50 research outputs found

    Lay leadership collaboration, communication, and succession among the baby boomer, generation X, and millennial generational cohorts

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    Gambling in Risk-Taking Contests: Experimental Evidence

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    This paper experimentally investigates excessive risk taking in contest schemes by implementing a novel stopping task based on Seel and Strack (2013). In this stylized setting, managers with contest payoffs have an incentive to delay halting projects with a negative expectation, with the induced inefficiency being highest for a moderately negative drift. The experiment systematically varies the negative drift (between-subjects) and the payoff incentives (within-subject). We find evidence for excessive risk taking in all our treatment conditions, with the non-monotonicity at least as problematic as predicted. Contrary to the theoretical predictions, this aggregate pattern of behaviour is seen even without contest incentives. Further analysis suggests that many subjects display behaviour consistent with some intrinsic motivation for taking risk. This intrinsic motive and the strategic motive for excessive risk taking reinforce the non-monotonicity. The experiment uncovers a behavioural nuance where contest incentives crowd out an intrinsic inclination to gamble

    Excitation spectrum of bosons in a finite one-dimensional circular waveguide via the Bethe ansatz

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    The exactly solvable Lieb-Liniger model of interacting bosons in one-dimension has attracted renewed interest as current experiments with ultra-cold atoms begin to probe this regime. Here we numerically solve the equations arising from the Bethe ansatz solution for the exact many-body wave function in a finite-size system of up to twenty particles for attractive interactions. We discuss the novel features of the solutions, and how they deviate from the well-known string solutions [H. B. Thacker, Rev. Mod. Phys.\ \textbf{53}, 253 (1981)] at finite densities. We present excited state string solutions in the limit of strong interactions and discuss their physical interpretation, as well as the characteristics of the quantum phase transition that occurs as a function of interaction strength in the mean-field limit. Finally we compare our results to those of exact diagonalization of the many-body Hamiltonian in a truncated basis. We also present excited state solutions and the excitation spectrum for the repulsive 1D Bose gas on a ring.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Upper limits on the strength of periodic gravitational waves from PSR J1939+2134

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    The first science run of the LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors presented the opportunity to test methods of searching for gravitational waves from known pulsars. Here we present new direct upper limits on the strength of waves from the pulsar PSR J1939+2134 using two independent analysis methods, one in the frequency domain using frequentist statistics and one in the time domain using Bayesian inference. Both methods show that the strain amplitude at Earth from this pulsar is less than a few times 102210^{-22}.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the 5th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy, 6-11 July 200

    Improving the sensitivity to gravitational-wave sources by modifying the input-output optics of advanced interferometers

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    We study frequency dependent (FD) input-output schemes for signal-recycling interferometers, the baseline design of Advanced LIGO and the current configuration of GEO 600. Complementary to a recent proposal by Harms et al. to use FD input squeezing and ordinary homodyne detection, we explore a scheme which uses ordinary squeezed vacuum, but FD readout. Both schemes, which are sub-optimal among all possible input-output schemes, provide a global noise suppression by the power squeeze factor, while being realizable by using detuned Fabry-Perot cavities as input/output filters. At high frequencies, the two schemes are shown to be equivalent, while at low frequencies our scheme gives better performance than that of Harms et al., and is nearly fully optimal. We then study the sensitivity improvement achievable by these schemes in Advanced LIGO era (with 30-m filter cavities and current estimates of filter-mirror losses and thermal noise), for neutron star binary inspirals, and for narrowband GW sources such as low-mass X-ray binaries and known radio pulsars. Optical losses are shown to be a major obstacle for the actual implementation of these techniques in Advanced LIGO. On time scales of third-generation interferometers, like EURO/LIGO-III (~2012), with kilometer-scale filter cavities, a signal-recycling interferometer with the FD readout scheme explored in this paper can have performances comparable to existing proposals. [abridged]Comment: Figs. 9 and 12 corrected; Appendix added for narrowband data analysi

    Literary studies and the academy

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    In 1885 the University of Oxford invited applications for the newly created Merton Professorship of English Language and Literature. The holder of the chair was, according to the statutes, to ‘lecture and give instruction on the broad history and criticism of English Language and Literature, and on the works of approved English authors’. This was not in itself a particularly innovatory move, as the study of English vernacular literature had played some part in higher education in Britain for over a century. Oxford University had put English as a subject into its pass degree in 1873, had been participating since 1878 in extension teaching, of which literary study formed a significant part, and had since 1881 been setting special examinations in the subject for its non-graduating women students. What was new was the fact that this ancient university appeared to be on the verge of granting the solid academic legitimacy of an established chair to an institutionally marginal and often contentious intellectual pursuit, acknowledging the study of literary texts in English to be a fit subject not just for women and the educationally disadvantaged but also for university men

    Electronic-Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (e-SBIRT) for Addictive Disorders: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background:Addictive disorders are significant global public health burdens. Treatment uptake with these disorders is low and outcomes can be mixed. Electronic screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (e-SBIRT) programs have potential to improve uptake and treatment outcomes. To date, however, no prior review of the literature has been conducted to gauge the effectiveness of e-SBIRT for addictive disorders.Methods:We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature concerning e-SBIRT for addictive disorders by surveying the MEDLINE, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, and PsycInfo databases on January 17, 2023.Results:Ten articles were included at analysis reporting evaluation of e-SBIRT interventions for substance use disorders including alcohol use in a variety of settings. No articles were identified regarding treatment for behavioral addictions such as disordered/harmful gambling. Meta-analysis found e-SBIRT to be effective at reducing drinking frequency in the short term only. e-SBIRT was not found to be advantageous over control conditions for abstinence or other treatment outcomes. We identified and described common components of e-SBIRT programs and assessed the quality of available evidence, which was generally poor.Conclusion:The present findings suggest that research regarding e-SBIRT is concentrated exclusively on higher-risk substance use. There is a lack of consensus regarding the effectiveness of e-SBIRT for addictive disorders. Although common features exist, e-SBIRT designs are variable, which complicates identification of the most effective components. Overall, the quality of outcome evidence is low, and furthermore, high-quality experimental treatment evaluation research is needed

    Treatment of harmful gambling: a scoping review of United Kingdom-based intervention research

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    BackgroundUnderstanding and treating the harm caused by gambling is a growing international psychiatric and public health challenge. Treatment of gambling harm may involve psychological and pharmacological intervention, in conjunction with peer support. This scoping review was conducted to identify, for the first time, the characteristics and extent of United Kingdom (UK) based gambling treatment research. We reviewed studies conducted among people seeking treatment for disordered or harmful gambling in the UK, the settings, research designs, and outcome measures used, and to identify any treatment research gaps.MethodsSystematic searches of PsycInfo, PsycArticles, Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science databases were carried out for gambling treatment research or evaluation studies conducted in the UK. Studies were included if they evaluated the effectiveness of an intervention or treatment designed to improve symptoms of harmful or problematic gambling, reported outcomes of interventions on treatment adherence, gambling symptoms, or behaviours using standardised measures, were conducted in the UK, and were published since 2000.ResultsEight studies met the inclusion criteria. Four were retrospective chart reviews, two were single-participant case reports, one described a retrospective case series, and one employed a cross-sectional design. None used an experimental design.ConclusionThe limited number of studies included in this review highlights a relative paucity of gambling treatment research conducted in UK settings. Further work should seek to identify potential barriers and obstacles to conducting gambling treatment research in the UK