all countries have implemented various policy instruments to support an increasing electrification of the freight sector. In general, all countries seem to have a similar approach when implementing such policy instruments although there are also interesting differences that could be used for inspiration when designing new policies. The most common economic policy instrument is investment subsidies for vehicles as well as infrastructure. It can be noted that the size of the subsidy varies between different countries which could reflect different market conditions or different ambition from policy makers. Either way, since market conditions change rapidly, not least due to a technical development, it is important that policy makers have access to updated TCO calculations to make sure that investment subsidies are on the required level. In addition to the size of the subsidy, there are also some differences in the practical implementation. In the EU, it is required that the buyer of the truck apply for a subsidy in competition with others. California and the UK on the other hand use a voucher system that does not require an application from the truck buyer. In addition to investment subsidies for vehicles, most countries have also implemented subsidies for charging infrastructure. In this matter, Sweden stands out with several subsidies for infrastructure that does not require investments in trucks at the same time. Although this is a more flexible solution for market actors, the application system applied in Sweden and other EU countries seems to require more administration and uncertainties for the company that like to invest compared to the voucher system applied in the UK and California. It would therefore be interesting to further analyse if such a system could be implemented under EU state aid regulations. It is also common to use administrative policy instruments to create incentives for low or zero emission trucks including but not limited to battery-electric heavy duty trucks. The fit for 55 package in the EU includes for instance CO2 emission standards that currently requires manufacturer to reduce emissions from new trucks with an overtime increasing percentage as compared to 2019 levels. A similar but maybe more direct approach can be found in California where authorities have implemented both push and pull instruments aiming at manufacturers as well as private fleet owners. These instruments create an obligation for manufacturers to sell and for fleet owners to buy and thus ensuring a minimum share of zero emission trucks operated in California.In Sweden it is probably necessary do follow EU regulation when it comes to requirements on manufacturers. However, it could be interesting to analyse possibilities and challenges with a system that makes it mandatory for large fleet owners to buy or operate a minimum number of zero-emission trucks. Another kind of policy instrument that is or will be implemented in several countries are zero emission zones. This instrument allows policy makers to push for zero emission trucks where they give the highest benefits from a society perspective. Several countries are also working with different road toll systems on high-ways or zones in cities where conventional trucks are not forbidden but must pay a fee that is higher than the fee for zero-emission trucks. Thus, policy makers can create an incentive for zero-emission trucks without banning conventional trucks. In Sweden, there are no zero-emission zones, road tolls or any other similar system that affect the operation cost of an electric truck compared to conventional trucks. Since such policy instruments make it possible to target measures to areas where electric vehicles have the highest benefits it could be beneficial to further analyse the pros and cons with such policy instruments in a Swedish context

    De halländska ljungmarkerna och deras försvinnande

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    Föreliggande uppsats syftar till att beskriva det i Halland en gång så utbredda ljunghedsbruket. Uppsatsen söker svara på hur utbredda ljunghedarna var och varför de var särskilt utbredda i Halland samt hur markanvändningen förändrades på ljunghedarna under 1800- och 1900-talet. Vidare diskuteras i uppsatsen varför en så omfattande jordbruksform som ljunghedsbruket helt övergavs inom loppet av 100 år. Genom dels litteraturstudier, dels genom studier av äldre storskaliga lantmäterikartor har följande resultat uppnåtts: Då skogen under olika tider och av olika anledningar avverkades i Halland fick ljungen möjlighet att etablera sig i landskapet. Då Hallands naturgeografi i flera avseenden passar ljungen bra blev ljungen konkurrenskraftig i landskapet. I Halland utvecklades ett ljunghedsbruk inriktat mot betesdrift. Ljunghedarna brändes med jämna mellanrum för att erbjuda djuren ett tillräckligt bete. Bränningarna och betet gjorde att träd inte fick möjlighet att etablera sig och utarmade jorden, varför ljunghedsbruket under långa tider blev den jordbruksform som erbjöds de halländska bönderna. Ljunghedarna uppges ha upptagit en tredjedel av Hallands yta i mitten av 1800-talet men då ”ljunghed” inte är ett entydigt begrepp och då ljunghedarnas historia i första hand har skrivits av ljungfientliga skogsförespråkare är den siffran osäker. Det var under 1800-talet, då skogens värde ökade som en intensiv kampanj för skog och mot ljung inleddes. Skogen uppfattades som Hallands räddning och ljungen som dess värsta fiende. Enligt studier av äldre storskaliga lantmäterikartor var inte ljungmarkerna så omfattande i Halland som jägmästare och andra skogsföreträdare ville göra gällande under 1800- och 1900-talet. Sannolikt upptog ljungmarkerna mellan 10 och 30 % av Hallands yta i mitten av 1800-talet. Skogskampanjerna gav ändå resultat och många ljungmarker skogsplanterades. Skogsplanteringsföretagen subventionerades av stat och hushållningssällskap, vilket även gav den mindre bemedlade bonden möjlighet att lägga om jordbruket från ett extensivt ljunghedsbruk till ett mer intensivt skogs- och åkerbruk. Jordbrukets modernisering under 1800-talet gjorde det även möjligt att odla upp forna ljungmarker. De nya åkrarna odlades bland annat med havre, vilket var ekonomiskt lönsamt tack vare den omfattande havreexporten från Sverige under andra hälften av 1800-talet

    Cognitive disabilities in public transportations

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    Denna kvalitativa studie kartlägger svårigheter som kan uppstå i samband med resor i kollektivtrafik hos individer med kognitiva funktionsvariationer och konsekvenser av det. Den ger också förslag på hur dessa svårigheter kan överbryggas med alternativa insatser i kollektivtrafiksystem. Historiskt sett har individer med kognitiva funktionsvariationer haft låg fokus i den fysiska miljön. Studien har därför som syfte att synliggöra denna grupp människor i den fysiska planeringen. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med intresseorganisationer som stödjer grupper med kognitiva funktionsvariationer har deras användarperspektiv ringats in och lyfts fram. Studien visar att svårigheter i samband med resor inte bara förekommer hos personer med kognitiva funktionsvariationer - de kan också förekomma hos andra medresenärer utan några funktionshinder. Svårigheterna ligger snarare i den enskilde individens erfarenhet och bakgrund i kombination med förmågan att orientera sig under rådande omständigheter på plats. I studien har tre mentala barriärer som svårigheter ofta uppstår i relation till identifierats. De utmärkande barriärerna är sociala interaktioner, informationsflöde och komplexa miljöer. Personer som har svårt att vistas i miljöer där oförutsedda situationer kan uppstå riskerar att få sitt självständiga resande begränsat. Likaså gäller det individer som har svårt att tyda och sortera information alternativt har svårt eller oförmåga att interagera med andra människor. Dessa mentala barriärer kan dock överbryggas om det finns ett brett utbud av hjälpmedel som kompletterar och understödjer varandra och som motverkar svårigheterna från att uppstå. Hur det kan se ut rent konkret går inte att fastslå då det handlar om dynamiska och situationsbundna lösningar, men på ett övergripande plan handlar det om hjälpmedel som tar hänsyn till människans alla sinnen och som är konsekventa. Förhoppningen hos intresseorganisationer är att skräddarsydd teknikutveckling ska förbättra tillvaron för personer med kognitiva funktionsvariationer i kollektivtrafiken och där teknologin inte räcker till ska assistans från kollektivtrafikpersonal fortfarande finnas att tillgå. Mest önskvärt hos intresseorganisationerna är att kunskap och förståelse för olika kognitiva funktionsvariationer i trafiksammanhang ska öka hos kollektivtrafikpersonal, medpassagerare och planerare. Vid ökad insikt ges bättre förutsättning för dem att kunna hjälpa till och stötta individer med kognitiva funktionsvariationer i kollektivtrafiken.This qualitative study examines difficulties that can be experienced in the public transportation systems by people with cognitive disabilities, and the consequences of it. The study also gives recommendations of alternative measures to be taken for the public transportation system that can be helpful to overcome these different types of issues. Throughout history, the focus on this group of people in Sweden has been rather low within the field of planning of the built environment. Therefore, this study aims to especially highlight this group of people. In total, fifteen qualitative interviews have been done with organizations that support groups with cognitive disabilities, in order to better take into account their user perspective. The study shows that difficulties associated with travels not only occur to people with disabilities - it also happens to fellow travelers without any disabilities. It rather lies in the individuals’ experiences and their background, combined with the circumstances of the traffic environment. In the public transportation system, there are three mental barriers that particularly stand out. These three main barriers associated with difficulties are: social interactions, flow of information and complex environments. People who have difficulties in adapting to environments where unexpected situations may happen have a higher risk of getting their independent travelling affected. The same goes for travelers that have problems with understanding the given information, or are unable to connect with other people. These mental barriers can be overcome if there are a wide range of tools to prevent problems from occurring. It is not possible to determine exactly how these tools may work since they have to be dynamic and context-based but they should take people’s different senses into account. The organizations that have been contacted are hoping that the technology in the future will improve the situations for individuals with disabilities. In situations when the technology is not enough, they still want assistance from staff that can help people with disabilities on spot. Most of all these organizations are hoping that staff, other travelers and urban planners will get a better insight in how it is to be traveling with cognitive disabilities, so that in the future the public transportation systems can be improved for people with cognitive disabilities


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    För att framställa 1 kg ost går det åt cirka 10 L mjölk. Vassle är den största restprodukten från ostframställning och uppgår till 9 L per kilo producerad ostmassa. Tidigare har vassle inte ansetts ha något större värde i livsmedelssammanhang utan har använts som komponent i grisfoder och till att gödsla jordbruksmarker med. I vasslefraktionen finner man mjölkens lösliga proteiner, vilka utgör ca 20% av mjölkens totala proteininnehåll. Många epidemiologiska studier visar att vassleproteiner har främjande inverkan på några av de vanligaste sjukdomar som ingår i det metabola syndromet och som en stor del av befolkningen drabbas av. Ett intag av vassleproteiner tycks bland annat hämma uppkomst av Typ 2 diabetes genom att inverka på glukosstegring och inkretinhormonfrisättning. Därigenom skulle vassleproteiner kunna spela en viktig roll i kroppens processer för att vidhålla normala energinivåer genom att reducera aptit, matintag, kroppsvikt och fettinlagring hos överviktiga patienter. Studier visar även att genom introducering av vasslehärledda peptider i tidig ålder främjades tolerans gentemot intakta vassleproteiner. En ökad tolerans minskar risken för akut allergi och utveckling av mjölkallergi.For production of one kilogram cheese, approximately 10 L of milk is re-quired. The whey fraction makes up the greatest volume in cheese manufac-turing and corresponds to quantities of 9 L whey per kilogram produced cheese. Whey contains the globular proteins of milk and whey proteins con-stitute approximately 20% of the total milk protein content. Results based on epidemiological studies suggest beneficial effects of the whey proteins on some of the most common human metabolic issues. Several studies suggest, that whey protein inhibit development of Typ 2 diabetes through improved regulation of glucose levels and incretin hormone release. By influencing in-cretin hormone relese, whey proteins also play an important role in regulating energy levels of the body. This could be of interest in reducing appetite, food intake, weight and fat accumulation in obese people. Studies also show that by introducing whey protein peptides to young individuals diet, the tolerance for consumption of intact whey proteins increase and the risk to develop milk allergy decrease

    Arbetsterapeutisk intervention i LSS-gruppbostaden med ett strukturerat arbetssätt för skapande fritidsaktiviteter i aktivitetsgrupp för personer med utvecklingsstörning

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    Syftet var att undersöka grupphandledande omvårdnadspersonals upplevelser av att i sin specifika LSS-gruppbostadsmiljö arbeta med ett strukturerat arbetssätt för skapande fritidsaktiviteter i aktivitetsgrupp för personer med utvecklingsstörning. Insamlandet av information har skett genom intervjuer med nio undersökningspersoner. Resultatet har strukturerats i två teman; Ett krävande samarbete, och Skepsis, osäkerhet och vinster. Studiens resultat visade bland annat att undersökningspersonerna generellt såg en användbarhet för ett strukturerat arbetssätt för skapande fritidsaktiviteter i aktivitetsgrupp för personer med utvecklingsstörning, speciellt som ett stöd för att ”komma igång”. Ytterligare ett resultat var att undersökningspersonerna upplevde svårigheter med att använda rollspel och rekvisita, att använda AKK (Alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation), och att vid behov främja aktivitetens fantasiinnehåll. Undersökningspersonerna upplevde det däremot som ganska lätt att främja en känsla av att ”ingenting är omöjligt” hos deltagarna

    Uneven-aged silviculture as a management tool to mitigate biodiversity loss

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    Intensive forest management for wood production has altered ecosystem structures and processes, and led to habitat loss and species extinctions. Subsequently, interest in alternative management methods, such as uneven-aged silviculture, has increased. Uneven-aged silviculture maintains a stratified forest with continuous cover and a stable microclimate by low level and more frequent harvesting. Due to preserved forest structures and retained habitat heterogeneity, uneven-aged silviculture may maintain species associated with old growth forest better than current forest management practices. In a large-scale field experiment, I investigated how different silvicultural approaches affected forest beetles, a group of species severely disfavoured by current forest practise. I compared the species richness, abundance and community structure of beetles in an experimental system comprising of five treatments: clear-cutting, thinning (both representing even-aged silviculture), selective felling (representing uneven-aged silviculture), reference, and old growth forest (both representing unmanaged controls). Selective felling maintained beetle assemblages similar to the reference stands with the exception of cambium consumers. The assemblage of cambium consumers was instead similar to old-growth forests, which suggest that selective felling may add conservation value. In contrast, even-aged silviculture altered the beetle assemblages. Clear-cuts differed from all other stand types, while thinning had beetle assemblages that approached the assemblages of uneven-aged stands, indicating a partial recovery after clear-cutting. However, thinned stands still differed from reference stands. Harvest trails within a selectively felled forest increased openness, resulting in higher temperatures and lower humidity. Beetle assemblages differed between the trails and the retention strips. Both open habitat species and old-growth specialists were among the species associated to harvest trails, which potentially could explain why species assemblage in selective felling did not differ from reference stands or thinned stands. My results support the hypothesis that uneven-aged silviculture better maintains beetles assemblages associated with semi-natural mature forest than even-aged silviculture. Selectively felled stands could benefit species that are dependent on mature or old growth forest since some of the needed habitat qualities persist. Uneven-aged silviculture might therefore be a better management tool when the conservation of biodiversity is of concern