52 research outputs found

    Collectivization of agriculture in the region of Rakovník district called the Balkans.

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    Bakalářská práce s názvem Kolektivizace zemědělství na Rakovnickém Balkánu se zabývá tématem kolektivizace v obcích jihovýchodní části rakovnického okresu, která se nazývá Balkán. V práci je sledováno hlavně období mezi lety 1949 až 1960. První část je věnována stručnému popisu průběhu kolektivizace v Československu, poválečnému uspořádání státu a vývoji zemědělské politiky. Práce také sleduje vývoj zemědělské otázky v Komunistické straně Československa, která byla hlavní politickou silou v zemi. Druhá část práce stručně přibližuje region Rakovnického Balkánu, v němž se nacházejí vybrané obce pro sledování konkrétního průběhu kolektivizace. Dále se druhá kapitola věnuje vzniku Jednotných zemědělských družstev v jednotlivých obcích, jejich vývoji od začátku až po jejich slučování v 60. letech minulého století. V práci je zaznamenána agitační činnost národních výborů a dalších skupin v přesvědčování ke vstupu do JZD. Rovněž je v práci zaznamenáno zacházení s tzv. kulaky, nucené vystěhování, trestní stíhání, represe vůči odpůrcům kolektivizace a reakce obyvatelstva od dobrovolného vstupu do JZD, až po odmítnutí vstupu do družstva. V přílohách k bakalářské práci jsou přiloženy tabulky a dobové fotografie. Práce byla vypracována na základě studia literatury věnující se otázce kolektivizace v...Bachelor thesis, titled The collectivization of agriculture in the region of Rakovník district called the Balkans, deals with the theme of collectivization in the villages southeast of Rakovnik district, which is called the Balkans. Period between 1949 and 1960 is mainly observed in the work. The first part is devoted to a brief description of the course of collectivization in Czechoslovakia, postwar organization of the state and development of agricultural policy. The work also follows the development of the agricultural issues in the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, which was a major political force in the country. The second part outlines the region called the Balkans. Where selected municipalities for monitoring of the specific course of the collectivization are located. The second chapter deals with the establishment of uniform agricultural cooperatives in individual municipalities, their development from the beginning to the merging of the 60s of last century. Agitational pursuit of national committees and other groups in persuading to join the collective farm is recorded in the work. There is also mentioned dealing with the so-called kulaks - forced evictions, criminal prosecution, repression against opponents of collectivization and the reactions of the population from the voluntary entry...Department of Russian and East European StudiesKatedra ruských a východoevropských studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Renovation of Computer Network for Eltes Ltd.

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na počítačové sítě, konkrétně na rekonstrukci počítačové sítě pro firmu Eltes s.r.o. Obsahem práce je zanalyzovat současný stav jak budovy, tak i dosavadního řešení počítačové sítě v této firmě. Dále pak popsat teoretická východiska, která budu potřebovat při návrhu řešení. Při vytváření návrhu je brán zřetel na možnosti budovy a hlavně na požadavky zadavatele. Součástí pak bude seznam použitých prvků sítě a kalkulace nákladů.This bachelor`s thesis is aimed on computer networking, directly on renovation of network for company Eltes ltd. The content of this thesis is to analyze current situation of building and computer network, describe theoretic background which I need to design a solution. When making design of solution I take into account the building possibilities and client requirements. One of components in my work is list of used elements of network and calculation of costs.

    Example of low information capability of projected parameters for lifetime extension of high pressure vessels

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    Zobecnění informací, získaných na jednom kotli pro kotle dalších bloků elektráren, postavených ve stejné době a zhruba i stejně provozovaných je obecně používaný postup. Uvedený příspěvek ukazuje, že ne vždy je možné tento postup použít.Generalized procedure for boilers and high pressure vessel lifetime assessment is usage of creep data and roughly the same operation time between boilers. This paper present results that this procedure is not always possible to use

    Saturation of the anomalous Hall effect at high magnetic fields in altermagnetic RuO2

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    Observations of the anomalous Hall effect in RuO2_2 and MnTe have demonstrated unconventional time-reversal symmetry breaking in the electronic structure of a recently identified new class of compensated collinear magnets, dubbed altermagnets. While in MnTe the unconventional anomalous Hall signal accompanied by a vanishing magnetization is observable at remanence, the anomalous Hall effect in RuO2_2 is excluded by symmetry for the N\'eel vector pointing along the zero-field [001] easy-axis. Guided by a symmetry analysis and ab initio calculations, a field-induced reorientation of the N\'eel vector from the easy-axis towards the [110] hard-axis was used to demonstrate the anomalous Hall signal in this altermagnet. We confirm the existence of an anomalous Hall effect in our RuO2_2 thin-film samples whose set of magnetic and magneto-transport characteristics is consistent with the earlier report. By performing our measurements at extreme magnetic fields up to 68 T, we reach saturation of the anomalous Hall signal at a field HcH_{\rm c} \simeq 55 T that was inaccessible in earlier studies, but is consistent with the expected N\'eel-vector reorientation field.Comment: 4 figure

    Anticancer Activities of Thymus vulgaris L. in Experimental Breast Carcinoma In Vivo and In Vitro

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    Naturally-occurring mixtures of phytochemicals present in plant foods are proposed to possess tumor-suppressive activities. In this work, we aimed to evaluate the antitumor effects of Thymus vulgaris L. in in vivo and in vitro mammary carcinoma models. Dried T. vulgaris (as haulm) was continuously administered at two concentrations of 0.1% and 1% in the diet in a chemically-induced rat mammary carcinomas model and a syngeneic 4T1 mouse model. After autopsy, histopathological and molecular analyses of rodent mammary carcinomas were performed. In addition, in vitro evaluations using MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells were carried out. In mice, T. vulgaris at both doses reduced the volume of 4T1 tumors by 85% (0.1%) and 84% (1%) compared to the control, respectively. Moreover, treated tumors showed a substantial decrease in necrosis/tumor area ratio and mitotic activity index. In the rat model, T. vulgaris (1%) decreased the tumor frequency by 53% compared to the control. Analysis of the mechanisms of anticancer action included well-described and validated diagnostic and prognostic markers that are used in both clinical approach and preclinical research. In this regard, the analyses of treated rat carcinoma cells showed a CD44 and ALDH1A1 expression decrease and Bax expression increase. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and VEGFR-2 expression were decreased in rat carcinomas in both the T. vulgaris treated groups. Regarding the evaluations of epigenetic changes in rat tumors, we found a decrease in the lysine methylation status of H3K4me3 in both treated groups (H3K9m3, H4K20m3, and H4K16ac were not changed); up-regulations of miR22, miR34a, and miR210 expressions (only at higher doses); and significant reductions in the methylation status of four gene promoters—ATM serin/threonine kinase, also known as the NPAT gene (ATM); Ras-association domain family 1, isoform A (RASSF1); phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN); and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 (TIMP3) (the paired-like homeodomain transcription factor (PITX2) promoter was not changed). In vitro study revealed the antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of essential oils of T. vulgaris in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells (analyses of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) (MTS); 5-bromo-20-deoxyuridine (BrdU); cell cycle; annexin V/PI; caspase-3/7; Bcl-2; PARP; and mitochondrial membrane potential). T. vulgaris L. demonstrated significant chemopreventive and therapeutic activities against experimental breast carcinoma

    Chirally motivated KˉN\bar{K}N amplitudes for in-medium applications

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    A new fit of a chirally motivated coupled-channels model for meson-baryon interactions is presented including the recent SIDDHARTA data on the 1s level characteristics of kaonic hydrogen. The kaon-nucleon amplitudes generated by the model are fully consistent with our earlier studies. We argue that a sharp increase of the real part of the in-medium KpK^{-}p amplitude at subthreshold energies provides a link between the shallow Kˉ\bar{K}-nuclear optical potentials obtained microscopically from threshold KˉN\bar{K}N interactions and the phenomenological deep ones deduced from kaonic atoms data. The impact on the AA-dependence of the Λ\Lambda-hypernuclear formation rates measured in reactions with stopped kaons is discussed too.Comment: 18 pages, updated to match the version accepted for publication in a special issue of Nuclear Physics A on Strangeness Nuclear Physic

    Direct observation of altermagnetic band splitting in CrSb thin films

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    Altermagnetism represents an emergent collinear magnetic phase with compensated order and an unconventional alternating even-parity wave spin order in the non-relativistic band structure. We investigate directly this unconventional band splitting near the Fermi energy through spinintegrated soft X-ray angular resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The experimentally obtained angle-dependent photoemission intensity, acquired from epitaxial thin films of the predicted altermagnet CrSb, demonstrates robust agreement with the corresponding band structure calculations. In particular, we observe the distinctive splitting of an electronic band on a low-symmetry path in the Brilliouin zone that connects two points featuring symmetry-induced degeneracy. The measured large magnitude of the spin splitting of approximately 0.6 eV and the position of the band just below the Fermi energy underscores the signifcance of altermagnets for spintronics based on robust broken time reversal symmetry responses arising from exchange energy scales, akin to ferromagnets, while remaining insensitive to external magnetic fields and possessing THz dynamics, akin to antiferromagnets.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures (including supplementary information

    Saturation of the anomalous Hall effect at high magnetic fields in altermagnetic RuO2

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    Observations of the anomalous Hall effect in RuO2 and MnTe have demonstrated unconventional time-reversal symmetry breaking in the electronic structure of a recently identified new class of compensated collinear magnets, dubbed altermagnets. While in MnTe, the unconventional anomalous Hall signal accompanied by a vanishing magnetization is observable at remanence, the anomalous Hall effect in RuO2 is excluded by symmetry for the Néel vector pointing along the zero-field [001] easy-axis. Guided by a symmetry analysis and ab initio calculations, a field-induced reorientation of the Néel vector from the easy-axis toward the [110] hard-axis was used to demonstrate the anomalous Hall signal in this altermagnet. We confirm the existence of an anomalous Hall effect in our RuO2 thin-film samples, whose set of magnetic and magneto-transport characteristics is consistent with the earlier report. By performing our measurements at extreme magnetic fields up to 68 T, we reach saturation of the anomalous Hall signal at a field Hc ≃ 55 T that was inaccessible in earlier studies but is consistent with the expected Néel-vector reorientation field