253 research outputs found

    Differential Responses of Human Regulatory T Cells (Treg) and Effector T Cells to Rapamycin

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    Background: The immunosuppressive drug rapamycin (RAPA) promotes the expansion of CD4+ CD25highFoxp3+ regulatory\ud T cells via mechanisms that remain unknown. Here, we studied expansion, IL-2R-c chain signaling, survival pathways and resistance to apoptosis in human Treg responding to RAPA.\ud Methodology/Principal Findings: CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25neg T cells were isolated from PBMC of normal controls (n = 21)\ud using AutoMACS. These T cell subsets were cultured in the presence of anti-CD3/CD28 antibodies and 1000 IU/mL IL-2 for 3 to 6 weeks. RAPA (1–100 nM) was added to half of the cultures. After harvest, the cell phenotype, signaling via the PI3K/ mTOR and STAT pathways, expression of survival proteins and Annexin V binding were determined and compared to values obtained with freshly-separated CD4+CD25high and CD4+CD25neg T cells. Suppressor function was tested in co-cultures with autologous CFSE-labeled CD4+CD25neg or CD8+CD25neg T-cell responders. The frequency and suppressor activity of Treg were increased after culture of CD4+CD25+ T cells in the presence of 1–100 nM RAPA (p,0.001). RAPA-expanded Treg were largely CD4+CD25highFoxp3+ cells and were resistant to apoptosis, while CD4+CD25neg T cells were sensitive. Only Treg upregulated anti-apoptotic and down-regulated pro-apoptotic proteins. Treg expressed higher levels of the PTEN protein than CD4+CD25neg cells. Activated Treg6RAPA preferentially phosphorylated STAT5 and STAT3 and did not utilize the PI3K/ mTOR pathway.\ud Conclusions/Significance: RAPA favors Treg expansion and survival by differentially regulating signaling, proliferation and sensitivity to apoptosis of human effector T cells and Treg after TCR/IL-2 activation

    Reduction of Radiation Dosage in Visualization of Paranasal Sinuses in Daily Routine

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    Background. Preoperative imaging of the nose and paranasal sinus is standard in otorhinolaryngology. Previous studies on phantoms demonstrated the potential for dose reduction of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) by varying the application parameters. Methodology. Based on previous studies, the standard protocol of paranasal sinus imaging by CBCT was altered. One hundred and fifty examinations using the old protocol (01/2010–01/2011, high dosage) and 150 examinations using the new protocol (09/2012–09/2013, low dosage) were evaluated and compared for the visibility of 17 anatomical structures, the Lund-Mackay Score, and technical parameters. Results. Alteration of the protocol resulted in a significant reduction in dosage (6.64 mGy versus 2.88 mGy). Both groups showed the same amount of pathology (Lund-Mackay Score: 4.95±3.79 versus 5.26±5.77; p=0.558). There was a significant better visibility of the anatomical structures (all visible = 1, nothing visible = 4) (results: 1.25 versus 1.17; p=0.001) in the low-dosage group. Conclusion. Despite a significant reduction in the applied dosage, reliable visualization of the bony anatomy of the anterior skull base is possible by CBCT. This demonstrates the need for the discussion of the required clinical imaging quality

    Killing of myeloid APCs via HLA class I, CD2 and CD226 defines a novel mechanism of suppression by human Tr1 cells

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    IL-10-producing CD4+ type 1 regulatory T (Tr1) cells, defined based on their ability to produce high levels of IL-10 in the absence of IL-4, are major players in the induction and maintenance of peripheral tolerance. Tr1 cells inhibit T-cell responses mainly via cytokine-dependent mechanisms. The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the suppression of APC by Tr1 cells are still not completely elucidated. Here, we defined that Tr1 cells specifically lyse myeloid APC through a granzyme B (GZB)- and perforin (PRF)-dependent mechanism that requires HLA class I recognition, CD54/lymphocyte function-associated antigen (LFA)-1 adhesion, and activation via killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs) and CD2. Notably, interaction between CD226 on Tr1 cells and their ligands on myeloid cells, leading to Tr1-cell activation, is necessary for defining Tr1-cell target specificity. We also showed that high frequency of GZB-expressing CD4+ T cells is detected in tolerant patients and correlates with elevated occurrence of IL-10-producing CD4+ T cells. In conclusion, the modulatory activities of Tr1 cells are not only due to suppressive cytokines but also to specific cell-to-cell interactions that lead to selective killing of myeloid cells and possibly bystander suppression

    Tumor-Derived Microvesicles Induce, Expand and Up-Regulate Biological Activities of Human Regulatory T Cells (Treg)

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    Background: Tumor-derived microvesicles (TMV) or exosomes are present in body fluids of patients with cancer and might be involved in tumor progression. The frequency and suppressor functions of peripheral blood CD4 + CD25 high FOXP3 + Treg are higher in patients with cancer than normal controls. The hypothesis is tested that TMV contribute to induction/ expansion/and activation of human Treg. Methodology/Principal Findings: TMV isolated from supernatants of tumor cells but not normal cells induced the generation and enhanced expansion of human Treg. TMV also mediated conversion of CD4 + CD25 neg T cells into CD4 + CD25 high FOXP3 + Treg. Upon co-incubation with TMV, Treg showed an increased FasL, IL-10, TGF-b1, CTLA-4, granzyme B and perforin expression (p,0.05) and mediated stronger suppression of responder cell (RC) proliferation (p,0.01). Purified Treg were resistant to TMV-mediated apoptosis relative to other T cells. TMV also increased phospho-SMAD2/3 and phospho-STAT3 expression in Treg. Neutralizing Abs specific for TGF-b1 and/or IL-10 significantly inhibited TMV ability to expand Treg. Conclusions/Significance: This study suggests that TMV have immunoregulatory properties. They induce Treg, promote Treg expansion, up-regulate Treg suppressor function and enhance Treg resistance to apoptosis. Interactions of TMV wit

    Molecular evidence of adenosine deaminase linking adenosine A2A receptor and CD26 proteins

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    Adenosine is an endogenous purine nucleoside that acts in all living systems as a homeostatic network regulator through many pathways, which are adenosine receptor (AR)-dependent and -independent. From a metabolic point of view, adenosine deaminase (ADA) is an essential protein in the regulation of the total intracellular and extracellular adenosine in a tissue. In addition to its cytosolic localization, ADA is also expressed as an ecto-enzyme on the surface of different cells. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (CD26) and some ARs act as binding proteins for extracellular ADA in humans. Since CD26 and ARs interact with ADA at opposite sites, we have investigated if ADA can function as a cell-to-cell communication molecule by bridging the anchoring molecules CD26 and A2AR present on the surfaces of the interacting cells. By combining site-directed mutagenesis of ADA amino acids involved in binding to A2AR and a modification of the bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) technique that allows detection of interactions between two proteins expressed in different cell populations with low steric hindrance (NanoBRET), we show direct evidence of the specific formation of trimeric complexes CD26-ADA-A2AR involving two cells. By dynamic mass redistribution assays and ligand binding experiments, we also demonstrate that A2AR-NanoLuc fusion proteins are functional. The existence of this ternary complex is in good agreement with the hypothesis that ADA could bridge T-cells (expressing CD26) and dendritic cells (expressing A2AR). This is a new metabolic function for ecto-ADA that, being a single chain protein, it has been considered as an example of moonlighting protein, because it performs more than one functional role (as a catalyst, a costimulator, an allosteric modulator and a cell-to-cell connector) without partitioning these functions in different subunits

    Decreased Numbers of Blood Dendritic Cells and Defective Function of Regulatory T Cells in Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Vasculitis

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    BACKGROUND: Dendritic cells (DC) and regulatory cells (Treg) play pivotal roles in controlling both normal and autoimmune adaptive immune responses. DC are the main antigen-presenting cells to T cells, and they also control Treg functions. In this study, we examined the frequency and phenotype of DC subsets, and the frequency and function of Treg from patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Blood samples from 19 untreated patients with AAV during flares and before any immunosuppressive treatment were analyzed, along with 15 AAV patients in remission and 18 age-matched healthy controls. DC and Treg numbers, and phenotypes were assessed by flow cytometry, and in vitro suppressive function of Treg was determined by co-culture assay. When compared to healthy volunteers, absolute numbers of conventional and plasmacytoid DC were decreased in AAV patients. During the acute phase this decrease was significantly more pronounced and was associated with an increased DC expression of CD62L. Absolute numbers of Treg (CD4(+)CD25(high)CD127(low/-) Tcells) were moderately decreased in patients. FOXP3 and CD39 were expressed at similar levels on Treg from patients as compared to controls. The suppressive function of Treg from AAV patients was dramatically decreased as compared to controls, and this defect was more pronounced during flares than remission. This Treg functional deficiency occurred in the absence of obvious Th17 deviation. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, these data show that AAV flares are associated with both a decrease number and altered phenotype of circulating DC and point to a role for Treg functional deficiency in the pathogenesis of AAV

    FoxP3+ T regulatory cells in cancer : prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets

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    T Regulatory cells (Tregs) can have both protective and pathological roles. They maintain immune homeostasis and inhibit immune responses in various diseases, including cancer. Proportions of Tregs in the peripheral blood of some cancer patients increase by five-to ten-folds, compared to those in healthy individuals. Tregs contribute to cancer development and progression by suppressing T effector cell functions, thereby compromising tumor killing and promoting tumor growth. Highly immunosuppressive Tregs express upregulated levels of the transcription factor, Forkhead box protein P3 (FoxP3). Elevated levels of FoxP3+ Tregs within the tumor microenvironment (TME) showed a positive correlation with poor prognosis in various cancer patients. Despite the success of immunotherapy, including the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors, a significant proportion of patients show low response rates as a result of primary or acquired resistance against therapy. Some of the mechanisms which underlie the development of therapy resistance are associated with Treg suppressive function. In this review, we describe Treg contribution to cancer development/progression, and the mechanisms of Treg-mediated immunosuppression. We discuss the prognostic significance of FoxP3+ Tregs in different cancers and their potential use as prognostic biomarkers. We also describe potential therapeutic strategies to target Tregs in combination with other types of immunotherapies aiming to overcome tumor resistance and improve clinical outcomes in cancer patients. Overall, understanding the prognostic significance of FoxP3+ Tregs in various cancers and their contribution to therapeutic resistance could help in the development of more effective targeted therapeutic strategies to enhance the clinical outcomes in cancer patients