666 research outputs found

    Plant Metabolites in Plant Defense Against Pathogens

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    Medicinal plants are widely used worldwide to treat various diseases. Its widespread use is due in part to the cultural acceptance of traditional medicine in different regions of the world, as well as its effectiveness in treating various diseases. Many of its active substances or secondary metabolites are formed to a response of various situations that generate stress in their habitat, such as sudden changes in environmental temperature, humidity, rain, drought, and infections by phytopathogens (fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, protozoa). The production of these secondary metabolites is a mechanism of defense of plants. In this context, the objective of this chapter is to study the secondary metabolites of medicinal plants that could have a promising application in the control of different phytopathogens in crops of agricultural and economic interest

    Desafíos para la protección de los derechos sociales en Europa: La Carta Social Europea

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    The European Social Charter is the most emblematic instrument of the Social Human Rights Law. Such characterization has been reinforced by its direct invocation before the courts, as a result of the legislative reforms mostly adopted by some countries in the context of the economic crisis, in order to demand respect for and guarantee of the rights which are being eliminated or deprived of their substantial content. This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the social rights set out in that international treaty by providing some examples, in particular the setting of a one-year probation period in a contract or the modification of annual pension increases, as well as the need to know the case-law of the European Committee of Social Rights, which is the body that verifies compliance by State Parties by issuing conclusions or decisions on the merits.La Carta Social Europea constituye el instrumento más emblemático del Derecho social de los derechos humanos. Esta caracterización ha conllevado que se invoque directamente en los órganos judiciales, como consecuencia de las reformas legislativas adoptadas por algunos países originadas la mayoría de éstas en la situación de crisis económica, con la finalidad de exigir el respeto y garantía de los derechos que están siendo eliminados o dejándolos sin contenido. El presente trabajo evidencia la efectividad de los derechos sociales que se recogen en este Tratado internacional con algunos ejemplos, en concreto la fijación de un período de prueba en la contratación de un año o la modificación de los incrementos anuales de las pensiones, así como la necesidad de conocer la jurisprudencia del Comité Europeo de Derechos Sociales, organismo que verifica su cumplimiento por los Estados parte, emitiendo conclusiones o decisiones de fondo

    Measuring the evolution of contemporary western popular music

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    Popular music is a key cultural expression that has captured listeners' attention for ages. Many of the structural regularities underlying musical discourse are yet to be discovered and, accordingly, their historical evolution remains formally unknown. Here we unveil a number of patterns and metrics characterizing the generic usage of primary musical facets such as pitch, timbre, and loudness in contemporary western popular music. Many of these patterns and metrics have been consistently stable for a period of more than fifty years, thus pointing towards a great degree of conventionalism. Nonetheless, we prove important changes or trends related to the restriction of pitch transitions, the homogenization of the timbral palette, and the growing loudness levels. This suggests that our perception of the new would be rooted on these changing characteristics. Hence, an old tune could perfectly sound novel and fashionable, provided that it consisted of common harmonic progressions, changed the instrumentation, and increased the average loudness.Comment: Supplementary materials not included. Please see the journal reference or contact the author

    Nuevo instrumento de medición de los patrones temporales en el baile flamenco mediante un sistema de detección de apoyos por conductividad eléctrica

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    En el presente artículo se expone el diseño y fa- bricación de un sistema de detención de apoyos que permite establecer de una forma rápida y precisa la secuencia de zapateados que compo- nen un baile. Hasta ahora sólo se había hecho mediante el análisis de los fotogramas de cada baile, pero es un sistema extremadamente tedio- so, lento y, por consiguiente, poco práctico para una investigación de muchos sujetos e impracti- cable para que se use como recurso coreográfico de los profesionales del baile flamenco o para prepararse físicamente. Mediante el presente sistema de medición se permite cuantificar de forma precisa y fiable parámetros temporales del baile flamenco, como son el número de apoyos, tiempos de contacto y no contacto, simetrías/ asimetrías de apoyo, duración de los tiempos de doble apoyo, entre otros que se producen duran- te el desarrollo del baile del bailaor/ora y que pueden ser determinantes en su empeño físico y en el desarrollo de la actividad como son la fuerza explosiva y frecuencia de pulsos del tren inferior. De igual forma, El sistema desarrollado permite además su aplicación en otras activida- des dancísticas, como la danza contemporánea

    Development and validation of an enzyme linked immunsorbent assay for fluoriquinolones in animal feeds

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    An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for analysis of fluoroquinolones residues in animal feeds has been developed and validated according to Commission Decision 2002/657/EC criteria. Initially, direct and indirect competitive ELISA formats were compared for one fluoroquinolone polyclonal antibody (As172) and two monoclonal antibodies (FQ8 and FQ10), in order to find the best combination in terms of simplicity, reduction of matrix effect and sensitivity. The optimal methodology was identified as direct ELISA format using polyclonal antibody As172, able to avoid the matrix effect by only 10-fold dilution of feed samples. Following the optimized ELISA protocol, the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) and limit of detection (LOD) for enrofloxacin was determined to be 15.2 ng·g−1 and 1.3 ng·g−1, respectively. Decision limit (CCα) obtained was 10 ng·g−1 and detection capability (CCβ) was 20 ng·g−1. Significant cross-reactivity values (>42%) were obtained for eight fluoroquinolones by the optimized ELISA method. Moreover, comparison of results from ELISA to that of liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC-Fl) showed good correlation. In general, the developed ELISA allows a rapid, sensitive, and low-cost screening analysis of fluoroquinolone residues in animal feeds

    Phylogenetic Codivergence Supports Coevolution of Mimetic Heliconius Butterflies

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    The unpalatable and warning-patterned butterflies _Heliconius erato_ and _Heliconius melpomene_ provide the best studied example of mutualistic Müllerian mimicry, thought – but rarely demonstrated – to promote coevolution. Some of the strongest available evidence for coevolution comes from phylogenetic codivergence, the parallel divergence of ecologically associated lineages. Early evolutionary reconstructions suggested codivergence between mimetic populations of _H. erato_ and _H. melpomene_, and this was initially hailed as the most striking known case of coevolution. However, subsequent molecular phylogenetic analyses found discrepancies in phylogenetic branching patterns and timing (topological and temporal incongruence) that argued against codivergence. We present the first explicit cophylogenetic test of codivergence between mimetic populations of _H. erato_ and _H. melpomene_, and re-examine the timing of these radiations. We find statistically significant topological congruence between multilocus coalescent population phylogenies of _H. erato_ and _H. melpomene_, supporting repeated codivergence of mimetic populations. Divergence time estimates, based on a Bayesian coalescent model, suggest that the evolutionary radiations of _H. erato_ and _H. melpomene_ occurred over the same time period, and are compatible with a series of temporally congruent codivergence events. This evidence supports a history of reciprocal coevolution between Müllerian co-mimics characterised by phylogenetic codivergence and parallel phenotypic change

    Influence of Femtosecond Laser Modification on Biomechanical and Biofunctional Behavior of Porous Titanium Substrates

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    [Abstract] Bone resorption and inadequate osseointegration are considered the main problems of titanium implants. In this investigation, the texture and surface roughness of porous titanium samples obtained by the space holder technique were modified with a femtosecond Yb-doped fiber laser. Different percentages of porosity (30, 40, 50, and 60 vol.%) and particle range size (100–200 and 355–500 μm) were compared with fully-dense samples obtained by conventional powder metallurgy. After femtosecond laser treatment the formation of a rough surface with micro-columns and micro-holes occurred for all the studied substrates. The surface was covered by ripples over the micro-metric structures. This work evaluates both the influence of the macro-pores inherent to the spacer particles, as well as the micro-columns and the texture generated with the laser, on the wettability of the surface, the cell behavior (adhesion and proliferation of osteoblasts), micro-hardness (instrumented micro-indentation test, P–h curves) and scratch resistance. The titanium sample with 30 vol.% and a pore range size of 100–200 μm was the best candidate for the replacement of small damaged cortical bone tissues, based on its better biomechanical (stiffness and yield strength) and biofunctional balance (bone in-growth and in vitro osseointegration).This research was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España (PID2019-109371GB-100), Junta de Andalucía (Spain), through the Project PAIDI P20-00671Junta de Andalucía; P20-0067

    Trigonometric Parallaxes of 6.7 GHz Methanol Masers

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    Emission from the 6.7 GHz methanol maser transition is very strong, is relatively stable, has small internal motions, and is observed toward numerous massive star-forming regions in the Galaxy. Our goal is to perform high-precision astrometry using this maser transition to obtain accurate distances to their host regions. Eight strong masers were observed during five epochs of VLBI observations with the European VLBI Network between 2006 June, and 2008 March. We report trigonometric parallaxes for five star-forming regions, with accuracies as good as 22μ\sim22 \mathrm{\mu}as. Distances to these sources are 2.570.27+0.342.57^{+0.34}_{-0.27} kpc for ON 1, 0.7760.083+0.1040.776^{+0.104}_{-0.083} kpc for L 1206, 0.9290.033+0.0340.929^{+0.034}_{-0.033} kpc for L 1287, 2.380.12+0.132.38^{+0.13}_{-0.12} kpc for NGC 281-W, and 1.590.06+0.071.59^{+0.07}_{-0.06} kpc for S 255. The distances and proper motions yield the full space motions of the star-forming regions hosting the masers, and we find that these regions lag circular rotation on average by \sim17 km s1^{-1}, a value comparable to those found recently by similar studies.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in A&A, corrected typo

    Transversalidad y transdisciplina: la planificación docente en la educación superior

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    In order to solve specific problems of the training environment, in which students and teachers intervene, there is a need to generate transversal and transdisciplinary training projects that provide a good planning and execution of analytical programs, facilitate learning, and promote the construction and development of the competences in the context of higher education. This article seeks to analyze the relationship between transversality and transdisciplinarity to favor teacher planning through the construction of methods that ensure teacher training and student learning inside and outside the classroom in the university educational context. The results of the systematic review carried out on the concepts of transversality and transdisciplinarity in this study, led to the analysis of 33 documents that use these concepts, highlight the elements they have in common, as well as their main contributions of their usefulness in the context educational; the review covers documents between the years 2008 to 2019; Based on the review, concepts of transversality and transdisciplinarity are constructed.Para resolver problemas concretos del ámbito formativo, en los cuales intervienen estudiantes y docentes, surge la necesidad de generar proyectos formativos trasversales y transdisciplinarios que proporcionen una buena planeación y ejecución de los programas analí­ticos, faciliten el aprendizaje, y promuevan la construcción y el desarrollo de las competencias en el contexto de la formación superior. Este artí­culo busca analizar la relación entre la transversalidad y la transdisciplinariedad para favorecer la planeación docente mediante la construcción de métodos que garanticen la formación del docente y el aprendizaje de los alumnos dentro y fuera del aula en el contexto educativo universitario. Los resultados de la revisión sistemática realizada sobre los conceptos de la transversalidad y transdisciplinariedad en este estudio, condujo al análisis de 33 documentos que utilizan estos conceptos, resaltan los elementos que estos tienen en común, así­ como sus principales aportaciones de su utilidad en el contexto educativo; la revisión abarca documentos comprendidos entre los años 2008 a 2019; con base en la revisión se construyen conceptos de transversalidad y transdisciplinariedad