466 research outputs found

    Rate and equilibrium constants for the addition of triazolium salt derived N-heterocyclic carbenes to heteroaromatic aldehydes

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    Heteroaromatic aldehydes are often used preferentially or exclusively in a range of NHC-catalysed processes that proceed through the generation of a reactive diaminoenol or Breslow Intermediate (BI), with the reason for their unique reactivity currently underexplored. This manuscript reports measurement of rate and equilibrium constants for the reaction between N-aryl triazolium NHCs and heteroaromatic aldehydes, providing insight into the effect of the NHC and heteroaromatic aldehyde structure up to formation of the BI. Variation in NHC catalyst and heteroaromatic aldehyde structure markedly affect the observed kinetic parameters of adduct formation, decay to starting materials and onward reaction to BI. In particular, large effects are observed with both 3-halogen (Br, F) and 3-methyl substituted pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde derivatives which substantially favour formation of the tetrahedral intermediate relative to benzaldehyde derivatives. Key observations indicate that increased steric hindrance leads to a reduction in both k2 and k−1 for large (2,6-disubstituted)-N-Ar groups within the triazolium scaffold, and sterically demanding aldehyde substituents in the 3-position, but not in the 6-position of the pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde derivatives. As part of this study, the isolation and characterisation of twenty tetrahedral adducts formed upon addition of N-aryl triazolium derived NHCs into heteroaromatic aldehydes are described. These adducts are key intermediates in NHC-catalysed umpolung addition of heteroaromatic aldehydes and are BI precursors

    Multiplicity with a Thrust Cut

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    We evaluate the multiplicity of hadrons in the e+ee^+e^--annihilation at a given thrust TT in the modified leading-log approximation, including O(αs)O(\sqrt{\alpha_s}) corrections. The calculation is done at a large value of τ=1T\tau =1-T by the use of the factorisation which takes place in the one-particle-inclusive cross section at a given τ\tau. At a small τ\tau, a different type of factorisation takes place, which also enable us to evaluate the multiplicity. Two approaches are compared numerically. Measuring this quantity near τ=1/3\tau =1/3, we can determine the multiplicity ratio between a gluon-jet and a quark-jet.Comment: OCHA-PP-32, LATEX FILE, 21

    Testing systems of identical components

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    We consider the problem of testing sequentially the components of a multi-component reliability system in order to figure out the state of the system via costly tests. In particular, systems with identical components are considered. The notion of lexicographically large binary decision trees is introduced and a heuristic algorithm based on that notion is proposed. The performance of the heuristic algorithm is demonstrated by computational results, for various classes of functions. In particular, in all 200 random cases where the underlying function is a threshold function, the proposed heuristic produces optimal solutions

    Clinical Performance of Human Papillomavirus Testing and Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid in Primary, Combination, and Sequential Cervical Cancer Screening in China

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    Background World Health Organization guidelines recommend screening with human papillomavirus (HPV) testing followed by either treatment of all HPV-positives, or by visual inspection (VIA) for triage to treatment, citing insufficient evidence to recommend either strategy over the other. Methods We assessed VIA and HPV testing individually, in combination (HPV-VIA cotesting), and as triage models. Three thousand women were screened in Inner Mongolia, China, concurrently with HPV testing and VIA in a real population setting. Screen-positive women underwent colposcopy, and biopsy, if indicated. Accuracy of screening algorithms for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or higher (CIN-2+) was calculated after controlling for verification bias. HPV testing followed by VIA triage for CIN-2+ detection was compared with Hybrid Capture 2 viral loads triage, measured in relative light units/cutoff. Results CIN-2+ prevalence was 1.0%. Corrected sensitivity, false negative rate, and specificity for CIN-2+, respectively, for primary HPV testing were 89.7%, 10.3%, and 83.3%; 44.8%, 55.2%, and 92·3% for VIA; 93.1%, 6.9%, and 80.2% for HPV-VIA cotesting; and 41.4%, 58.6, and 95.4% for HPV with VIA triage scenarios. Using relative light units/cutoff of 5 or greater to triage HPV-positive women had twice the sensitivity as VIA triage, with comparable specificity for CIN-2+. Conclusions When VIA performs relatively poorly and HPV testing is available, adding VIA to sequential (ie, HPV followed by VIA triage) or primary (HPV-VIA cotesting) screening does not significantly improve CIN-2+ detection beyond primary HPV screening alone. Sequential screening (ie, HPV followed by VIA triage) reduces sensitivity too low for population-based screening programs. The HPV viral loads could offer an alternative low-resource country triage strategy

    Corrections to Angular Ordering in Multiple Hadroprodroproduction

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    One of the key ideas in describing the multiparticle production at high energies in the perturbative QCD is the angular ordering in successive soft-gluon emission. We analyse the angular distribution of particles in a jet, and investigate the corrections to the angular ordering. At a small angle from the jet direction, the angular ordering is exact at the next-to-leading order. At a large angle, the angular ordering overestimates the angular particle density by a factor (1γlncos2(θ/2))(1-\gamma\ln \cos^2(\theta/2)), where γ\gamma is the anomalous dimension of the multiplicity. The O(γ)O(\gamma) correction restores the boost invariance of the cross section.Comment: Latex fil

    On the reliability of a simple method for scoring phenotypes to estimate heritability: A case study with pupal color in Heliconius erato phyllis, Fabricius 1775 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)

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    In this paper, two methods for assessing the degree of melanization of pupal exuviae from the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis, Fabricius 1775 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiini) are compared. In the first method, which was qualitative, the exuviae were classified by scoring the degree of melanization, whereas in the second method, which was quantitative, the exuviae were classified by optical density followed by analysis with appropriate software. The heritability (h2) of the degree of melanization was estimated by regression and analysis of variance. The estimates of h 2 were similar with both methods, indicating that the qualitative method could be particularly suitable for field work. The low estimates obtained for heritability may have resulted from the small sample size (n = 7-18 broods, including the parents) or from the allocation-priority hypothesis in which pupal color would be a lower priority trait compared to morphological traits and adequate larval development

    Imposed currents in galvanic cells

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    We analyze the steady-state behavior of a general mathematical model for reversible galvanic cells, such as redox flow cells, reversible solid oxide fuel cells, and rechargeable batteries. We consider not only operation in the galvanic discharging mode, spontaneously generating a positive current against an external load, but also operation in two modes which require a net input of electrical energy: (i) the electrolytic charging mode, where a negative current is imposed to generate a voltage exceeding the open-circuit voltage, and (ii) the “super-galvanic” discharging mode, where a positive current exceeding the short-circuit current is imposed to generate a negative voltage. Analysis of the various (dis-)charging modes of galvanic cells is important to predict the efficiency of electrical to chemical energy conversion and to provide sensitive tests for experimental validation of fuel cell models. In the model, we consider effects of diffuse charge on electrochemical charge-transfer rates by combining a generalized Frumkin-Butler-Volmer equation for reaction kinetics across the compact Stern layer with the full Poisson-Nernst-Planck transport theory, without assuming local electroneutrality. Since this approach is rare in the literature, we provide a brief historical review. To illustrate the general theory, we present results for a monovalent binary electrolyte, consisting of cations, which react at the electrodes, and non-reactive anions, which are either fixed in space (as in a solid electrolyte) or are mobile (as in a liquid electrolyte). The full model is solved numerically and compared to analytical results in the limit of thin diffuse layers, relative to the membrane thickness. The spatial profiles of the ion concentrations and electrostatic potential reveal a complex dependence on the kinetic parameters and the imposed current, in which the diffuse charge at each electrode and the total membrane charge can have either sign, contrary perhaps to intuition. For thin diffuse layers, simple analytical expressions are presented for galvanic cells valid in all three (dis-)charging modes in the two subsequent limits of the ratio δ of the effective thicknesses of the compact and diffuse layers: (i) the “Helmholtz limit” (δ → ∞) where the compact layer carries the double layer voltage as in standard Butler-Volmer models, and (ii) the opposite “Gouy-Chapman limit” (δ → 0) where the diffuse layer fully determines the charge-transfer kinetics. In these limits, the model predicts both reaction-limited and diffusion-limited currents, which can be surpassed for finite positive values of the compact layer, diffuse layer and membrane thickness

    Evolution of the nuclear spin-orbit splitting explored via the <sup>32</sup>Si<i>(d,p)</i><sup>33</sup>Si reaction using SOLARIS

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    The spin-orbit splitting between neutron 1p orbitals at 33Si has been deduced using the single-neutron-adding (d,p) reaction in inverse kinematics with a beam of 32Si, a long-lived radioisotope. Reaction products were analyzed by the newly implemented SOLARIS spectrometer at the reaccelerated-beam facility at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. The measurements show reasonable agreement with shell-model calculations that incorporate modern cross-shell interactions, but they contradict the prediction of proton density depletion based on relativistic mean-field theory. The evolution of the neutron 1p-shell orbitals is systematically studied using the present and existing data in the isotonic chains of = 17, 19, and 21. In each case, a smooth decrease in the separation of the - orbitals is seen as the respective p-orbitals approach zero binding, suggesting that the finite nuclear potential strongly influences the evolution of nuclear structure in this region

    Behandeling en stigmamanagement bij opzettelijke zelfverwonding: het smalle pad tussen te veel en te weinig interveniëren

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    Opzettelijke zelfverwonding wordt gedefinieerd als de intentionele directe beschadiging van het eigen lichaam, zonder bewuste suïcidale intentie. De behandeling varieert van gedwongen opname in een psychiatrische instelling (in het Britse Gemenebest), tot een permissieve aanpak zonder behandeling en uiteenlopende behandelingsmogelijkheden er tussenin. Eerst wordt de gepastheid van de mate van interveniëren besproken in functie van verschillende diagnosen. Het tweede gedeelte van het artikel bespreekt het advies dat door hulpverleners verstrekt wordt aangaande de omgang met wonden en littekens en aangaande de mogelijkheden voor een (gewezen) zelfverwonder om het stigma van een deviante identiteit te vermijden. Een rondvraag bij Belgische hulpverleners bracht aan het licht dat velen onder hen adviseren om littekens te verbergen, terwijl er anderzijds aanwijzingen zijn dat niet-verbergen een teken van herstel is. Aangezien verbergen en smoesjes verzinnen ook kunnen leiden tot de instandhouding van een deviante identiteit, wordt gewezen op meer gepaste vormen van stigmamanagement