302 research outputs found

    Welfare and Revenue Guarantees for Competitive Bundling Equilibrium

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    We study equilibria of markets with mm heterogeneous indivisible goods and nn consumers with combinatorial preferences. It is well known that a competitive equilibrium is not guaranteed to exist when valuations are not gross substitutes. Given the widespread use of bundling in real-life markets, we study its role as a stabilizing and coordinating device by considering the notion of \emph{competitive bundling equilibrium}: a competitive equilibrium over the market induced by partitioning the goods for sale into fixed bundles. Compared to other equilibrium concepts involving bundles, this notion has the advantage of simulatneous succinctness (O(m)O(m) prices) and market clearance. Our first set of results concern welfare guarantees. We show that in markets where consumers care only about the number of goods they receive (known as multi-unit or homogeneous markets), even in the presence of complementarities, there always exists a competitive bundling equilibrium that guarantees a logarithmic fraction of the optimal welfare, and this guarantee is tight. We also establish non-trivial welfare guarantees for general markets, two-consumer markets, and markets where the consumer valuations are additive up to a fixed budget (budget-additive). Our second set of results concern revenue guarantees. Motivated by the fact that the revenue extracted in a standard competitive equilibrium may be zero (even with simple unit-demand consumers), we show that for natural subclasses of gross substitutes valuations, there always exists a competitive bundling equilibrium that extracts a logarithmic fraction of the optimal welfare, and this guarantee is tight. The notion of competitive bundling equilibrium can thus be useful even in markets which possess a standard competitive equilibrium

    Comparison of physics-based, semi-empirical and neural network-based models for model-based combustion control in a 3.0 L diesel engine

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    A comparison of four different control-oriented models has been carried out in this paper for the simulation of the main combustion metrics in diesel engines, i.e., combustion phasing, peak firing pressure, and brake mean effective pressure. The aim of the investigation has been to understand the potential of each approach in view of their implementation in the engine control unit (ECU) for onboard combustion control applications. The four developed control-oriented models, namely the baseline physics-based model, the artificial neural network (ANN) physics-based model, the semi-empirical model, and direct ANN model, have been assessed and compared under steady-state conditions and over the Worldwide Harmonized Heavy-duty Transient Cycle (WHTC) for a Euro VI FPT F1C 3.0 L diesel engine. Moreover, a new procedure has been introduced for the selection of the input parameters. The direct ANN model has shown the best accuracy in the estimation of the combustion metrics under both steady-state/transient operating conditions, since the root mean square errors are of the order of 0.25/1.1 deg, 0.85/9.6 bar, and 0.071/0.7 bar for combustion phasing, peak firing pressure, and brake mean effective pressure, respectively. Moreover, it requires the least computational time, that is, less than 50 µs when the model is run on a rapid prototyping device. Therefore, it can be considered the best candidate for model-based combustion control applications

    Intraneuronal Aβ detection in 5xFAD mice by a new Aβ-specific antibody

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The form(s) of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) associated with the pathology characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD) remains unclear. In particular, the neurotoxicity of intraneuronal Aβ accumulation is an issue of considerable controversy; even the existence of Aβ deposits within neurons has recently been challenged by Winton and co-workers. These authors purport that it is actually intraneuronal APP that is being detected by antibodies thought to be specific for Aβ. To further address this issue, an anti-Aβ antibody was developed (MOAB-2) that specifically detects Aβ, but not APP. This antibody allows for the further evaluation of the early accumulation of intraneuronal Aβ in transgenic mice with increased levels of human Aβ in 5xFAD and 3xTg mice.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MOAB-2 (mouse IgG<sub>2b</sub>) is a pan-specific, high-titer antibody to Aβ residues 1-4 as demonstrated by biochemical and immunohistochemical analyses (IHC), particularly compared to 6E10 (a commonly used commercial antibody to Aβ residues 3-8). MOAB-2 did not detect APP or APP-CTFs in cell culture media/lysates (HEK-APP<sub>Swe </sub>or HEK-APP<sub>Swe</sub>/BACE1) or in brain homogenates from transgenic mice expressing 5 familial AD (FAD) mutation (5xFAD mice). Using IHC on 5xFAD brain tissue, MOAB-2 immunoreactivity co-localized with C-terminal antibodies specific for Aβ40 and Aβ42. MOAB-2 did not co-localize with either N- or C-terminal antibodies to APP. In addition, no MOAB-2-immunreactivity was observed in the brains of 5xFAD/BACE<sup>-/- </sup>mice, although significant amounts of APP were detected by N- and C-terminal antibodies to APP, as well as by 6E10. In both 5xFAD and 3xTg mouse brain tissue, MOAB-2 co-localized with cathepsin-D, a marker for acidic organelles, further evidence for intraneuronal Aβ, distinct from Aβ associated with the cell membrane. MOAB-2 demonstrated strong intraneuronal and extra-cellular immunoreactivity in 5xFAD and 3xTg mouse brain tissues.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both intraneuronal Aβ accumulation and extracellular Aβ deposition was demonstrated in 5xFAD mice and 3xTg mice with MOAB-2, an antibody that will help differentiate intracellular Aβ from APP. However, further investigation is required to determine whether a molecular mechanism links the presence of intraneuronal Aβ with neurotoxicity. As well, understanding the relevance of these observations to human AD patients is critical.</p

    Observation of Top Quark Production in Proton-Nucleus Collisions

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    Baseline Surveillance in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Using Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Meta-analysis.

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    Importance Guidelines for clinical management in Li-Fraumeni syndrome, a multiple-organ cancer predisposition condition, are limited. Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WBMRI) may play a role in surveillance of this high-risk population.Objective To assess the clinical utility of WBMRI in germline TP53 mutation carriers at baseline.Data sources Clinical and research surveillance cohorts were identified through the Li-Fraumeni Exploration Research Consortium.Study selection Cohorts that incorporated WBMRI for individuals with germline TP53 mutations from January 1, 2004, through October 1, 2016, were included.Data extraction and synthesis Data were extracted by investigators from each cohort independently and synthesized by 2 investigators. Random-effects meta-analysis methods were used to estimate proportions.Main outcomes and measures The proportions of participants at baseline in whom a lesion was detected that required follow-up and in whom a new primary malignant neoplasm was detected.Results A total of 578 participants (376 female [65.1%] and 202 male [34.9%]; mean [SD] age, 33.2 [17.1] years) from 13 cohorts in 6 countries were included in the analysis. Two hundred twenty-five lesions requiring clinical follow-up were detected by WBMRI in 173 participants. Sixty-one lesions were diagnosed in 54 individuals as benign or malignant neoplasms. Overall, 42 cancers were identified in 39 individuals, with 35 new localized cancers treated with curative intent. The overall estimated detection rate for new, localized primary cancers was 7% (95% CI, 5%-9%).Conclusions and relevance These data suggest clinical utility of baseline WBMRI in TP53 germline mutation carriers and may form an integral part of baseline clinical risk management in this high-risk population