17 research outputs found

    Evolución y características sedimentológicas de las facies fluviales basales del Buntsandstein de Olesa de Montserrat (Provincia de Barcelona)

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    [ES] La sección del Buntsandstein de Olesa de Montserrat está constituida en sus tramos basales por una serie de depósitos generados por corrientes anastomosadas con un material de lecho progresivamente más fino. Se precisan las características peculiares de los depósitos originados por el sistema anastomosado de lecho arenoso y a la luz de estos datos se realizan algunas consideraciones sobre el modelo proximal-distal en corrientes anastomosadas.[FR] La coupe du Buntsandstein d’Olesa de Montserrat est constituée, dans sa partia basale, por un ensamble de dépóts originés par des courants anastomosés ayee materiel du lit progressivement plus fin. On precise les caractéres particuliers des dépóts originés par un systéme anastomosé de lit sableaux et, ayee ces données, on arrive á des considérations génerales sur le modéle proximal-distal en courants anastomosés.[EN] The lower part of tha Buntsandstein in Olasa de Montserrat is formad by a set of braidad streams deposits with bed load material fining up progresivaly in the section. Special features of tbe deposits originated by braided systems with sandy bed load are precisad, and on the light of thase data, soma considarations about the proximal-distal modal in braidad streams are pointed out.Peer reviewe

    Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018.

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    Over the past decade, the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death (NCCD) has formulated guidelines for the definition and interpretation of cell death from morphological, biochemical, and functional perspectives. Since the field continues to expand and novel mechanisms that orchestrate multiple cell death pathways are unveiled, we propose an updated classification of cell death subroutines focusing on mechanistic and essential (as opposed to correlative and dispensable) aspects of the process. As we provide molecularly oriented definitions of terms including intrinsic apoptosis, extrinsic apoptosis, mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT)-driven necrosis, necroptosis, ferroptosis, pyroptosis, parthanatos, entotic cell death, NETotic cell death, lysosome-dependent cell death, autophagy-dependent cell death, immunogenic cell death, cellular senescence, and mitotic catastrophe, we discuss the utility of neologisms that refer to highly specialized instances of these processes. The mission of the NCCD is to provide a widely accepted nomenclature on cell death in support of the continued development of the field

    Presencia de caliche fósil en el Buntsandstein del vall del Congost (Provincia de Barcelona)

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    [ES] Se señala la presencia de caliche fósil en el Triásico inferior y el cual es interpretado como caliche inicialmente maduro producido en cortas exposiciones subáereas en condiciones semiáridas. Se deducen das tipos de ambientes de acuerdo con los dos modelos $e secuencias litológicas en las que se encuentra el caliche: partes distales de glacis de acumulación y "playas", y diques y charcas en una llanura aluvial meandriforme.[EN] The presence of fossil caliche of Lower Triassic age is pointed out and it is interpretad as eariy mature caliche resulting from shart subaerial exposures in semiarid conditions. Two kinds of environments are deduced in accordance to these two models of lithological sequences where the caliche is founded: dista1 piedmont alluvial plains and "playas", and levees and ponds in a meandering plain.Peer reviewe

    Naturaleza del contacto entre el Muschelkalk Inferior y el Muschelkalk Medio de la zona de Aiguafre da (Provincia de Barcelona)

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    [ES] El contacto entre las dolomías del Muschelkalk Inferior y las margas arcillosas rojas del Muschelkalk Medio en la zona de Aiguafreda viene marcado por un nivel da 20 a 35 centímetros de costra carbonatada con laminaciones milimétricas versicolores oscuras, con abundantes pátinas ferruginosas y rosetones de sílex. Esta costra que presenta notables ondulaciones de varios metros en planta y de hasta 1,5 metros de relieve, no parece guardar relación con estructuras de tipo estromatolítico ni con perfiles de caliche. Se señala la semejanza de esta costra con la descrita en KORNICKER (1958) y MULTER y HOFFMEI5TER (1967) en las Bahamas y Florida.[EN] The contact between the Lower Muschelkalk dolostones and the Middle Muschelkalk red shales in the area of Aiguafreda is marked by a carbonate crust of 20-35 centimetres thick, with milimetrie lamination, abundant iron patines and chert rossettes. Ihis crust present remarkable dome and basin structures up to sevaral meters in diameters and 1,5 metres high, and seems not to be relatad with stromatolitic structures neither caliche profiles. The similarity of this crust with the one described in KORNIcKER (1958) and MULTER and HOFEMEISTER (1968) is pointed out.Peer reviewe

    Evolución tectonoestratigráfica de los Catalánides

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    [EN] Catalanids have been divided into several units which have undergone differentiated paleogeographical and stratigraphical evolutions during Mesozoic Preorogenic conditions. These units had a rather differentiated behaviour during the Paleogene compressive events. Longitudinal basement faults separate three structural zones. These deep faults are more ahundant in the intermediate zone between the internal and external zones. Mesozoic lithostratigraphical units wedge out in the intermediate zone. The wedging of the sedimentary bodies and the reactivationofthe old faults during the compressive event could have heen a major cause for the development of the thrust faults that occur in the intermediate zone. Transverse faults divide the Catalanids into three paleogeographical sections. Thus structural and paleogeographical units are limited by two ortogonal nets of basement faults. Five depositional macrosequences recorded the vertical movement of these units throughout the Mesozoic. The analysis of the lithostratigraphical units of the margin of the Ebro basin provides insight into the relationship between the sedimentary facies and the main compressive structures of the Catalanids. The tectonic style strongly differs from the external to the internal zones. Paleozoic basement crops out in the extemal zone under a folded but undetached thin sedimentary cover while the relatively thick sedimentary coverof the internal zone has beendetached from the basement upon several decollement layers of Triassic evaporites. The internal zone thrust over the external one along the intermediate zone. Longitudinal grabens and half-grabens filled with marine and fluvial Miocene sediments are limited by near-vertical normal faults. The foundering of these basins must be related to the Neogene distensive events of the Western Mediterranean. Ancient strike-slip and reverse faults could have been reactivated as normal faults. Catalanids could have been an area of active faulting activity in the northeastern end of the Prebetic platform, between the ancient Ebro massif and the Balearic promontory. The sediments of the internal zone were deposited in a welldefined narrow basin in the Iberian plate while those of the external zone were deposited on the margin o the Ebro massif. The Catalanids fracture zone could have been a narrow seaway connecting two active plate margins, the Pyrenean margin to the north and the Betic margin to the southeast.[CAT] Proposem una divisió dels Catalanids en unitats que reflecteixenun comportament paleogeografic i estratigrafic diferent durant I'etapa preorogenica (Mesozoic) i un de tectonic relativament diferenciat durant l'etapa compressiva (Paleogè). Distingim els sectors (extern, intermedi i intern) limitats per falles de sòcol longitudinals, paral.leles a la serralada, la majoria de les quals es concentra en una zona que separa els sectors extern i intern. En aquesta zona (sector intermedi) s'hi atasconen les unitats litoestratigrafiques mesozoiques. Aquest atasconament, conjuntament amb la reactivació de les fractures profundes, és el responsable, durant I'etapa compressiva, de la localització en el sector intermedi dels fronts de les principals estructures d'encavalcament. També distingim les unitats que hem anomenat domini; (septentrional, central i meridional), que estan limitades per fractures transversals a la serralada. Així, doncs, les unitats queden limitades per dos sistemes de fractures de sbcol aproximadament ortogonals. En el Mesozoic definim cinc mncroseqüències deposicionals que registren els principals moviments, essencialnient verticals, de les unitats definides. L'anilisi de les unitats litoestratigràfiques del marge de la concade I'Ebre posa de manifest la relació entre les facies i potencies de les diferents formacions i les principals estructures de compressió que es desenvolupen en els Catalinids. La diferencia entre I'estil de les estructures dels diferents sectors (presencia o absencia de terrenys paleozoics, autoctonia o «decollement» de la serie mesozoica, intensitat del plegament i fracturació, etc.) és notoria. Durant el Neogen tingué lloc una distensió generalitzada, que en els Catalànids aprofita, principalment, les falles longitudinals, en general antigues falles desenvolupades durant les etapes preorogenica i compressiva. Els Catalànids són el resultat dc la tectonització de la prolongació nororiental de la plataforma prebètica, entre el massís de I'Ebre i el llindar balear, a I'interior de la placa Iberica, entre els marges actius del pirineu i les serralades Betiques. El sector intern correspondria a una fosa local a I'interior de I'esmentada plataforma, mentre que el sector extern seria el marge suroriental del massis de 1'Ebre.Peer reviewe

    Continental sedimentary response to acidity during the Early Triassic (Smithian-Spathian) in the Westernmost Peri-Tethys

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    Trabajo presentado en la European Geosciences Union General Assembly, celebrada en Viena (Austria), del 8 al 13 de abril de 2018The Early Triassic was a time of extremely high temperatures, carbon cycle perturbations and widespread ocean anoxia. The continental sedimentary record of the westernmost Peri-Tethys realm, including E Iberia, Minorca and Sardinia Islands, offers a superb opportunity to examine the continental sedimentary response to the extreme conditions of the crisis interval at the Smithian-Spathian (S-S) transition. We here examine the Cañizar and Eslida formations and their lateral time-equivalent units in eight sections of the study area. These contain a wide range of facies mainly indicating alluvial, but also aeolian environments, and mostly including conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones. No signs of biotic activity such as palaeosols, flora, fauna and bioturbation were detected at the S-S transition. Despite the presence of redox proxies (pyrite framboids) and apparent high temperatures (widespread belt of aeolian facies), we attribute acidification processes a main role in severely restricting biotic activity in the study area from the late Smithian to late Spathian, before a transition to more oxygenated facies that record an oxic rebound through the presence of tetrapods, insects, plants, bioturbation and palaeosols. Acidity was addressed by analyzing aluminium phosphate-sulphate (APS) minerals, and taking the concentrations of these minerals to reflect the intensity and duration of environmental acidification. This was done by developing a method to quantify APS concentrations in siliciclastic rocks based on electron microprobe techniques. This method emerged as a useful approach to understanding the S-S crisis interval in continental records.Peer reviewe

    Surgery and outcome of infective endocarditis in octogenarians: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry

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    Purpose: High mortality and a limited performance of valvular surgery are typical features of infective endocarditis (IE) in octogenarians, even though surgical treatment is a major determinant of a successful outcome in IE. Methods: Data from the prospective multicentre ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry were used to assess the prognostic role of valvular surgery depending on age. Results: As compared to < 80 yo patients, ≥ 80 yo had lower rates of theoretical indication for valvular surgery (49.1% vs. 60.3%, p < 0.001), of surgery performed (37.0% vs. 75.5%, p < 0.001), and a higher in-hospital (25.9% vs. 15.8%, p < 0.001) and 1-year mortality (41.3% vs. 22.2%, p < 0.001). By multivariable analysis, age per se was not predictive of 1-year mortality, but lack of surgical procedures when indicated was strongly predictive (HR 2.98 [2.43–3.66]). By propensity analysis, 304 ≥ 80 yo were matched to 608 < 80 yo patients. Propensity analysis confirmed the lower rate of indication for valvular surgery (51.3% vs. 57.2%, p = 0.031) and of surgery performed (35.3% vs. 68.4%, p < 0.0001) in ≥ 80 yo. Overall mortality remained higher in ≥ 80 yo (in-hospital: HR 1.50[1.06–2.13], p = 0.0210; 1-yr: HR 1.58[1.21–2.05], p = 0.0006), but was not different from that of < 80 yo among those who had surgery (in-hospital: 19.7% vs. 20.0%, p = 0.4236; 1-year: 27.3% vs. 25.5%, p = 0.7176). Conclusion: Although mortality rates are consistently higher in ≥ 80 yo patients than in < 80 yo patients in the general population, mortality of surgery in ≥ 80 yo is similar to < 80 yo after matching patients. These results confirm the importance of a better recognition of surgical indication and of an increased performance of surgery in ≥ 80 yo patients

    Correction to: Surgery and outcome of infective endocarditis in octogenarians: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry (Infection, (2022), 50, 5, (1191-1202), 10.1007/s15010-022-01792-0)

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    In this article the “EURO-ENDO Investigators group” member U. Y. Sinan was incorrectly written as U.S. Yasar. The original article has been corrected

    Surgery and outcome of infective endocarditis in octogenarians: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry

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    none912Purpose: High mortality and a limited performance of valvular surgery are typical features of infective endocarditis (IE) in octogenarians, even though surgical treatment is a major determinant of a successful outcome in IE. Methods: Data from the prospective multicentre ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry were used to assess the prognostic role of valvular surgery depending on age. Results: As compared to < 80 yo patients, ≥ 80 yo had lower rates of theoretical indication for valvular surgery (49.1% vs. 60.3%, p < 0.001), of surgery performed (37.0% vs. 75.5%, p < 0.001), and a higher in-hospital (25.9% vs. 15.8%, p < 0.001) and 1-year mortality (41.3% vs. 22.2%, p < 0.001). By multivariable analysis, age per se was not predictive of 1-year mortality, but lack of surgical procedures when indicated was strongly predictive (HR 2.98 [2.43-3.66]). By propensity analysis, 304 ≥ 80 yo were matched to 608 < 80 yo patients. Propensity analysis confirmed the lower rate of indication for valvular surgery (51.3% vs. 57.2%, p = 0.031) and of surgery performed (35.3% vs. 68.4%, p < 0.0001) in ≥ 80 yo. Overall mortality remained higher in ≥ 80 yo (in-hospital: HR 1.50[1.06-2.13], p = 0.0210; 1-yr: HR 1.58[1.21-2.05], p = 0.0006), but was not different from that of < 80 yo among those who had surgery (in-hospital: 19.7% vs. 20.0%, p = 0.4236; 1-year: 27.3% vs. 25.5%, p = 0.7176). Conclusion: Although mortality rates are consistently higher in ≥ 80 yo patients than in < 80 yo patients in the general population, mortality of surgery in ≥ 80 yo is similar to < 80 yo after matching patients. These results confirm the importance of a better recognition of surgical indication and of an increased performance of surgery in ≥ 80 yo patients.nonePazdernik, Michal; Iung, Bernard; Mutlu, Bulent; Alla, François; Riezebos, Robert; Kong, William; Nunes, Maria Carmo Pereira; Pierard, Luc; Srdanovic, Ilija; Yamada, Hirotsugu; De Martino, Andrea; Miglioranza, Marcelo Haertel; Magne, Julien; Piper, Cornelia; Laroche, Cécile; Maggioni, Aldo P; Lancellotti, Patrizio; Habib, Gilbert; Selton-Suty, Christine, EURO-ENDO Investigators group: R Ronderos, G Avegliano, P Fernandez Oses, E Filipini, I Granada, A Iribarren, M Mahia, F Nacinovich, S Ressi, R Obregon, M Bangher, J Dho, L Cartasegna, M L Plastino, V Novas, C Shigel, G Reyes, M De Santos, N Gastaldello, M Granillo Fernandez, M Potito, G Streitenberger, P Velazco, J H Casabé, C Cortes, E Guevara, F Salmo, M Seijo, F Weidinger, M Heger, R Brooks, C Stöllberger, C-Y Ho, L Perschy, L Puskas, G Goliasch, C Binder, R Rosenhek, M Schneider, M-P Winter, E Hoffer, M Melissopoulou, E Lecoq, D Legrand, S Jacquet, M Massoz, P Lancellotti, L Pierard, R Dulgheru, S Marchetta, C D Emal, C Oury, B Cosyns, S Droogmans, D Kerkhove, A Motoc, D Plein, B Roosens, L Soens, C Weytjens, I Lemoine, I Rodrigus, B Paelinck, B Amsel, P Unger, D Konopnicki, C Beauloye, A Pasquet, S Pierard, D Vancraeynest, J L Vanoverschelde, F Sinnaeve, J L Andrade, A C Tude Rodrigues, K Staszko, R Dos Santos Monteiro, M H Miglioranza, D L Shuha, M Alcantara, V Cravo, L Fazzio, A Felix, M Iso, C Musa, A P Siciliano, F Villaca Filho, J Braga, A Rodrigues, R Silva, F Vilela, D Rodrigues, L Silva, S Morhy, C Fischer, R Silva, M Vieira, T Afonso, J Abreu, S N Falcao, V Moises, A Gouvea, G João, F Mancuso, C Silva, A C Souza, C S Abboud, R Bellio de Mattos Barretto, A Ramos, R Arnoni, J E Assef, D J Della Togna, D Le Bihan, L Miglioli, A P Romero Oliveira, R Tadeu Magro Kroll, D Cortez, C L Gelape, M D C Peirira Nunes, T C De Abreu Ferrari, K-L Chan, K Hay, V Le, M Page, F Poulin, C Sauve, K Serri, C Mercure, J Beaudoin, P Pibarot, I Sebag, L Rudski, G Ricafort, B Barsic, V Krajinovic, M Vargovic, J Separovic-Hanzevacki, D Lovric, V Reskovic-Luksic, J Vincelj, S Jaksic Jurinjak, V Yiannikourides, M Ioannides, C Kyriakou, C Pofaides, V Masoura, K Yiangou, J Pudich, A Linhart, M Siranec, J Marek, K Blechova, M Kamenik, M Pazdernik, R Pelouch, Z Coufal, M Mikulica, M Griva, E Jancova, M Mikulcova, M Taborsky, J Precek, M Jecmenova, J Latal, J Widimsky, T Butta, S Machacek, R Vancata, J Spinar, M Holicka, F Pow Chon Long, N Anzules, A Bajana Carpio, G Largacha, E Penaherrera, D Moreira, E Mahfouz, E Elsafty, A Soliman, Y Zayed, J Aboulenein, M Abdel-Hay, A Almaghraby, M Abdelnaby, M Ahmed, B Hammad, Y Saleh, H Zahran, O Elgebaly, A Saad, M Ali, A Zeid, R El Sharkawy, M Meshaal, A Al Kholy, R Doss, D Osama, H Rizk, A Elmogy, M Mishriky, P Assayag, S El Hatimi, Saint- E Botelho-Nevers, S Campisi, J-F Fuzellier, A Gagneux-Brunon, R Pierrard, C Tulane, M Detoc, T Mehalla, D Boutoille, O Al Habash, N Asseray-Madani, C Biron, J Brochard, J Caillon, C Cueff, T Le Tourneau, A S Lecompte, R Lecomte, M Lefebvre, M M Magali Michel, S Pattier, S Delarue, M Le Bras, J Orain, J-F Faucher, V Aboyans, A Beeharry, H Durox, M Lacoste, J Magne, D Mohty, A David, V Pradel, V Sierra, A Neykova, B Bettayeb, S Elkentaoui, B Tzvetkov, G Landry, C Strady, K Ainine, S Baumard, C Brasselet, C Tassigny, V Valente-Pires, M Lefranc, B Hoen, B Lefevre, E Curlier, C Callier, N Fourcade, Y Jobic, S Ansard, R Le Berre, P Le Roux, F Le Ven, M-C Pouliquen, G Prat, F Bouchart, A Savoure, C Alarcon, C Chapuzet, I Gueit, C Tribouilloy, Y Bohbot, F Peugnet, M Gun, B Iung, X Duval, X Lescure, E Ilic-Habensus, N Sadoul, C Selton-Suty, F Alla, E Chevalier, F Goehringer, O Huttin, R Garcia, V Le Marcis, P Tattevin, E Donal, E Flecher, M Revest, G Habib, S Hubert, J-P Casalta, F Gouriet, F Arregle, S Cammilleri, L Tessonnier, A Riberi, C Chirouze, K Bouiller, A-S Brunel, D Fournier, L Hustache-Mathieu, T Klopfenstein, J Moreau, P Lim, L Oliver, J Ternacle, A Moussafeur, P Chavanet, L Piroth, M Buisson, S Mahy, C Martins, A Salmon-Rousseau, S Gohier, C Piper, J Börgermann, D Guckel, D Horstkotte, B Brockmeier, E Winkelmann, A Hagendorff, D Grey, G Nickenig, R Schueler, C Öztürk, E Stöhr, C Hamm, T Walther, R Brandt, A-C Frühauf, C T Hartung, C Hellner, C Wild, M Becker, S Hamada, W Kaestner, K Stangl, F Knebel, G Baldenhofer, A Brecht, H Dreger, C Isner, F Pfafflin, M Stegemann, R Zahn, B Fraiture, C Kilkowski, A-K Karcher, S Klinger, H Tolksdorf, D Tousoulis, C Aggeli, G Sarri, S Sideris, E Venieri, G Athanassopoulos, D Tsiapras, I Armenis, A Koutsiari, G Floros, C Grassos, S Dragasis, L Rallidis, C Varlamos, L Michalis, K Naka, A Bechlioulis, A Kotsia, L Lakkas, K Pappas, C Papadopoulos, S Kiokas, A Lioni, S Misailidou, J Barbetseas, M Bonou, C Kapelios, I Tomprou, K Zerva, A Manolis, E Hamodraka, D Athanasiou, G Haralambidis, L Poulimenos, H Samaras, A Nagy, A Bartykowszki, E Gara, S Sengupta, K Mungulmare, R Kasliwal, M Bansal, A Bhan, S Ranjan, M Kyavar, M Maleki, F Noohi Bezanjani, A Sadeghpour, A Alizadehasl, S Boudagh, A Ghavidel, P Moradnejad, H R Pasha, B Ghadrdoost, D Gilon, J Strahilevitz, S Israel, M Wanounou, C d'Agostino, P Colonna, L De Michele, F Fumarola, M Stante, N Marchionni, V Scheggi, B Alterini, S Del Pace, P Stefano, C Sparano, L P Badano, D Muraru, N Ruozi, R Tenaglia, U Limbruno, A Cresti, P Baratta, M Solari, C Giannattasio, A Moreo, B De Chiara, B Lopez Montero, F Musca, C A Orcese, F Panzeri, C F Russo, F Spano, O Alfieri, M De Bonis, E Agricola, E Busnardo, S Carletti, B Castiglioni, S Chiappetta, B Del Forno, D Ferrara, M Guffanti, G Iaci, E Lapenna, T Nisi, C Oltolini, U Pajoro, R Pasciuta, M Ripa, P Scarpellini, C Tassan Din, R Meneghin, D Schiavi, F Piscione, R Citro, R M Benvenga, L Greco, C Prota, I Radano, L Soriente, M Bellino, D Di Vece, F Santini, A Salsano, G M Olivieri, F Turrini, R Messora, S Tondi, A Olaru, V Agnoletto, L Grassi, C Leonardi, S Sansoni, S Del Ponte, G M Actis Dato, A De Martino, N Ohte, S Kikuchi, K Wakami, K Aonuma, Y Seo, T Ishizu, T Machino-Ohtsuka, M Yamamoto, N Iida, H Nakajima, Y Nakagawa, C Izumi, M Amano, M Miyake, K Takahashi, I Shiojima, Y Miyasaka, H Maeba, Y Suwa, N Taniguchi, S Tsujimoto, T Kitai, M Ota, S Yuda, S Sasaki, N Hagiwara, K Yamazaki, K Ashihara, K Arai, C Saitou, S Saitou, G Suzuki, Y Shibata, N Watanabe, S Nishino, K Ashikaga, N Kuriyama, K Mahara, K Abe, H Fujimaki, T Okubo, H Shitan, S Takanashi, M Terada, H Yamamoto, M Sata, H Yamada, K Kusunose, Y Saijo, H Seno, O Yuichiro, Y Sakata, H Mizuno, S Nakatani, T Onishi, K Sengoku, F Sera, S W Park, K Eun Kyoung, L Ga Yeon, J-W Hwang, C Jin-Oh, S-J Park, L Sang-Chol, C Sung-A, S Y Jang, D-H Kang, R Heo, S Lee, J-M Song, E Jung, J Plisiene, A Dambrauskaite, G Gruodyte, R Jonkaitiene, J Vaskelyte, V Mizariene, J Atkocaityte, R Zvirblyte, R Sow, A Codreanu, E C L De la Vega, C Michaux, T Staub, L Jacobs-Orazi, C Mallia Azzopardi, R G Xuereb, T Piscopo, D Borg, R Casha, J Farrugia, M Fenech, E Pllaha, C Vella, K Yamagata, L Grib, E Raevschi, A Grejdieru, G Balan, I Cardaniuc, L Cardaniuc, V Corcea, A Feodorovici, V Gaina, L Girbu, P Jimbei, D Kravcenco, E Panfile, E Prisacari, E Samohvalov, S Samohvalov, N Sceglova, I Benesco, V Marian, N Sumarga, M Mirocevic, B Bozovic, N Bulatovic, P Lakovic, L Music, J Roos-Hesselink, R Budde, T Gamela, A Wahadat, O Kamp, T Meijers, J P Van Melle, V M Deursen, H Crijns, S Bekkers, E Cheriex, M Gilbers, B Kietselaer, C Knackstedt, R Lorusso, S Schalla, S Streukens, S Chamuleau, M-J Cramer, A Teske, T Van der Spoel, A Wind, O Liesbek, J Lokhorst, H Van Heusden, W Tanis, I Van der Bilt, J Vriend, H De Lange-van Bruggen, E Karijodikoro, R Riezebos, E van Dongen, J Schoep, V Stolk, O Axler, F Baumann, S Lebras, T Edvardsen, J T Offstad, J O Beitnes, T Helle-Valle, H Skulstad, R Skardal, N Qamar, S Furnaz, B Ahmed, M H Butt, M F Khanzada, T Saghir, A Wahid, T Hryniewiecki, P Szymanski, K Marzec, M Misztal-Ogonowska, W Kosmala, M Przewlocka-Kosmala, A Rojek, K Woznicka, J Zachwyc, A Lisowska, M Kaminska, J Kasprzak, E Kowalczyk, D F Strzecka, P Wejner-Mik, M Trabulo, P Freitas, S Ranchordas, G Rodrigues, P Pinto, C Queiros, J Azevedo, L Marques, D Seabra, L Branco, J Abreu, M Cruz, A Galrinho, R Moreira, P Rio, A T Timoteo, M Selas, N M Cardim, V Carmelo, B Duque Neves, H Pereira, I Cruz, A Guerra, A Marques, I Pintassilgo, M C Tomescu, N-M Trofenciuc, M Andor, A Bordejevic, H S Branea, F Caruntu, L Cirin, I M Citu, C A Cotoraci, D Darabantiu, R Farcas, I Marincu, A Mavrea, M F Onel, T Parvanescu, D Pop, A L Pop-Moldovan, M I Puticiu, L A Velcean, A Ionac, D Cozma, C Mornos, F Goanta, I Popescu, R Beyer, R Mada, R Rancea, H Rosianu, R Tomoaia, C Stanescu, Z Kobalava, J Karaulova, E Kotova, A Milto, A Pisaryuk, N Povalyaev, M Sorokina, J Alrahimi, A Elshiekh, A Jamiel, A Ahmed, M Al-Mallah, N Attia, B Putnikovic, A Neskovic, A Dimic, B Ivanovic, S Matic, D Trifunovic, J Petrovic, D Kosevic, P Dabic, P Milojevic, I Petrovic, I Stojanovic, I Srdanovic, M Kovacevic, A Redzek, M Stefanovic, S Susak, L Velicki, A Vulin, T C Yeo, W K F Kong, K K Poh, I Vilacosta, M Abd El- Nasser, C Ferrera, C Olmos, F Calvo Iglesias, E Blanco-Gonzalez, M Bravo Amaro, A N Germinas, E Lopez-Rodriguez, J Lugo Adan, P Pazos-Lopez, M Pereira Loureiro, M T Perez, S Raposeiras-Roubin, S Rasheed Yas, M-M Suarez-Varela, F Vasallo Vidal, D Garcia-Dorado, A Sambola, N Fernandez-Hidalgo, T Gonzalez-Alujas, J Lozano, O Maisterra, N Pizzi, R Rios, P Tornos, A Bayes-Genis, L Pedro Botet, N Vallejo, E Berastegui, C Llibre, L Mateu, R Nunez, D Quesada, D Bosch Portell, J Aboal Vinas, X Albert Bertran, R Brugada Tarradellas, P Loma-Osorio Ricon, C Tiron de Llano, M A Arnau, A Bel, M Blanes, A Osa, M Anguita, F Carrasco, J Castillo, J L Zamorano, J L Moya Mur, M Alvaro, C Fernandez-Golfin, J M Monteagudo, E Navas Elorza, M C Farinas Alvarez, J Aguero Balbin, C Arminanzas, F Arnaiz de Las Revillas, A Arnaiz Garcia, M Cobo Belaustegui, M Fernandez Sampedro, M Gutierrez Cuadra, J F Gutierrez-Diez, J Zarauza, L Garcia Cuello, C Gonzalez Rico, R Rodriguez-Alvarez, J Goikoetxea, M Montejo, J Miro, M Almela, J Ambrosioni, C Falces, D Fuster, C Garcia-de-la-Maria, M Hernandez-Meneses, J Llopis, F Marco, A Moreno, E Quintana, E Sandoval, A Tellez, J M Tolosana, B Vidal, I Ruiz-Zamora, A Bardaji Ruiz, E Sanz Girgas, G Garcia-Pardo, M Guillen Marzo, A Rodriguez Oviedo, A Villares Jimenez, L Abid, R Hammami, S Kammoun, M S Mourali, F Mghaieth Zghal, M Ben Hlima, S Boudiche, S Ouali, L Zakhama, S Antit, I Slama, O Gulel, M Sahin, L E Sade, E Karacaglar, S Kucukoglu, O Cetinarslan, U S Yasar, U Canpolat, B Mutlu, H Atas, R Dervishova, C Ileri, H Zaky, J Alhashmi, F Baslib, J Tahir, P Zarger, S Woldman, L Menezes, C Primus, R Uppal, I Bvekerwa, B Chandrasekaran, A Kopanska, B Prendergast, S Cannata, J Chambers, J Hancock, J Klein, R Rajani, M P Ursi, R Dworakowski, A Fife, J Breeze, M Browne-Morgan, M Gunning, S Streather, F Asch, M Zemedkun, B Alyavi, J UzokovMichal, Pazdernik; Bernard, Iung; Bulent, Mutlu; François, Alla; Robert, Riezebos; William, Kong; Maria Carmo Pereira, Nunes; Luc, Pierard; Ilija, Srdanovic; Hirotsugu, Yamada; Andrea, De Martino; Marcelo Haertel, Miglioranza; Julien, Magne; Cornelia, Piper; Cécile, Laroche; Aldo P, Maggioni; Patrizio, Lancellotti; Gilbert, Habib; Christine, Selton-Suty; R Ronderos, EURO-ENDO Investigators group:; Avegliano, G; Fernandez Oses, P; Filipini, E; Granada, I; Iribarren, A; Mahia, M; Nacinovich, F; Ressi, S; Obregon, R; Bangher, M; Dho, J; Cartasegna, L; L Plastino, M; Novas, V; Shigel, C; Reyes, G; De Santos, M; Gastaldello, N; Granillo Fernandez, M; Potito, M; Streitenberger, G; Velazco, P; H Casabé, J; Cortes, C; Guevara, E; Salmo, F; Seijo, M; Weidinger, F; Heger, M; Brooks, R; Stöllberger, C; Ho, C-Y; Perschy, L; Puskas, L; Goliasch, G; Binder, C; Rosenhek, R; Schneider, M; Winter, M-P; Hoffer, E; Melissopoulou, M; Lecoq, E; Legrand, D; Jacquet, S; Massoz, M; Lancellotti, P; Pierard, L; Dulgheru, R; Marchetta, S; D Emal, C; Oury, C; Cosyns, B; Droogmans, S; Kerkhove, D; Motoc, A; Plein, D; Roosens, B; Soens, L; Weytjens, C; Lemoine, I; Rodrigus, I; Paelinck, B; Amsel, B; Unger, P; Konopnicki, D; Beauloye, C; Pasquet, A; Pierard, S; Vancraeynest, D; L Vanoverschelde, J; Sinnaeve, F; L Andrade, J; C Tude Rodrigues, A; Staszko, K; Dos Santos Monteiro, R; H Miglioranza, M; L Shuha, D; Alcantara, M; Cravo, V; Fazzio, L; Felix, A; Iso, M; Musa, C; P Siciliano, A; Villaca Filho, F; Braga, J; Rodrigues, A; Silva, R; Vilela, F; Rodrigues, D; Silva, L; Morhy, S; Fischer, C; Silva, R; Vieira, M; Afonso, T; Abreu, J; N Falcao, S; Moises, V; Gouvea, A; João, G; Mancuso, F; Silva, C; C Souza, A; S Abboud, C; Bellio de Mattos Barretto, R; Ramos, A; Arnoni, R; E Assef, J; J Della Togna, D; Le Bihan, D; Miglioli, L; P Romero Oliveira, A; Tadeu Magro Kroll, R; Cortez, D; L Gelape, C; C Peirira Nunes, M D; C De Abreu Ferrari, T; Chan, K-L; Hay, K; Le, V; Page, M; Poulin, F; Sauve, C; Serri, K; Mercure, C; Beaudoin, J; Pibarot, P; Sebag, I; Rudski, L; Ricafort, G; Barsic, B; Krajinovic, V; Vargovic, M; Separovic-Hanzevacki, J; Lovric, D; Reskovic-Luksic, V; Vincelj, J; Jaksic Jurinjak, S; Yiannikourides, V; Ioannides, M; Kyriakou, C; Pofaides, C; Masoura, V; Yiangou, K; Pudich, J; Linhart, A; Siranec, M; Marek, J; Blechova, K; Kamenik, M; Pazdernik, M; Pelouch, R; Coufal, Z; Mikulica, M; Griva, M; Jancova, E; Mikulcova, M; Taborsky, M; Precek, J; Jecmenova, M; Latal, J; Widimsky, J; Butta, T; Machacek, S; Vancata, R; Spinar, J; Holicka, M; Pow Chon Long, F; Anzules, N; Bajana Carpio, A; Largacha, G; Penaherrera, E; Moreira, D; Mahfouz, E; Elsafty, E; Soliman, A; Zayed, Y; Aboulenein, J; Abdel-Hay, M; Almaghraby, A; Abdelnaby, M; Ahmed, M; Hammad, B; Saleh, Y; Zahran, H; Elgebaly, O; Saad, A; Ali, M; Zeid, A; El Sharkawy, R; Meshaal, M; Al Kholy, A; Doss, R; Osama, D; Rizk, H; Elmogy, A; Mishriky, M; Assayag, P; El Hatimi, S; E Botelho-Nevers, Saint-; Campisi, S; Fuzellier, J-F; Gagneux-Brunon, A; Pierrard, R; Tulane, C; Detoc, M; Mehalla, T; Boutoille, D; Al Habash, O; Asseray-Madani, N; Biron, C; Brochard, J; Caillon, J; Cueff, C; Le Tourneau, T; S Lecompte, A; Lecomte, R; Lefebvre, M; M Magali Michel, M; Pattier, S; Delarue, S; Le Bras, M; Orain, J; Faucher, J-F; Aboyans, V; Beeharry, A; Durox, H; Lacoste, M; Magne, J; Mohty, D; David, A; Pradel, V; Sierra, V; Neykova, A; Bettayeb, B; Elkentaoui, S; Tzvetkov, B; Landry, G; Strady, C; Ainine, K; Baumard, S; Brasselet, C; Tassigny, C; Valente-Pires, V; Lefranc, M; Hoen, B; Lefevre, B; Curlier, E; Callier, C; Fourcade, N; Jobic, Y; Ansard, S; Le Berre, R; Le Roux, P; Le Ven, F; Pouliquen, M-C; Prat, G; Bouchart, F; Savoure, A; Alarcon, C; Chapuzet, C; Gueit, I; Tribouilloy, C; Bohbot, Y; Peugnet, F; Gun, M; Iung, B; Duval, X; Lescure, X; Ilic-Habensus, E; Sadoul, N; Selton-Suty, C; Alla, F; Chevalier, E; Goehringer, F; Huttin, O; Garcia, R; Le Marcis, V; Tattevin, P; Donal, E; Flecher, E; Revest, M; Habib, G; Hubert, S; Casalta, J-P; Gouriet, F; Arregle, F; Cammilleri, S; Tessonnier, L; Riberi, A; Chirouze, C; Bouiller, K; Brunel, A-S; Fournier, D; Hustache-Mathieu, L; Klopfenstein, T; Moreau, J; Lim, P; Oliver, L; Ternacle, J; Moussafeur, A; Chavanet, P; Piroth, L; Buisson, M; Mahy, S; Martins, C; Salmon-Rousseau, A; Gohier, S; Piper, C; Börgermann, J; Guckel, D; Horstkotte, D; Brockmeier, B; Winkelmann, E; Hagendorff, A; Grey, D; Nickenig, G; Schueler, R; Öztürk, C; Stöhr, E; Hamm, C; Walther, T; Brandt, R; Frühauf, A-C; T Hartung, C; Hellner, C; Wild, C; Becker, M; Hamada, S; Kaestner, W; Stangl, K; Knebel, F; Baldenhofer, G; Brecht, A; Dreger, H; Isner, C; Pfafflin, F; Stegemann, M; Zahn, R; Fraiture, B; Kilkowski, C; Karcher, A-K; Klinger, S; Tolksdorf, H; Tousoulis, D; Aggeli, C; Sarri, G; Sideris, S; Venieri, E; Athanassopoulos, G; Tsiapras, D; Armenis, I; Koutsiari, A; Floros, G; Grassos, C; Dragasis, S; Rallidis, L; Varlamos, C; Michalis, L; Naka, K; Bechlioulis, A; Kotsia, A; Lakkas, L; Pappas, K; Papadopoulos, C; Kiokas, S; Lioni, A; Misailidou, S; Barbetseas, J; Bonou, M; Kapelios, C; Tomprou, I; Zerva, K; Manolis, A; Hamodraka, E; Athanasiou, D; Haralambidis, G; Poulimenos, L; Samaras, H; Nagy, A; Bartykowszki, A; Gara, E; Sengupta, S; Mungulmare, K; Kasliwal, R; Bansal, M; Bhan, A; Ranjan, S; Kyavar, M; Maleki, M; Noohi Bezanjani, F; Sadeghpour, A; Alizadehasl, A; Boudagh, S; Ghavidel, A; Moradnejad, P; R Pasha, H; Ghadrdoost, B; Gilon, D; Strahilevitz, J; Israel, S; Wanounou, M; D'Agostino, C; Colonna, P; De Michele, L; Fumarola, F; Stante, M; Marchionni, N; Scheggi, V; Alterini, B; Del Pace, S; Stefano, P; Sparano, C; P Badano, L; Muraru, D; Ruozi, N; Tenaglia, R; Limbruno, U; Cresti, A; Baratta, P; Solari, M; Giannattasio, C; Moreo, A; De Chiara, B; Lopez Montero, B; Musca, F; A Orcese, C; Panzeri, F; F Russo, C; Spano, F; Alfieri, O; De Bonis, M; Agricola, E; Busnardo, E; Carletti, S; Castiglioni, B; Chiappetta, S; Del Forno, B; Ferrara, D; Guffanti, M; Iaci, G; Lapenna, E; Nisi, T; Oltolini, C; Pajoro, U; Pasciuta, R; Ripa, M; Scarpellini, P; Tassan Din, C; Meneghin, R; Schiavi, D; Piscione, F; Citro, R; M Benvenga, R; Greco, L; Prota, C; Radano, I; Soriente, L; Bellino, M; Di Vece, D; Santini, F; Salsano, A; M Olivieri, G; Turrini, F; Messora, R; Tondi, S; Olaru, A; Agnoletto, V; Grassi, L; Leonardi, C; Sansoni, S; Del Ponte, S; M Actis Dato, G; De Martino, A; Ohte, N; Kikuchi, S; Wakami, K; Aonuma, K; Seo, Y; Ishizu, T; Machino-Ohtsuka, T; Yamamoto, M; Iida, N; Nakajima, H; Nakagawa, Y; Izumi, C; Amano, M; Miyake, M; Takahashi, K; Shiojima, I; Miyasaka, Y; Maeba, H; Suwa, Y; Taniguchi, N; Tsujimoto, S; Kitai, T; Ota, M; Yuda, S; Sasaki, S; Hagiwara, N; Yamazaki, K; Ashihara, K; Arai, K; Saitou, C; Saitou, S; Suzuki, G; Shibata, Y; Watanabe, N; Nishino, S; Ashikaga, K; Kuriyama, N; Mahara, K; Abe, K; Fujimaki, H; Okubo, T; Shitan, H; Takanashi, S; Terada, M; Yamamoto, H; Sata, M; Yamada, H; Kusunose, K; Saijo, Y; Seno, H; Yuichiro, O; Sakata, Y; Mizuno, H; Nakatani, S; Onishi, T; Sengoku, K; Sera, F; W Park, S; Eun Kyoung, K; Ga Yeon, L; Hwang, J-W; Jin-Oh, C; Park, S-J; Sang-Chol, L; Sung-A, C; Y Jang, S; Kang, D-H; Heo, R; Lee, S; Song, J-M; Jung, E; Plisiene, J; Dambrauskaite, A; Gruodyte, G; Jonkaitiene, R; Vaskelyte, J; Mizariene, V; Atkocaityte, J; Zvirblyte, R; Sow, R; Codreanu, A; L De la Vega, E C; Michaux, C; Staub, T; Jacobs-Orazi, L; Mallia Azzopardi, C; G Xuereb, R; Piscopo, T; Borg, D; Casha, R; Farrugia, J; Fenech, M; Pllaha, E; Vella, C; Yamagata, K; Grib, L; Raevschi, E; Grejdieru, A; Balan, G; Cardaniuc, I; Cardaniuc, L; Corcea, V; Feodorovici, A; Gaina, V; Girbu, L; Jimbei, P; Kravcenco, D; Panfile, E; Prisacari, E; Samohvalov, E; Samohvalov, S; Sceglova, N; Benesco, I; Marian, V; Sumarga, N; Mirocevic, M; Bozovic, B; Bulatovic, N; Lakovic, P; Music, L; Roos-Hesselink, J; Budde, R; Gamela, T; Wahadat, A; Kamp, O; Meijers, T; P Van Melle, J; M Deursen, V; Crijns, H; Bekkers, S; Cheriex, E; Gilbers, M; Kietselaer, B; Knackstedt, C; Lorusso, R; Schalla, S; Streukens, S; Chamuleau, S; Cramer, M-J; Teske, A; Van der Spoel, T; Wind, A; Liesbek, O; Lokhorst, J; Van Heusden, H; Tanis, W; Van der Bilt, I; Vriend, J; De Lange-van Bruggen, H; Karijodikoro, E; Riezebos, R; van Dongen, E; Schoep, J; Stolk, V; Axler, O; Baumann, F; Lebras, S; Edvardsen, T; T Offstad, J; O Beitnes, J; Helle-Valle, T; Skulstad, H; Skardal, R; Qamar, N; Furnaz, S; Ahmed, B; H Butt, M; F Khanzada, M; Saghir, T; Wahid, A; Hryniewiecki, T; Szymanski, P; Marzec, K; Misztal-Ogonowska, M; Kosmala, W; Przewlocka-Kosmala, M; Rojek, A; Woznicka, K; Zachwyc, J; Lisowska, A; Kaminska, M; Kasprzak, J; Kowalczyk, E; F Strzecka, D; Wejner-Mik, P; Trabulo, M; Freitas, P; Ranchordas, S; Rodrigues, G; Pinto, P; Queiros, C; Azevedo, J; Marques, L; Seabra, D; Branco, L; Abreu, J; Cruz, M; Galrinho, A; Moreira, R; Rio, P; T Timoteo, A; Selas, M; M Cardim, N; Carmelo, V; Duque Neves, B; Pereira, H; Cruz, I; Guerra, A; Marques, A; Pintassilg