463 research outputs found

    CO carbonylation and first evaluation as a P-gp tracer in rats

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    BACKGROUND: At present, several positron emission tomography (PET) tracers are in use for imaging P-glycoprotein (P-gp) function in man. At baseline, substrate tracers such as R-[(11)C]verapamil display low brain concentrations with a distribution volume of around 1. [(11)C]phenytoin is supposed to be a weaker P-gp substrate, which may lead to higher brain concentrations at baseline. This could facilitate assessment of P-gp function when P-gp is upregulated. The purpose of this study was to synthesize [(11)C]phenytoin and to characterize its properties as a P-gp tracer. METHODS: [(11)C]CO was used to synthesize [(11)C]phenytoin by rhodium-mediated carbonylation. Metabolism and, using PET, brain pharmacokinetics of [(11)C]phenytoin were studied in rats. Effects of P-gp function on [(11)C]phenytoin uptake were assessed using predosing with tariquidar. RESULTS: [(11)C]phenytoin was synthesized via [(11)C]CO in an overall decay-corrected yield of 22 ± 4%. At 45 min after administration, 19% and 83% of radioactivity represented intact [(11)C]phenytoin in the plasma and brain, respectively. Compared with baseline, tariquidar predosing resulted in a 45% increase in the cerebral distribution volume of [(11)C]phenytoin. CONCLUSIONS: Using [(11)C]CO, the radiosynthesis of [(11)C]phenytoin could be improved. [(11)C]phenytoin appeared to be a rather weak P-gp substrate

    Multicolour interphase cytogenetics: 24 chromosome probes, 6 colours, 4 layers

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    From the late 1980s onwards, the use of DNA probes to visualise sequences on individual chromosomes (fluorescent in-situ hybridisation - FISH) revolutionised the study of cytogenetics. Following single colour experiments, more fluorochromes were added, culminating in a 24 colour assay that could distinguish all human chromosomes. Interphase cytogenetics (the detection of chromosome copy number in interphase nuclei) soon followed, however 24 colour experiments are hampered for this application as mixing fluorochromes to produce secondary colours produces images that are not easily distinguishable from overlapping signals. This study reports the development and use of a novel protocol, new fast hybridising FISH probes, and a bespoke image capture system for the assessment of chromosome copy number in interphase nuclei. The multicolour probe sets can be used individually or in sequential hybridisation layers to assess ploidy of all 24 human chromosomes in the same nucleus. Applications of this technique are in the investigation of chromosome copy number and the assessment of nuclear organisation for a range of different cell types including human sperm, cancer cells and preimplantation embryos

    Immunoseq: the identification of functionally relevant variants through targeted capture and sequencing of active regulatory regions in human immune cells

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    BACKGROUND\textbf{BACKGROUND}: The observation that the genetic variants identified in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) frequently lie in non-coding regions of the genome that contain cis-regulatory elements suggests that altered gene expression underlies the development of many complex traits. In order to efficiently make a comprehensive assessment of the impact of non-coding genetic variation in immune related diseases we emulated the whole-exome sequencing paradigm and developed a custom capture panel for the known DNase I hypersensitive site (DHS) in immune cells - "Immunoseq". RESULTS\textbf{RESULTS}: We performed Immunoseq in 30 healthy individuals where we had existing transcriptome data from T cells. We identified a large number of novel non-coding variants in these samples. Relying on allele specific expression measurements, we also showed that our selected capture regions are enriched for functional variants that have an impact on differential allelic gene expression. The results from a replication set with 180 samples confirmed our observations. CONCLUSIONS\textbf{CONCLUSIONS}: We show that Immunoseq is a powerful approach to detect novel rare variants in regulatory regions. We also demonstrate that these novel variants have a potential functional role in immune cells.This work was supported by grants from the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), the UK Medical Research Council (G1100125), the Swedish Research Council (DO283001) and Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW). We also acknowledge the use of subjects from the Cambridge BioResource and the support of the Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre. AM was supported by the Fond de Recherche Santé Québec Doctoral training award. TP and CL holds a Canada Research Chair

    Engineered antibodies: new possibilities for brain PET?

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    International audienceAlmost 50 million people worldwide are affected by Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common neurodegenerative disorder. Development of disease-modifying therapies would benefit from reliable, non-invasive positron emission tomography (PET) biomarkers for early diagnosis, monitoring of disease progression, and assessment of therapeutic effects. Traditionally, PET ligands have been based on small molecules that, with the right properties, can penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and visualize targets in the brain. Recently a new class of PET ligands based on antibodies have emerged, mainly in applications related to cancer. While antibodies have advantages such as high specificity and affinity, their passage across the BBB is limited. Thus, to be used as brain PET ligands, antibodies need to be modified for active transport into the brain. Here, we review the development of radioligands based on antibodies for visualization of intrabrain targets. We focus on antibodies modified into a bispecific format, with the capacity to undergo transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1)-mediated transcytosis to enter the brain and access pathological proteins, e.g. amyloid-beta. A number of such antibody ligands have been developed, displaying differences in brain uptake, pharmacokinetics, and ability to bind and visualize the target in the brain of transgenic mice. Potential pathological changes related to neurodegeneration, e.g. misfolded proteins and neuroinflammation, are suggested as future targets for this novel type of radioligand. Challenges are also discussed, such as the temporal match of radionuclide half-life with the ligand's pharmacokinetic profile and translation to human use. In conclusion, brain PET imaging using bispecific antibodies, modified for receptor-mediated transcytosis across the BBB, is a promising method for specifically visualizing molecules in the brain that are difficult to target with traditional small molecule ligands

    Tentacle probe sandwich assay in porous polymer monolith improves specificity, sensitivity and kinetics

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    Nucleic acid sandwich assays improve low-density array analysis through the addition of a capture probe and a specific label, increasing specificity and sensitivity. Here, we employ photo-initiated porous polymer monolith (PPM) as a high-surface area substrate for sandwich assay analysis. PPMs are shown to enhance extraction efficiency by 20-fold from 2 μl of sample. We further compare the performance of labeled linear probes, quantum dot labeled probes, molecular beacons (MBs) and tentacle probes (TPs). Each probe technology was compared and contrasted with traditional hybridization methods using labeled sample. All probes demonstrated similar sensitivity and greater specificity than traditional hybridization techniques. MBs and TPs were able to bypass a wash step due to their ‘on–off’ signaling mechanism. TPs demonstrated reaction kinetics 37.6 times faster than MBs, resulting in the fastest assay time of 5 min. Our data further indicate TPs had the most sensitive detection limit (<1 nM) as well as the highest specificity (>1 × 104 improvement) among all tested probes in these experiments. By matching the enhanced extraction efficiencies of PPM with the selectivity of TPs, we have created a format for improved sandwich assays

    Microfludic Device for Creating Ionic Strength Gradients over DNA Microarrays for Efficient DNA Melting Studies and Assay Development

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    The development of DNA microarray assays is hampered by two important aspects: processing of the microarrays is done under a single stringency condition, and characteristics such as melting temperature are difficult to predict for immobilized probes. A technical solution to these limitations is to use a thermal gradient and information from melting curves, for instance to score genotypes. However, application of temperature gradients normally requires complicated equipment, and the size of the arrays that can be investigated is restricted due to heat dissipation. Here we present a simple microfluidic device that creates a gradient comprising zones of defined ionic strength over a glass slide, in which each zone corresponds to a subarray. Using this device, we demonstrated that ionic strength gradients function in a similar fashion as corresponding thermal gradients in assay development. More specifically, we noted that (i) the two stringency modulators generated melting curves that could be compared, (ii) both led to increased assay robustness, and (iii) both were associated with difficulties in genotyping the same mutation. These findings demonstrate that ionic strength stringency buffers can be used instead of thermal gradients. Given the flexibility of design of ionic gradients, these can be created over all types of arrays, and encompass an attractive alternative to temperature gradients, avoiding curtailment of the size or spacing of subarrays on slides associated with temperature gradients

    Genome-wide association study of angioedema induced by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker treatment

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    Angioedema in the mouth or upper airways is a feared adverse reaction to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) and angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) treatment, which is used for hypertension, heart failure and diabetes complications. This candidate gene and genome-wide association study aimed to identify genetic variants predisposing to angioedema induced by these drugs. The discovery cohort consisted of 173 cases and 4890 controls recruited in Sweden. In the candidate gene analysis, ETV6, BDKRB2, MME, and PRKCQ were nominally associated with angioedema (p < 0.05), but did not pass Bonferroni correction for multiple testing (p < 2.89 × 10−5). In the genome-wide analysis, intronic variants in the calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1 (KCNMA1) gene on chromosome 10 were significantly associated with angioedema (p < 5 × 10−8). Whilst the top KCNMA1 hit was not significant in the replication cohort (413 cases and 599 ACEi-exposed controls from the US and Northern Europe), a meta-analysis of the replication and discovery cohorts (in total 586 cases and 1944 ACEi-exposed controls) revealed that each variant allele increased the odds of experiencing angioedema 1.62 times (95% confidence interval 1.05–2.50, p = 0.030). Associated KCNMA1 variants are not known to be functional, but are in linkage disequilibrium with variants in transcription factor binding sites active in relevant tissues. In summary, our data suggest that common variation in KCNMA1 is associated with risk of angioedema induced by ACEi or ARB treatment. Future whole exome or genome sequencing studies will show whether rare variants in KCNMA1 or other genes contribute to the risk of ACEi- and ARB-induced angioedema

    Improved Resolution Haplogroup G Phylogeny in the Y Chromosome, Revealed by a Set of Newly Characterized SNPs

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    Background: Y-SNP haplogroup G (hgG), defined by Y-SNP marker M201, is relatively uncommon in the United States general population, with only 8 additional sub-markers characterized. Many of the previously described eight sub-markers are either very rare (2–4%) or do not distinguish between major populations within this hg. In fact, prior to the current study, only 2 % of our reference Caucasian population belonged to hgG and all of these individuals were in sub-haplogroup G2a, defined by P15. Additional Y-SNPs are needed in order to differentiate between individuals within this haplogroup. Principal Findings: In this work we have investigated whether we could differentiate between a population of 63 hgG individuals using previously uncharacterized Y-SNPs. We have designed assays to test these individuals using all known hgG SNPs (n = 9) and an additional 16 unreported/undefined Y-SNPS. Using a combination of DNA sequence and genetic genealogy databases, we have uncovered a total of 15 new hgG SNPs that had been previously reported but not phylogenetically characterized. Ten of the new Y-SNPs are phylogenetically equivalent to M201, one is equivalent to P15 and, interestingly, four create new, separate haplogroups. Three of the latter are more common than many of the previously defined Y-SNPs. Y-STR data from these individuals show that DYS385*12 is present in (70%) of G2a3b1-U13 individuals while only 4 % of non-G2a3b1-U13 individuals posses the DYS385*12 allele. Conclusions: This study uncovered several previously undefined Y-SNPs by using data from several database sources. Th