433 research outputs found

    Molecular Gas, Dust and Star Formation in Galaxies: II. Dust properties and scalings in \sim\ 1600 nearby galaxies

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    We aim to characterize the relationship between dust properties. We also aim to provide equations to estimate accurate dust properties from limited observational datasets. We assemble a sample of 1,630 nearby (z<0.1) galaxies-over a large range of Mstar, SFR - with multi-wavelength observations available from wise, iras, planck and/or SCUBA. The characterization of dust emission comes from SED fitting using Draine & Li dust models, which we parametrize using two components (warm and cold ). The subsample of these galaxies with global measurements of CO and/or HI are used to explore the molecular and/or atomic gas content of the galaxies. The total Lir, Mdust and dust temperature of the cold component (Tc) form a plane that we refer to as the dust plane. A galaxy's sSFR drives its position on the dust plane: starburst galaxies show higher Lir, Mdust and Tc compared to Main Sequence and passive galaxies. Starburst galaxies also show higher specific Mdust (Mdust/Mstar) and specific Mgas (Mgas/Mstar). The Mdust is more closely correlated with the total Mgas (atomic plus molecular) than with the individual components. Our multi wavelength data allows us to define several equations to estimate Lir, Mdust and Tc from one or two monochromatic luminosities in the infrared and/or sub-millimeter. We estimate the dust mass and infrared luminosity from a single monochromatic luminosity within the R-J tail of the dust emission, with errors of 0.12 and 0.20dex, respectively. These errors are reduced to 0.05 and 0.10 dex, respectively, if the Tc is used. The Mdust is correlated with the total Mism (Mism \propto Mdust^0.7). For galaxies with Mstar 8.5<log(Mstar/Msun) < 11.9, the conversion factor \alpha_850mum shows a large scatter (rms=0.29dex). The SF mode of a galaxy shows a correlation with both the Mgass and Mdust: high Mdust/Mstar galaxies are gas-rich and show the highest SFRs.Comment: 24 pages, 28 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication in A&

    The ALMA Frontier Fields Survey - IV. Lensing-corrected 1.1 mm number counts in Abell 2744, MACSJ0416.1-2403 and MACSJ1149.5+2223

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    [abridged] Characterizing the number counts of faint, dusty star-forming galaxies is currently a challenge even for deep, high-resolution observations in the FIR-to-mm regime. They are predicted to account for approximately half of the total extragalactic background light at those wavelengths. Searching for dusty star-forming galaxies behind massive galaxy clusters benefits from strong lensing, enhancing their measured emission while increasing spatial resolution. Derived number counts depend, however, on mass reconstruction models that properly constrain these clusters. We estimate the 1.1 mm number counts along the line of sight of three galaxy clusters, i.e. Abell 2744, MACSJ0416.1-2403 and MACSJ1149.5+2223, which are part of the ALMA Frontier Fields Survey. We perform detailed simulations to correct these counts for lensing effects. We use several publicly available lensing models for the galaxy clusters to derive the intrinsic flux densities of our sources. We perform Monte Carlo simulations of the number counts for a detailed treatment of the uncertainties in the magnifications and adopted source redshifts. We find an overall agreement among the number counts derived for the different lens models, despite their systematic variations regarding source magnifications and effective areas. Our number counts span ~2.5 dex in demagnified flux density, from several mJy down to tens of uJy. Our number counts are consistent with recent estimates from deep ALMA observations at a 3σ\sigma level. Below \approx 0.1 mJy, however, our cumulative counts are lower by \approx 1 dex, suggesting a flattening in the number counts. In our deepest ALMA mosaic, we estimate number counts for intrinsic flux densities \approx 4 times fainter than the rms level. This highlights the potential of probing the sub-10 uJy population in larger samples of galaxy cluster fields with deeper ALMA observations.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Far-infrared spectroscopy of a lensed starburst: a blind redshift from Herschel

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    We report the redshift of HATLAS J132427.0+284452 (hereafter HATLAS J132427), a gravitationally lensed starburst galaxy, the first determined 'blind' by the Herschel Space Observatory. This is achieved via the detection of [C II] consistent with z = 1.68 in a far-infrared spectrum taken with the SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer. We demonstrate that the [C II] redshift is secure via detections of CO J = 2 - 1 and 3 - 2 using the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy and the Institut de Radioastronomie Millimetrique's Plateau de Bure Interferometer. The intrinsic properties appear typical of high-redshift starbursts despite the high lensing-amplified fluxes, proving the ability of the FTS to probe this population with the aid of lensing. The blind detection of [C II] demonstrates the potential of the SAFARI imaging spectrometer, proposed for the much more sensitive SPICA mission, to determine redshifts of multiple dusty galaxies simultaneously without the benefit of lensing.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS as a Lette

    Witnessing the birth of the red sequence: the physical scale and morphology of dust emission in hyper-luminous starbursts in the early Universe

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    We present high-spatial-resolution (0.12\sim 0.12'' or 800pc\approx 800 \, {\rm pc} at z=4.5z = 4.5) ALMA 870μ870\,\mum dust continuum observations of a sample of 44 ultrared dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) selected from the H-ATLAS and HerMES far-infrared surveys because of their red colors from 250 to 500 μ\mum: S500/S250>1.5S_{500} / S_{250} > 1.5 and S500/S350>1.0S_{500} / S_{350} > 1.0. With photometric redshifts in the range z4z \sim 4-6, our sample includes the most luminous starbursting systems in the early Universe known so far, with total obscured star-formation rates (SFRs) of up to 4,500Myr1\sim 4,500 \, M_\odot \, {\rm yr}^{-1}, as well as a population of lensed, less intrinsically luminous sources. The lower limit on the number of ultrared DSFGs at 870 μ\mum (with flux densities measured from the ALMA maps and thus not affected by source confusion) derived in this work is in reasonable agreement with models of galaxy evolution, whereas there have been reports of conflicts at 500 μ\mum (where flux densities are derived from SPIRE). Ultrared DSFGs have a variety of morphologies (from relatively extended disks with smooth radial profiles, to compact sources, both isolated and interacting) and an average size, θFWHM\theta_{\rm FWHM}, of 1.46±0.41kpc1.46 \pm 0.41\, {\rm kpc}, considerably smaller than the values reported in previous work for less-luminous DSFGs at lower redshifts. The size and the estimated gas-depletion times of our sources are compatible with their being the progenitors of the most massive, compact, red-and-dead galaxies at z2z \sim 2-3, and ultimately of local ultra-massive elliptical galaxies or massive galaxy clusters. We are witnessing the birth of the high-mass tail of the red sequence of galaxies.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcom

    A new perspective on the submillimetre galaxy MM 18423+5938 at redshift 3.9296 from radio continuum imaging

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    The bright submillimetre (sub-mm) galaxy MM 18423+5938 at redshift 3.9296 has been predicted from mid-infrared and millimetre photometry to have an exceptionally large total infrared (IR) luminosity. We present new radio imaging at 1.4 GHz with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope that is used to determine a radio-derived total IR luminosity for MM 18423+5938 via the well established radio-far-infrared correlation. The flux density is found to be S_1.4 GHz = 217 +/- 37 \mu Jy, which corresponds to a rest-frame luminosity density of L_1.4 GHz = 2.32 +/- 0.40 x 10^25 / u W / Hz, where u is the magnification from a probable gravitational lens. The radio-derived total IR luminosity and star-formation rate are L_8-1000 \mu m = 5.6^+4.1_-2.4 x 10^13 / u L_sol and SFR = 9.4^+7.4_-4.9 x 10^3 / u M_sol / yr, respectively, which are ~9 times smaller than those previously reported. These differences are attributed to the IR spectral energy distribution of MM 18423+5938 being poorly constrained by the limited number of reliable photometric data that are currently available, and from a previous misidentification of the object at 70 \mu m. Using the radio derived total IR luminosity as a constraint, the temperature of the cold dust component is found to be T ~ 24^+7_-5 K for a dust emissivity of \beta = 1.5 +/- 0.5. The radio-derived properties of this galaxy are still large given the low excitation temperature implied by the CO emission lines and the temperature of the cold dust. Therefore, we conclude that MM 18423+5938 is probably gravitationally lensed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Dust properties of Lyman break galaxies at z3z\sim3

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    We explore from a statistical point of view the far-infrared (far-IR) and sub-millimeter (sub-mm) properties of a large sample of LBGs (22,000) at z~3 in the COSMOS field. The large number of galaxies allows us to split it in several bins as a function of UV luminosity, UV slope, and stellar mass to better sample their variety. We perform stacking analysis in PACS (100 and 160 um), SPIRE (250, 350 and 500 um) and AzTEC (1.1 mm) images. Our stacking procedure corrects the biases induced by galaxy clustering and incompleteness of our input catalogue in dense regions. We obtain the full IR spectral energy distributions (SED) of subsamples of LBGs and derive the mean IR luminosity as a function of UV luminosity, UV slope, and stellar mass. The average IRX is roughly constant over the UV luminosity range, with a mean of 7.9 (1.8 mag). However, it is correlated with UV slope, and stellar mass. We investigate using a statistically-controlled stacking analysis as a function of (stellar mass, UV slope) the dispersion of the IRX-UVslope and IRX-M* plane. Our results enable us to study the average relation between star-formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass, and we show that our LBG sample lies on the main sequence of star formation at z~3.Comment: Accepted to A&A, 17 Pages, 14 Figures, 2 Table

    SPT 0538-50: Physical conditions in the ISM of a strongly lensed dusty star-forming galaxy at z=2.8

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    We present observations of SPT-S J053816-5030.8, a gravitationally-lensed dusty star forming galaxy (DSFG) at z = 2.7817, first discovered at millimeter wavelengths by the South Pole Telescope. SPT 0538-50 is typical of the brightest sources found by wide-field millimeter-wavelength surveys, being lensed by an intervening galaxy at moderate redshift (in this instance, at z = 0.441). We present a wide array of multi-wavelength spectroscopic and photometric data on SPT 0538-50, including data from ALMA, Herschel PACS and SPIRE, Hubble, Spitzer, VLT, ATCA, APEX, and the SMA. We use high resolution imaging from HST to de-blend SPT 0538-50, separating DSFG emission from that of the foreground lens. Combined with a source model derived from ALMA imaging (which suggests a magnification factor of 21 +/- 4), we derive the intrinsic properties of SPT 0538-50, including the stellar mass, far-IR luminosity, star formation rate, molecular gas mass, and - using molecular line fluxes - the excitation conditions within the ISM. The derived physical properties argue that we are witnessing compact, merger-driven star formation in SPT 0538-50, similar to local starburst galaxies, and unlike that seen in some other DSFGs at this epoch.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The far-infrared/radio correlation and radio spectral index of galaxies in the SFR-M* plane up to z 2

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    [Abridged] We study the evolution of the radio spectral index and far-infrared/radio correlation (FRC) across the star-formation rate-stellar masse (i.e. SFR-M*) plane up to z 2. We start from a M*-selected sample of galaxies with reliable SFR and redshift estimates. We then grid the SFR-M* plane in several redshift ranges and measure the infrared luminosity, radio luminosity, radio spectral index, and ultimately the FRC index (i.e. qFIR) of each SFR-M*-z bin. The infrared luminosities of our SFR-M*-z bins are estimated using their stacked far-infrared flux densities inferred from observations obtained with Herschel. Their radio luminosities and radio spectral indices (i.e. alpha, where Snu nu^-alpha) are estimated using their stacked 1.4GHz and 610MHz flux densities from the VLA and GMRT, respectively. Our far-infrared and radio observations include the most widely studied blank extragalactic fields -GOODS-N/S, ECDFS, and COSMOS- covering a sky area of 2deg^2. Using this methodology, we constrain the radio spectral index and FRC index of star-forming galaxies with M*>10^10Msun and 0<z<2.3. We find that alpha^1.4GHz_610MHz does not evolve significantly with redshift or with the distance of a galaxy with respect to the main sequence (MS) of the SFR-M* plane (i.e. Delta_log(SSFR)_MS=log[SSFR(galaxy)/SSFR_MS(M*,z)]). Instead, star-forming galaxies have a radio spectral index consistent with a canonical value of 0.8, which suggests that their radio spectra are dominated by non-thermal optically thin synchrotron emission. We find that qFIR displays a moderate but statistically significant redshift evolution as qFIR(z)=(2.35+/-0.08)*(1+z)^(-0.12+/-0.04), consistent with some previous literature. Finally, we find no significant correlation between qFIR and Delta_log(SSFR)_MS, though a weak positive trend, as observed in one of our redshift bins, cannot be firmly ruled out using our dataset.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 18 pages, 10 figure

    The contribution of star-forming galaxies to the cosmic radio background

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    Recent measurements of the temperature of the sky in the radio band, combined with literature data, have convincingly shown the existence of a cosmic radio background with an amplitude of 1\sim 1 K at 1 GHz and a spectral energy distribution that is well described by a power law with index α0.6\alpha \simeq -0.6. The origin of this signal remains elusive, and it has been speculated that it could be dominated by the contribution of star-forming galaxies at high redshift \change{if the far infrared-radio correlation q(z)q(z) evolved} in time. \change{We fit observational data from several different experiments by the relation q(z)q0βlog(1+z)q(z) \simeq q_0 - \beta \log(1+z) with q0=2.783±0.024q_0 = 2.783 \pm 0.024 and β=0.705±0.081\beta = 0.705 \pm 0.081 and estimate the total radio emission of the whole galaxy population at any given redshift from the cosmic star formation rate density at that redshift. It is found that} star-forming galaxies can only account for \sim13 percent of the observed intensity of the cosmic radio background.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure