100 research outputs found

    Das Estnische Rotvieh, dessen Zucht und gegenwärtige Lage

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    Digiteeritud Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi rahastusel, projekti "Eesti teadus- ja õppekirjandus" (2014-2020.12.03.21-0848) raames.https://www.ester.ee/record=b1276392*es

    Zur Aktionsart in den finnisch-ugrischen Sprachen

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    Predictors of language dominance: an integrated analysis of first language attrition and second language acquisition in late bilinguals

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    Late bilinguals who spend (part of) their adult lives in an environment where a language other than the one they learned in childhood is spoken typically experience a range of language development phenomena. Most obviously, they will acquire some level of receptive and/or productive knowledge of the new, or second, language (L2). How basic or advanced that level will be is determined by a range of environmental, experiential, attitudinal and individual factors. Secondly, they will most likely find the knowledge of their native language (L1) beginning to diverge from that of monolingual speakers in their country of origin, a process known as language attrition. In the course of this developmental process, some L2 skills may eventually match or even overtake the corresponding skill in the L1. This shift in the balance between L1 and L2 is the focus of investigations of language dominance. The present study explores language dominance in four migrant populations (Germans in the Netherlands and Canada, Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands). Investigating both the development of formal/controlled skills and more automatic aspects of lexical access and fluency, we aim to attain a better understanding of how extralinguistic factors contribute to the development of both languages. We argue that an integrated perspective can contribute more profound insights into the predictors of this complex process of bilingual development. In particular, our findings show that statistical models based on linear relationships fall short of capturing the full picture. We propose an alternative method of analysing data, namely discriminant function analysis, based on a categorisation of the populations and demonstrate how this can enhance our understanding. Our findings suggest that different aspects of the bilingual experience contribute differently to language development, regardless of language combination and type of skill measured. Contrary to what previous research suggests, measures relating to the intensity of informal use of both the L1 and the L2 in daily life are important in determining whether someone is a good or a poor L1 maintainer, while high vs. low success in acquisition appears to be predominantly associated with personal factors such as educational level

    Neurolinguistic aspects of attrition

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    International audienceThe aim of this paper is to provide the reader with a general overview of the field of attrition. Having situated this relatively new research domain with respect to related fields and approaches, a brief summary of the most important research questions and preliminary findings is given. The discussion then focuses on two issues that are of particular interest with respect to neurolinguistics: the role of the subject's age and of the influence of L2. Concerning the former, a summary of research on the critical period hypothesis is given and discussed in the light of findings from attrition research. Another issue concerns the principal mechanisms involved in L1 attrition, i.e. whether attrition occurs because of lack of L1 use or because of its replacement by the competing L2 structures. Research issues of such scope need integrative approaches and greatly benefit from comparisons with related fields such as normal aging, acquisition and aphasia

    Cambios evolitivos en el patón de lateraliación en dos grupos de inmigrantes.

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    Developmental changes of cerebral hemispheric involvement were followed in 80 German-Swedish high school students and 28 Polish- Swedish adults who arrived as political refugees from Poland to Sweden. By using a cross-sectional approach with length of residence in Sweden as the main independent variable, second language proficiency in Swedish was found to vary from zero to native-like competence. Various linguistic measures in the two languages were taken on word level for tachistoscopic tests, and on both word and sentence level for dichotic listening. The results across modalities provide evidence for decreasing left hemisphere involvement with increasing bilingualism. The gradual shift to the right hemisphere occurred in both early and late bilinguals to the same extent, and in Language 1 and 2 for similar languages. For dissimilar languages, a marginally significant effect was obtained for L2, only. The results were discussed in terms of current hypotheses of laterality and provide evidence against the stage hypothesis.Se han estudiado los cambios evolutivos de la participación hemisférica cerebral en 80 estudiantes de instituto germano-suecos y en 28 adultos polaco-suecos que llegaron como refugiados políticos desde Polonia a Suecia. Mediante un estudio transversal tomando como principal variable independiente la duración de la estancia en Suecia, se encontró que la competencia en la segunda lengua (sueco) variaba desde cero hasta un nivel similar al de los nativos. Se tomaron varias medidas lingüísticas en los dos idiomas como el nivel de palabras mediante pruebas taquistoscópicas y el nivel de palabras y frases con escucha dicótica. Los resultados de las diversas modalidades mostraron la menor participación del hemisferio izquierdo a mayor nivel de bilingüismo. El cambio gradual hacia el hemisferio derecho ocurrió tanto en los bilingües tempranos como en los tardíos, y en la Ll y la L2 en idiomas similares. En idiomas diferentes se obtuvo un efecto significativo marginal sólo para la L2. Se discuten los resultados en función de las hipótesis actuales sobre la lateralización y se ofrecen datos en contra de la hipótesis de los estadios

    Kantasuomen äännehistoriaa

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    Kirja-arvioPosti, Lauri: From Pre-Finnic to Late Proto-Finni

    Itämerensuomalaisia henkilönnimiä Novgorodin tuohikirjeissä

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    Ostseefinn. Personennamen in Nowgorod (saksa)Kielenaineksethuhmar(i) (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 99)Ihamieli (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 99)Loppi (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 99)magetao (kieli: viro, sivulla: 98)Süvalõpe (kieli: viro, sivulla: 99)Uhmardu (kieli: viro, sivulla: 99)vasen (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 98)Vihtimas (kieli: viro, sivulla: 98)Vihto(i)nen (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 98)vilja (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 98)Viljand(i) (kieli: viro, sivulla: 98)Vitamas (kieli: viro, sivulla: 98)väl|i, -ja, -jas (kieli: viro, sivulla: 98