180 research outputs found

    The relatable entrepreneur: Combating stereotypes in entrepreneurship education

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    Despite an estimated 582 million entrepreneurs globally, stereotypes plague the social cognitive concept of ‘the entrepreneur’, shaping assumptions of what entrepreneurship is while being far from representative of possible entrepreneurial identities. ‘Heroic’ stereotypes of entrepreneurs (e.g., Steve Jobs or Elon Musk) stemming from the popular media shape the assumptions of students entering entrepreneurship classrooms. These stereotypes are strong and limiting, framing entrepreneurship as attainable only through exceptional skill and talent, and are often characterized by exclusively masculine qualities. Involving identity work in entrepreneurship education can expose the limitations that stereotypes impose on students aspiring to be entrepreneurs and introduce more heterogeneity. The use of narrative cases allows educators to facilitate a threefold approach: (1) raising awareness of stereotypes, (2) creating a structure for more realistic examples and socialization through narrative comparisons and (3) teaching students the basics of identity management for sustaining their entrepreneurial careers. The approach encourages direct conversations about what is – and who can become – an entrepreneur and reveals the limiting beliefs that students may bring with them into the classroom. Such discussion informs the educator on how to foster students’ entrepreneurial identity and empower their identity management

    Entrepreneurial Prototypes: Identity Construction in Entrepreneurship Education

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    Questions we care aboutThere are an estimated 582 million entrepreneurs globally. Despite this, popular literature and social media still focus on a narrow set of stereotypes. Entrepreneurial stereotypes plague the educational environment, as they set preconceptions of what entrepreneurship is, but they are far from representative of the early-stage of venturing, or the broad spectrum of entrepreneurial careers accounted for globally. Entrepreneurial prototypes embody attributes that characterize entrepreneurs “and distinguish them from other groups, including beliefs, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors” used to establish provisional selves when aiming to adopt a new professional role. Entrepreneurial prototypes can serve to provide identity comparisons between an actual self and a possible (future) entrepreneurial self. When addressing preconceptions, prototypes which include counter-stereotypical models are necessary to highlight the breadth of how entrepreneurs are understood. But, one may be challenged to identify such examples, and legitimize them relative to the strongly anchored ‘heroes’. Therefore, the question we care about is: What is the utility and what is the risk in presenting entrepreneurial prototypes in entrepreneurship education? ApproachThis paper builds upon narratives from individuals who have recently transitioned into an entrepreneurial role in the last 3.5yrs, defined as ‘early-stage entrepreneurs’. The study employed non-representative, purposeful, criterion sampling. Participants were recruited through relevant professional context/networks. Confirmed participants completed an online questionnaire and 60 minute phone interview. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. Selected participants were coded for prototyping themes established from the literature. ResultsThe participants studied sought out prototypes to help guide their identity development and practice in their entrepreneurial journey. Typical venues for such prototypes included stories of entrepreneurs as depicted via podcasts, TV shows or in person. Participants were disappointed by or resistant to stories available, as these highlighted high-profile success cases. Rather, participants sought stories of entrepreneurs that did not fall into the “heroic” stereotype, but seemed realistic and relevant to their own context. More realistic prototypes were found through personal networks, sometimes associated to institutional ecosystems. Prototyping was not exclusive to identifying representative individuals in the ‘role’ entrepreneur – such as a provisional self, but also involved prototyping the practices which were attributed to acting entrepreneurially. Socializing a new entrepreneurial identity was particularly valuable when within an entrepreneurial community, as the legitimizing expanded beyond a role-set, towards a community of practice.ImplicationsThere is a need to directly discuss the breadth of definitions of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship and to engage an appropriate spectrum of prototypes to reflect them. Addressing entrepreneurial prototypes, particularly in comparison to oneself, allows for rich discussion as comparing oneself to an entrepreneurial prototype can indicate comfort levels with certain elements of being an entrepreneur and point to areas where new entrepreneurs are feeling a conflict with another existing identity. While bringing-in ‘real-life’ entrepreneurs from the community can help energize the classroom with stories of real-life experience, it is critical to be mindful to present a broad diversity of entrepreneurs (race, gender, age, personality, background, field, experience-level, etc.), as having students perceive patterns in the speakers may inadvertently aid in reinforcing entrepreneurial stereotypes. Educators can use targeted conversation helped to raise identity reflections that illustrate challenges in associating to the entrepreneurial prototype. Being able to have targeted discussions on how students can reconceptualize themselves as entrepreneurs can be helpful for strategizing with students on how to become comfortable with both their intended future selves and their existing self-concept. Educators also need to consider the impact of social media and popular culture, and train students in filtering inputs and information and find means to appropriately select prototypes that fit their particular interests and context. Value/originalityThe paper investigates the way in which preconceptions of entrepreneurship influence entrepreneurial identity development and how this can be utilized or mitigated in the classroom. The paper helps to merge role and activity mimicry in the concept of entrepreneurial prototype, and allow for entrepreneurial prototypes to be ‘future’-oriented rather than dependent upon existing societal images of entrepreneurs/-ship

    Examining Influential Factors in Providers’ Chronic Pain Treatment Decisions: A Comparison of Physicians and Medical Students

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    Reports have found that chronic pain management guidelines are unclear and conflicting. Due to this confusion, it is critical to understand factors that influence providers’ treatment decisions for chronic pain. Little is known about which factors providers use to make treatment decisions or whether providers of different training levels endorse using similar factors. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that providers report using to make their chronic pain treatment decisions. We hypothesized that providers would: (1) prioritize objective factors over subjective factors, (2) be particularly interested in information about patients’ substance use, and (3) endorse using different factors depending on their training level (physicians vs. medical students). Eighty-five providers (35 medical students, 50 physicians) viewed 16 computer-simulated patients; each included a picture with text describing the patients’ condition (i.e., chronic lower back pain, open to any treatment, presence/absence of depression). After making treatment decisions, participants selected from a list the factors they used and would have used (if the information had been available) to make their treatment decisions. Most providers reported being influenced by patients’ pain histories (97.6%) and pain descriptions (95.3%). Providers indicated they would have used information about patients’ previous treatments (97.6%), average pain ratings (96.5%), and current pain (96.5%) had this information been available. Compared to physicians, medical students endorsed more often that they would have used patients’ employment and/or disability status (p<.01), illicit drug use (p=.09), and alcohol use (p=.08) to make treatment decisions. These results indicate that providers rely on objective and subjective information to make pain treatment decisions, and compared to physicians, medical students place a stronger emphasis on patients’ substance abuse and social history when making treatment decisions. Future studies should examine additional provider and patient factors that influence decisions for specific pain treatment options

    Hydration and nutrition care practices in stroke: findings from the UK and Australia

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    BACKGROUND: Dehydration and malnutrition are common in hospitalised patients following stroke leading to poor outcomes including increased mortality. Little is known about hydration and nutrition care practices in hospital to avoid dehydration or malnutrition, and how these practices vary in different countries. This study sought to capture how the hydration and nutrition needs of patients' post-stroke are assessed and managed in the United Kingdom (UK) and Australia (AUS).AIM: To examine and compare current in-hospital hydration and nutrition care practice for patients with stroke in the UK and Australia.METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between April and November 2019. Questionnaires were mailed to stroke specialist nurses in UK and Australian hospitals providing post-stroke inpatient acute care or rehabilitation. Non-respondents were contacted up to five times.RESULTS: We received 150/174 (86%) completed surveys from hospitals in the UK, and 120/162 (74%) in Australia. Of the 270 responding hospitals, 96% reported undertaking assessment of hydration status during an admission, with nurses most likely to complete assessments (85%). The most common methods of admission assessment were visual assessment of the patient (UK 62%; AUS 58%), weight (UK 52%; AUS 52%), and body mass index (UK 47%; AUS 42%). Almost all (99%) sites reported that nutrition status was assessed at some point during admission, and these were mainly completed by nurses (91%). Use of standardised nutrition screening tools were more common in the UK (91%) than Australia (60%). Similar proportions of hydration management decisions were made by physicians (UK 84%; AUS 83%), and nutrition management decisions by dietitians (UK 98%; AUS 97%).CONCLUSION: Despite broadly similar hydration and nutrition care practices after stroke in the UK and Australia, some variability was identified. Although nutrition assessment was more often informed by structured screening tools, the routine assessment of hydration was generally not. Nurses were responsible for assessment and monitoring, while dietitians and physicians undertook decision-making regarding management. Hydration care could be improved through the development of standardised assessment tools. This study highlights the need for increased implementation and use of evidence-based protocols in stroke hydration and nutrition care to improve patient outcomes.</p

    230 Th normalization: new insights on an essential tool for quantifying sedimentary fluxes in the modern and quaternary ocean

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Costa, K. M., Hayes, C. T., Anderson, R. F., Pavia, F. J., Bausch, A., Deng, F., Dutay, J., Geibert, W., Heinze, C., Henderson, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Hoffmann, S., Jaccard, S. L., Jacobel, A. W., Kienast, S. S., Kipp, L., Lerner, P., Lippold, J., Lund, D., Marcantonio, F., McGee, D., McManus, J. F., Mekik, F., Middleton, J. L., Missiaen, L., Not, C., Pichat, S., Robinson, L. F., Rowland, G. H., Roy-Barman, M., Alessandro, Torfstein, A., Winckler, G., & Zhou, Y. 230 Th normalization: new insights on an essential tool for quantifying sedimentary fluxes in the modern and quaternary ocean. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35(2), (2020): e2019PA003820, doi:10.1029/2019PA003820.230Th normalization is a valuable paleoceanographic tool for reconstructing high‐resolution sediment fluxes during the late Pleistocene (last ~500,000 years). As its application has expanded to ever more diverse marine environments, the nuances of 230Th systematics, with regard to particle type, particle size, lateral advective/diffusive redistribution, and other processes, have emerged. We synthesized over 1000 sedimentary records of 230Th from across the global ocean at two time slices, the late Holocene (0–5,000 years ago, or 0–5 ka) and the Last Glacial Maximum (18.5–23.5 ka), and investigated the spatial structure of 230Th‐normalized mass fluxes. On a global scale, sedimentary mass fluxes were significantly higher during the Last Glacial Maximum (1.79–2.17 g/cm2kyr, 95% confidence) relative to the Holocene (1.48–1.68 g/cm2kyr, 95% confidence). We then examined the potential confounding influences of boundary scavenging, nepheloid layers, hydrothermal scavenging, size‐dependent sediment fractionation, and carbonate dissolution on the efficacy of 230Th as a constant flux proxy. Anomalous 230Th behavior is sometimes observed proximal to hydrothermal ridges and in continental margins where high particle fluxes and steep continental slopes can lead to the combined effects of boundary scavenging and nepheloid interference. Notwithstanding these limitations, we found that 230Th normalization is a robust tool for determining sediment mass accumulation rates in the majority of pelagic marine settings (>1,000 m water depth).We thank Zanna Chase and one anonymous reviewer for valuable feedback. K. M. C. was supported by a Postdoctoral Scholarship at WHOI. L. M. acknowledges funding from the Australian Research Council grant DP180100048. The contribution of C. T. H., J. F. M., and R. F. A. were supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation (US‐NSF). G. H. R. was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (grant NE/L002434/1). S. L. J. acknowledges support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (grants PP002P2_144811 and PP00P2_172915). This study was supported by the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project, which in turn received support from the Swiss Academy of Sciences and the US‐NSF. This work grew out of a 2018 workshop in Aix‐Marseille, France, funded by PAGES, GEOTRACES, SCOR, US‐NSF, Aix‐Marseille UniversitĂ©, and John Cantle Scientific. All data are publicly available as supporting information to this document and on the National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI) at https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/28791

    Towards a Multi-Scale Computer Modeling Workflow for Simulation of Pulmonary Ventilation in Advanced COVID-19

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    Physics-based multi-scale in silico models offer an excellent opportunity to study the effects of heterogeneous tissue damage on airflow and pressure distributions in COVID-19-afflicted lungs. The main objective of this study is to develop a computational modeling workflow, coupling airflow and tissue mechanics as the first step towards a virtual hypothesis-testing platform for studying airflow and injury mechanics of COVID-19-afflicted lungs. We developed a CT-based modeling approach to simulate the regional changes in lung dynamics associated with heterogeneous subject-specific COVID-19-induced damage patterns in the parenchyma. Furthermore, we investigated the effect of various levels of inflammation in a meso-scale acinar mechanics model on global lung dynamics. Our simulation results showed that as the severity of damage in the patient's right lower, left lower, and to some extent in the right upper lobe increased, ventilation was redistributed to the least injured right middle and left upper lobes. Furthermore, our multi-scale model reasonably simulated a decrease in overall tidal volume as the level of tissue injury and surfactant loss in the meso-scale acinar mechanics model was increased. This study presents a major step towards multi-scale computational modeling workflows capable of simulating the effect of subject-specific heterogenous COVID-19-induced lung damage on ventilation dynamics

    Clinically Actionable Hypercholesterolemia and Hypertriglyceridemia in Children with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the percentage of children with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in whom intervention for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol or triglycerides was indicated based on National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute guidelines. STUDY DESIGN: This multicenter, longitudinal cohort study included children with NAFLD enrolled in the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network. Fasting lipid profiles were obtained at diagnosis. Standardized dietary recommendations were provided. After 1 year, lipid profiles were repeated and interpreted according to National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Expert Panel on Integrated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Health and Risk Reduction. Main outcomes were meeting criteria for clinically actionable dyslipidemia at baseline, and either achieving lipid goal at follow-up or meeting criteria for ongoing intervention. RESULTS: There were 585 participants, with a mean age of 12.8 years. The prevalence of children warranting intervention for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol at baseline was 14%. After 1 year of recommended dietary changes, 51% achieved goal low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, 27% qualified for enhanced dietary and lifestyle modifications, and 22% met criteria for pharmacologic intervention. Elevated triglycerides were more prevalent, with 51% meeting criteria for intervention. At 1 year, 25% achieved goal triglycerides with diet and lifestyle changes, 38% met criteria for advanced dietary modifications, and 37% qualified for antihyperlipidemic medications. CONCLUSIONS: More than one-half of children with NAFLD met intervention thresholds for dyslipidemia. Based on the burden of clinically relevant dyslipidemia, lipid screening in children with NAFLD is warranted. Clinicians caring for children with NAFLD should be familiar with lipid management
