59 research outputs found

    Measurements within the Pacific-Indian oceans throughflow region

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    Two hydrographic ... and trichlorofluoromethane (F-11) sections were carried out between the Australian continental shelf and Indonesia, in August 1989, on board the R.V. "Marion Dufresne". The sections lie in the easternmost part of the Indian Ocean where the throughflow between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean emerges. They allow us to describe the features of the water-property and circulation fields of the throughflow at its entrance in the Indian Ocean. Between the Australian continental shelf and Bali, the Subtropical and Central waters are separated from the waters of the Indonesian seas by a sharp hydrological front, located around 13°30S, below the thermocline down to 700 m. Near the coast of Bali, upwelling occurs in the near-surface layer under the effect of the Southeast monsoon; at depth, between 300 m to more than 800 m, a water mass of Northern Indian Ocean origin was present. (D'après résumé d'auteur

    Assessing the plastic response of amorphous silica, a multiscale approach

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    En dépit de sa fragilité, la silice amorphe se déforme plastiquement aux échelles microscopiques. C'est ce qu'on observe par exemple en indentation. De façon remarquable, cette déformation irréversible de la silice amorphe mobilise deux processus : 1) l'écoulement en cissaillement ; 2) la densification ou compaction. Pour déterminer phénoménologiquement une loi de comportement plastique de la silice amorphe, nous avons développé des expériences de mesure mécanique à l'échelle locale (Fig., gauche). En particulier, récemment, nous avons effectué des mesures de compression uniaxiale sur des piliers de silice de petite taille [1]. Dans nos expériences les plus récentes, nous dépassons même le stade plastique et génèrons, de façon inattendue, de la fracture à ces échelles très réduites. Tous nos résultats expérimentaux sont en très bon accord avec une loi de comportement qui couple pression hydrostatique et cisaillement selon un comportement compactant (Fig., centre), en introduisant un écrouissage paramétré par la densité. Afin de mieux comprendre les origines physiques de ce comportement, nous avons conduit des simulations par dynamique moléculaire [2] (Fig., droite). En utilisant des potentiels relativement classiques, nous retrouvons qualitativement une forme de surface de charge proche de celle que nous avions identifiée à partir des expériences. En outre l'approche locale permet de donner corps à l'hypothèse que c'est le comportement de flambement de la structure locale, initialement très ouverte, qui est à l'origine de ce comportement très caractéristique. Nous montrerons alors en quoi cette vision de la plasticité de la silice amorphes est cohérente avec les autres propriétés mécaniques et physiques remarquables de la silice amorphe comme la nonlinéarité élastique anormale, le faible coefficient de Poisson et le faible coefficient de dilalation

    About the plastic response of silicate glasses at the micronscale

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    Despite their brittleness, silicate glasses undergo plastic deformation at the micron scale. Mechanical contact and indentation are the most common situations of interest. The plasticity of glasses is characterized not only by shear flow but also by a permanent densification process. We present novel observations of the deformation and fracture of amorphous silica micropillars of various sizes using In Situ SEM Micro-Compression (Fig 1), that can help better understand the mechanisms occurring prior to its fracture [1]. Exhibiting one of the highest ratios of shear stress on shear modulus, fused silica thus further distinguishes itself from other amorphous materials. Moreover, nanocompression allows successful observations of crack initiation and growth. In parallel to this experimental investigation, atomistic simulations [2] aiming to investigate the theoretical plastic response of silicate glasses under coupled shear-pressure stress state was run. The results were interpreted in terms of volumetric and shear hardening. A buckling-like behaviour is clearly evidenced at low density (large free-volume) whereas a BMG-like is observed for samples densified until saturation. Thanks to this rich set of data, it seems now possible to define a constitutive model taking into account both nanomechanical results, i.e. nanopillars, nanoindentation, diamond anvil cell, and molecular dynamics simulation Despite their brittleness, silicate glasses undergo plastic deformation at the micron scale. Mechanical contact and indentation are the most common situations of interest. The plasticity of glasses is characterized not only by shear flow but also by a permanent densification process. We present novel observations of the deformation and fracture of amorphous silica micropillars of various sizes using In Situ SEM Micro-Compression (Fig 1), that can help better understand the mechanisms occurring prior to its fracture [1]. Exhibiting one of the highest ratios of shear stress on shear modulus, fused silica thus further distinguishes itself from other amorphous materials. Moreover, nanocompression allows successful observations of crack initiation and growth. In parallel to this experimental investigation, atomistic simulations [2] aiming to investigate the theoretical plastic response of silicate glasses under coupled shear-pressure stress state was run. The results were interpreted in terms of volumetric and shear hardening. A buckling-like behaviour is clearly evidenced at low density (large free-volume) whereas a BMG-like is observed for samples densified until saturation. Thanks to this rich set of data, it seems now possible to define a constitutive model taking into account both nanomechanical results, i.e. nanopillars, nanoindentation, diamond anvil cell, and molecular dynamics simulation

    The Bostrichidae of the Maltese Islands (Coleoptera)

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    The Bostrichidae of the Maltese Islands are reviewed. Ten species are recorded with certainty from this Archipelago, of which 6 namely, Trogoxylon impressum (Comolli, 1837), Amphicerus bimaculatus (A.G. Olivier, 1790), Heterobostrychus aequalis (Waterhouse, 1884), Sinoxylon unidentatum (Fabricius, 1801), Xyloperthella picea (A.G. Olivier, 1790) and Apate monachus Fabricius, 1775 are recorded for the first time. Two of the mentioned species (H. aequalis and S. unidentatum) are alien and recorded only on the basis of single captures and the possible establishment of these species is discussed. Earlier records of Scobicia pustulata (Fabricius, 1801) from Malta are incorrect and should be attributed to S. chevrieri (A. Villa & J.B. Villa, 1835). A zoogeographical analysis and an updated checklist of the 12 species of Bostrichidae recorded from the Maltese Islands and neighbouring Sicilian islands (Pantelleria, Linosa and Lampedusa) are also provided. Rhizopertha dominica (Fabricius, 1792) form granulipennis Lesne in Beeson & Bhatia, 1937 from Uttarakhand (northern India) was overlooked by almost all subsequent authors. Its history is summarized and the following new synonymy is established: Rhizopertha dominica (Fabricius, 1792) form granulipennis Lesne in Beeson & Bhatia, 1937 = Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius, 1792), syn. n. Finally, records of Amphicerus bimaculatus from Azerbaijan, of Bostrichus capucinus (Linnaeus, 1758) from Jordan and Syria, of Scobicia chevrieri from Jordan and Italy, of Xyloperthella picea from Italy, and of Apate monachus from Corsica (France) and Italy, are also provided.peer-reviewe

    Vibrationnal modes and mechanical behaviour of silicia glasses : a numerical study and RAMAN spectroscopy

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    Cette thèse porte sur l'étude et le comportement mécanique et vibrationnel du verre de silice. Des méthodes de dynamique moléculaire classique sont appliquées pour modéliser le verre à l'aide d'un potentiel BKS tronqué. La validité du modèle est testée au travers de comparaisonsstructurales et dynamiques avec des expériences de diffusion de rayons X et de neutrons. L'échantillon numérique est sollicité mécaniquement, et sa réponse à la déformation (compression hydrostatique, cisaillement à volume ou à pression cnostante dans les régimes élastiques et au-delà de la limite d'élasticité) est étudiée dans le cadre de la théorie classique de l'élasticité. L'utilisation de la dynamique moléculaire nous a permis de nous orienter vers une approche microscopique via l'étude du déplacement non-affine, qui semble expliquer des comportements macroscopiques encore peu décrits dans la littérature. En particulier, l'origine de l'anomalie du module de compressibilité dans la silice a pu être reliée à un comortement micro-plastique, et la courbe de charge (limite du domaine élastique) a été obtenue. En complément aux chargements mécaniques, des études expérimentales de spectroscopie Raman sous cellule enclume diament ont été réalisées et comparées aux spectres Raman modélisés à partir de configuration de silice chargées mécaniquement. Enfin, nous avons ou discuter de la validité de la description théorique ainsi que ses limites.This thesis discusses the mechanical and vibrationnal behaviour of silica glasses. Here, classical molecular dynamics methods are used to model a glass using asmoothed and truncated BKS potential. The model is validated through structural and dynamical comparisons with X-rays and neutrons scattering experiments. The numerical sample in mechanically loaded, and the response to a strain (hydrostatic compression, shear at constant volume or pressure in the elastic domain and beyond) is studied in the frame of the classical theroy of elasticity. The use of classical molecular dynamics gave us a microscopic approach via the non-affine displacement study, to explain some macroscopic behaviour, which is not yet developed much in literature. In particular, we illustrated the origins of the bulk modulus anomaly of silica glasses because of its micro-plastic behaviour. we also obtained the yield surface (boundary between elastic and plastic behaviour) of silica glasses. Moreover, Raman spectroscopy is performed under diamond anvil cell, and the results were compared with the Raman spectra of numerically loaded glasses. At last; we discussed the validity of theoritical description and the limitation

    Perspectives quant a la penetration du CO2 anthropique : utilisation des freons 11 et 12 comme traceurs des masses d'eaux oceaniques dans l'ocean Indien Sud Ouest

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Réponse vibrationnelle basse fréquence des verres de silice : modélisation et spectroscopie RAMAN

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    This thesis discusses the mechanical and vibrationnal behaviour of silica glasses. Here, classical molecular dynamics methods are used to model a glass using asmoothed and truncated BKS potential. The model is validated through structural and dynamical comparisons with X-rays and neutrons scattering experiments. The numerical sample in mechanically loaded, and the response to a strain (hydrostatic compression, shear at constant volume or pressure in the elastic domain and beyond) is studied in the frame of the classical theroy of elasticity. The use of classical molecular dynamics gave us a microscopic approach via the non-affine displacement study, to explain some macroscopic behaviour, which is not yet developed much in literature. In particular, we illustrated the origins of the bulk modulus anomaly of silica glasses because of its micro-plastic behaviour. we also obtained the yield surface (boundary between elastic and plastic behaviour) of silica glasses. Moreover, Raman spectroscopy is performed under diamond anvil cell, and the results were compared with the Raman spectra of numerically loaded glasses. At last; we discussed the validity of theoritical description and the limitation.Cette thèse porte sur l'étude et le comportement mécanique et vibrationnel du verre de silice. Des méthodes de dynamique moléculaire classique sont appliquées pour modéliser le verre à l'aide d'un potentiel BKS tronqué. La validité du modèle est testée au travers de comparaisonsstructurales et dynamiques avec des expériences de diffusion de rayons X et de neutrons. L'échantillon numérique est sollicité mécaniquement, et sa réponse à la déformation (compression hydrostatique, cisaillement à volume ou à pression cnostante dans les régimes élastiques et au-delà de la limite d'élasticité) est étudiée dans le cadre de la théorie classique de l'élasticité. L'utilisation de la dynamique moléculaire nous a permis de nous orienter vers une approche microscopique via l'étude du déplacement non-affine, qui semble expliquer des comportements macroscopiques encore peu décrits dans la littérature. En particulier, l'origine de l'anomalie du module de compressibilité dans la silice a pu être reliée à un comortement micro-plastique, et la courbe de charge (limite du domaine élastique) a été obtenue. En complément aux chargements mécaniques, des études expérimentales de spectroscopie Raman sous cellule enclume diament ont été réalisées et comparées aux spectres Raman modélisés à partir de configuration de silice chargées mécaniquement. Enfin, nous avons ou discuter de la validité de la description théorique ainsi que ses limites

    Vibrational modes as a predictor for plasticity in a model glass

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    The density of vibrational states in amorphous materials is known to present an unusual shape related as “boson peak”, and responsible for the very specific thermal behaviour of these systems. In this letter, we show how the vibrational modes of a model Lennard-Jones glass are affected by a mechanical load. Far from a mechanical instability, vibrational modes can be described at low frequency by weak scattering of acoustic modes. Close to a plastic instability, some of them localize. We show how the shape of the “localized” vibrational modes, juste before the plastic instability, is directly related to the spatial organization of the plastic rearrangements. A measurement of the spatial organization of the low-frequency vibrational modes could thus be used as a predictor for plastic activity