254 research outputs found
Ocena pomoloških osobina novijih sorti borovnice (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) pomoću multivarijacione analize
During three years we investigate the main phenological and pomological
properties of four highbush bluebery in Cacak ecological conditions. Results showed
significant variation of properties evaluated among cultivars and years with inconsistent
behavior of cultivars in some seasons. The highest bunch weight and berry number per
bunch had cv. Reka, whereas the lovest valuaes was found in Ozarkblue and Nui,
respectively. The highest berry weight had cvs. Ozarkblue in 2011 and Nui in 2012,
respectivelz, whereas diferences in 2014 were not significant. The highest and similar
soluble solids content had berries of cvs. Ozarkblue and Reka in 2012, and Reka i Duke
in 2014, respectively, whereas differences among cultivars were not significant. The
lowest soluble solids content had cv. Nui. Statisticaly significant correlations among
blueberry properties evaluated were not determined. The prinicipal component analyisi
(PCA) can be served as confidental model for segregation or grouping cultivars with the
most favourable phenological and pomological properties.Tokom tri godine, ispitivane su najznačajnije fenološke i pomološe osobine
četiri sorte visokožbunaste borovnice u ekološkim uslovima Čačka. Rezultati su pokazali
značajna variranja ovih osobina između sorti i godina ispitivanja, uz nedosledno ponašanje
sorti u pojedinim sezonama. Najveću masu grozda i broj bobica po grozdu imala je sorta
Reka, a najmanje vrednosti su utvrđene kod sorti Ozarkblue, odnosno Nui. Najveću masu
bobica imala je sorta Ozarkblue u 2011. godini, odnosno Nui u 2012., dok razlike u 2014.
godini nisu bile značajne. Najveći i sličan sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije (RSM) imale
su bobice sorti Ozarkblue i Reka u 2012. godini, odnosno Reka i Duke u 2014., dok
razlike između sorti u 2011. nisu bile značajne. Najmanji sadržaj RSM je imala sorta Nui.
Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne korelacije između ispitivanih osobina borovnice.
Analiza najznačajnijih komponenti (PCA) može poslužiti kao pouzdan model za
izdvajanje ili grupisanje sorti sa najpovoljnijim fenološkim i pomološkim osobinama
Неки атрибути вегетативног раста, приноса и квалитета плода кајсије (Prunus armeniaca L.) у зависности од сорте и подлоге
From 2011 to 2016, the influence of three rootstocks (Myrobalan seedlings, St. Julien A, Pumiselect®) on the tree vigour, precocity, yield and external fruit quality (fruit and stone weight, flesh rate and fruit shape) at the three genotypes of apricot [‘Novosadska rodna’ (‘NR’), ‘NS-4’, ‘NS-6’] was investigated. Results showed that rootstocks were not affected tree growth of genotypes, but changed their yield, cumulative yield and yield efficiency, except for ‘NR’ and ‘NS-4’. Pumiselect® conditioned better values for investigated parameters in comparison with Myrobalan and St. Julien A, respectively. Differences in tree vigour and productivity parameters among genotypes were not significant. As far as the fruit physical properties, the rootstocks caused variation of their weight in all genotypes, flesh rate in ‘NR’ and ‘NS-6’ and fruit shape (sphericity) in ‘NS-4’ and ‘NS-6’. In the most cases, the fruits of genotypes on Pumiselect® and St. Julien A had higher fruit weight and flesh rate in relation to the Myrobalan. Myrobalan, partially Pumiselect®, have contributed to the increase sphericity values. The influence of rootstocks on stone weight was not significant. As for as the genotypes, they are influenced variation of fruit and stone weight, but did not affect the values of flesh rate and sphericity, respectively. 'NR' had the highest fruit weight, whereas the highest stone weight had 'NR' and ‘NS-4’. ‘NS-6’ had the lowest fruit and stone weight.У периоду од 2011. до 2016. године испитиван је утицај три подлоге (сејанац Џанарике, St. Julien A, Pumiselect®) на бујност стабла, прородевање, принос и спољашњи квалитет плода (маса плода и коштице, рандман мезокарпа и облик плода) код три генотипа кајсије [‘Новосадска родна’ (‘НР’), ‘НС-4’, ‘НС-6’]. Резултати су показали да подлоге нису утицале на бујност стабала генотипова, али су мењале њихов принос, кумулативни принос и коефицијент родности, осим код ‘НР’ и ‘НС-4’. Pumiselect® је условио боље вредности испитиваних параматера у поређењу са Џанариком и St. Julien A. Није било значајних разлика у бујности стабла и параметрима продуктивности између генотипова. Што се тиче физичких особина плода, подлоге су изазвале варирање његове масе код свих генотипова, рандмана мезокарпа код ‘НР’ и ‘НС-6’ и облика плода код ‘НС-4’ и ‘НС-6’. У већини случајева, плодови генотипова на Pumiselect® и St. Julien A су имали већу масу плода и рандман меса у односу на Џанарику. Џанарика, делимично и Pumiselect®, су утицали на повећање вредности сферичности. Утицај подлога на масу коштице није био значајан. Што се тиче генотипова, они су утицали на варирање масе плода и коштице, али нису утицали на вредности рандмана меса и сферичности. ‘НР’ је имала највећу масу плода, док су највећу масу коштице имали ‘НР’ и ‘НС-4’. ‘НС-6’ је имао најмању масу плода и коштице
Принос и квалитет плода новијих домаћих и иностраних сорти кајсије (Prunus armeniaca L.)
The work presents results related to the phenology of flowering and fruit maturity, initial bearing, yield and fruit quality of 18 newly-bred apricot cultivars - two domestic and 16 foreign ones compared to the ‘Hungarian Best’ (control) in the second year after planting in ecological conditions of Čačak. All the traits examined were with variable features and cultivar dependent. Although the vegetation of the year 2017 was very climatic unfavorable, a good initial bearing was observed, but also the important yield of most cultivars in the second year after planting; the highest was in cvs. ‘Farclo’, ‘Betinka’ and ‘Roxana’. The highest fruit weight had cvs. ‘Roxana’ and ‘Wonder Cot’ and the smallest ‘Fardao’ and ‘Betinka’, respectively. Fruits of cvs. ‘Kecs-psar’, ‘Candela’ and ‘Farclo’ were the richest in the soluble solids content, while the poorest were in the fruits of cv. ‘Precoce de Tyrinthe’.У раду су приказани резултати који се односе на фенологију цветања и зрења плода, иницијалну родност, принос и квалитет плода 18 новијих сорти кајсије – две домаће и 16 иностраних поређених са ‘Мађарском најбољом’ (контрола) у другој години по садњи у еколошким условима Чачка. Испитиване особине су биле варијабилног карактера и сортно зависне. Иако је вегетациона 2017. година била климатски веома неповољна, остварена је различита бујност али и значајна родност већине сорти у другој години по садњи, највећа у cvs. ‘Farclo’, ‘Betinka’ и ‘Roxana’. Највећу масу плода имале су cvs. ‘Roxana’ и ‘Wonder Cot’, а најмању ‘Fardao’ и ‘Betinka’. Плодови cvs. ‘Kecs-psar’, ‘Candela’ и ‘Farclo’ су били најбогатији у садржају растворљиве суве материје (РСМ), док су најсиромашнији били плодови cv. ‘Precoce de Tyrinthe’
Vegetativni rast, rodnost i kvalitet ploda šljive u zavisnosti od podloge
The paper examines the vegetative growth of the tree, the weight of the fruit and the content of total soluble solids (RSM) in the fruit in three cultivars of plums grafted on four rootstocks: one generative (Myrobalan seedling) and three vegetative (Pixy, St. Julien A and Ferley). The results showed that the greatest vigour of cultivars was caused by the Myrobalan seedling, and the smallest by Pixy. The weight of the fruit and the content of RSM varied depending on the cultivar and rootstock. The highest weight of the fruit at Čačanska lepotica and Čačanska najbolja was conducted on St. Julien А rootstock, while in the case of Čačanska rana, it was on Myrobalan seedling. All of three cultivars had the highest content of RSM in the fruit on Pyxi rootstock.U radu su ispititivani vegetativni rast stabla, masa ploda i sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija (RSM) u plodu kod tri sorte šljive kalemljene na četiri podloge: jednoj generativnoj (Džanarika) i tri vegetativne (Pixu, St. Julien A i Ferley). Rezultati su pokazali da je najveću bujnost kod sorti izazvala Džanarika, a najmanju Pihu. Masa ploda i sadržaj RSM je varirao u zavisnosti od sorte i podloge. Najveću masu ploda Čačanska lepotica i Čačanska najbolja imale su na podlozi St. Julien A, dok je kod Čačanske rane to bilo na podlozi Džanarika. Sve tri sorte su najveći sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija (RSM) u plodu imale na podlozi Pixy
Bujnost, prinos i masa ploda šljive (P. Domestica l.) u zavisnosti od razmaka sadnje
The paper presents the results of a five year (from 2 to 6 vegetation) which compared two growth forms of plum: high density planting and classic growth forms with larger spacing. The research included three plum cultivars: Čačanska lepotica, Čačanska rodna and Stenley. All of them have been grafted on Myrobalan seedlings (P. cerasifera Ehrh.). It has been researched the effect of three variants of the growing system: high density planting, with growing form of spindle bush and forms with bigger spacing such as pyramid and a vase as a growing forms. In the plantation were applied all measures of care except of irrigation. In terms of vigor observed through the trunck cross-sectional area, during all the years of research a bigger vigour was found in trees in traditional growing systems. Generaly, the most vigorous cultivar was Stenley. The yield in the early years after planting (2-5th vegetation) was significantly higher in the cultivars grown in a dense planting. Yield efficiency was also significantly higher in high density planted cultivars. Biennial bearing index was highest at Čačanska rodna. The fruit mass of tested cultivars did not differ depending on spacing.U radu su prikazani petogodišnji rezultati (od 2. do 6. vegetacije) kojima se porede gusta sadnja šljive i klasični sistemi gajenja sa većim razmacima sadnje. Sorte na kojima su vršena istraživanja su Čačanska lepotica, Čačanska rodna i Stanley, kalemljene na sejancu džanarike (P. cerasifera Ehrh.). Ispitivan je uticaj tri varijante sistema gajenja: gusta sadnja sa uzgojnim oblikom vretenasti žbun i retka sadnja sa piramidom i vazom kao uzgojnim oblicima. U zasadu su primenjivane sve mere nege osim navodnjavanja. U pogledu bujnosti posmatrane kroz površinu poprečnog preseka debla, tokom svih godina istraživanja veća bujnost je bila kod klasičnih sistema gajenja, a od sorti najveća kod sorte Stanley. Prinos u početnim godinama po sadnji (2-5. vegetacija) je bio značajno veći kod sorti gajenih u gustoj sadnji. Koeficijent rodnosti je takođe bio značajno veći u varijanti guste sadnje. Indeks alternativne rodnosti je bio najveći kod Čačanske rodne. Masa ploda ispitivanjih sorti se nije razlikovala u zavisnosti od razmaka sadnje
Uticaj oprašivača na zametanje plodova sorte šljive Čačanska rana
In this paper, during a 2013 year, effects of eight pollenizers (Čačanska Rana, Boranka,
Čačanska lepotica, Timočanka, Čačanska najbolja, Čačanska rodna, Mildora i Stanley) on the
degree of initial and final fruit set in the plum cultivar Čačanska Rana were examined. Besides
the controlled pollination of this cultivar, open pollination was investigated. The results
indicated that the best final fruit set was obtained when cultivars Čačanska Rodna and
Čačanska Najbolja were used as pollenizers.U radu su prikazani rezultati vezani za inicijalno i finalno zametanja plodova
sorte šljive Čačanska rana u zavisnosti od primenjenog oprašivača. Ispitivanjima je
obuhvaćeno sedam različitih oprašivača, varijanta samooprašivanja i varijanta slobodnog
oprašivanja, kao kontrola. Cilj rada se ogleda u iznalaženju najpodesnijih oprašivača za ovu
samobesplodnu sortu. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, kao najbolji oprašivači su se pokazale
sorte Čačanska najbolja i Čačanska rodna
Uticaj uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka na vegetativni rast, prinos i kvalitet ploda kupine (Rubus fruticosus L.)
Paper presents results of the effect of removing the first flush primocanes on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of blackberry cultivar ‘Čačanska Bestrna’. Primocanes were removed on a single (10 of May) or double (10 of May and 1 of June) occasions. Removing the first flush primocanes had impact on number of fruiting branches developed in current year on floricanes, but no on their length. It was observed that treatments with removing primocanes had significantly higher yield per bush and per unit area. Increasing of yields was ranged from 11.4% (removal of primocanes twice) to 15.1% (removal of primocanes once). Fruit weight and soluble solids content in the blackberry fruits were not significantly different under the influence of various term of the removal of the first flush of primocanes. The aforementioned pomotechnical measure has significantly influenced the properties of newly developed blackberry primocanes.U radu su prikazani rezultati uticaja uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka na vegetativni rast, prinos i kvalitet ploda kupine sorte ‘Čačanska bestrna’. Izdanci su uklanjani u jedan (10. maja) ili dva navrata (10. maja i 1. juna). Uklanjanje je uticalo na broj rodnih grančica razvijenih u tekućoj godini na dvogodišnjem izdanku kupine, ali ne i na njihovu dužinu. Prinos po žbunu i jedinici površine je bio značajno veći u varijantama uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka nego kada oni nisu uklanjani. Povećanje prinosa se kretalo od 11,4% (uklanjanje izdanaka dva puta) pa do 15,1% (uklanjanje izdanaka jednom). Masa ploda i sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije u plodovima se nisu značajno razlikovali pod uticajem različitih varijanti uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka kod kupine. Uklanjanje prvih serija izdanaka u toku vegetacije je značajno uticalo na osobine novorazvijenih izdanaka kupine
Uticaj sorte i načina proređivanja plodova na prinos i krupnoću jabuke (Malus domestica Borkh.)
The aim of the research was to use in the conditions of Cacak, using a preparation for fruiting: naphthyl acetic acid amide (NAD), naphthyl ̶ 1 ac acetic acid (NAA), benzyladenine (BA) and manual thinning, on three varieties of apples: Red Chief , Golden Reinders and Gloster examine their method of yield per tree (kg), yield per unit area (t ha1) and fruit mass (g). The results showed that the differences in terms of all three parameters among the tested varieties were significant and the differences between the applied treatments were also significant. The best results are achieved in variants with manual fruiting, but also with the highest labor costs, and after manual treatment with BA.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se u uslovima Čačka, primenom preparata za proređivanje plodova: amid naftil – sirćetne kiseline (NAD), naftil–1–sirćetna kiselina (NAA), benziladenin (BA) i ručnog proređivanja, na tri sorte jabuke: Red Chief, Golden Reinders i Gloster ispita njihov način delovanja na prinos po stablu (kg), prinos po jedinici površine (t ha1) i na masu ploda (g). Rezultati su pokazali da su razlike u pogledu sva tri parametra između ispitivanih sorti bile značajne a značajne su bile i razlike između primenjenih tretmana. Najbolji rezultati su postignuti u varijanti sa ručnim proređivanjem plodova ali i sa najvećim utroškom radne snage, a nakon ručnogproređivanja najbolji rezultat je postignut tretmanom sa BA
Differential cross section measurements for the production of a W boson in association with jets in proton–proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV
Measurements are reported of differential cross sections for the production of a W boson, which decays into a muon and a neutrino, in association with jets, as a function of several variables, including the transverse momenta (pT) and pseudorapidities of the four leading jets, the scalar sum of jet transverse momenta (HT), and the difference in azimuthal angle between the directions of each jet and the muon. The data sample of pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV was collected with the CMS detector at the LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb[superscript −1]. The measured cross sections are compared to predictions from Monte Carlo generators, MadGraph + pythia and sherpa, and to next-to-leading-order calculations from BlackHat + sherpa. The differential cross sections are found to be in agreement with the predictions, apart from the pT distributions of the leading jets at high pT values, the distributions of the HT at high-HT and low jet multiplicity, and the distribution of the difference in azimuthal angle between the leading jet and the muon at low values.United States. Dept. of EnergyNational Science Foundation (U.S.)Alfred P. Sloan Foundatio
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