43 research outputs found

    Qualidade subjetiva do sono, sintomas depressivos, sentimentos de solidão e institucionalização em pessoas idosas

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    Aims: The main objectives of this investigation were to describe the subjective quality of sleep and sleep disorders and analyze the intensity of depressive and loneliness symptoms in institutionalized elderly people; compare these data against a non-institutionalized elderly people subsample and analyze the relationship between these variables in both subsamples. Method: This study is part of Trajectories of Elderly Aging in Social Response Project from which a sample of one hundred and forty elderly people with no cognitive impairment was taken, with 70 institutionalized and 70 non-institutionalized matched by age, sex, education, and marital status. The average age was 76.58 (SD = 6.10), including 104 women and 36 men. The tools used for this analysis were a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Questionnaire About Sleep in the Older Adults, Geriatric Depression Scale, and the Loneliness Scale of the University of California, Los Angeles. Results: The study confirmed that institutionalized elderly people had more feelings of loneliness than those non-institutionalized. However, there were no differences between the two subsamples regarding depressive symptoms and the subjective sleep quality or sleep disturbances, with some exceptions: Elderly people living in the community showed to have the perception of taking more time to fall asleep, waking up earlier, and having more nightmares. Through a correlational analysis it was found, in both subsamples, that the worse the subjective sleep quality the more depressive symptoms were observed; and the more depressive symptoms, the more feelings of loneliness, despite not existing relation between sleep and loneliness. Conclusions: We concluded that institutionalization is linked to more feelings of loneliness but not to depressive symptoms nor to worse quality of sleep. For this reason, it is suggested that intervention programs are developed with a focus on elderly institutionalized populations.  Objetivos: A presente investigação teve como principais objetivos descrever a qualidade subjetiva do sono e as perturbações do sono e analisar a intensidade dos sintomas depressivos e dos sentimentos de solidão em idosos institucionalizados; comparar estes dados com um grupo de idosos não institucionalizados e analisar a relação entre estas variáveis nos dois grupos. Métodos: Este estudo insere-se no Projeto Trajetórias do Envelhecimento de Idosos em Resposta Social de onde foi retirada uma amostra de cento e quarenta idosos sem défice cognitivo, com 70 institucionalizados e 70 não institucionalizados emparelhados por idade, sexo, escolaridade e estado civil. A média de idades foi de 76,58 (DP = 6,10), incluindo 104 mulheres e 36 homens. Como instrumentos foram utilizados um Questionário Sociodemográfico, o Questionário sobre o Sono na Terceira Idade, a Escala Geriátrica de depressão e a Escala de Solidão da Universidade da Califórnia, Los Angeles. Resultados: Verificou-se que os idosos institucionalizados apresentavam mais sentimentos de solidão do que os não institucionalizados. Contudo, não se verificaram diferenças entre os dois grupos em relação aos sintomas depressivos, qualidade subjetiva do sono ou perturbações do sono, com algumas exceções: os idosos residentes na comunidade mostraram ter a perceção de demorar mais tempo a adormecer, de acordar mais cedo e de ter mais pesadelos. Através de uma análise correlacional verificou-se, na amostra global, que quanto pior a qualidade subjetiva do sono mais sintomas depressivos se observavam e quanto mais sintomas depressivos, mais sentimentos de solidão, não havendo, contudo, relação entre o sono e a solidão. Conclusões: Concluímos que a situação de institucionalização se acompanha de mais sentimentos de solidão, mas não de sintomas depressivos ou de pior qualidade de sono. Por esse motivo, sugere-se que se desenvolvam programas de intervenção dirigidos à solidão em idosos institucionalizados

    Stereological and Morphometric Study of Type 3 Collagen Formation in the Cutaneous Wounds of Diabetic Mice Treated with Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Introduction: Wound healing is a progressive, essential and complex physiological process that occurs as a restorative response after a tissue injury. It involves three phases: inflammation, proliferation and maturation. Exogenous, endogenous and pathological factors may interfere in the cicatricial process in humans and animals by altering the balance between the synthesis, degradation and remodelling of collagen and elastic fibres. Diabetes mellitus is a progressive metabolic disease that alters elastogenesis and collagenesis and induces delays in the healing process. Scientific evidence suggests that mesenchymal stem cells modulate the cicatricial response. Thus the objective of this work was to perform stereological and morphometric analysis to determine the formation of dermal fibres in cutaneous fragments of a murine model of diabetes mellitus.Materials, Methods & Results: Histological sections were obtained from the cutaneous wounds of diabetic mice. The cutaneous wounds were previously treated with autogenous mesenchymal stem cells, physiological solution or polyurethane membrane. The histological sections were subsequently processed and stained for type 1 and 3 collagen fibres and elastic fibres using Picrosirius Red and Weigert staining, respectively. Histological sections stained with Picrosirius Red presented three types of birefringence under polarised light microscopy that corresponded to red colours for type 1 collagen and green and yellow colours for type 3 collagen. Weigert staining presented three colours for histological structures under white light microscopy that corresponded to black colours for elastic fibres, variations in colour from pink to purple for other structures and dermal attachments. The elastic fibres, represented by a black colour, presented in a heterogeneous form and were either identified as thin, punctiform or rectangular fibres or as elastic agglomerates. A greater volume of elastic fibres was observed in the superficial dermis than in the deep dermis, arranged irregularly. These fibres were organised longitudinally to the dermo-epidermal junction and surrounding the blood vessels and hair follicles. The images obtained were evaluated using the Cavalieri principle of stereology to obtain quantitative data in three-dimensions (3D), represented by the volume of the dermal fibres, and by the colour segmentation method. The K-means clustering plug-in in Image J® was used to quantify the area of the dermal fibres in the cutaneous wounds after the proposed dermatological treatments. A total of 90 images were obtained and analysed. No statistically significant differences (P > 0.01) were observed in the volume or area of type 1 collagen fibres between the treatment groups. Significant differences (P < 0.01) were only identified for the volumes and areas of type 3 collagen, with treated animals also presenting lower mean values for the volume and area of elastic fibres compared to the control group.Discussion: The preponderance of type 3 immature collagen in the cutaneous wounds of animals treated with stem cells indicates active collagenase and greater fibroblastic activity, which is probably induced by stem cells. Diametrically, the identification of lower levels of elastic fibres in the cutaneous fragments treated with stem cells suggests that cell therapy does not contribute satisfactorily to elastogenesis. Previous reports suggested that mesenchymal stem cells may decrease elastin synthesis, and such a situation may have occurred in this study. The autologous mesenchymal stem cells increased the formation of collagen fibres in diabetic mice at the detriment of the formation of elastic fibres, thus suggesting active early collagen in the first 2 weeks of the cicatricial process

    Changes of Soluble CD40 Ligand in the Progression of Acute Myocardial Infarction Associate to Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Polymorphisms and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor But Not to Platelet CD62P Expression

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    Reported in vitro data implicated soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L) in endothelial dysfunction and angiogenesis. However, whether sCD40L could exert that influence in endothelial dysfunction and angiogenesis after injury in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients remains unclear. In the present study, we evaluated the association of sCD40L with markers of platelet activation, endothelial, and vascular function during a recovery period early after AMI. To achieve this goal, the time changes of soluble, platelet-bound, and microparticle-bound CD40L levels over 1 month were assessed in AMI patients and correlated with endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) polymorphisms, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) concentrations, and platelet expression of P-selectin (CD62P). The association of soluble form, platelet-bound, and microparticle-bound CD40L with CD62P expression on platelets, a marker of platelet activation, was also assessed to evaluate the role of CD40L in the thrombosis, whereas the association with eNOS and VEGF was to evaluate the role of CD40L in vascular dysfunction. This work shows for the first time that time changes of sCD40L over 1 month after myocardial infarct onset were associated with G894T eNOS polymorphism and with the VEGF concentrations, but not to the platelet CD62P expression. These results indicate that, in terms of AMI pathophysiology, the sCD40L cannot be consider just as being involved in thrombosis and inflammation but also as having a relevant role in vascular and endothelial dysfunction

    Stratification of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Based on Soluble CD40L Longitudinal Changes

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    Involvement of soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L) in thrombosis and inflammation on the context of coronary artery disease is currently being revised. In that perspective, we had studied the association of sCD40L with markers of platelet activation and markers of endothelial and vascular function. On that cohort, a stratification of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) 1 month after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was observed based on concentrations of sCD40L. The study intended to identify the groups of AMI patients with different profiles of sCD40L concentrations and verify how medication, clinical evolution, biochemical data, and markers of regulation of endothelial function at genetic (endothelial nitric oxide synthase polymorphisms) and post-transcriptional levels (circulating microRNAs) affect sCD40L serum levels. Lower quartiles of sCD40L (<2.3 ng/mL) were associated with higher concentrations of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), high frequency of G894T polymorphism, and altered expression of a set of microRNAs assumed to be involved in the regulation of endothelial and cardiac function and myocardium hypertrophy, relative to patients in sCD40L upper quartiles. A characteristic sCD40L variation pattern in STEMI patients was identified. Low levels of sCD40L 1 month after PCI distinguish STEMI patients with worse prognosis, a compromised cardiac healing, and a persistent endothelial dysfunction, as given by the association between sCD40L, NT-proBNP, G894T polymorphism, and specific profile of miRNA expression. These results suggest sCD40L could have a prognostic value in STEMI patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Degradação dos fármacos nimesulida e ibuprofeno empregando processo foto-Fenton: estudos da toxicidade, modelagem cinética e emprego de redes neurais artificiais

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    The growth of pollution in aquatic environments increases every day, causing compounds like pharmaceuticas to be detected in surface waters. Thus, tecniques such as advanced oxidation processes (AOP) have been used to degrade this compounds. In this work, the efficiency of AOP in the degradation of nimesulide and ibuprofen pharmaceuticals was evaluated through chromatographic analysis as well as organic matter through the levels of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC). It was verified that the photo-Fenton process presented the bests results, degrading 89.70% of nimesulide and 93.35% of ibuprofen. This same process managed to reduce COD by 91.60% and mineralize 90.04% of the TOC. The kinetic study showed a good linear fit (R2=0.993) for the clustered kinetic model, as well as a good fit to the mathematical model of artificial neural networks (ANNs), with a value of R2=1.000 for the MLP4-4-1 BFGS 4567 model. Finally, the toxicity of the solution after treatment was verified against the seeds of Lactuta sativa, Cichorium endívia, Ocimum basilicum and American Hard grain. It was found that the seeds that received the solution before treatment had a lower germination amount than the ones where the post AOP treatment solution was added. Then, the root growth was evaluated, in which a relative toxic effect was observed.O crescimento da poluição de ambientes aquáticos tem aumentado todos os dias, fazendo com que compostos como os fármacos sejam verificados em águas superficiais. Desse modo, técnicas como processos oxidativos avançados (POA) tem sido utilizadas. Neste trabalho a eficiência dos POA na degradação dos fármacos nimesulida e ibuprofeno foi avaliada, através de análises cromatográficas, bem como de matéria orgânica através dos níveis de demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) e carbono orgânico total (COT). Verificou-se que o processo foto-Fenton apresentou os melhores resultados degradando 89,70% do nimesulida e 93,35% do ibuprofeno. Esse mesmo processo conseguiu reduzir em 91,60% a DQO e mineralizar 90,04% do COT. O estudo cinético mostrou bom ajuste linear (R2=0,993) para o modelo cinético agrupado, além de uma boa adequação ao modelo matemático de redes neurais artificiais (RNA), com um valor de R2=1,000 para o modelo MLP4-4-1 BFGS4567. Por fim, verificou-se a toxicidade da solução após tratamento, frente às sementes de Lactuta Sativa, Cichorium endívia, Ocimum basilicum e do grão Americano Hard. Verificou-se que as sementes que receberam a solução antes do tratamento apresentaram uma quantidade menor germinação, do que quando foi adicionada a solução pós-tratamento via POA. Em seguida, avaliou-se o crescimento radicular, no qual foi percebido relativo efeito tóxico