191 research outputs found

    Modeling the Martian ionosphere

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    The accessibility of the Martian atmosphere to spacecraft provides an opportunity to study an ionosphere that differs from our own. Yet, despite the half century of measurements made at Mars, the current state of the neutral atmosphere and its embedded plasma (ionosphere) remains largely uncharacterized. In situ measurements of the neutral and ionized constituents versus height exist only from the two Viking Landers from the 1970s. Subsequent satellite and remote sensing data offer sparse global coverage of the ionosphere. Thermal characteristics of the plasma environment are not well understood. Patchy crustal magnetic fields interact with the Martian plasma in a way that has not been fully studied. Hence, investigating the coupled compositional, thermal and crustal-field-affected properties of the ionosphere can provide insight into comparative systems at Earth and other planets, as well as to atypical processes such as the solar wind interaction with topside ionospheric plasma and associated pathways to escape. Ionospheric models are fundamental tools that advance our understanding of complex plasma systems. A pre-existing one-dimensional model of the Martian ionosphere has been upgraded to include more comprehensive chemistry and transport physics. This new BU Mars Ionosphere Model has been used to study the composition, thermal structure and dynamics of the Martian ionosphere. Specifically: the sensitivity of the abundance of ions to neutral atmospheric composition has been quantified, diurnal patterns of ion and electron temperatures have been derived self-consistently using supra-thermal electron heating rates, and the behavior of ionospheric plasma in crustal field regions was simulated by constructing a two-dimensional ionospheric model. Results from these studies were compared with measurements and show that (1) ion composition at Mars is highly sensitive to the abundance of neutral molecular and atomic hydrogen, (2) lighter ions heat up more efficiently than heavier ones and provide additional heating sources for cooler plasma, and (3) crustal field morphology affects plasma dynamics and structure at Mars in a way that is consistent with observations. Finally, model predictions of ion composition and plasma temperatures are provided for observations to be made by several instruments on board the upcoming 2013 MAVEN orbiter

    The effects of noise, air ions, and electric fields on living systems /

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    Proton Aurora on Mars: A Dayside Phenomenon Pervasive in Southern Summer

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    We present observations of proton aurora at Mars made using the Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph (IUVS) onboard the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft. Martian proton aurora display a prominent intensity enhancement in the hydrogen Lyman‐alpha (121.6 nm) emission between ~110 and 150 km altitude. Using altitude‐intensity profiles from periapsis limb scan data spanning nearly two Martian years, we create a comprehensive database of proton aurora and characterize their phenomenology. Due to Mars\u27 lack of a global dipole magnetic field, Martian proton aurora are expected to form on the dayside via electron stripping and charge exchange between solar wind protons and the neutral corona. We observe proton aurora in ~14% of dayside periapsis profiles (with notable seasonal variability), making proton aurora the most commonly observed type of aurora at Mars. We determine that the primary factors influencing proton aurora occurrence rates are solar zenith angle and season. The highest proton aurora occurrence rates are at low solar zenith angles on the Mars dayside, consistent with known formation processes. Proton aurora have highest emission enhancements, peak intensities, peak altitudes, and occurrence rates (nearing 100%) around southern summer solstice. This time period corresponds with the seasonal inflation of the neutral lower atmosphere, the onset of Martian dust storm season, seasonally increased coronal hydrogen column densities, and higher atmospheric temperature and solar wind flux following perihelion. The results of our study provide a new understanding of the primary factors influencing proton aurora, and the long‐term variability of these phenomena as observed over multiple Mars years

    Long‐term observations and physical processes in the Moon's extended sodium tail

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    The lunar surface is constantly bombarded by the solar wind, photons, and meteoroids, which can liberate Na atoms from the regolith. These atoms are subsequently accelerated by solar photon pressure to form a long comet-like tail opposite the sun. Near new moon, these atoms encounter the Earth's gravity and are “focused” into a beam of enhanced density. This beam appears as the ∌3° diameter Sodium Moon Spot (SMS). Data from the all sky imager at the El Leoncito Observatory have been analyzed for changes in the SMS shape and brightness. New geometry-based relationships have been found that affect the SMS brightness. The SMS is brighter when the Moon is north of the ecliptic at new moon; the SMS is brighter when new moon occurs near perigee; and the SMS peaks in brightness ∌5 h after new moon. After removing these effects, the data were analyzed for long term and seasonal patterns that could be attributed to changes in source mechanisms. No correlation was found between the SMS brightness and the 11-year solar-cycle, the proton or the He++ flow pressure, the density, the speed or the plasma temperature of the solar wind, but an annual pattern was found. A ∌0.83 correlation (Pearson's “r”) was found between the SMS brightness and a 4-year average of sporadic meteor rates at Earth, suggesting a cause-and-effect. The new insights gained from this long-term study put new constraints on the variability of the potential sources of the Na atoms escaping from the Moon.Accepted manuscrip

    "From the moment i wake up i will use it?every day, very hour": A qualitative study on the patterns of adolescents' mobile touch screen device use from adolescent and parent perspectives

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    Background: The use of mobile touch screen devices, e.g. smartphones and tablet computers, has become increasingly prevalent among adolescents. However, little is known about how adolescents use these devices and potential influences on their use. Hence, this qualitative study explored adolescents' perceptions on their patterns of use and factors influencing use, and perceptions and concerns from parents. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with adolescents (n = 36; 11 to 18 years) and their parents/caregivers (n = 28) in Singapore recruited to represent males and females across a range of ages from different socioeconomic groups. Prompts covered weekday and weekend use patterns, types of activities, perspectives on amount of use, parental control measures and concerns. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. Transcripts were coded and thematic analysis was carried out. Results: Smartphone was the most common mobile device owned and used by many of the adolescents, while only some used a tablet. Many adolescents and their parents felt that adolescents' MTSD use was high, frequent and ubiquitous, with frequent checking of device and multitasking during use. Reported influences of use included functional, personal and external influences. Some of the influences were irresistibility of mobile devices, lack of self-control, entertainment or relaxation value, and high use by peers, family and for schoolwork that contributed to high use, or school/parental control measures and lack of internet availability that limited use. Most adolescents were generally unconcerned about their use and perceived their usage as appropriate, while most parents expressed several concerns about their adolescents' use and perceived their usage as excessive. Conclusions: This study has provided rich insights into the patterns and influences of contemporary mobile device use by adolescents. Mobile device use has become an integral part of adolescents' daily routines, and was affected by several functional, personal and external influences which either facilitated or limited their use. There also seemed to be a strong inclination for adolescents to frequently check and use their mobile devices. There is an urgent need to understand the implications of these common adolescent behaviours to inform advice for wise mobile device use by adolescents

    EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids (CEF) ; Scientific Opinion on Flavouring Group Evaluation 06, Revision 4 (FGE.06Rev4 ): Straight - and branched - chain aliphatic unsaturated primary alcohols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids and esters from chemical groups 1, 3 and 4

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    The Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids of the European Food Safety Authority was requested to evaluate 56 flavouring substances in the Flavouring Group Evaluation 6, Revision 4, using the Procedure in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1565/2000. This revision is made due to the inclusion of six additional flavouring substances, (-)-3,7-dimethyl-6-octen-1-ol [FL-no: 02.229], dec-4(cis)-enal [FL-no: 05.137], neral [FL-no: 05.170], trans-3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dienal (geranial) [FL-no: 05.188], trans-3-hexenyl formate [FL-no: 09.562] and cis-3-hexenyl 2-methylbutanoate [FL-no: 09.854]. None of the substances were considered to have genotoxic potential. The substances were evaluated through a stepwise approach (the Procedure) that integrates information on structure-activity relationships, intake from current uses, toxicological threshold of concern and available data on metabolism and toxicity. The Panel concluded that the 56 substances [FL-no: 02.125, 02.138, 02.152, 02.170, 02.175, 02.176, 02.195, 02.201, 02.222, 02.229, 02.234, 05.061, 05.082, 05.137, 05.143, 05.170, 05.174, 05.188, 05.203, 05.217, 05.218, 05.220, 05.226, 08.074, 08.100, 08.102, 09.341, 09.368, 09.377, 09.562, 09.567, 09.569, 09.572, 09.575, 09.612, 09.638, 09.640, 09.643, 09.672, 09.673, 09.674, 09.831, 09.838, 09.854, 09.855, 09.871, 09.872, 09.884, 09.885, 09.897, 09.898, 09.928, 09.937, 09.938, 09.939 and 09.950] do not give rise to safety concern at their levels of dietary intake, estimated on the basis of the MSDI approach. Besides the safety assessment of these flavouring substances, the specifications for the materials of commerce have also been considered. Adequate specifications including complete purity criteria and identity for the materials of commerce have been provided for all 56 candidate substances

    Mars’ plasma system. Scientific potential of coordinated multipoint missions: “The next generation”

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    The objective of this White Paper, submitted to ESA’s Voyage 2050 call, is to get a more holistic knowledge of the dynamics of the Martian plasma system, from its surface up to the undisturbed solar wind outside of the induced magnetosphere. This can only be achieved with coordinated multi-point observations with high temporal resolution as they have the scientific potential to track the whole dynamics of the system (from small to large scales), and they constitute the next generation of the exploration of Mars analogous to what happened at Earth a few decades ago. This White Paper discusses the key science questions that are still open at Mars and how they could be addressed with coordinated multipoint missions. The main science questions are: (i) How does solar wind driving impact the dynamics of the magnetosphere and ionosphere? (ii) What is the structure and nature of the tail of Mars’ magnetosphere at all scales? (iii) How does the lower atmosphere couple to the upper atmosphere? (iv) Why should we have a permanent in-situ Space Weather monitor at Mars? Each science question is devoted to a specific plasma region, and includes several specific scientific objectives to study in the coming decades. In addition, two mission concepts are also proposed based on coordinated multi-point science from a constellation of orbiting and ground-based platforms, which focus on understanding and solving the current science gaps
