406 research outputs found

    Hayv Kahraman’s Bodyscreens: Skin, Depth, and Surface

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on August 11, 2015Thesis advisor: Cristina AlbuVitaIncludes bibliographic references (pages 64-66)Thesis (M.A.)--Department of Art and Art History. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2015Hayv Kahraman is most widely known for her large-scale paintings of pale women with skin like silk and soft clouds of dark black hair. She often draws on her experiences as an émigré from Iraq to represent the challenges that surface as a result of one’s identity. Having observed in such works how the body is undermined by volatile abstractions like nationality and gender, I will argue that in introducing the operation of a scanning device into her practice, Kahraman comes to reconfigure these terms through what Christine Ross has termed “precarious visuality.” Destabilizing optical perspective requires that the interface of the viewing experience be reshaped, and seeing the female body threatened by a loss of agency, Kahraman reconsiders its very surface, turning body into a screen. This thesis will therefore examine what I will call “bodyscreens” made by Kahraman. The first chapter will argue that in meditating on surface and body, the artist is revising minimalist practices, such as those of Robert Morris, which confront the viewer with objects that emphasize their exteriority. In asking why Kahraman chooses to represent the body as a minimalist object with Icosahedral Body and Quasi-Corporeal, I will rely on the philosophy of Elizabeth Grosz to demonstrate that by inscribing her internal body on an object’s skin, the artist is showing that as a screen, the body’s significance can permute, dismantle hierarchies, resist categories, and expand the possibilities of subjectivity. The second chapter will discuss how this melding of inner and outer is also an explicit engagement with architectural spaces. Kahraman links together memories of mashrabiya screens; the category of sexuality; and the viewer’s immersion in architecture to produce what Giuliana Bruno describes as what can be called filmic spaces. This intersection of traditional Islamic media with the ongoing redefinitions of the screen in museographic spaces establishes new forms of dwelling and journey that contrast with the colonizer’s desire to enclose and fix. I will conclude by discussing Kahraman’s performance art and ask what relationship between evasion of identification and intersubjectivity she proposes in projecting her story onto the bodies of her actresses.College of Arts and SciencesIntroduction -- Havy Kahrman's geometric bodied and minimal art -- The filmic body as a new site of dwelling -- Self-effacement and intersubjectivity across Kahraman's bodyscreens -- Illustrationsmonographi

    Synchronous degassing patterns of the neighbouring volcanoes Llaima and Villarrica in south-central Chile: the influence of tidal forces

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    The neighbouring volcanoes Villarrica and Llaima are two of the most active volcanoes in Chile and both currently degas continuously. We present a semi-continuous time series of SO2 fluxes for Villarrica and Llaima volcanoes. The time series was obtained using five scanning Mini-Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometers (Mini-DOAS, UV spectrometers) over 6 months (13 February to 31 July 2010) and is based on 6,829 scans for Villarrica and 7,165 scans for Llaima. Statistical analyses of the SO2 flux time series reveal a periodicity of degassing maxima about every 7 days, and further a conspicuous synchronicity of the degassing maxima and minima between the two volcanoes. Intra-day variations in SO2 fluxes also show a striking correlation between Villarrica and Llaima. All these patterns correlate well with the trend of the modelled solid Earth tide curves, where the 7-day degassing maxima correspond with both the fortnightly tidal maxima and minima. The intra-day degassing peaks mostly correlate well with the periods of maximum deformation rates during the diurnal tidal cycle, and further with semidiurnal minima in atmospheric pressure, a phenomenon we refer to as “the tidal pump”. As there is little time lag between the tidal action and the changes in degassing rates, we infer that degassing at both volcanoes is controlled by conduit convection, involving physical separation between gas and magma at comparatively shallow levels. Variations in daily degassing rates were up to a factor of ca. 12 and 10 for Villarrica and Llaima, respectively, without any noticeable changes in the periodicity. We thus suggest that the described cyclic variations must be taken into account for all comparable volcanoes when using gas monitoring as a tool for volcanic hazard mitigation

    Monitoring gas emissions of active volcanoes: Identification of natural degassing variations and combination of volcano monitoring techniques

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    This thesis is a contribution to the interdisciplinary field of applied volcanology and focuses on the study of volcanic gas emissions by means of ground-based spectroscopic remote sensing techniques. Furthermore it aims at fostering the routine use and integration of such measurements into existing multi-parameter volcano surveillance networks of the involved local volcano observatories. For this purpose continuous long-term monitoring of sulphur dioxide (SO2) emission rates was performed using permanent networks of fully-automated scanning ultraviolet (UV) spectrometers at some of the most active and persistently degassing stratovolcanoes in the volcanic arcs of Chile, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. These measurements yielded detailed time series of SO2 emission rates, which were calculated using differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) in conjunction with wind transport directions and velocities derived from weather hindcasts of the Global Forecast System (GFS), and delivered insights into the degassing behaviour of the monitored volcanoes

    Ăśberwachung von Gasemissionen aktiver Vulkane: Identifizierung von natĂĽrlichen Entgasungsvariationen und Kombination von VulkanĂĽberwachungstechniken

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    This thesis is a contribution to the interdisciplinary field of applied volcanology and focuses on the study of volcanic gas emissions by means of ground-based spectroscopic remote sensing techniques. Furthermore it aims at fostering the routine use and integration of such measurements into existing multi-parameter volcano surveillance networks of the involved local volcano observatories. For this purpose continuous long-term monitoring of sulphur dioxide (SO2) emission rates was performed using permanent networks of fully-automated scanning ultraviolet (UV) spectrometers at some of the most active and persistently degassing stratovolcanoes in the volcanic arcs of Chile, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. These measurements yielded detailed time series of SO2 emission rates, which were calculated using differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) in conjunction with wind transport directions and velocities derived from weather hindcasts of the Global Forecast System (GFS), and delivered insights into the degassing behaviour of the monitored volcanoes.Diese Dissertation ist ein Beitrag zum weitläufigen interdisziplinären Feld der angewandten Vulkanologie und der Studie von vulkanischen Gasemissionen unter der Verwendung von bodengebundenen spektroskopischen Fernerkundungstechniken. Desweiteren zielt sie darauf ab, die routinierte Benutzung und die Integrierung solcher Messungen in die bereits existierenden Multi-Parameter Vulkanüberwachungsnetzwerke der involvierten Vulkanobservatorien zu fördern. Für diese Zwecke wurde an einigen der aktivsten und dauerhaft entgasenden Stratovulkane in Chile, Costa Rica und Nicaragua eine kontinuierliche Langzeitüberwachung von Schwefeldioxid (SO2) -Emissionsraten mittels permanent installierter Netzwerke aus voll-automatischen ultraviolett (UV) –Spektrometer Stationen mit eingebauter Abtastvorrichtung durchgeführt. Diese Messungen lieferten detaillierte Zeitreihen von SO2 –Emissionsraten, die mittels differentieller optischer Absorptionsspektroskopie (DOAS) in Verbindung mit Windrichtungen und Windgeschwindigkeiten aus Rückberechnungen des Global Forecast Systems (GFS) berechnet wurden, und gaben somit Einblicke in das Entgasungsverhalten der überwachten Vulkane und ermöglichten darüber hinaus die gemeinsame Analyse mit komplementären seismischen Überwachungsdaten

    Comparative interevent time statistics of degassing and seismic activity at Villarrica Volcano (Chile)

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    It is generally assumed that seismic activity at volcanoes is closely connected to degassing processes. Intuitively, one would therefore expect a good correlation between degassing rates and seismic amplitude. However, both examples and counterexamples of such a correlation exist. In this study on Villarrica volcano (Chile), we pursued a different approach to relate gas flux and volcanic seismicity using 3 months of SO2_2 flux rate measurements and 12 days of seismic recordings from early 2012.<br /> We analyzed the statistical distributions of interevent times between transient seismic waveforms commonly associated with explosions and between peaks in the degassing time series.<br /> Both event types showed a periodic recurrence with a mode of 20-25 s and around 1 h for transients and degassing, respectively. The normalized interevent times were fitted by almost identical log-normal distributions. Given the actually very different time scales, this similarity potentially indicates a scale-invariant phenomenon. We could reproduce these empirical findings by modelling the occurrence of transients as a renewal process from which the degassing events were derived recursively with increasing probability since the previous degassing event. In this model, the seismic transients could be either produced by degassing processes within the conduit or by gas release at the lava lake surface while the longer intervals of the degassing events may be explained by accumulation of gas either in the magma column or in the juvenile gas plume.<br /> Additionally, we analyzed volcano-tectonic events, which behaved very differently from the transients. They showed the clustered occurrence of tectonic earthquakes

    How Healthcare Professionals Comprehend Process Models - An Empirical Eye Tracking Analysis

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    Digitization is advancing rapidly in many prevalently analogue domains such as healthcare. For the latter domain, the synergies with modern information technologies (IT)have become an integral part regarding communication and collaboration. For this reason, a comprehensible language is of importance in order to allow for a frictionless exchange of information between domain experts. The Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0 represents a promising notation that may be applied as lingua franca. Although BPMN 2.0 is widespread and applied by experts in business and industry, little experience exists on how BPMN 2.0 is adopted in healthcare. In order to assess how BPMN 2.0 is deployed in healthcare, we conducted a preliminary eye tracking study, in which n = 16 professionals from healthcare comprehended a particular BPMN 2.0 process model. The results indicate that BPMN 2.0 might be a candidate for a lingua franca to foster the comprehensible exchange of information as well as collaboration between healthcare and I

    Airborne field strength monitoring

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    In civil and military aviation, ground based navigation aids (NAVAIDS) are still crucial for flight guidance even though the acceptance of satellite based systems (GNSS) increases. Part of the calibration process for NAVAIDS (ILS, DME, VOR) is to perform a flight inspection according to specified methods as stated in a document (DOC8071, 2000) by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). One major task is to determine the coverage, or, in other words, the true signal-in-space field strength of a ground transmitter. This has always been a challenge to flight inspection up to now, since, especially in the L-band (DME, 1GHz), the antenna installed performance was known with an uncertainty of 10 dB or even more. In order to meet ICAO's required accuracy of ±3 dB it is necessary to have a precise 3-D antenna factor of the receiving antenna operating on the airborne platform including all losses and impedance mismatching. Introducing precise, effective antenna factors to flight inspection to achieve the required accuracy is new and not published in relevant papers yet. The authors try to establish a new balanced procedure between simulation and validation by airborne and ground measurements. This involves the interpretation of measured scattering parameters gained both on the ground and airborne in comparison with numerical results obtained by the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) accelerated method of moments (MoM) using a complex geometric model of the aircraft. First results will be presented in this paper
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