187 research outputs found

    The Multi-Scale Interaction between Interest Rate, Exchange Rate and Stock Price

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    This paper examines the multi-scale relationship between the interest rate, exchange rate and stock price using wavelet transform. In particular, we apply the maximum overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) to the interest rate, exchange rate and stock price for US over the period 1990:1- 2008:12 and using the definitions of wavelet variance, wavelet correlation and cross-correlations analyze the association as well as the lead/lag relationship between these series at the different time scales. Our results show that the relationship between interest rate and exchange rate is not significantly different from zero at all scales. On the other hand, the relationship between interest rate returns and stock index returns is significantly different zero only at the highest scales. The exchange rate returns and stock index returns have a relationship bidirectional in this period at longer horizons.Wavelet analysis, Interest rate, Stock price, Wavelet cross-correlation, Granger causality.

    Building a Holistic International Educational Partnership: Collaboration Between The University of Georgia and the Tunisian Higher Education System

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    This article reports on a capacity building partnership between The University of Georgia and the higher education system of Tunisia that has been ongoing since 2002. The article discusses important aspects of the program, highlights the conceptual framework and underlying principles that have guided and shaped its design, and gives a comprehensive overview of its overall objectives, concrete actions, and outcomes. Our team’s response to Tunisia’s most urgent development needs; integrating institutional and national resources; building networks of decision makers, administrators, faculty, and students across disciplinary and institutional boundaries; and facilitating the development of indigenous expertise were among the attributes leading to the program’s selection for the Andrew Heiskel Award for Innovation in International Education

    Effect of annealing treatments on normal state resistivity of YBa2(Cu1-xTix)3Oy superconductor in bipolaron model

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    Samples of YBa2(Cu1-xTix)3Oy superconductor with x=0.00 , 0.01, 0.03 have been prepared by solide state reaction method. The effect of annealing treatments on normal electrical resistivity has been done using the bipolaron model. The results of this study show the increase of localized charge when the dopant content increases and the reduction of this localization with annealing treatment.Keywords: YBa2(Cu1-xTix)3Oy superconductor, normal state, bipolaro

    The bipolaron model in transport properties of YBa2Cu3Oy superconductor prepared by adding Pr2Co7 magnetic nanoparticles

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    Samples with the addition of ferromagnetic nanoparticles of Pr2Co7 on YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) polycrystalline superconductor were prepared by the standard solid state reaction method. The analysis of x-ray diffraction patterns by Rietveld refinement indicates orthorhombique to tetragonal phase transformation and oxygen rate reduction from x=0.3% of Pr2Co7 content. Resistivity at room temperature increases as Pr2Co7 content increases. The normal state resistivity versus temperature was analyzed properly by the bipolaron model. It suggested the increase of mobile charge localization with Pr2Co7 content.Keywords: Pr2Co7 ferromagnetic nanoparticles, high temperature superconductor, bipolaron model, localization of mobile charg

    Le devenir des espaces agricoles et naturels dans le territoire de la ville metropolitaine. De la protection au projet de paysage. Cas du Grand Sousse

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    Tesis doctoral inédita cotutelada por la Universidad de Sousse y la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Geografía . Fecha de lectura: 14-09-2017L’agriculture périurbaine n’a été abordée par les acteurs du territoire que dans sa dimension productive et économique alors qu’elle forme aujourd’hui un système d’espaces ouverts caractérisé par une nouvelle dimension paysagère et de multifonctionnalité, enjeux collectifs dégagés à partir des nouvelles préoccupations citadines et l’évolution de la perception de l’espace agricole périurbain et son paysage par les populations. La pratique de la politique de protection et le zonage de sauvegarde apparait inefficace et insuffisante face aux nombreux conflits d’usages et répercutions foncières, touristiques et industrielles qui engendrent paradoxalement une résistance et une fragilité de l’agriculture périurbaine et la mettent en question dans cette recherche. Dans ce cadre, nous proposons le Landscape Caracter Assessment comme méthodologie systémique d’identification et de caractérisation de l’agriculture et la nature périurbaines du grand Sousse basée sur le caractère du paysage et combinant l’analyse des politiques publiques tunisiennes de gestion des espaces agricoles périurbains et des enquêtes de terrain avec un échantillon d’acteurs composés d’agriculteurs, d’acteurs institutionnels et de la société civile. Cette méthode illustre la diversité paysagère de la zone d’étude présentée sous formes des aires paysagères d’agriculture périurbaine (APAP) et des aires paysagères de nature périurbaine (APNP) qui ont été caractérisées à partir de l’aspect générale d’uniformité, critères, éléments, composantes et fonctionnement spécifiques pour chaque aire paysagère. L’intersection de cette démarche de construction des aires paysagères d’agriculture périurbaine en particulier, avec la démarche d’analyse des politiques publiques et l’étude de la perception sociale du paysage agraire périurbain qui a montré une convergence partielle des acteurs sur le paysage comme outil d’analyse et d’aide à la décision, nous permet de proposer un projet de paysage qui correspond à une infrastructure agricole verte, un futur modèle de gestion des conflits en fonction des nécessités propres au paysage et à la population et qui met le territoire de l’agriculture périurbaine en projet de cohérence paysagère projeté et réalisé sur la base d’une véritable participation et gouvernance territoriale. Mots clés: agriculture périurbaine, multifonctionnalité, caractère du paysage, APAP, projet de paysage, gouvernance.La agricultura periurbana ha sido abordada habitualmente por parte de los actores del territorio solo en su dimensión productiva y económica, cuando sin embargo forma parte fundamental de un sistema de espacios abiertos, caracterizado hoy por una nueva dimensión paisajística y de multifuncionalidad, problemas colectivos derivados de nuevas preocupaciones ciudadanas y la evolución de la percepción social del espacio agrario periurbano y su paisaje. La práctica de la política de protección y zonage de salvaguardia resulta ineficaz e insuficiente frente a numerosos conflictos de uso e implicaciones relativas a la propiedad de la tierra, y a los usos urbanos, turísticos e industriales, que generan paradójicamente una resistencia y une fragilidad de la agricultura periurbana, poniendo en cuestión a lo largo de esta investigación. En este contexto, la tesis se ha propuesto el LandscapeCaracterAssessment como metodología sistémica de identificación y de caracterización de la agricultura y la naturaleza periurbanas del gran Sousse basada en el carácter del paisaje, integrando en el análisis el estudio crítico de las políticas públicas tunecinas de gestión de los espacios agrarios periurbanos y las entrevistas de campo con una muestra de actores compuesta de agricultores, actores institucionales y de la sociedad civil. El método desarrollado ha permitido ilustrar la diversidad paisajística de la zona de estudio, concretada en forma de áreas paisajísticas de agricultura periurbana (APAP) y áreas paisajísticas de naturaleza periurbana (APNP), que han sido objeto de identificación y caracterización a partir de un criterio general de uniformidad/homogeneidad a la escala de trabajo, integrando en la caracterización los elementos, componentes y procesos de funcionamiento de cada área de paisaje. La convergencia de este procedimiento de construcción y caracterización de las áreas paisajísticas de agricultura periurbana, en particular, con el análisis de las políticas públicas y el estudio de la percepción social del paisaje agrario periurbano a partir de las opiniones y aspiraciones de los actores en torno al paisaje, se ha manifestado como una herramienta de análisis y diagnóstico, como una ayuda para la toma de decisiones, lo que nos ha permitido proponer un proyecto de paisaje. Dicho proyecto se materializa en una infraestructura agraria verde, un futuro modelo de gestión de conflictos en función de las necesidades propias del paisaje y de la población que lo percibe y lo gestiona, y que sitúa el territorio de la agricultura periurbana en un proceso proyectual coherente con el paisaje heredado, activándolo y manteniéndolo vivo, sobre la base de una legítima (verdadera) participación y gobernanz

    Export-Led Growth in Tunisia: A wavelet filtering based analysis

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    In this paper, we use a wavelet filtering based approach to study the econometric relationship between exports, imports, and economic growth for Tunisia, using quarterly data for the period 1961:1-2007:4. GDP is used as a proxy for economic growth. We explore the interactions between these primary macroeconomic inputs in a co-integrating framework. We also study the direction of causality between the three variables, based on the more robust Toda-Yamamoto modified Wald (MWALD) test. The much studied relationship between these three primary indicators of the economy is explored with the help of the wavelet multi-resolution filtering technique. Instead of an analysis at the original series level, as is usually done, we first decompose the variables using wavelet decomposition technique at various scales of resolution and obtain relationship among components of the decomposed series matched to its scale. The analysis reveals interesting aspects of the inter-relationship among the three fundamental macroeconomic variables

    Description of the plasma delay effect in silicon detectors

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    A new method of modeling of the current signal induced by charged particle in silicon detectors is presented. The approach is based on the Ramo-Shockley theorem for which the charge carrier velocities are determined by taking into account not only the external electric field generated by the electrodes, but also the Coulomb interaction between the electron and hole clouds as well as their diffusion.Comment: 8 figure

    Energy consumption, CO2 emissions and economic growth nexus: Evidence from panel Granger causality test

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    This paper examines the empirical causal relationship between energy consumption, CO2 emissions and economic growth for six oil-exporting countries from the Golf Cooperation Council (GCC) region over the period 2000:2011. Bootstrap panel Granger causality test approach is used which take account the cross-sectional dependency and the heterogeneity across countries. The empirical results support a bi-directional causality between economic growth and energy consumption for Bahrin and one-way Granger causality running from economic growth to energy consumption for United Emirate Arab and Qatar. Regarding to GDP-CO2 emissions nexus, a reverse relationship from CO2 to GDP for Bahrin and Kuwait is found. However, a two-way Granger causality between CO2 emissions and energy consumption for United Arab Emirate is found

    Energy consumption, CO2 emissions and economic growth nexus: Evidence from panel Granger causality test

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    This paper examines the empirical causal relationship between energy consumption, CO2 emissions and economic growth for six oil-exporting countries from the Golf Cooperation Council (GCC) region over the period 2000:2011. Bootstrap panel Granger causality test approach is used which take account the cross-sectional dependency and the heterogeneity across countries. The empirical results support a bi-directional causality between economic growth and energy consumption for Bahrin and one-way Granger causality running from economic growth to energy consumption for United Emirate Arab and Qatar. Regarding to GDP-CO2 emissions nexus, a reverse relationship from CO2 to GDP for Bahrin and Kuwait is found. However, a two-way Granger causality between CO2 emissions and energy consumption for United Arab Emirate is found