415 research outputs found

    Autonomes Fahren - Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der Mathematik der künstlichen Intelligenz

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    Autonomes Fahren birgt das Potential, die Welt zu verändern. Von neuartigen Carsharing-Konzepten im Rahmen einer notwendigen Mobilitätswende bis hin zur Revolution ganzer Branchen, wie z.B. der Logistikbranche, ist eine Vielzahl von Effekten denkbar, die in ihrer Summe massive Auswirkungen auf die Lebens- und Berufswirklichkeit der Lernenden haben werden. Es ist deshalb unverzichtbar, dass die rasanten Entwicklungen im Zusammenhang mit künstlicher Intelligenz in die Klassenzimmer Einzug halten. Nur so gelingt es Lehrkräften, die Lernenden optimal auf ein Leben in dieser neuen Wirklichkeit vorzubereiten. Mit dem hier vorgestellten Lernarrangement integrieren wir modernste Techniken der Bilderkennung in den Mathematikunterricht der Klassenstufe 12 des beruflichen Gymnasiums. Zu diesem Zwecke gehen wir der Frage auf den Grund, wie autonomes Fahren gelingen kann und erarbeiten die mathematisch-technischen Grundlagen. Hierzu gehören primär Techniken der Bilderkennung und Bildverarbeitung, sowie die Konstruktion und das Training neuronaler Netze. Wir legen im Rahmen dieser Unterrichtseinheit die Basis für das Verständnis weiterer zukunftsweisender technischer Innovationen vor dem Hintergrund der künstlichen Intelligenz

    Exploring the Immunoproteome for Ovarian Cancer Biomarker Discovery

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    Most scientific efforts towards early detection of ovarian cancer are commonly focused on the discovery of tumour-associated antigens (TAA). Autologous antibodies against TAA, however, may serve as more sensitive diagnostic markers. They circulate in the blood before TAA and are usually more abundant than the TAAs themselves as a result of amplification through the humoral immune response. Accumulating evidence also suggests that a humoral response already exists during malignant transformation when aberrant gene expression is translated into premalignant cellular changes. This article reviews the current knowledge about autoantibodies against TAA in ovarian cancer and presents current immunoproteomic approaches for their detection

    Former of Turn Trajectory of Sliding Valve Shaft of Gas Line

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    Former of turn trajectory of sliding valve shaft of gas line, that allows to provide desired motion trajectory of sliding valve and its full closing, is considered in that paper. Imitation model of that former, research results, which allow to detect influence of gain factor and time constant of position controller on value of speed error, that has impact on delay of output coordinate from setting, and that results to delay of sliding valve motion process to setting position point, are shown

    Methods for identification of CA125 from ovarian cancer ascites by high resolution mass spectrometry

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    CA125 is the most widely used tumour marker in ovarian cancer with unsatisfactory sensitivity and specificity especially at early stage. It is quantified by antibody-based immunoassays; however different molecular weight isoforms have been described in the literature which have never been validated by mass spectrometry, potentially affecting the diagnostic accuracy and clinical reliability of the test. In this study, CA125 was detected by Western blot and its identity confirmed by mass spectrometry. Two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis in combination with mass spectrometry revealed that positive Western blot signals up to 500 kDa are most likely false-positive interactions of M11-like and OC125-like antibodies. Fibronectin, identified as one of these false-positive interaction partners, increased the reading for CA125 in a first generation ELISA significantly (p = 0.02). The existence of low-molecular weight isoforms of CA125 is therefore questionable and is most likely reflecting cross-reactivity of the antibodies with other proteins. This would explain the conflicting reports on the molecular structure of CA125 and also the inconsistency of CA125 levels by different ELISAs. Our results are also the first steps towards a mass spectrometric assay for CA125 quantification, which would improve sensitivity and reliability.Florian Weiland, Katarina Fritz, Martin K. Oehler and Peter Hoffman

    Disconnected cuts in claw-free graphs.

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    A disconnected cut of a connected graph is a vertex cut that itself also induces a disconnected subgraph. The corresponding decision problem is called Disconnected Cut. It is known that Disconnected Cut is NP-hard on general graphs, while polynomial-time algorithms exist for several graph classes. However, the complexity of the problem on claw-free graphs remained an open question. Its connection to the complexity of the problem to contract a claw-free graph to the 4-vertex cycle C4 led Ito et al. (TCS 2011) to explicitly ask to resolve this open question. We prove that Disconnected Cut is polynomial-time solvable on claw-free graphs, answering the question of Ito et al. The basis for our result is a decomposition theorem for claw-free graphs of diameter 2, which we believe is of independent interest and builds on the research line initiated by Chudnovsky and Seymour (JCTB 2007–2012) and Hermelin et al. (ICALP 2011). On our way to exploit this decomposition theorem, we characterize how disconnected cuts interact with certain cobipartite subgraphs, and prove two further algorithmic results, namely that Disconnected Cut is polynomial-time solvable on circular-arc graphs and line graphs

    Avances en la incorporación de estrategias innovadoras en los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizajes de la programación

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    El grupo de investigación GrIDIE se enfoca, desde 2018, en la investigación y el desarrollo de propuestas innovadoras que impacten en los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizajes de informática. Particularmente, se hace foco en la inclusión de las programación en los niveles medio y superior de la educación formal. En este artículo se presentan avances realizados en cada una de las líneas de acción del proyecto de investigación “Incorporación de Estrategias innovadoras en los Procesos de Enseñanza y de Aprendizajes de Informática”.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Cognitive deficits caused by prefrontal cortical and hippocampal neural disinhibition

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    We review recent evidence concerning the significance of inhibitory GABA transmission and of neural disinhibition, i.e. deficient GABA transmission, within prefrontal cortex and hippocampus for clinically relevant cognitive functions. Both regions support important cognitive functions, including attention and memory, and their dysfunction has been implicated in cognitive deficits characterizing neuropsychiatric disorders. GABAergic inhibition shapes cortico-hippocampal neural activity and, recently, prefrontal and hippocampal neural disinhibition has emerged as a pathophysiological feature of major neuropsychiatric disorders, especially schizophrenia and age-related cognitive decline. Regional neural disinhibition, disrupting spatio-temporal control of neural activity and causing aberrant drive of projections, may disrupt processing within the disinhibited region and efferent regions. Recent studies in rats showed that prefrontal and hippocampal neural disinhibition (by local GABA antagonist microinfusion) dysregulates burst firing, which has been associated with important aspects of neural information processing. Using translational tests of clinically-relevant cognitive functions, these studies showed that prefrontal and hippocampal neural disinhibition disrupts regional cognitive functions (including prefrontal attention and hippocampal memory function); moreover, hippocampal neural disinhibition disrupted attentional performance, which does not require the hippocampus, but requires prefrontal-striatal circuits modulated by the hippocampus. However, some prefrontal and hippocampal functions (including inhibitory response control) are spared by regional disinhibition. We consider conceptual implications of these findings, regarding the distinct relationships of distinct cognitive functions to prefrontal and hippocampal GABA tone and neural activity. Moreover, the findings support that prefrontal and hippocampal neural disinhibition contributes to clinically relevant cognitive deficits, and we consider pharmacological strategies for ameliorating cognitive deficits by rebalancing disinhibition-induced aberrant neural activity

    Аудит промышленной безопасности организации в системе РСЧС

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    Аудиторская проверка в пожарно-спасательной части №3 и отдельный пост пожарно-спасательной части №3 ФГКУ "5 отряд федеральной противопожарной службы по Томской области".Audit in firefighting and rescue unit No. 3 and a separate post firefighting and rescue parts №3 FGKU "5 detachment of the Federal fire service in the Tomsk region"

    Tracking subjects' strategies in behavioural choice experiments at trial resolution.

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    Investigating how, when, and what subjects learn during decision-making tasks requires tracking their choice strategies on a trial-by-trial basis. Here we present a simple but effective probabilistic approach to tracking choice strategies at trial resolution using Bayesian evidence accumulation. We show this approach identifies both successful learning and the exploratory strategies used in decision tasks performed by humans, non-human primates, rats, and synthetic agents. Both when subjects learn and when rules change the exploratory strategies of win-stay and lose-shift, often considered complementary, are consistently used independently. Indeed, we find the use of lose-shift is strong evidence that subjects have latently learnt the salient features of a new rewarded rule. Our approach can be extended to any discrete choice strategy, and its low computational cost is ideally suited for real-time analysis and closed-loop control