261 research outputs found

    Cortical Development and Brain Malformations: Insights From the Differential Regulation of Early Events of DNA Replication

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    During the development of the cortex distinct populations of Neural Stem Cells (NSCs) are defined by differences in their cell cycle duration, self-renewal capacity and transcriptional profile. A key difference across the distinct populations of NSCs is the length of G1 phase, where the licensing of the DNA replication origins takes place by the assembly of a pre-replicative complex. Licensing of DNA replication is a process that is adapted accordingly to the cell cycle length of NSCs to secure the timed duplication of the genome. Moreover, DNA replication should be efficiently coordinated with ongoing transcription for the prevention of conflicts that would impede the progression of both processes, compromising the normal course of development. In the present review we discuss how the differential regulation of the licensing and initiation of DNA replication in different cortical NSCs populations is integrated with the properties of these stem cells populations. Moreover, we examine the implication of the initial steps of DNA replication in the pathogenetic mechanisms of neurodevelopmental defects and Zika virus-related microcephaly, highlighting the significance of the differential regulation of DNA replication during brain development

    Inference of protein kinetics by stochastic modeling and simulation of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments

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    Motivation: Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is a functional live cell imaging technique that permits the exploration of protein dynamics in living cells. To extract kinetic parameters from FRAP data, a number of analytical models have been developed. Simplifications are inherent in these models, which may lead to inexhaustive or inaccurate exploitation of the experimental data. An appealing alternative is offered by the simulation of biological processes in realistic environments at a particle level. However, inference of kinetic parameters using simulation-based models is still limited. Results: We introduce and demonstrate a new method for the inference of kinetic parameter values from FRAP data. A small number of in silico FRAP experiments is used to construct a mapping from FRAP recovery curves to the parameters of the underlying protein kinetics. Parameter estimates from experimental data can then be computed by applying the mapping to the observed recovery curves. A bootstrap process is used to investigate identifiability of the physical parameters and determine confidence regions for their estimates. Our method circumvents the computational burden of seeking the best-fitting parameters via iterative simulation. After validation on synthetic data, the method is applied to the analysis of the nuclear proteins Cdt1, PCNA and GFPnls. Parameter estimation results from several experimental samples are in accordance with previous findings, but also allow us to discuss identifiability issues as well as cell-to-cell variability of the protein kinetics. Implementation: All methods were implemented in MATLAB R2011b. Monte Carlo simulations were run on the HPC cluster Brutus of ETH Zurich. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Dynamic Recruitment of Licensing Factor Cdt1 to Sites of DNA Damage

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    For genomic integrity to be maintained, the cell cycle and DNA damage responses must be linked. Cdt1, a G1-specific cell-cycle factor, is targeted for proteolysis by the Cul4-Ddb1Cdt2 ubiquitin ligase following DNA damage. Using a laser nanosurgery microscope to generate spatially restricted DNA damage within the living cell nucleus, we show that Cdt1 is recruited onto damaged sites in G1 phase cells, within seconds of DNA damage induction. PCNA, Cdt2, Cul4, DDB1 and p21Cip1 also accumulate rapidly to damaged sites. Cdt1 recruitment is PCNA-dependent, whereas PCNA and Cdt2 recruitment are independent of Cdt1. Fitting of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching profiles to an analytic reaction-diffusion model shows that Cdt1 and p21Cip1 exhibit highly dynamic binding at the site of damage, whereas PCNA appears immobile. Cdt2 exhibits both a rapidly exchanging and an apparently immobile subpopulation. Our data suggest that PCNA provides an immobile binding interface for dynamic Cdt1 interactions at the site of damage, which leads to rapid Cdt1 recruitment to damaged DNA, preceding Cdt1 degradation

    Running title: Maximal loading of MCM2/4 in late G1

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    Once-per-cell cycle replication is regulated through the assembly onto chromatin of multisubunit protein complexes that license DNA for a further round of replication. Licensing consists of the loading of the hexameric MCM2-7 complex onto chromatin during G1 phase and is dependent on the licensing factor Cdt1. In vitro experiments have suggested a two-step binding mode for minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins, with transient initial interactions converted to stable chromatin loading. Here, we assess MCM loading in live human cells using an in vivo licensing assay on the basis of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of GFP-tagged MCM protein subunits through the cell cycle. We show that, in telophase, MCM2 and MCM4 maintain transient interactions with chromatin, exhibiting kinetics similar to Cdt1. These are converted to stable interactions from early G1 phase. The immobile fraction of MCM2 and MCM4 increases during G1 phase, suggestive of reiterative licensing. In late G1 phase, a large fraction of MCM proteins are loaded onto chromatin, with maximal licensing observed just prior to S phase onset. Fluorescence loss in photobleaching experiments show subnuclear concentrations of MCM-chromatin interactions that differ as G1 phase progresses and do not colocalize with sites of DNA synthesis in S phase.Fil: Symeonidou, Ioanna Eleni. University of Patras. School of Medicine. Laboratory of General Biology; Grecia;Fil: Kotsantis, Panagiotis. University of Patras. School of Medicine. Laboratory of General Biology; Grecia;Fil: Roukos, Vassilis. University of Patras. School of Medicine. Laboratory of General Biology; Grecia;Fil: Rapsomaniki, Maria Anna. University of Patras. School of Medicine. Laboratory of General Biology; Grecia;Fil: Grecco, Hernan Edgardo. Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology. Department of Systemic Cell Biology; Alemania; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; Argentina;Fil: Bastiaens, Philippe. Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology. Department of Systemic Cell Biology; Alemania;Fil: Taraviras, Stavros. University of Patras. School of Medicine. Laboratory of Physiology; Grecia;Fil: Lygerou, Zoi. University of Patras. School of Medicine. Laboratory of General Biology; Grecia

    Broadening the phenotypic spectrum of POP1-skeletal dysplasias: identification of POP1 mutations in a mild and severe skeletal dysplasia.

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    POP1 is a large protein common to the RNase-MRP and RNase-P (RMRP) endoribonucleoprotein complexes. Although its precise function is unknown, it appears to participate in the assembly or stability of both complexes. Numerous RMRP mutations have been reported in individuals with cartilage hair hypoplasia (CHH) but, to date, only three POP1 mutations have been described in two families with features similar to anauxetic dysplasia (AD). We present two further individuals, one with severe short stature and a relatively mild skeletal dysplasia and another in whom AD was suspected. Biallelic POP1 mutations were identified in both. A missense mutation and a novel single base deletion were detected in proband 1, p.[Pro582Ser]:[Glu870fs*5]. Markedly reduced abundance of RMRP and elevated levels of pre5.8 s rRNA was observed. In proband 2, a homozygous novel POP1 mutation was identified, p.[(Asp511Tyr)];[(Asp511Tyr)]. These two individuals demonstrate the phenotypic extremes in the clinical presentation of POP1-dysplasias. Although CHH and other skeletal dysplasias caused by mutations in RMRP or POP1 are commonly cited as ribosomal biogenesis disorders, recent studies question this assumption. We discuss the past and present knowledge about the function of the RMRP complex in skeletal development

    CK1δ restrains lipin-1 induction, lipid droplet formation and cell proliferation under hypoxia by reducing HIF-1α/ARNT complex formation.

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    Proliferation of cells under hypoxia is facilitated by metabolic adaptation, mediated by the transcriptional activator Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 (HIF-1). HIF-1α, the inducible subunit of HIF-1 is regulated by oxygen as well as by oxygen-independent mechanisms involving phosphorylation. We have previously shown that CK1δ phosphorylates HIF-1α in its N-terminus and reduces its affinity for its heterodimerization partner ARNT. To investigate the importance of this mechanism for cell proliferation under hypoxia, we visually monitored HIF-1α interactions within the cell nucleus using the in situ proximity ligation assay (PLA) and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). Both methods show that CK1δ-dependent modification of HIF-1α impairs the formation of a chromatin binding HIF-1 complex. This is confirmed by analyzing expression of lipin-1, a direct target of HIF-1 that mediates hypoxic neutral lipid accumulation. Inhibition of CK1δ increases lipid droplet formation and proliferation of both cancer and normal cells specifically under hypoxia and in an HIF-1α- and lipin-1-dependent manner. These data reveal a novel role for CK1δ in regulating lipid metabolism and, through it, cell adaptation to low oxygen conditions.This work was supported by the “ARISTEIA ΙΙ” Action of the “OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING” and was co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and National Resources. Partial support was provided by the Proof of Concept Studies for the ESFRI project Euro-BioImaging (Greek BioImaging Facility, PCS facility Nr. 9, Unit 2). N.-N.G., M.A.R. and Z.L. were supported by a grant from the European Research Council and S.S. was supported by a Medical Research Council Senior Fellowship (grant number G0701446).This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0898656815000637

    Nuclear export competence of pre-40S subunits in fission yeast requires the ribosomal protein Rps2

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    Ribosome biogenesis is an evolutionarily conserved pathway that requires ribosomal and nonribosomal proteins. Here, we investigated the role of the ribosomal protein S2 (Rps2) in fission yeast ribosome synthesis. As for many budding yeast ribosomal proteins, Rps2 was essential for cell viability in fission yeast and the genetic depletion of Rps2 caused a complete inhibition of 40S ribosomal subunit production. The pattern of pre-rRNA processing upon depletion of Rps2 revealed a reduction of 27SA2 pre-rRNAs and the concomitant production of 21S rRNA precursors, consistent with a role for Rps2 in efficient cleavage at site A2 within the 32S pre-rRNA. Importantly, kinetics of pre-rRNA accumulation as determined by rRNA pulse-chases assays indicated that a small fraction of 35S precursors matured into 20S-containing particles, suggesting that most 40S precursors were rapidly degraded in the absence of Rps2. Analysis of steady-state RNA levels revealed that some pre-40S particles were produced in Rps2-depleted cells, but that these precursors were retained in the nucleolus. Our findings suggest a role for Rps2 in a mechanism that monitors pre-40S export competence

    Analysis of Lsm1p and Lsm8p domains in the cellular localization of Lsm complexes in budding yeast

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    In eukaryotes, two heteroheptameric Sm-like (Lsm) complexes that differ by a single subunit localize to different cellular compartments and have distinct functions in RNA metabolism. The cytoplasmic Lsm1–7p complex promotes mRNA decapping and localizes to processing bodies, whereas the Lsm2–8p complex takes part in a variety of nuclear RNA processing events. The structural features that determine their different functions and localizations are not known. Here, we analyse a range of mutant and hybrid Lsm1 and Lsm8 proteins, shedding light on the relative importance of their various domains in determining their localization and ability to support growth. Although no single domain is either essential or sufficient for cellular localization, the Lsm1p N-terminus may act as part of a nuclear exclusion signal for Lsm1–7p, and the shorter Lsm8p N-terminus contributes to nuclear accumulation of Lsm2–8p. The C-terminal regions seem to play a secondary role in determining localization, with little or no contribution coming from the central Sm domains. The essential Lsm8 protein is remarkably resistant to mutation in terms of supporting viability, whereas Lsm1p appears more sensitive. These findings contribute to our understanding of how two very similar protein complexes can have different properties

    Ebp2 and Brx1 function cooperatively in 60S ribosomal subunit assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The yeast protein Ebp2 is required for early steps in production of 60S ribosomal subunits. To search for cofactors with which Ebp2 functions, or substrates on which it acts, we screened for mutants that were synthetically lethal (sl) with the ebp2-14 mutation. Four different mutant alleles of the 60S ribosomal subunit assembly factor Brx1 were found. To investigate defects of the double mutant, we constructed strains conditional for the ebp2-14 brx1- synthetic lethal phenotype. These ebp2-14 brx1 mutants were defective in processing of 27S pre-rRNA and production of 60S subunits, under conditions where each single mutant was not. Ebp2 and Brx1 exhibit a strong two-hybrid interaction, which is eliminated by some combinations of brx1 and ebp2 mutations. In one such mutant, Ebp2 and Brx1 can still associate with pre-ribosomes, but subunit maturation is perturbed. Depletion of either Ebp2 or Brx1 revealed that Brx1 requires Ebp2 for its stable association with pre-ribosomes, but Ebp2 does not depend on the presence of Brx1 to enter pre-ribosomes. These results suggest that assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits requires cooperation of Ebp2 with Brx1, together with other molecules present in pre-ribosomes, potentially including several found in assembly subcomplexes with Brx1 and Ebp2

    A cluster of ribosome synthesis factors regulate pre-rRNA folding and 5.8S rRNA maturation by the Rat1 exonuclease

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    The 5′-exonuclease Rat1 degrades pre-rRNA spacer fragments and processes the 5′-ends of the 5.8S and 25S rRNAs. UV crosslinking revealed multiple Rat1-binding sites across the pre-rRNA, consistent with its known functions. The major 5.8S 5′-end is generated by Rat1 digestion of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) spacer from cleavage site A(3). Processing from A(3) requires the ‘A(3)-cluster' proteins, including Cic1, Erb1, Nop7, Nop12 and Nop15, which show interdependent pre-rRNA binding. Surprisingly, A(3)-cluster factors were not crosslinked close to site A(3), but bound sites around the 5.8S 3′- and 25S 5′-regions, which are base paired in mature ribosomes, and in the ITS2 spacer that separates these rRNAs. In contrast, Nop4, a protein required for endonucleolytic cleavage in ITS1, binds the pre-rRNA near the 5′-end of 5.8S. ITS2 was reported to undergo structural remodelling. In vivo chemical probing indicates that A(3)-cluster binding is required for this reorganization, potentially regulating the timing of processing. We predict that Nop4 and the A(3) cluster establish long-range interactions between the 5.8S and 25S rRNAs, which are subsequently maintained by ribosomal protein binding