343 research outputs found

    Do human transposable element small RNAs serve primarily as genome defenders or genome regulators?

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    It is currently thought that small RNA (sRNA) based repression mechanisms are primarily employed to mitigate the mutagenic threat posed by the activity of transposable elements (TEs). This can be achieved by the sRNA guided processing of TE transcripts via Dicer-dependent (e.g., siRNA) or Dicer-independent (e.g., piRNA) mechanisms. For example, potentially active human L1 elements are silenced by mRNA cleavage induced by element encoded siRNAs, leading to a negative correlation between element mRNA and siRNA levels. On the other hand, there is emerging evidence that TE derived sRNAs can also be used to regulate the host genome. Here, we evaluated these two hypotheses for human TEs by comparing the levels of TE derived mRNA and TE sRNA across six tissues. The genome defense hypothesis predicts a negative correlation between TE mRNA and TE sRNA levels, whereas the genome regulatory hypothesis predicts a positive correlation. On average, TE mRNA and TE sRNA levels are positively correlated across human tissues. These correlations are higher than seen for human genes or for randomly permuted control data sets. Overall, Alu subfamilies show the highest positive correlations of element mRNA and sRNA levels across tissues, although a few of the youngest, and potentially most active, Alu subfamilies do show negative correlations. Thus, Alu derived sRNAs may be related to both genome regulation and genome defense. These results are inconsistent with a simple model whereby TE derived sRNAs reduce levels of standing TE mRNA via transcript cleavage, and suggest that human cells efficiently process TE transcripts into sRNA based on the available message levels. This may point to a widespread role for processed TE transcripts in genome regulation or to alternative roles of TE-to-sRNA processing including the mitigation of TE transcript cytotoxicity

    Statistical estimation of gender inequality of wage in Ukraine

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    У статті проведено статистичне оцінювання гендерних нерівностей в оплаті праці за видами економічної діяльності та регіонами України. Здійснено групування регіонів за співвідношенням заробітної плати жінок і чоловіків.The article gives a statistical estimation of gender disparities in wages by types of economic activity and regions of Ukraine. The paper presents regions grouping by the ratio of wages of women and men

    Transcriptional profiling of interleukin-2-primed human adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells revealed dramatic changes in stem cells response imposed by replicative senescence

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    Inflammation is a double-edged sword with both detrimental and beneficial consequences. Understanding of the mechanisms of crosstalk between the inflammatory milieu and human adult mesenchymal stem cells is an important basis for clinical efforts. Here, we investigate changes in the transcriptional response of human adipose-derived stem cells to physiologically relevant levels of IL-2 (IL-2 priming) upon replicative senescence. Our data suggest that replicative senescence might dramatically impede human mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) function via global transcriptional deregulation in response to IL-2. We uncovered a novel senescence-associated transcriptional signature in human adipose-derived MSCs hADSCs after exposure to pro-inflammatory environment: significant enhancement of the expression of the genes encoding potent growth factors and cytokines with anti-inflammatory and migration-promoting properties, as well as genes encoding angiogenic and antiapoptotic promoting factors, all of which could participate in the establishment of a unique microenvironment. We observed transcriptional up-regulation of critical components of the nitric oxide synthase pathway (iNOS) in hADSCs upon replicative senescence suggesting, that senescent stem cells can acquire metastasis-promoting properties via stem cell-mediated immunosuppression. Our study highlights the importance of age as a factor when designing cell-based or pharmacological therapies for older patients and predicts measurable biomarkers characteristic of an environment that is conducive to cancer cells invasiveness and metastasis.LM and BGG was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF 2010-15239) to BGG and. LMP are supported by FPI fellowships from the Spanish Ministry, and BGG acknowledges support from the ``Ramon y Cajal´´ tenure track programme from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2009-04669). AS and AA are fellows of Bolashak International Scholarship, AA, AN, AS are sponsored by KazNMU sponsored program.S

    A Gibbs sampling strategy applied to the mapping of ambiguous short-sequence tags

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    Motivation: Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) is widely used in biological research. ChIP-seq experiments yield many ambiguous tags that can be mapped with equal probability to multiple genomic sites. Such ambiguous tags are typically eliminated from consideration resulting in a potential loss of important biological information

    Stem Cells Have Different Needs for REST

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    REST is a well known repressor of neuronal gene expression. Genome-wide analysis of REST occupancy in different cell types now reveals new and cell-specific roles for REST in embryonic stem cells

    A role for insulator elements in the regulation of gene expression response to hypoxia

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    Hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) up-regulates the transcription of a few hundred genes required for the adaptation to hypoxia. This restricted set of targets is in sharp contrast with the widespread distribution of the HIF binding motif throughout the genome. Here, we investigated the transcriptional response of GYS1 and RUVBL2 genes to hypoxia to understand the mechanisms that restrict HIF activity toward specific genes. GYS1 and RUVBL2 genes are encoded by opposite DNA strands and separated by a short intergenic region (~1 kb) that contains a functional hypoxia response element equidistant to both genes. However, hypoxia induced the expression of GYS1 gene only. Analysis of the transcriptional response of chimeric constructs derived from the intergenic region revealed an inhibitory sequence whose deletion allowed RUVBL2 induction by HIF. Enhancer blocking assays, performed in cell culture and transgenic zebrafish, confirmed the existence of an insulator element within this inhibitory region that could explain the differential regulation of GYS1 and RUVBL2 by hypoxia. Hence, in this model, the selective response to HIF is achieved with the aid of insulator elements. This is the first report suggesting a role for insulators in the regulation of differential gene expression in response to environmental signals

    Evidence of the neuron-restrictive silencer factor (NRSF) interaction with Sp3 and its synergic repression to the mu opioid receptor (MOR) gene

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    Previously, we reported that the neuron-restrictive silencer element (NRSE) of mu opioid receptor (MOR) functions as a critical regulator to repress the MOR transcription in specific neuronal cells, depending on neuron-restriction silence factor (NRSF) expression levels [C.S.Kim, C.K.Hwang, H.S.Choi, K.Y.Song, P.Y.Law, L.N.Wei and H.H.Loh (2004) J. Biol. Chem., 279, 46464–46473]. Herein, we identify a conserved GC sequence next to NRSE region in the mouse MOR gene. The inhibition of Sp family factors binding to this GC box by mithramycin A led to a significant increase in the endogenous MOR transcription. In the co-immunoprecipitation experiment, NRSF interacted with the full-length Sp3 factor, but not with Sp1 or two short Sp3 isoforms. The sequence specific and functional binding by Sp3 at this GC box was confirmed by in vitro gel-shift assays using either in vitro translated proteins or nuclear extract, and by in vivo chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. Transient transfection assays showed that Sp3-binding site of the MOR gene is a functionally synergic repressor element with NRSE in NS20Y cells, but not in the NRSF negative PC12 cells. The results suggest that the synergic interaction between NRSF and Sp3 is required to negatively regulate MOR gene transcription and that transcription of MOR gene would be governed by the context of available transcription factors rather than by a master regulator

    Opposing activities of oncogenic MIR17HG and tumor suppressive MIR100HG clusters and their gene targets regulate replicative senescence in human adult stem cells.

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    Growing evidence suggests that many diseases of aging, including diseases associated with robust changes and adipose deports, may be caused by resident adult stem cell exhaustion due to the process called cellular senescence. Understanding how microRNA pathways can regulate cellular senescence is crucial for the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to combat these pathologies. Herein, using integrated transcriptomic and semi-quantitative proteomic analysis, we provide a system level view of the regulation of human adipose-derived stem cell senescence by a subset of mature microRNAs (termed senescence-associated-microRNAs) produced by biogenesis of oncogenic MIR17HG and tumor-suppressive MIR100HG clusters. We demonstrate functional significance of these mature senescence-associated-microRNAs in the process of replicative senescence of human adipose-derived stem cells ex-vivo and define a set of senescence-associated-microRNA gene targets that are able to elicit, modulate and, most importantly, balance intimate connections between oncogenic and senescent events

    Silencing by nuclear matrix attachment distinguishes cell-type specificity: association with increased proliferation capacity

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    DNA loop organization by nuclear scaffold/matrix attachment is a key regulator of gene expression that may provide a means to modulate phenotype. We have previously shown that attachment of genes to the NaCl-isolated nuclear matrix correlates with their silencing in HeLa cells. In contrast, expressed genes were associated with the lithium 3,5-diiodosalicylate (LIS)-isolated nuclear scaffold. To define their role in determining phenotype matrix attached regions (MARs) on human chromosomes 14–18 were identified as a function of expression in a primary cell line. The locations of MARs in aortic adventitial fibroblast (AoAF) cells were very stable (r = 0.909) and 96% of genes attached at MARs are silent (P < 0.001). Approximately one-third of the genes uniquely expressed in AoAF cells were associated with the HeLa cell nuclear matrix and silenced. Comparatively, 81% were associated with the AoAF cell nuclear scaffold (P < 0.001) and expressed. This suggests that nuclear scaffold/matrix association mediates a portion of cell type-specific gene expression thereby modulating phenotype. Interestingly, nuclear matrix attachment and thus silencing of specific genes that regulate proliferation and maintain the integrity of the HeLa cell genome suggests that transformation may at least in part be achieved through aberrant nuclear matrix attachment