22 research outputs found

    Suramin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid phosphoprotein genome packaging function

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is fading, however its etiologic agent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues posing - despite the availability of licensed vaccines - a global health threat, due to the potential emergence of vaccine-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants. This makes the development of new drugs against COVID-19 a persistent urgency and sets as research priority the validation of novel therapeutic targets within the SARS-CoV-2 proteome. Among these, a promising one is the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) phosphoprotein, a major structural component of the virion with indispensable role in packaging the viral genome into a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex, which also contributes to SARS-CoV-2 innate immune evasion by inhibiting the host cell type-I interferon (IFN-I) response. By combining miniaturized differential scanning fluorimetry with microscale thermophoresis, we found that the 100-year-old drug Suramin interacts with SARS-CoV-2 N N-terminal domain (NTD) and C-terminal domain (CTD), thereby inhibiting their single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) binding function with low-micromolar Kd and IC50 values. Molecular docking suggests that Suramin interacts with basic NTD cleft and CTD dimer interface groove, highlighting three potentially druggable ssRNA binding sites. Electron microscopy shows that Suramin inhibits the formation in vitro of RNP complex-like condensates by SARS-CoV-2 N with a synthetic ssRNA. In a dose-dependent manner, Suramin also reduced SARS-CoV-2-induced cytopathic effect on Vero E6 and Calu-3 cells, partially reverting the SARS-CoV-2 N-inhibited IFN-I production in 293T cells. Our findings indicate that Suramin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication by hampering viral genome packaging, thereby representing a starting model for design of new COVID-19 antivirals

    Zika virus NS2A inhibits interferon signaling by degradation of STAT1 and STAT2

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    The Interferon (IFN) response is crucial to restrain pathogenic infections. Investigations into flavivirus-host interactions reported that the high virulence is linked to innate immune evasion. Zika Virus (ZIKV) has developed diversified strategies to evade the innate immune system. We report that the viral protein NS2A counteracts the IFN response by strongly suppressing the IFN signaling. NS2A targets transcription factors STAT1 and STAT2, to impede their nuclear localization, thereby suppressing the transcription of ISRE promoter and IFN-stimulated genes. We found that NS2A promotes degradation of STAT1 and STAT2. Treatment of NS2A transfected cells with MG132 restores the levels of both transcription factors, suggesting the involvement of the proteasome system. Given the impact that the IFN antagonism has on flavivirus virulence, the knowledge gained by characterizing the mechanism through which ZIKV evades the IFN response paves the ground for new strategies to attenuate the pathogenesis and to develop countermeasures against effective pharmacological targets

    Specialist laboratory networks as preparedness and response tool - The emerging viral diseases-expert laboratory network and the chikungunya outbreak, Thailand, 2019

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    We illustrate the potential for specialist laboratory networks to be used as preparedness and response tool through rapid collection and sharing of data. Here, the Emerging Viral Diseases-Expert Laboratory Network (EVD-LabNet) and a laboratory assessment of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) in returning European travellers related to an ongoing outbreak in Thailand was used for this purpose. EVD-LabNet rapidly collected data on laboratory requests, diagnosed CHIKV imported cases and sequences generated, and shared among its members and with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Data across the network showed an increase in CHIKV imported cases during 1 October 2018-30 April 2019 vs the same period in 2018 (172 vs 50), particularly an increase in cases known to be related to travel to Thailand (72 vs 1). Moreover, EVD-LabNet showed that strains were imported from Thailand that cluster with strains of the ECSA-IOL E1 A226 variant emerging in Pakistan in 2016 and involved in the 2017 outbreaks in Italy. CHIKV diagnostic requests increased by 23.6% between the two periods. The impact of using EVD-LabNet or similar networks as preparedness and response tool could be improved by standardisation of the collection, quality and mining of data in routine laboratory management systems

    Genome-wide Analyses Identify KIF5A as a Novel ALS Gene

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    To identify novel genes associated with ALS, we undertook two lines of investigation. We carried out a genome-wide association study comparing 20,806 ALS cases and 59,804 controls. Independently, we performed a rare variant burden analysis comparing 1,138 index familial ALS cases and 19,494 controls. Through both approaches, we identified kinesin family member 5A (KIF5A) as a novel gene associated with ALS. Interestingly, mutations predominantly in the N-terminal motor domain of KIF5A are causative for two neurodegenerative diseases: hereditary spastic paraplegia (SPG10) and Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2 (CMT2). In contrast, ALS-associated mutations are primarily located at the C-terminal cargo-binding tail domain and patients harboring loss-of-function mutations displayed an extended survival relative to typical ALS cases. Taken together, these results broaden the phenotype spectrum resulting from mutations in KIF5A and strengthen the role of cytoskeletal defects in the pathogenesis of ALS.Peer reviewe

    Perceptual differences in graduate recruitment and selection in Australia

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    This study examines the perceptual differences between graduate recruiters and graduates in the usefulness and importance of recruitment and selection tools. The findings showed that there were significant differences in the perceptions in the importance and usefulness attached to recruitment attraction tools. Graduates perceived the importance of donations of funds and or equipment to universities, employer directories, press advertisements, internet job boards to be more important. Graduate recruiters perceived that company website to be important. Graduate recruiters perceived that donations to Universities and the creation of subject prizes and advertisement in employer directories to be less useful. Graduates perceived that referrals from friends and or relatives to be more useful. Graduate recruiters tend to put more emphasis on using selection tools which emphasize communication skills

    Metal-based gels: Synthesis, properties, and applications

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    This review covers various aspects of recent developments on the design, the synthesis, the characterization of gels that: (i) are formed in the presence of metal ions (metallogels); (ii) are based on coordination complexes as gelators. Particular attention is devoted to systems that show recognition and sensing properties towards different analytes

    The role of indolyl substituents in squaramide-based anionophores

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    A new family of squaramide-based anionophores (L1–L8) have been synthesised and fully characterised with the aim to investigate the effect of indolyl substituents on their anion binding and transmembrane transport properties. L1, L2, L6, and L8, bearing a 7-indolyl/indol-7-yl moiety as the substituent, were found to be the most efficient of the series in binding chloride with high stability constants. L1, L6, and L8 were also found to be the most potent anionophores of the series, able to mediate transmembrane anion transport. In particular, L6 bearing the 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl group was found to be the most active transporter, and its efficiency as an anionophore/anion transporter was favourably compared with that of their symmetrically-substituted squaramide analogues L9 and L10, previously reported in the literature.Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (project BU067P20) and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (project PID2020-117610RB-I00). I. C.-B. and D. A.-C. thank the Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León, the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for their post-doctoral (I. C.-B.) and pre-doctoral (D. A.-C.) contracts. The authors gratefully acknowledge Andrea Sancho-Medina for her contributions to transmembrane anion transport experiments. Financial support from MIUR (PRIN 2017 project 2017EKCS35) is gratefully acknowledged by C. C. and G. P. along with the Università degli Studi di Cagliari (FIR 2016-2019) and the Fondazione di Sardegna (FdS Progetti Biennali di Ateneo, annualità 2020, project F75F21001260007)

    Testing a model of strategic HRM in the Chinese software industry

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    This study tests a strategic HRM model by examining the relationship between HR practices and perceived firm performance in 39 software firms in China. Due to the small sample size, Partial Least Squares modelling was used to test the hypotheses as PLS was considered to be the most appropriate tool in explaining path modelling in small sample size. We found that the effectiveness of HRM can be explained by the paths from the perceived effectiveness of HR practices such as hiring and performance appraisal. The path from HR department effectiveness was positively linked to critical success factors, which led to perceived firm performance. Critical success factors mediate the relationship between the effectiveness of HR practices and firm performance. Research and practical implications will be discussed

    Potentiometric sensing of nonsteroidal painkillers by acyclic squaramide ionophores

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    We report here a small library of a new type of acyclic squaramide receptors (L1-L5) as selective ionophores for the detection of ketoprofen and naproxen anions (KF- and NS-, respectively) in aqueous media. 1H NMR binding studies show a high affinity of these squaramide receptors toward KF- and NS-, suggesting the formation of H-bonds between the two guests and the receptors through indole and -NH groups. Compounds L1-L5 have been tested as ionophores for the detection of KF- and NS- inside solvent PVC-based polymeric membranes. The optimal membrane compositions were established through the careful variation of the ligand/tridodecylmethylammonium chloride (TDMACl) anion-exchanger ratio. All of the tested acyclic squaramide receptors L1-L5 have high affinity toward KF- and NS- and anti-Hofmeister selectivity, with L4 and L5 showing the highest sensitivity and selectivity to NS-. The utility of the developed sensors for a high precision detection of KF- in pharmaceutical compositions with low relative errors of analysis (RSD, 0.99-1.4%) and recoveries, R%, in the range 95.1-111.8% has been demonstrated. Additionally, the chemometric approach has been involved to effectively discriminate between the structurally very similar KF- and NS-, and the possibility of detecting these analytes at concentrations as low as 0.07 μM with R2 of 0.947 and at 0.15 μM with R2 of 0.919 for NS- and KF-, respectively, was shown

    INMI1 Zika Virus NS4B Antagonizes the Interferon Signaling by Suppressing STAT1 Phosphorylation

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    The evasion of the Interferon response has important implications in Zika virus (ZIKV) disease. Mutations in ZIKV viral protein NS4B, associated with modulation of the interferon (IFN) system, have been linked to increased pathogenicity in animal models. In this study, we unravel ZIKV NS4B as antagonist of the IFN signaling cascade. Firstly, we reported the genomic characterization of NS4B isolated from a strain of the 2016 outbreak, ZIKV Brazil/2016/INMI1, and we predicted its membrane topology. Secondly, we analyzed its phylogenetic correlation with other flaviviruses, finding a high similarity with dengue virus 2 (DEN2) strains; in particular, the highest conservation was found when NS4B was aligned with the IFN inhibitory domain of DEN2 NS4B. Hence, we asked whether ZIKV NS4B was also able to inhibit the IFN signaling cascade, as reported for DEN2 NS4B. Our results showed that ZIKV NS4B was able to strongly inhibit the IFN stimulated response element and the IFN-γ-activated site transcription, blocking IFN-I/-II responses. mRNA expression levels of the IFN stimulated genes ISG15 and OAS1 were also strongly reduced in presence of NS4B. We found that the viral protein was acting by suppressing the STAT1 phosphorylation and consequently blocking the nuclear transport of both STAT1 and STAT2