108 research outputs found

    Single and double inclusive particle production in d+Au collisions at RHIC, leading twist and beyond

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    We discuss the evidence for the presence of QCD saturation effects in the data collected in d+Au collisions at RHIC. In particular we focus our analysis on forward hadron yields and azimuthal correlations. Approaches alternative to the CGC description of these two observables are discussed in parallel.Comment: 20 pages ann 9 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the Workshop "Saturation, the Color Glass Condensate and Glasma: What Have we Learned from RHIC?", May 10-12 2010, Brookhaven National Laboratory, US

    Single Inclusive Hadron Production at RHIC and the LHC from the Color Glass Condensate

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    Using the unintegrated gluon distribution obtained from numerical simulations of the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation with running coupling, we obtain a very good description of RHIC data on single inclusive hadron production at forward rapidities in both p+p and d+Au collisions. No K-factors are needed for charged hadrons, whereas for pion production a rapidity independent K-factor of order 1/3 is needed. Extrapolating to LHC energies, we calculate nuclear modification factors for light hadrons in p+Pb collision, as well as the contribution of initial state effects to the suppression of the nuclear modification factor in Pb+Pb collisions.Comment: Abstract and 3 figures modifie

    Living specimen tomography by digital holographic microscopy: morphometry of testate amoeba

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    This paper presents an optical diffraction tomography technique based on digital holographic microscopy. Quantitative 2-dimensional phase images are acquired for regularly-spaced angular positions of the specimen covering a total angle of π, allowing to built 3-dimensional quantitative refractive index distributions by an inverse Radon transform. A 20x magnification allows a resolution better than 3 ÎŒm in all three dimensions, with accuracy better than 0.01 for the refractive index measurements. This technique is for the first time to our knowledge applied to living specimen (testate amoeba, Protista). Morphometric measurements are extracted from the tomographic reconstructions, showing that the commonly used method for testate amoeba biovolume evaluation leads to systematic under evaluations by about 50%

    Back-to-Back Correlations of Di-hadrons in dAu Collisions at RHIC

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    We perform a complete theoretical analysis of the azimuthal angular correlation of two-hadron productions in the forward dAudAu collisions at RHIC in the saturation formalism, and obtain a very good agreement with the experimental data. It is demonstrated that the suppression and broadening of the away side peak provide a unique signal for the onset of the saturation mechanism at small-xx in a large nucleus. We emphasize that future experiments of di-hadron correlations in pApA collisions at both RHIC and LHC, and in eAeA collisions at the planned electron-ion collider, shall provide us with a thorough study and understanding of the strong interaction dynamics in the saturation regime.Comment: 11 pages and 2 figures;v3 revised and update

    The Surprising Transparency of the sQGP at LHC

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    We present parameter-free predictions of the nuclear modification factor, R_{AA}^pi(p_T,s), of high p_T pions produced in Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt{s}_{NN}=2.76 and 5.5 ATeV based on the WHDG/DGLV (radiative+elastic+geometric fluctuation) jet energy loss model. The initial quark gluon plasma (QGP) density at LHC is constrained from a rigorous statistical analysis of PHENIX/RHIC pi^0 quenching data at sqrt{s}_{NN}=0.2 ATeV and the charged particle multiplicity at ALICE/LHC at 2.76 ATeV. Our perturbative QCD tomographic theory predicts significant differences between jet quenching at RHIC and LHC energies, which are qualitatively consistent with the p_T-dependence and normalization---within the large systematic uncertainty---of the first charged hadron nuclear modification factor, R^{ch}_{AA}, data measured by ALICE. However, our constrained prediction of the central to peripheral pion modification, R^pi_{cp}(p_T), for which large systematic uncertainties associated with unmeasured p+p reference data cancel, is found to be over-quenched relative to the charged hadron ALICE R^{ch}_{cp} data in the range 5<p_T<20 GeV/c. The discrepancy challenges the two most basic jet tomographic assumptions: (1) that the energy loss scales linearly with the initial local comoving QGP density, rho_0, and (2) that \rho_0 \propto dN^{ch}(s,C)/dy is proportional to the observed global charged particle multiplicity per unit rapidity as a function of sqrt{s} and centrality class, C. Future LHC identified (h=pi,K,p) hadron R^h_{AA} data (together with precise p+p, p+Pb, and Z boson and direct photon Pb+Pb control data) are needed to assess if the QGP produced at LHC is indeed less opaque to jets than predicted by constrained extrapolations from RHIC.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Comparative Evaluation of Microbiota Engraftment Following Fecal Microbiota Transfer in Mice Models: Age, Kinetic and Microbial Status Matter

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    The intestinal microbiota and its functions are intricately interwoven with host physiology. Colonizing rodents with donor microbiota provides insights into host-microbiota interactions characterization and the understanding of disease physiopathology. However, a better assessment of inoculation methods and recipient mouse models is needed. Here, we compare the engraftment at short and long term of genetically obese mice microbiota in germ-free (GF) mice and juvenile and adult specific pathogen free (SPF) mice. We also tested the effects of initial microbiota depletion before microbiota transfer. In the present work, donor microbiota engraftment was better in juvenile SPF mice than in adult SPF mice. In juvenile mice, initial microbiota depletion using laxatives or antibiotics improved donor microbiota engraftment 9 weeks but not 3 weeks after microbiota transfer. Microbiota-depleted juvenile mice performed better than GF mice 3 weeks after the microbiota transfer. However, 9 weeks after transfer, colonized GF mice microbiota had the lowest Unifrac distance to the donor microbiota. Colonized GF mice were also characterized by a chronic alteration in intestinal absorptive function. With these collective results, we show that the use of juvenile mice subjected to initial microbiota depletion constitutes a valid alternative to GF mice in microbiota transfer studies

    Could saturation effects be visible in a future electron-ion collider?

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    We expect to observe parton saturation in a future electron - ion collider. In this letter we discuss this expectation in more detail considering two different models which are in good agreement with the existing experimental data on nuclear structure functions. In particular, we study the predictions of saturation effects in electron - ion collisions at high energies, using a generalization for nuclear targets of the b-CGC model, which describes the epep HERA quite well. We estimate the total, longitudinal and charm structure functions in the dipole picture and compare them with the predictions obtained using collinear factorization and modern sets of nuclear parton distributions. Our results show that inclusive observables are not very useful in the search for saturation effects. In the small xx region they are very difficult to disentangle from the predictions of the collinear approaches . This happens mainly because of the large uncertainties in the latter. On the other hand, our results indicate that the contribution of diffractive processes to the total cross section is about 20 % at large A and small Q^2, allowing for a detailed study of diffractive observables. The study of diffractive processes becomes essential to observe parton saturation.Comment: 7 pages 5 figure

    Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distribution/Fragmentation Functions at an Electron-Ion Collider

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    We present a summary of a recent workshop held at Duke University on Partonic Transverse Momentum in Hadrons: Quark Spin-Orbit Correlations and Quark-Gluon Interactions. The transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions (TMDs), parton-to-hadron fragmentation functions, and multi-parton correlation functions, were discussed extensively at the Duke workshop. In this paper, we summarize first the theoretical issues concerning the study of partonic structure of hadrons at a future electron-ion collider (EIC) with emphasis on the TMDs. We then present simulation results on experimental studies of TMDs through measurements of single spin asymmetries (SSA) from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering (SIDIS) processes with an EIC, and discuss the requirement of the detector for SIDIS measurements. The dynamics of parton correlations in the nucleon is further explored via a study of SSA in D (`D) production at large transverse momenta with the aim of accessing the unexplored tri-gluon correlation functions. The workshop participants identified the SSA measurements in SIDIS as a golden program to study TMDs in both the sea and valence quark regions and to study the role of gluons, with the Sivers asymmetry measurements as examples. Such measurements will lead to major advancement in our understanding of TMDs in the valence quark region, and more importantly also allow for the investigation of TMDs in the sea quark region along with a study of their evolution.Comment: 44 pages 23 figures, summary of Duke EIC workshop on TMDs accepted by EPJ

    ITN—VIROINF: understanding (harmful) virus-host interactions by linking virology and bioinformatics

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    Many recent studies highlight the fundamental importance of viruses. Besides their important role as human and animal pathogens, their beneficial, commensal or harmful functions are poorly understood. By developing and applying tailored bioinformatical tools in important virological models, the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Initiative International Training Network VIROINF will provide a better understanding of viruses and the interaction with their hosts. This will open the door to validate methods of improving viral growth, morphogenesis and development, as well as to control strategies against unwanted microorganisms. The key feature of VIROINF is its interdisciplinary nature, which brings together virologists and bioinformaticians to achieve common goals
