1,198 research outputs found

    Settings, current mass balance, and long-term evolution of ice rises in the Fimbul ice shelf, Western Dronning Maud Land

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    Ice rises, local ice caps on elevated ocean beds surrounded by ice shelves, impact the stability of the surrounding ice shelf and nearby outlet glaciers which, in turn, control the mass balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. In 2011, we started to investigate three ice rises in the vicinity of the Fimbul Ice Shelf, western Dronning Maud Land (DML), East Antarctica. Fimbul Ice Shelf is fed by Jutulstraumen outlet glacier that accounts for about 10% of the total outgoing mass from the DML sector of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. This mass flux is as large as that of Shirase and West Ragnhild Glaciers, two other most significant glaciers in DML. Our major findings include 1) low elevations of the ice-rise beds (100-350 m b.s.l.), 2) presence of englacial stacked upward arches in (Raymond Bumps) near the current ice-flow divides, 3) varying ice shelf thickness and surface velocity at the grounding zones on opposite sides of the ice rises, 4) orthographically influenced surface mass balance patterns, and 5) asymmetric surface flow speeds over the ice-flow divides. We use Results #4 and #5 to investigate recent (decadal) mass balance of the ice rises. Also, present-day thickness changes and ice rheology will be determined with repeated FM-CW radar measurements in the vicinity of the flow divides. These rheology estimates and Results #2, 3, 4, and 5 will be used to constrain thermo-mechanically coupled ice-flow models to examine timing of divide-flow onset, thinning/thickening rates (i.e. mass balance) of the ice rises and effects of changes of ice-shelf thicknesses at the end of the local flow fields on the ice-flow divide positions.第4回極域科学シンポジウム個別セッション:[OM] 気水圏11月15日(金) 統計数理研究所 3階セミナー室1(D305

    Timing rather than movement decisions explains age-related differences in wind support for a migratory bird

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    Migratory birds must make complex decisions to use wind to their advantage during flight and increasing flight performance is particularly important while crossing ecological barriers. Age-related differences in how birds deal with wind have suggested experience improves necessary skills in gaining positive wind support. However, differences in wind support between age groups over ecological barriers have rarely been tested, and our understanding of how birds acquire related skills is lacking. We compared wind support achieved by adult and subadult Caspian terns, Hydroprogne caspia, during southward and northward crossings of the Sahara Desert by quantifying air-to-groundspeed ratios (AGR). We also tested possible underlying causes of lower subadult wind support in comparison to adults by calculating optimal AGR altitudes and fitting step selection functions in response to wind direction and speed. We found no difference between age groups in autumn, when young were flying with adults, but subadults had lower wind support during their first solo northward crossings. Adults departed northwards from wintering areas earlier in the year and encountered more favourable wind conditions than subadults, yet both age groups made similar movement decisions in relation to wind. Consequently, differences in performance are better explained by timing of passage rather than movement skills. Our findings highlight the influence of wind seasonality over the Sahara on migratory behaviour and raise questions about the evolution and ontogeny of migratory timing in relation to wind patterns and other factors that may determine departure decisions.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/lice nses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    Fatty acid profiles of great tit (Parus major) eggs differ between urban and rural habitats, but not between coniferous and deciduous forests

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    Early-life nutrition is an important determinant of both short- and long-term performance and fitness. The avian embryo develops within an enclosed package of nutrients, of which fatty acids (FA) are essential for many aspects of development. The FA composition of yolk depends on maternal nutrition and condition prior to egg formation, which may be affected by the external environment. To test if maternal environment affects yolk FA composition, we investigated whether the FA composition of great tit (Parus major) egg yolks differed between urban and rural habitats, and between deciduous and coniferous habitats. The results reveal differences in FA composition between eggs laid in urban and rural habitats, but not between eggs from the coniferous and deciduous habitats. To a large extent, this difference likely reflects dietary differences associated with urban habitats rather than dominating vegetation type. Specifically, urban yolks contained lower proportions of both ω-3 and ω-6 polyunsaturated FAs (PUFA), which are important for chick development. We also found a positive association between the proportion of saturated fatty acids and laying date, and a negative association between the proportion of ω-6 PUFA and clutch size. Given that urbanization is expanding rapidly, future studies should investigate whether factors such as anthropogenic food in the urban environment underlie these differences and whether they impair chick development

    WIND-PVPA: Water/Ion NMR Detected PVPA to assess lipid barrier integrity in vitro through quantification of passive water- and ion transport

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    Water/Ion NMR Detected – Phospholipid Vesicle Permeability Assay (WIND-PVPA), is presented as a novel, straightforward and automatable method to assess lipid barrier integrity in vitro. The apparent permeability constants of water- and ions across the PVPA barriers are determined in a one-pot experiment under the influence of membrane-active guest molecules. NMR spectroscopy is used to quantify the water directly (D2O) and the ions indirectly (complexed with EDTA) as a function of time. WIND-PVPA is demonstrated using four anti-microbial peptides, to show that membrane active molecules can be differentiated by their disruptive influence on the PVPA system. The results obtained are compared with explicit molecular dynamics simulations of lipid bilayers, AMPs, water and salt, where the motions of all individual water molecules relative to the lipid bilayer are monitored over the course of the simulations, allowing the calculation of theoretical apparent permeability constants of the corresponding single bilayer systems. Proof-of-principle is presented that WIND-PVPA can be used to evaluate the lipid barrier destabilizing effect of active guest molecules by measuring changes in passive water- and ion permeabilities upon exposure. The method is highly flexible in terms of barrier composition, choice of probes and membrane active compounds

    Flagging greens: hydrobiid snails as substrata for the development of green algal mats (Enteromorpha spp.) on tidal flats of North Atlantic coasts

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    During the past 3 decades, dense mats of green algae (especially Enteromorpha spp.) have been recorded regularly from tidal flats worldwide. The development of green algal mats on tidal flats may be initiated by overwintering and regrowth of adult plants or by the formation and release of small propagules, i.e. vegetative fragments, zoospores and zygotes. On soft sediments, macroinvertebrates may constitute prime substrata for germination of algal spores. Hydrobud (mud-) snails are widespread along North Atlantic soft sediment shores and were identified previously as important substrata for Enteromorpha spp. germlings in 1 of our study areas. To test the generality of this phenomenon, we investigated the presence of Enteromorpha spp. gerrnlings attached to hydrobud snails from November 1995 to December 1996 on 6 tidal flats of North Atlantic coasts (Tralebergslule, Sweden; Konigshafen Bay, Germany; Mondego Estuary, Portugal; Ria Formosa, Portugal; Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada; Lowes Cove, Maine, USA). With 1 exception, hydrobiid snails were present in all areas studied, and intensive growth of Enteromorpha spp. occurred during summer. Throughout winter 1995/96, hardly any Enteromorpha spp. gerrnlings were found on snail shells, but over the following months germlings developed on up to 60% of the hydrobiid snails present. In 2 areas (Konigshafen, Germany; Lowes Cove, USA), germhng abundance on hydrobuds began to rise before the peak of green algal mat development. In Tralebergskile, Sweden, high mat abundance occurred simultaneous to and after increased germling abundance on Hydrobia ulvae. Densities of snails were very low, however, and hydrobuds appeared to be unimportant as substratum. No clear temporal pattern between high germling abundance on snails followed by mat development was found in the other 3 study areas (Ria Formosa, Portugal; Mondego Estuary, Portugal; Cole Harbour, Canada). In Lowes Cove, USA, gerrnlings and juveniles of Enteromorpha spp. first grew at the site with high Hydrobia abundance and were subsequently drifted to another site where they developed into full mats. We conclude that initiation of green algal mats by germination on Hydrobia spp. may be a general phenomenon, but that other modes of development also occur frequently. Pelagic dnft of overwintering thalli to new sites, followed by prolific growth, might be of similar or greater importance

    On the Selection of Tuning Methodology of FOPID Controllers for the Control of Higher Order Processes

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    In this paper, a comparative study is done on the time and frequency domain tuning strategies for fractional order (FO) PID controllers to handle higher order processes. A new fractional order template for reduced parameter modeling of stable minimum/non-minimum phase higher order processes is introduced and its advantage in frequency domain tuning of FOPID controllers is also presented. The time domain optimal tuning of FOPID controllers have also been carried out to handle these higher order processes by performing optimization with various integral performance indices. The paper highlights on the practical control system implementation issues like flexibility of online autotuning, reduced control signal and actuator size, capability of measurement noise filtration, load disturbance suppression, robustness against parameter uncertainties etc. in light of the above tuning methodologies.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Bacterial extracellular vesicles: towards realistic models for bacterial membranes in molecular interaction studies by surface plasmon resonance

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    One way to mitigate the ongoing antimicrobial resistance crisis is to discover and develop new classes of antibiotics. As all antibiotics at some point need to either cross or just interact with the bacterial membrane, there is a need for representative models of bacterial membranes and efficient methods to characterize the interactions with novel molecules -both to generate new knowledge and to screen compound libraries. Since the bacterial cell envelope is a complex assembly of lipids, lipopolysaccharides, membrane proteins and other components, constructing relevant synthetic liposome-based models of the membrane is both difficult and expensive. We here propose to let the bacteria do the hard work for us. Bacterial extracellular vesicles (bEVs) are naturally secreted by Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, playing a role in communication between bacteria, as virulence factors, molecular transport or being a part of the antimicrobial resistance mechanism. bEVs consist of the bacterial outer membrane and thus inherit many components and properties of the native outer cell envelope. In this work, we have isolated and characterized bEVs from one Escherichia coli mutant and three clinical strains of the ESKAPE pathogens Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The bEVs were shown to be representative models for the bacterial membrane in terms of lipid composition with speciesstrain specific variations. The bEVs were further used to probe the interactions between bEV and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) as model compounds by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and provide proof-of-principle that bEVs can be used as an easily accessible and highly realistic model for the bacterial surface in interaction studies. This further enables direct monitoring of the effect induced by antibiotics, or the response to host-pathogen interactions

    Update on the EFFECTS study of fluoxetine for stroke recovery: a randomised controlled trial in Sweden

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    Studies have suggested that fluoxetine might improve neurological recovery after stroke, but the results remain inconclusive. The EFFECTS (Efficacy oF Fluoxetine – a randomisEd Controlled Trial in Stroke) reached its recruitment target of 1500 patients in June 2019. The purpose of this article is to present all amendments to the protocol and describe how we formed the EFFECTS trial collaboration in Sweden. Methods In this investigator-led, multicentre, parallel-group, randomised, placebo-controlled trial, we enrolled non-depressed stroke patients aged 18 years or older between 2 and 15 days after stroke onset. The patients had a clinical diagnosis of stroke (ischaemic or intracerebral haemorrhage) with persisting focal neurological deficits. Patients were randomised to fluoxetine 20 mg or matching placebo capsules once daily for 6 months. Results Seven amendments were made and included clarification of drug interaction between fluoxetine and metoprolol and the use of metoprolol for severe heart failure as an exclusion criterion, inclusion of data from central Swedish registries and the Swedish Stroke Register, changes in informed consent from patients, and clarification of design of some sub-studies. EFFECTS recruited 1500 patients at 35 centres in Sweden between 20 October 2014 and 28 June 2019. We plan to unblind the data in January 2020 and report the primary outcome in May 2020. Conclusion EFFECTS will provide data on the safety and efficacy of 6 months of treatment with fluoxetine after stroke in a Swedish health system setting. The data from EFFECTS will also contribute to an individual patient data meta-analysis