65 research outputs found

    From CO₂ to formic acid fuel cells

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    ABSTRACT: Formic acid is a liquid, safe, and energy-dense carrier for fuel cells. Above all, it can be sustainably produced from the electroreduction of CO₂. The formic acid market is currently saturated, and it requires alternative applications to justify additional production capacity. Fuel cell technologies offer a chance to expand it, while creating an opportunity for sustainability in the energy sector. Formic acid-based fuel cells represent a promising energy supply system in terms of high theoretical open-circuit voltage (1.48 V). Compared to common fuel cells running on H2 (e.g., proton-exchange membrane fuel cells), formic acid has a lower storage cost and is safer. This review focuses on the sustainable production of formic acid from CO₂ and on the detailed analysis of commercial examples of formic acid-based fuel cells, in particular direct formic acid fuel cell stacks. Designs described in the literature are mostly at the laboratory scale, still, with 301 W as the maximum power output achieved. These case studies are fundamental for the scale-up; however, additional efforts are required to solve crossover and increase performance

    Synthesis of Ti(SO4)O solid acid nano-catalyst and its application for biodiesel production from used cooking oil

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    A novel solid acid nano-catalyst [Ti(SO4)O] was synthesised and used for the simultaneous esterification and transesterification of free fatty acids in used cooking oil (UCO) to produce biodiesel. The synthesised nano-catalyst was fully characterized by different analytical techniques. The XPS results clearly confirmed that the bidentate sulphate coordinated to the Ti4+ metal in the nano-catalyst product. Obtained d-spacing values from the experimental data of XRD peaks and the SAED pattern of produced nano-catalyst agreed well with the d-spacing values from the JCPDS-ICDD card numbers 04-011-4951 for titanium sulphate oxide or titanium oxysulfate crystal structures.This confirms the sulphate groups were within the crystalline structure rather than on the surface of titania nanoparticles, which has not been previously reported. It has been demonstrated 97.1% yield for the fatty acid methyl ester can be achieved usign the synthetised catalyst under a reaction time of 3 h, catalyst to UCO ration of 1.5 wt% and methanol to UCO ratio of 9:1 at 75 °C reaction temperature. The nano-catalyst showed a good catalytic activity for the feedstock containing ≀6 wt% free fatty acid. Furthermore, the catalytic activity and re-usability of the Ti(SO4)O for the esterification/transesterification of UCO were investigated. XRD results confirmed that the amount of View the MathML source species in the solid acid nano-catalyst slowly decreased with re-use after 8 cycles under optimised conditions, which is higher than the reusability of other functionalised titania reported in the literature. Finally, the biodiesel prodcued from this process satisfied the ASTM and European Norm standards

    Food access and diet quality are associated with quality of life outcomes among HIV-infected individuals in Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: Food insecurity is associated with poor nutritional and clinical outcomes among people living with HIV/AIDS. Few studies investigate the link between food insecurity, dietary diversity and health-related quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS. OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether household food access and individual dietary diversity are associated with health-related quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda. METHODS: We surveyed 902 people living with HIV/AIDS and their households from two clinics in Northern Uganda. Health-related quality of life outcomes were assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS)-HIV Survey. We performed multivariate regressions to investigate the relationship between health-related quality of life, household food insecurity and individual dietary diversity. RESULTS: People living with HIV/AIDS from severe food insecurity households have mean mental health status scores that are 1.7 points lower (p<.001) and physical health status scores that are 1.5 points lower (p<.01). Individuals with high dietary diversity have mean mental health status scores that were 3.6 points higher (p<.001) and physical health status scores that were 2.8 points higher (p<.05). CONCLUSIONS: Food access and diet quality are associated with health-related quality of life and may be considered as part of comprehensive interventions designed to mitigate psychosocial consequences of HIV

    Fibers for hearts: A critical review on electrospinning for cardiac tissue engineering

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    Cardiac cell therapy holds a real promise for improving heart function and especially of the chronically failing myocardium. Embedding cells into 3D biodegradable scaffolds may better preserve cell survival and enhance cell engraftment after transplantation, consequently improving cardiac cell therapy compared with direct intramyocardial injection of isolated cells. The primary objective of a scaffold used in tissue engineering is the recreation of the natural 3D environment most suitable for an adequate tissue growth. An important aspect of this commitment is to mimic the fibrillar structure of the extracellular matrix, which provides essential guidance for cell organization, survival, and function. Recent advances in nanotechnology have significantly improved our capacities to mimic the extracellular matrix. Among them, electrospinning is well known for being easy to process and cost effective. Consequently, it is becoming increasingly popular for biomedical applications and it is most definitely the cutting edge technique to make scaffolds that mimic the extracellular matrix for industrial applications. Here, the desirable physico-chemical properties of the electrospun scaffolds for cardiac therapy are described, and polymers are categorized to natural and synthetic.Moreover, the methods used for improving functionalities by providing cells with the necessary chemical cues and a more in vivo- like environment are reported
