81 research outputs found

    World Aquaculture: Environmental Impacts and Troubleshooting Alternatives

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    Aquaculture has been considered as an option to cope with the world food demand. However, criticisms have arisen around aquaculture, most of them related to the destruction of ecosystems such as mangrove forest to construct aquaculture farms, as well as the environmental impacts of the effluents on the receiving ecosystems. The inherent benefits of aquaculture such as massive food production and economical profits have led the scientific community to seek for diverse strategies to minimize the negative impacts, rather than just prohibiting the activity. Aquaculture is a possible panacea, but at present is also responsible for diverse problems related with the environmental health; however the new strategies proposed during the last decade have proven that it is possible to achieve a sustainable aquaculture, but such strategies should be supported and proclaimed by the different federal environmental agencies from all countries. Additionally there is an urgent need to improve legislation and regulation for aquaculture. Only under such scenario, aquaculture will be a sustainable practice

    Evaluating the effects of catch-and-release angling on Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi in a South African estuary

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    Fisheries managers are increasingly promoting catch and release (C&R) as a means to manage recreational fish stocks. Several commonly used output regulations, including bag and size limits, require the mandatory release of captured fishes by anglers. In addition to mandatory C&R, conservation-conscious anglers have adopted voluntary C&R behaviour as a result of the noticeable declines in the populations of many fishery species and this behaviour is becoming increasingly popular among recreational anglers (Cooke et al. 2013a). The combination of mandatory and voluntary C&R behaviour is substantial, as Raby et al. (2014) estimated that 60% of fish captured in global recreational fisheries are released. In South Africa, Cowley et al. (2013) found that a large proportion (mean 74% [SD 7.3]) of the five most-dominant fishery species captured in the Sundays Estuary recreational fishery were released

    Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Anthropocene Series: Where and how to look for potential candidates

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    Where are the Penaeids crustins?

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    Crustins are antimicrobial peptides and members of the four-disulfide core (4-DSC) domain-containing proteins superfamily. To date, crustins have only been reported in crustaceans and possess a structural signature characterized by a single 4-DSC domain and one cysteine-rich region. The high-throughput sequencing technologies have produced vastly valuable genomic information that sometimes dilutes information about previously sequenced molecules. This study aimed (1) to corroborate the loss of valuable descriptive information regarding crustin identification when high throughput sequencing carries out automatic annotation processes and (2) to detect possible crustin sequences reported in Penaeids to attempt a list considering structural similarities, which allows the establishment of phylogenetic relationships based on molecular characteristics. All crustins sequences reported in Penaeids and registered in the databases were obtained. The first list was made with the proteins reported as crustin or carcinin, excluding those that did not meet the structural characteristics. Subsequently, using local alignments, sequences were sought with high similarity even if they had been reported with a different name of crustin but with a probability of being crustin. This broader list, including proteins with high structural similarity, can help establish phylogenetic relationships of shrimp genes and the evolutionary trajectory of this antimicrobial distributed exclusively among crustaceans. Results revealed that in most sequences obtained by Sanger or transcriptomics, which met the structural criteria, the identification was correctly established as crustin. Contrarily, the sequences corresponding to crustins obtained by whole genome sequencing projects were incorrectly classified or not characterized, being momentarily “buried” in the information generated. In addition, the sequences that complied with the criteria of crustin tended to be grouped into species separated by geographical regions; for example, the crustins of the inhabitant shrimp of the American coasts differ from those corresponding to the natives of the Asian coasts. Finally, the results suggest the convenience of annotations considering the previous but correct information, even if such information was generated with previous technologies