88 research outputs found

    On the adhesion forces of bacterial surfaces and derivatives

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    Vida saudável em estudantes de enfermagem no Estado do México

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    Dio origen a la creación de Red de COLABORACIÓN COLOMBIA MÉXICOLos estilos de vida de los jóvenes universitarios y la transición a la adultez influyen en los comportamientos y los hábitos de vida haciéndolos más vulnerables. Objetivo: describir el estilo de vida saludable de los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Materiales y método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con 883 estudiantes de enfermería. Se utilizó el cuestionario Estilo de Vida Saludable y Salud en Estudiantes Universitarios EVISAUN versión 3. El estudio contó con aval académico para su desarrolloUAE

    Dominance of phage particles carrying antibiotic resistance genes in the viromes of retail food sources

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    The growth of antibiotic resistance has stimulated interest in understanding the mechanisms by which antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) are mobilized. Among them, studies analyzing the presence of ARGs in the viral fraction of environmental, food and human samples, and reporting bacteriophages as vehicles of ARG transmission, have been the focus of increasing research. However, it has been argued that in these studies the abundance of phages carrying ARGs has been overestimated due to experimental contamination with non-packaged bacterial DNA or other elements such as outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). This study aims to shed light on the extent to which phages, OMVs or contaminating non-packaged DNA contribute as carriers of ARGs in the viromes. The viral fractions of three types of food (chicken, fish, and mussels) were selected as sources of ARG-carrying phage particles, whose ability to infect and propagate in an Escherichia coli host was confirmed after isolation. The ARG-containing fraction was further purified by CsCl density gradient centrifugation and, after removal of DNA outside the capsids, ARGs inside the particles were confirmed. The purified fraction was stained with SYBR Gold, which allowed the visualization of phage capsids attached to and infecting E. coli cells. Phages with Myoviridae and Siphoviridae morphology were observed by electron microscopy. The proteins in the purified fraction belonged predominantly to phages (71.8% in fish, 52.9% in mussels, 78.7% in chicken sample 1, and 64.1% in chicken sample 2), mainly corresponding to tail, capsid, and other structural proteins, whereas membrane proteins, expected to be abundant if OMVs were present, accounted for only 3.8–21.4% of the protein content. The predominance of phage particles in the viromes supports the reliability of the protocols used in this study and in recent findings on the abundance of ARG-carrying phage particles.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-113355GB-I00), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European regional fund (ERF). The study was partially supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR170). PB-P has a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (BES-2017-081296), SM-C has a grant from Colciencias (Republic of Colombia) and LR-R is lecturer of the Serra-Hunter program, Generalitat de Catalunya. MDR-B has a Margarita Salas fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades

    Propuesta en Supply Chain Management y Logística en la Empresa Sypelc S.A.S

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    Imagenes, TablasLa empresa Sypelc S.A.S, está especializada en soluciones para las áreas servicios de ingeniería eléctrica como el control de energía, construcción y mantenimiento de redes de energía eléctrica en baja, media, alta tensión y alumbrado público. Se desarrollo una propuesta de mejoramiento al centro de distribución del almacén de la empresa Sypelc S.A.S, buscando favorecer el proceso logístico del movimiento de materiales y herramientas que se deben suministrar a las cuadrillas técnicas en sus vehículos para el desenvolvimiento de las diferentes actividades contractuales con sus clientes, a través del diseño de un Layout que permite mostrar un diseño o plano de distribución de información de las secciones necesarias para la distribución de los materiales y el espacio para el movimiento de los auxiliares de bodega y los técnicos para su ubicación. El proceso de logística y aprovisionamiento debe ser un engranaje totalmente coordinado y direccionado para favorecer la continuidad de la producción de la empresa, teniendo en los procesos de suministro de materia prima, en los cuales se depende totalmente de la cuenta proveedores y de su propia cadena de suministros y distribución, procesos en los cuales la empresa no tiene el control, pero impactan fuertemente el desarrollo de las operaciones de la empresa. Al poder realizar la implementación del Supply Chain Management a la empresa Sypelc S.A.S se comenzó iniciando un reconocimiento total de la empresa, su red de procesos, los miembros del Supply Chain y luego se buscó la forma de obtener una mejora en toda esa red de procesos empezando por el aprovisionamiento de insumos hasta distribución del producto terminado, como pilar fundamental la excelente comunicación con los proveedores y clientes.The company Sypelc S.A.S, is specialized in solutions for the areas of electrical engineering services such as energy control, construction and maintenance of electrical energy networks in low, medium, high voltage and public lighting. An improvement proposal was developed for the distribution center of the warehouse of the company Sypelc S.A.S, seeking to favor the logistics process of the movement of materials and tools that must be supplied to the technical crews in their vehicles for the development of the different contractual activities with their clients, through the design of a Layout that allows to show a design or information distribution plan of the sections necessary for the distribution of materials and the space for the movement of warehouse assistants and technicians for their location. The logistics and supply process must be a fully coordinated and directed gear to favor the continuity of the company's production, taking into account the raw material supply processes, in which it totally depends on the supplier account and its own chain. of supplies and distribution, processes in which the company does not have control, but strongly impact the development of the company's operations. Being able to carry out the implementation of Supply Chai

    The NoiseFiltersR Package: Label Noise Preprocessing in R

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    In Data Mining, the value of extracted knowledge is directly related to the quality of the used data. This makes data preprocessing one of the most important steps in the knowledge discovery process. A common problem affecting data quality is the presence of noise. A training set with label noise can reduce the predictive performance of classification learning techniques and increase the overfitting of classification models. In this work we present the NoiseFiltersR package. It contains the first extensive R implementation of classical and state-of-the-art label noise filters, which are the most common techniques for preprocessing label noise. The algorithms used for the implementation of the label noise filters are appropriately documented and referenced. They can be called in a R-user-friendly manner, and their results are unified by means of the "filter" class, which also benefits from adapted print and summary methods.Spanish Research ProjectAndalusian Research PlanBrazilian grant-CeMEAI-FAPESPFAPESPUniv Granada, Dept Comp Sci & Artificial Intelligence, E-18071 Granada, SpainUniv Sao Paulo, Inst Ciencias Matemat & Comp, Trabalhador Sao Carlense Av 400, BR-13560970 Sao Carlos, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Ciencia & Tecnol, Talim St 330, BR-12231280 Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Ciencia & Tecnol, Talim St 330, BR-12231280 Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilSpanish Research Project: TIN2014-57251-PAndalusian Research Plan: P11-TIC-7765CeMEAI-FAPESP: 2013/07375-0FAPESP: 2012/22608-8FAPESP: 2011/14602-7Web of Scienc

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia – Departamento del Huila, Cauca y Antioquia; Región: Andina.

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    La violencia en Colombia ha marcado a un gran número de ciudadanos, quienes se han convertido en víctimas a partir del impacto negativo que esta ha dejado en sus vidas, de estos hechos atroces, es importante reconocer el proceso de reparación por el cual las víctimas deben de pasar, para lograr su adecuada atención, de esta se orienta la necesidad de reconocer la realidad de las víctimas desde su sentir, para ello el manejo de la ética profesional juega un papel fundamental, garantizando con ella un proceder con tacto humano. De esta manera el profesional ha de implementar el uso de la herramienta como la imagen y la narrativa en los primeros momentos del abordaje a las víctimas como población vulnerable, herramienta que han de permitirle una participación crítica y reflexiva por parte de los participantes durante el proceso de construcción de los hechos y o acontecimientos violentos que los marcaron como víctimas. Dentro de las herramientas de acercamiento podemos trabajar la foto voz, la cual nos permite exponer por medio de la imagen el sentir de las víctimas, desde toda su generalidad, así como también están los relatos y o historias de vida; mediante los cuales las víctimas tienen el espacio para reconstruir su historia esta vez desde el relato y dando los detalles mínimos de lo que ha sido el flagelo de la violencia desde su perceptiva analítica personal sin temor a ser señalados o juzgados sino que al contrario son escuchados y orientados por profesionales. A través de la implementación de estas dos herramientas las cuales resultan ser muy importante en el abordaje inicial, con lo cual se permite el reconocimiento de las víctimas a partir de su identidad, su memoria, sus maneras de actuar, por medio de lo cual podemos desarrollar y proponer estrategias adecuadas a aplicar en el proceso de reparación que las víctimas han de tener, el cual debe de ser garantizado por el Gobierno Colombiano, con la reparación se busca devolver la seguridad, identidad, cultura y respeto a la memoria de las víctimas.Violence in Colombia has marked a large number of citizens, who have become victims from the negative impact it has left on their lives, of these atrocious acts, it is important to recognize the process of reparation through which victims must pass, in order to achieve their proper attention, the need to recognize the reality of the victims from their feeling is oriented , for this purpose the management of professional ethics plays a fundamental role, ensuring with it a human touch. In this way the professional must implement the use of the tool as the image and narrative in the first moments of the approach to victims as vulnerable population, a tool that must allow them a critical and reflective participation by the participants during the process of building the facts and or violent events that marked them as victims. Within the tools of approach we can work the voice photo, which allows us to expose through the image the feeling of the victims, from all their generality, as well as the stories and /o stories of life; by which victims have the space to reconstruct their history this time from the story and giving the minimum details of what has been the scourge of violence since their perceptive personal analytical without fear of being singled out or judged but on the contrary they are heard and guided by professionals. Through the implementation of these two tools which turn out to be very important in the initial approach, thus allowing the recognition of victims based on their identity, their memory, their ways of acting, through which we can develop and propose appropriate strategies to be applied in the process of reparation that victims have to have , which must be guaranteed by the Colombian Government, with the reparation seeks to restore the security, identity, culture and respect for the memory of the victims

    BRIP1, a Gene Potentially Implicated in Familial Colorectal Cancer Type X

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    Familial colorectal cancer Type X (FCCTX) comprises a heterogeneous group of families with an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer and other related tumors, but with mismatch repair–proficient, microsatellite-stable (MSS) tumors. Unfortunately, the genetic basis underlying their cancer predisposition remains unknown. Although pathogenic germline variants in BRIP1 increase the risk of developing hereditary ovarian cancer, the involvement of BRIP1 in hereditary colorectal cancer is still not well known. In order to identify new BRIP1 variants associated with inherited colorectal cancer, affected and nonaffected individuals from 18 FCCTX or high-risk MSS colorectal cancer families were evaluated by whole-exome sequencing, and another 62 colorectal cancer patients from FCCTX or high-risk MSS colorectal cancer families were screened by a next-generation sequencing (NGS) multigene panel. The families were recruited at the Genetic Counseling Unit of Hospital Clínico San Carlos of Madrid. A total of three different BRIP1 mutations in three unrelated families were identified. Among them, there were two frameshift variants [c.1702_1703del, p.(Asn568TrpfsTer9) and c.903del, p.(Leu301PhefsTer2)] that result in the truncation of the protein and are thus classified as pathogenic (class 5). The remaining was a missense variant [c.2220G>T, p.(Gln740His)] considered a variant of uncertain significance (class 3). The segregation and lossof-heterozygosity studies provide evidence linking the two BRIP1 frameshift variants to colorectal cancer risk, with suggestive but not definitive evidence that the third variant may be benign. The results here presented suggest that germline BRIP1 pathogenic variants could be associated with hereditary colorectal cancer predisposition

    Patterns of healthy lifestyle behaviours in older adults: findings from the Chilean National Health Survey 2009–2010

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate healthy lifestyle behaviours across age categories in the older population in Chile. Data from 1390 older adults (≥60 years), in the 2009–2010 Chilean National Health Survey were analyzed. We derived the following age categories: 60–65, 66–70, 71–75, 76–80 and >80 years. The association between age and compliance with healthy lifestyle behaviours (smoking, sitting time, physical activity, sleep duration and intake of salt, alcohol, fruit and vegetables) were investigated using logistic regression. The probability of meeting the guidelines for alcohol intake (OR trend: 1.35 [95% CI: 1.11; 1.64], p = 0.001) and smoking (OR trend: 1.23 [95% CI: 1.13; 1.33], p < 0.0001) increased with age, whereas spending <4 h per day sitting time or engaging in at least 150 min of physical activity per week or sleep on average between 7 and 9 h per day were less likely to be met with increasing age (OR trend: 0.77 [95% CI: 0.71; 0.83], p < 0.000; OR trend: 0.73 [95% CI: 0.67; 0.79], p < 0.0001, and OR trend: 0.89 [95% CI: 0.82; 0.96], p = 0.002, respectively). No significant trend across age categories was observed for fruit and vegetables, and salt intake. The probability of meeting at least 3 out of 7 healthy lifestyle behaviours across the age categories was also lower in older age categories compared to those aged 60 to 65 years. Overall, in older adults the probability of having the healthy lifestyle behaviours of physical activity, sitting time and sleeping behaviours was low but not for smoking or alcohol consumption. With an increasingly ageing population, these findings could inform stakeholders on which lifestyle behaviours could be targeted in the older adults and therefore which interventions should take place to promote healthy ageing

    Clinical and Laboratory Features in Anti-NF155 Autoimmune Nodopathy

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To study the clinical and laboratory features of antineurofascin-155 (NF155)-positive autoimmune nodopathy (AN). METHODS: Patients with anti-NF155 antibodies detected on routine immunologic testing were included. Clinical characteristics, treatment response, and functional scales (modified Rankin Scale [mRS] and Inflammatory Rasch-built Overall Disability Scale [I-RODS]) were retrospectively collected at baseline and at the follow-up. Autoantibody and neurofilament light (NfL) chain levels were analyzed at baseline and at the follow-up. RESULTS: Forty NF155+ patients with AN were included. Mean age at onset was 42.4 years. Patients presented with a progressive (75%), sensory motor (87.5%), and symmetric distal-predominant weakness in upper (97.2%) and lower extremities (94.5%), with tremor and ataxia (75%). Patients received a median of 3 (2-4) different treatments in 46 months of median follow-up. Response to IV immunoglobulin (86.8%) or steroids (72.2%) was poor in most patients, whereas 77.3% responded to rituximab. HLA-DRB1*15 was detected in 91.3% of patients. IgG4 anti-NF155 antibodies were predominant in all patients; anti-NF155 titers correlated with mRS within the same patient (r = 0.41, p = 0.004). Serum NfL (sNfL) levels were higher in anti-NF155+ AN than in healthy controls (36.47 vs 7.56 pg/mL, p < 0.001) and correlated with anti-NF155 titers (r = 0.43, p = 0.001), with I-RODS at baseline (r = -0.88, p < 0.001) and with maximum I-RODS achieved (r = -0.58, p = 0.01). Anti-NF155 titers and sNfL levels decreased in all rituximab-treated patients. DISCUSSION: Anti-NF155 AN presents a distinct clinical profile and good response to rituximab. Autoantibody titers and sNfL are useful to monitor disease status in these patients. The use of untagged-NF155 plasmids minimizes the detection of false anti-NF155+ cases. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class IV evidence that anti-NF155 antibodies associate with a specific phenotype and response to rituximab

    Amphioxus functional genomics and the origins of vertebrate gene regulation.

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    Vertebrates have greatly elaborated the basic chordate body plan and evolved highly distinctive genomes that have been sculpted by two whole-genome duplications. Here we sequence the genome of the Mediterranean amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum) and characterize DNA methylation, chromatin accessibility, histone modifications and transcriptomes across multiple developmental stages and adult tissues to investigate the evolution of the regulation of the chordate genome. Comparisons with vertebrates identify an intermediate stage in the evolution of differentially methylated enhancers, and a high conservation of gene expression and its cis-regulatory logic between amphioxus and vertebrates that occurs maximally at an earlier mid-embryonic phylotypic period. We analyse regulatory evolution after whole-genome duplications, and find that-in vertebrates-over 80% of broadly expressed gene families with multiple paralogues derived from whole-genome duplications have members that restricted their ancestral expression, and underwent specialization rather than subfunctionalization. Counter-intuitively, paralogues that restricted their expression increased the complexity of their regulatory landscapes. These data pave the way for a better understanding of the regulatory principles that underlie key vertebrate innovations