2,429 research outputs found

    Historia del hallazgo de la imagen de S. Christoval, sus milagros, y fundacion del Real Convento de Religiosas Canongesas Agustinas en la Ciudad de Valencia [Texto impreso]

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    ÍndiceSign. : [calderón]-3[calderón]4, 4[calderón]2, A-Hh4, [ ]2Port. y texto enmarcados con doble fileteLetras iniciales decoradas, frisos tip. y otra ornamentaciónApostillas marginales y reclamosLa h. de lám. calc. representa la imagen de San CristóbalContiene : Romance endecasilabo donde se celebra la feliz aparicion de la imagen de San Christoval / Don Joseph Vicente Orti y Mayo

    Planet Formation: Statistics of spin rates and obliquities of extrasolar planets

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    We develop a simple model of planetary formation, focusing our attention on those planets with masses less than 10 Earth masses and studying particularly the primordial spin parameters of planets resulting from the accretion of planetesimals and produced by the collisions between the embryos. As initial conditions, we adopt the oligarchic growth regime of protoplanets in a disc where several embryos are allowed to form. We take different initial planetary system parameters and for each initial condition, we consider an evolution of 20 millon of years of the system. We perform simulations for 1000 different discs, and from their results we derive the statistical properties of the assembled planets. We have taken special attention to the planetary obliquities and rotation periods, such as the information obtained from the mass and semi major axis diagram, which reflects the process of planetary formation. The distribution of obliquities was found to be isotropic, which means that planets can rotate in direct or indirect sense, regardless of their mass. Our results regarding the primordial rotation periods show that they are dependent on the region where the embryo was formed and evolved. According to our results, most of the planets have rotation periods between 10 and 10000 hours and there are also a large population of planets similar to terrestrial planets in the Solar System.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Formation and structure of the three Neptune-mass planets system around HD69830

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    Since the discovery of the first giant planet outside the solar system in 1995 (Mayor & Queloz 1995), more than 180 extrasolar planets have been discovered. With improving detection capabilities, a new class of planets with masses 5-20 times larger than the Earth, at close distance from their parent star is rapidly emerging. Recently, the first system of three Neptune-mass planets has been discovered around the solar type star HD69830 (Lovis et al. 2006). Here, we present and discuss a possible formation scenario for this planetary system based on a consistent coupling between the extended core accretion model and evolutionary models (Alibert et al. 2005a, Baraffe et al. 2004,2006). We show that the innermost planet formed from an embryo having started inside the iceline is composed essentially of a rocky core surrounded by a tiny gaseous envelope. The two outermost planets started their formation beyond the iceline and, as a consequence, accrete a substantial amount of water ice during their formation. We calculate the present day thermodynamical conditions inside these two latter planets and show that they are made of a rocky core surrounded by a shell of fluid water and a gaseous envelope.Comment: Accepted in AA Letter

    TRIMOR - three-dimensional correlation technique to analyse multi-order spectra of triple stellar systems: application to HD 188753

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    This paper presents a new algorithm, trimor, to analyse multi-order spectra of triple systems. The algorithm is an extension of tricor, the three-dimensional correlation technique that derives the radial velocities of triple stellar systems from single-order spectra. The combined correlation derived from many orders enables the detection and the measurement of radial velocities of faint tertiary companions. The paper applied trimor to the already available spectra of HD 188753, a well-known triple system, yielding the radial velocities of the faintest star in the system. This rendered the close pair of the triple system a double-lined spectroscopic binary, which led to a precise mass ratio and an estimate of its inclination. The close-pair inclination is very close to the inclination of the wide orbit, consistent with the assertion that this triple system has a close to coplanar configuratio

    Electronic Properties of Topological Materials: Optical Excitations in Moebius Conjugated Polymers

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    Electronic structures and optical excitations in Moebius conjugated polymers are studied theoretically. Periodic and Moebius boundary conditions are applied to the tight binding model of poly(para-phenylene), taking exciton effects into account. We discuss that oligomers with a few structural units are more effective than polymers for observations of effects of discrete wave numbers that are shifted by the change in boundary condition. Next, calculations of optical absorption spectra are reported. Certain components of optical absorption for an electric field perpendicular to the polymer axis mix with absorption spectra for an electric field parallel to the polymer axis. Therefore, the polarization dependences of an electric field of light enable us to detect whether conjugated polymers have the Moebius boundary.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 74 No. 2 (February, 2005), Letter sectio

    Molecular Line Emission from Gravitationally Unstable Protoplanetary Disks

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    In the era of high resolution submillimeter interferometers, it will soon be possible to observe the neutral circumstellar medium directly involved in gas giant planet (GGP) formation at physical scales previously unattainable. In order to explore possible signatures of gas giant planet formation via disk instabilities, we have combined a 3D, non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) radiative transfer code with a 3D, finite differences hydrodynamical code to model molecular emission lines from the vicinity of a 1.4 M_J self-gravitating proto-GGP. Here, we explore the properties of rotational transitions of the commonly observed dense gas tracer, HCO+. Our main results are the following: 1. Very high lying HCO+ transitions (e.g. HCO+ J=7-6) can trace dense planet forming clumps around circumstellar disks. Depending on the molecular abundance, the proto-GGP may be directly imageable by the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). 2. HCO+ emission lines are heavily self-absorbed through the proto-GGP's dense molecular core. This signature is nearly ubiquitous, and only weakly dependent on assumed HCO+ abundances. The self-absorption features are most pronounced at higher angular resolutions. Dense clumps that are not self-gravitating only show minor self-absorption features. 3. Line temperatures are highest through the proto-GGP at all assumed abundances and inclination angles. Conversely, due to self-absorption in the line, the velocity-integrated intensity may not be. High angular resolution interferometers such as the Submillimeter Array (SMA) and ALMA may be able to differentiate between competing theories of gas giant planet formation.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures; Accepted by Ap

    Nature of vibrational eigenmodes in topologically disordered solids

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    We use a local projectional analysis method to investigate the effect of topological disorder on the vibrational dynamics in a model glass simulated by molecular dynamics. Evidence is presented that the vibrational eigenmodes in the glass are generically related to the corresponding eigenmodes of its crystalline counterpart via disorder-induced level-repelling and hybridization effects. It is argued that the effect of topological disorder in the glass on the dynamical matrix can be simulated by introducing positional disorder in a crystalline counterpart.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, PRB, to be publishe


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    Esta colaboración se aproxima al proceso de municipalización del gobierno local indígena y a la otra cara del mismo proceso: la indianización del gobierno municipal, en América Latina. En las últimas tres décadas el municipio se ha reformado, en un marco más amplio de reforma del Estado, para ajustarse al nuevo contexto neoliberal A este proceso se le ha llamado «neomunicipalismo». Para diversos pueblos indígenas, el «neomunicipalismo» se percibe como un riesgo, pero también como una oportunidad. En el pasado reciente, el gobierno indígena fue visto desde el poder del Estado como «remanentes» en vías de disolución. Hoy día, el Estado multicultural acepta como válidas esas instituciones, siempre y cuando se inscriban en la lógica de la organización del Estado. Requisito que diversas organizaciones perciben como un riesgo, aunque otras lo ven como una oportunidad para avanzar en el proceso de empoderamiento indígena. El dilema entre resistencia y no aceptación de la institucionalidad del Estado, y el acceso a las mismas, en un horizonte de apropiación, es una vieja historia en la relación pueblos indígenas y municipio. Cuando hay aceptación —siempre limitada— se producen procesos de «municipalización» del gobierno indígena. En esta colaboración sistematizo tres momentos de municipalización del gobierno indígena en América Latina: cabildo indígena colonial, ayuntamiento gaditano, neomunicipalismo.   SUMMARY This collaboration is approaching the municipalization process of local government and indigenous on the other side of the same process: the indianization of the municipal government, in Latin America In the last three decades, in a broad framework for reform of the State, the municipality has been refurbished, in a broader framework for reform of the State to comply with the new neoliberal context. The «neomunicipalismo», is a risk and an opportunity for these peoples. In the recent past, the institutions the indigenous government, was seen as «residual» in the process of dissolution. Today, the multicultural State accepts as valid those institutions, always and when entered in the logic of the organization of the State. Requirement that various organizations perceive as a risk; but other see it as an opportunity to make progress in the process of empowering indigenous. The dilemma between resistance and non-acceptance of the institutional framework of the State, and access to the same, in a horizon of appropriation, is an old story in the relationship indigenous peoples and municipality. In this collaboration systematized three stages of municipalization of the indigenous governance: the cabildo indigenous colonial; the cádiz city hall andthe neomunicipalismo

    Matter-wave interference and deflection of tripeptides decorated with fluorinated alkyl chains

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    Studies of neutral biomolecules in the gas phase allow for the study of molecular properties in the absence of solvent and charge effects, thus complementing spectroscopic and analytical methods in solution or in ion traps. Some properties, such as the static electronic susceptibility, are best accessed in experiments that act on the motion of the neutral molecules in an electric field. Here, we screen seven peptides for their thermal stability and electron impact ionizability. We identify two tripeptides as sufficiently volatile and thermostable to be evaporated and interfered in the long‐baseline universal matter‐wave interferometer. Monitoring the deflection of the interferometric molecular nanopattern in a tailored external electric field allows us to measure the static molecular susceptibility of Ala–Trp–Ala and Ala–Ala–Trp bearing fluorinated alkyl chains at C‐ and N‐termini

    An extrasolar planetary system with three Neptune-mass planets

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    Over the past two years, the search for low-mass extrasolar planets has led to the detection of seven so-called 'hot Neptunes' or 'super-Earths' around Sun-like stars. These planets have masses 5-20 times larger than the Earth and are mainly found on close-in orbits with periods of 2-15 days. Here we report a system of three Neptune-mass planets with periods of 8.67, 31.6 and 197 days, orbiting the nearby star HD 69830. This star was already known to show an infrared excess possibly caused by an asteroid belt within 1 AU (the Sun-Earth distance). Simulations show that the system is in a dynamically stable configuration. Theoretical calculations favour a mainly rocky composition for both inner planets, while the outer planet probably has a significant gaseous envelope surrounding its rocky/icy core; the outer planet orbits within the habitable zone of this star.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, preprint of the paper published in Nature on May 18, 200