268 research outputs found

    Essays on EUAs

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    La presente tesis tiene como objetivo el estudio de algunos aspectos de los precios y transacciones llevadas a cabo en el mercado de los derechos de emisión sobre CO2 en Europa. El Capítulo I se dedica al estudio de las propiedades estadísticas presentes en los rendimientos de los precios de los derechos de emisión sobre CO2, con el objetivo de comprobar si dicho activo se comporta como un activo financiero, una mercadería u otro tipo de activo. En el Capitulo II se analizan las diferentes formas de enlazar series de contratos de futuro sobre los derechos de emisión, con el objetivo de verificar si existen diferencias significativas en los resultados obtenidos, tras la elección de un método concreto. El Capítulo III estudia el impacto que el colapso en precios de finales de 2006 y la posterior irrupción de la crisis financiara tuvieron sobre la calidad de precios del mercado europeo de CO2, inversamente relacionada con las distorsiones que sufren las serie de precios, así como la evolución temporal de las fricciones del mercado de futuros sobre derechos de emisión. Por último, el Capítulo IV se centra en la detección de asimetrías de información en el mercado europeo de derechos de emisión sobre CO2

    Non-uniform sinusoidally modulated half-mode leaky-wave lines for near-field focusing pattern synthesis

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    A novel non-uniform sinusoidally modulated half-mode microstrip structure with application to near-field focused leaky-wave radiation in the backward Fresnel zone is proposed. First, it is presented a dispersion analysis of the constituent backward leaky wave in the sinusoidally modulated unit cell in half-width microstrip technology. This information is then used to design a finite non-uniform line that focuses the radiated fields at the desired point. Finally, eight similar line sources are arranged in a radial array to generate a three-dimensional focused spot located at the desired focal length over the simple central coaxial feeding. Simulated and experimental results are presented to validate the proposed simple approach.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2013-47037-C5-5-R, TEC2010-21520-C04-04, TEC2013-41913-PFundación Séneca 08833/PI/0

    Un estudio de caso de Futurvalía Multiservicios Empresariales

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    Las personas con discapacidad han sido históricamente un grupo de la sociedad con especiales dificultades de acceso al marco de Derechos Fundamentales. Su inclusión en el mercado laboral suele estar marcado por la estigmatización por parte de quienes les emplean lo que provoca que su tasa de empleo sea especialmente reducida en comparación con las personas sin discapacidad. El presente artículo propone una serie de indicadores de cuantificación y monetización del impacto social generado por la implantación de acciones de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial orientadas a la inclusión laboral de las personas con discapacidad, que complementan y están alineados con el estándar 401 y 413 del GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). Las conclusiones establecen que los niveles de absentismo son inferiores a la media nacional, contribuyendo así a la reducción de los estereotipos o estigmatización. Desde el punto de vista financiero, la inclusión laboral de este segmento de la población proporciona un fuerte impacto a la Administración Pública, tanto desde el ahorro como desde los ingresos directos. Y, finalmente, el acceso al mercado laboral supone un desarrollo personal y profesional para el empleado con discapacidad, que contribuye a la reducción de su nivel de apoyo y a la normalización en su puesto de trabajo

    Emerging trends on the academic production of history education

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    En los últimos años se ha incrementado la investigación sobre educación histórica. Los estudios de revisión convienen en que pensamiento histórico y conciencia histórica son dos ejes fundamentales de las investigaciones en las últimas décadas. También se ha profundizado en conceptos metodológicos clave, líneas de investigación actuales, la práctica docente y los usos y fines de la enseñanza de la historia. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la producción académica sobre educación histórica en revistas incluidas en las bases de datos del Core Collection de la Web of Science en el periodo 2007- 2017 y comprobar el impacto de la nueva base de datos ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index). Se realizaron búsquedas sistemáticas en las bases de datos del Web of Science: Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index y Emerging Sources Citation Index. Se ha realizado un análisis bibliográfico a través de un mapeo científico. Se han utilizado tres técnicas bibliométricas: visualización de similitudes (VOS), mapeo temático y análisis visual. El análisis ha permitido identificar las principales temáticas que articulan la educación histórica como un campo específico de conocimiento. Se ha constatado que la producción se concentra en número reducido investigadores y países, aunque con un incremento notable. Se han multiplicado por diez las publicaciones sobre educación histórica presentes en la WoS. Este incremento se ha debido fundamentalmente a la incorporación de las revistas ESCI (emergentes) a partir de 2015. Se ha comprobado la influencia de la inclusión de esta nueva base de datos en la visibilización de países y grupos de investigación emergentes. La incorporación de revistas en la ESCI ha permitido una mayor diversidad de la producción académica en la WoS. Esto ha confirmado una mayor presencia de investigaciones sobre educación histórica en países como España, Brasil o Rusia. No obstante, las diferencias temáticas entre ESCI y las principales del Core Collection son escasas. Se señalan además algunas debilidades, entre ellas la atomización y escasez de colaboraciones entre investigadores de diferentes nacionalidades e incluso entre los de la misma nacionalidad. Se identifican además los principales nodos que articulan las redes de investigación emergentes.Historical education research has increased in recent years. Revision studies agree that historical thinking and historical awareness are two fundamental axes of research in recent decades. It has also delved into key methodological concepts, current lines of research, teaching practice and the uses and purposes of teaching history. The aim of this article is to analyse the academic production on historical education in journals included in the databases of the Core Collection of the Web of Science in the period 2007-2017 and to check the impact of the new database ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index). Web of Science databases were systematically searched: Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index and Emerging Sources Citation Index. A bibliographic analysis has been carried out through a science mapping. Three bibliometric techniques have been employed: visualization of similarities; thematic mapping and evolution; and visual analytics. Our analysis has made it possible to identify the main topics which articulate history education as a specific field of knowledge. It has been noted that scientific production is concentrated in a small number of researchers and countries. There has been a tenfold increase in the publications on historical education in WoS. This increase is mainly due to the incorporation of ESCI (emerging) journals from 2015. The influence of the inclusion of this new database in the visibility of emerging countries and research groups has been proven. The incorporation of journals into ESCI has allowed for a greater diversity of academic production in WoS. This has confirmed a greater presence of research on historical education in countries such as Spain, Brazil or Russia. However, the thematic differences between this database and the main ones in the Core Collection are small. Certain weaknesses are pointed out, among them the atomization and scarcity of collaboration among researchers of different nationalities and even among those from the same country.Este trabajo es resultado de los proyectos de investigación PGC2018-094491-B-C31 y PGC2018- 094491-B-C33, subvencionados por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, 20638/JLI/18 y 20874/PI/18, financiados por la Fundación Séneca de la Región de MurciaS

    Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR) and Fe Deficiency Responses in Dicot Plants

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    Plants develop responses to abiotic stresses, like Fe deficiency. Similarly, plants also develop responses to cope with biotic stresses provoked by biological agents, like pathogens and insects. Some of these responses are limited to the infested damaged organ, but other responses systemically spread far from the infested organ and affect the whole plant. These latter responses include the Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) and the Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR). SAR is induced by pathogens and insects while ISR is mediated by beneficial microbes living in the rhizosphere, like bacteria and fungi. These root-associated mutualistic microbes, besides impacting on plant nutrition and growth, can further boost plant defenses, rendering the entire plant more resistant to pathogens and pests. In the last years, it has been found that ISReliciting microbes can induce both physiological and morphological responses to Fe deficiency in dicot plants. These results suggest that the regulation of both ISR and Fe deficiency responses overlap, at least partially. Indeed, several hormones and signaling molecules, like ethylene (ET), auxin, and nitric oxide (NO), and the transcription factor MYB72, emerged as key regulators of both processes. This convergence between ISR and Fe deficiency responses opens the way to the use of ISR-eliciting microbes as Fe biofertilizers as well as biopesticides. This review summarizes the progress in the understanding of the molecular overlap in the regulation of ISR and Fe deficiency responses in dicot plants. Root-associated mutualistic microbes, rhizobacteria and rhizofungi species, known for their ability to induce morphological and/or physiological responses to Fe deficiency in dicot plant species are also reviewed herei

    Alergia a drogas de abuso

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    El Cannabis es la droga ilegal más consumida por los jóvenes. Es posible que la respuesta inmune y la toxicidad a las mismas estén relacionadas y que el organismo responda con un mecanismo tóxico-inmunológico.El cannabis posee alérgenos que provocan una respuesta inmune en el organismo y puede ser un importante alergeno en gente consumidora. Dada la exposición social, médica y ocupacional cada vez más frecuente a Cannabis sativa, se ha producido un aumento de la frecuencia de las reacciones alérgicas que, sin embargo, no se ha visto acompañada del deseado aumento de conocimiento sobre la reactividad IgE de alergenos a Cannabis. No obstante, recientemente hemos identificado la secuencia peptídica madura de la proteína de transferencia lipídica (LTP) y del estudio de la reactividad a IgE de un Can s3 recombinante (rCan s 3), ha sido posible sintetizar un ADN complementario a partir del ARN de hojas de Cannabis sativa L. spp sativa cv. Kompolti procedentes del jardín botánico de la Universidad de Bonn, que ha sido útil el el diagnóstico y prevención de la alergia a cannabis.En otro estudio extractos de Papaver somníferum se han utilizado el el diagnóstico de alergia a opioides.Due to the increasing social, medical, and occupational exposure to illicit drugs as cannabis and heroin, extracts from Cannabis sativa and Papaver somníferum were tested in allergic and drugs abusers people. The frequency of allergic reactions is growing but little is known about the IgE-reactivity of singledrugs allergens. To identify the mature peptide sequence of the lipid transfer protein (LTP) and to study the IgE-binding reactivity of a recombinant Can s 3 (rCan s 3), a cDNA was synthesized from total RNA of leaves from Cannabis sativa L. ssp. sativa cv. Kompolti obtained from the botanical garden of the University Bonn. The amplification of the LTP gene was performed with a primer mix deduced from published amino acid sequences.To determine the diagnostic accuracy of specific antibodies to morphine, codeine, rocuronium and oil body and aqueous fractions of Papaver somniferum seeds were used in the diagnosis and prevention of allergy to opioids

    Estudio de viabilidad de inversión agrícola para la producción de plátano cuerno enano en la zona norte del Municipio de Metapán

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    En este proyecto se dará a conocer el “Estudio de viabilidad de inversión agrícola para la producción de plátano Cuerno Enano en la zona norte del municipio de Metapán” ya que es de gran importancia para la población y es de gran ayuda en la dieta diaria de las familias salvadoreñas. Además de satisfacer una necesidad humana, este producto es consumido por una gran parte de la población, pero en el Salvador no es un producto en abundancia para lograr satisfacer la demanda que se tiene, es por eso, que se hace el estudio de este proyect

    Use and perceptions on reusable and non-reusable menstrual products in Spain: a mixed-methods study

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    Menstrual products are necessary goods for women and people who menstruate to manage menstruation. Understanding the use and perceptions of menstrual products is key to promote menstrual equity and menstrual health. This study aimed at assessing the use and perceptions on menstrual products among women and people who menstruate aged 18-55 in Spain. Methods. A mixed-methods study was conducted, including a cross-sectional nation-wide study (N=22,823), and a qualitative study (N=34). Results. Participants used a combination of products. Non-reusable products were the most used, while over half used reusable products. Usage changed when data were stratified by age, gender identification, completed education, country of birth and experiencing financial issues. It also varied between trans and cis participants. Menstrual products' use also shifted based on experiences of menstrual poverty and access to information and products. Overall, reusable products were perceived to be more acceptable than non-reusable. Barriers to use the menstrual cup were also identified, including experiences of menstrual inequity (e.g., menstrual poverty, lack of access to information or menstrual management facilities). Conclusion. Perceptions and choices of menstrual products need to be acknowledged, especially when designing and implementing menstrual policies to address menstrual inequity and menstrual health

    The cellular growth rate controls overall mRNA turnover, and modulates either transcription or degradation rates of particular gene regulons

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    We analyzed 80 different genomic experiments, and found a positive correlation between both RNA polymerase II transcription and mRNA degradation with growth rates in yeast. Thus, in spite of the marked variation in mRNA turnover, the total mRNA concentration remained approximately constant. Some genes, however, regulated their mRNA concentration by uncoupling mRNA stability from the transcription rate. Ribosome-related genes modulated their transcription rates to increase mRNA levels under fast growth. In contrast, mitochondria-related and stress-induced genes lowered mRNA levels by reducing mRNA stability or the transcription rate, respectively. We also detected these regulations within the heterogeneity of a wild-type cell population growing in optimal conditions. The transcriptomic analysis of sorted microcolonies confirmed that the growth rate dictates alternative expression programs by modulating transcription and mRNA decay. The regulation of overall mRNA turnover keeps a constant ratio between mRNA decay and the dilution of [mRNA] caused by cellular growth. This regulation minimizes the indiscriminate transmission of mRNAs from mother to daughter cells, and favors the response capacity of the latter to physiological signals and environmental changes. We also conclude that, by uncoupling mRNA synthesis from decay, cells control the mRNA abundance of those gene regulons that characterize fast and slow growth

    Statistical downscaling with the downscaleR package (v3.1.0): contribution to the VALUE intercomparison experiment

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    The increasing demand for high-resolution climate information has attracted growing attention to statistical downscaling (SDS) methods, due in part to their relative advantages and merits as compared to dynamical approaches (based on regional climate model simulations), such as their much lower computational cost and their fitness for purpose for many local-scale applications. As a result, a plethora of SDS methods is nowadays available to climate scientists, which has motivated recent efforts for their comprehensive evaluation, like the VALUE initiative (http://www.value-cost.eu, last access: 29 March 2020). The systematic intercomparison of a large number of SDS techniques undertaken in VALUE, many of them independently developed by different authors and modeling centers in a variety of languages/environments, has shown a compelling need for new tools allowing for their application within an integrated framework. In this regard, downscaleR is an R package for statistical downscaling of climate information which covers the most popular approaches (model output statistics ? including the so-called ?bias correction? methods ? and perfect prognosis) and state-of-the-art techniques. It has been conceived to work primarily with daily data and can be used in the framework of both seasonal forecasting and climate change studies. Its full integration within the climate4R framework (Iturbide et al., 2019) makes possible the development of end-to-end downscaling applications, from data retrieval to model building, validation, and prediction, bringing to climate scientists and practitioners a unique comprehensive framework for SDS model development. In this article the main features of downscaleR are showcased through the replication of some of the results obtained in VALUE, placing an emphasis on the most technically complex stages of perfect-prognosis model calibration (predictor screening, cross-validation, and model selection) that are accomplished through simple commands allowing for extremely flexible model tuning, tailored to the needs of users requiring an easy interface for different levels of experimental complexity. As part of the open-source climate4R framework, downscaleR is freely available and the necessary data and R scripts to fully replicate the experiments included in this paper are also provided as a companion notebook.We thank the European Union Cooperation in Science and Technology (EU COST) Action ES1102 VALUE (http://www.value-cost.eu) for making publicly available the data used in this article and the tools implementing the comprehensive set of validation measures and indices. We also thank the THREDDS Data Server (TDS) software developed by UCAR/Unidata (https://doi.org/10.5065/D6N014KG, Unidata, 2006) and all R developers and their supporting community for providing free software facilitating open science. We acknowledge the World Climate Research Program’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling, which is responsible for CMIP, and we thank the EC-EARTH Consortium for producing and making available their model output used in this paper. For CMIP the U.S. Department of Energy’s Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison provides coordinating support and led the development of software infrastructure in partnership with the Global Organization for Earth System Science Portals. We are very grateful to the two anonymous referees participating in the interactive discussion for their insightful comments, helping us to considerably improve the original paper. Financial support. The authors acknowledge partial funding from the MULTI-SDM project (MINECO/FEDER, CGL2015-66583-R) and from the project INDECIS, part of the European Research Area for Climate Services Consortium (ERA4CS) with co-funding by the uropean Union (grant no. 690462)