86 research outputs found

    Expert system model for educational personnel selection

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    Se presenta, en este artículo, un modelo de sistema experto para la selección de personal docente universitario. Esta labor no es una tarea trivial, debido a la subjetividad que puede presentarse en su evaluación. Este proceso se puede complementar usando un sistema de apoyo a la toma de decisiones. El sistema desarrollado se dividió en cuatro fases: toma de requisitos, diseño, implementación y puesta en marcha. Con el prototipo software, se logró modelar el conocimiento específico del experto en recursos humanos, lo que permitió obtener una recomendación sobre el tipo de contrato al que puede aspirar un docente universitario, dependiendo de su perfil profesional.The staff selection is a difficult task due to the subjectivity that the evaluation means. This process can be complemented using a system to support decision. This paper presents the implementation of an expert system to systematize the selection process of professors. The management of software development is divided into 4 parts: requirements, design, implementation and commissioning. The proposed system models a specific knowledge through relationships between variables evidence and objective

    La violencia como problema de salud

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    Violencia; Maltrato infantilViolence; Child abuseViolència; Maltractament infantilViolence is a public health problem, and when it affects childhood, it can cause illness throughout the individual’s life. Apart from being able to cause damage in the physical, mental and social spheres, it represents a violation of the rights of the affected children, and a high consumption of resources, both economic and social. A multitude of investigations have improved attention to this violence. However, these advances are not consistent with the practical management of victims, both in Primary and Hospital Care. There is a significant area of improvement for paediatric care. Through this article, different professionals from all established paediatric health care facilities develop general lines of knowledge and action regarding violence against children. An overview is taken of the legislation related to childhood, the different types of abuse that exist, their effects, management and prevention. It concludes with an epilogue, through which we aim to move sensibilities. In summary, this work aims to promote the training and awareness of all professionals specialized in children’s health, so that they pursue the goal of achieving their patients’ greatest potential in life, and in this way, to help create a healthier society, with less disease, and more justice.La violencia es un problema de salud pública. Esta, cuando afecta a la infancia, puede generar enfermedad a lo largo de toda la vida del individuo. Aparte de poder producir daños en la esfera física, psíquica y social, supone una vulneración de los derechos de los niños afectados y un elevado consumo de recursos tanto económicos como sociales. Multitud de investigaciones han mejorado la atención a esta violencia. Sin embargo, estos avances no son parejos con el manejo práctico que se realiza a las víctimas tanto en la atención primaria como en la hospitalaria. Existe una significativa área de mejora para la atención pediátrica. A través de este artículo, distintos profesionales de todas las áreas sanitarias pediátricas establecidas desarrollan líneas generales de conocimiento y actuación con respecto a la violencia contra la infancia. Se hace un recorrido a través de la legislación relacionada con la infancia, las distintas tipologías de maltrato que existen, sus efectos, manejo y prevención. Concluye con un epílogo, a través del cual pretendemos mover sensibilidades. En resumen, este es un trabajo que pretende fomentar la formación y sensibilización de todos los profesionales especializados en la salud infantil, para que persigan como objetivo el que sus pacientes alcancen su mayor potencial en la vida y, de esa manera, ayudar a crear una sociedad más sana, con menos enfermedad y más justa.BBQL has received a Río Hortega Grant from the Carlos III Health Institute - Ministry of Health, co-financed by Feder Funds from the European Union (CM23/00057). TS has received a grant from the European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID Springboard Award)

    Systematic Approaches towards the Development of Host-Directed Antiviral Therapeutics

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    Since the onset of antiviral therapy, viral resistance has compromised the clinical value of small-molecule drugs targeting pathogen components. As intracellular parasites, viruses complete their life cycle by hijacking a multitude of host-factors. Aiming at the latter rather than the pathogen directly, host-directed antiviral therapy has emerged as a concept to counteract evolution of viral resistance and develop broad-spectrum drug classes. This approach is propelled by bioinformatics analysis of genome-wide screens that greatly enhance insights into the complex network of host-pathogen interactions and generate a shortlist of potential gene targets from a multitude of candidates, thus setting the stage for a new era of rational identification of drug targets for host-directed antiviral therapies. With particular emphasis on human immunodeficiency virus and influenza virus, two major human pathogens, we review screens employed to elucidate host-pathogen interactions and discuss the state of database ontology approaches applicable to defining a therapeutic endpoint. The value of this strategy for drug discovery is evaluated, and perspectives for bioinformatics-driven hit identification are outlined

    Diaphragm Muscle Weakness in an Experimental Porcine Intensive Care Unit Model

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    In critically ill patients, mechanisms underlying diaphragm muscle remodeling and resultant dysfunction contributing to weaning failure remain unclear. Ventilator-induced modifications as well as sepsis and administration of pharmacological agents such as corticosteroids and neuromuscular blocking agents may be involved. Thus, the objective of the present study was to examine how sepsis, systemic corticosteroid treatment (CS) and neuromuscular blocking agent administration (NMBA) aggravate ventilator-related diaphragm cell and molecular dysfunction in the intensive care unit. Piglets were exposed to different combinations of mechanical ventilation and sedation, endotoxin-induced sepsis, CS and NMBA for five days and compared with sham-operated control animals. On day 5, diaphragm muscle fibre structure (myosin heavy chain isoform proportion, cross-sectional area and contractile protein content) did not differ from controls in any of the mechanically ventilated animals. However, a decrease in single fibre maximal force normalized to cross-sectional area (specific force) was observed in all experimental piglets. Therefore, exposure to mechanical ventilation and sedation for five days has a key negative impact on diaphragm contractile function despite a preservation of muscle structure. Post-translational modifications of contractile proteins are forwarded as one probable underlying mechanism. Unexpectedly, sepsis, CS or NMBA have no significant additive effects, suggesting that mechanical ventilation and sedation are the triggering factors leading to diaphragm weakness in the intensive care unit

    Transcriptomic and Epigenetic Regulation of Disuse Atrophy and the Return to Activity in Skeletal Muscle

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    Physical inactivity and disuse are major contributors to age-related muscle loss. Denervation of skeletal muscle has been previously used as a model with which to investigate muscle atrophy following disuse. Although gene regulatory networks that control skeletal muscle atrophy after denervation have been established, the transcriptome in response to the recovery of muscle after disuse and the associated epigenetic mechanisms that may function to modulate gene expression during skeletal muscle atrophy or recovery have yet to be investigated. We report that silencing the tibialis anterior muscle in rats with tetrodotoxin (TTX)—administered to the common peroneal nerve—resulted in reductions in muscle mass of 7, 29, and 51% with corresponding reductions in muscle fiber cross-sectional area of 18, 42, and 69% after 3, 7, and 14 d of TTX, respectively. Of importance, 7 d of recovery, during which rodents resumed habitual physical activity, restored muscle mass from a reduction of 51% after 14 d TTX to a reduction of only 24% compared with sham control. Returning muscle mass to levels observed at 7 d TTX administration (29% reduction). Transcriptome-wide analysis demonstrated that 3714 genes were differentially expressed across all conditions at a significance of P ≤ 0.001 after disuse-induced atrophy. Of interest, after 7 d of recovery, the expression of genes that were most changed during TTX had returned to that of the sham control. The 20 most differentially expressed genes after microarray analysis were identified across all conditions and were cross-referenced with the most frequently occurring differentially expressed genes between conditions. This gene subset included myogenin (MyoG), Hdac4, Ampd3, Trim63 (MuRF1), and acetylcholine receptor subunit α1 (Chrna1). Transcript expression of these genes and Fboxo32 (MAFbx), because of its previously identified role in disuse atrophy together with Trim63 (MuRF1), were confirmed by real-time quantitative RT-PCR, and DNA methylation of their promoter regions was analyzed by PCR and pyrosequencing. MyoG, Trim63 (MuRF1), Fbxo32 (MAFbx), and Chrna1 demonstrated significantly decreased DNA methylation at key time points after disuse-induced atrophy that corresponded with significantly increased gene expression. Of importance, after TTX cessation and 7 d of recovery, there was a marked increase in the DNA methylation profiles of Trim63 (MuRF1) and Chrna1 back to control levels. This also corresponded with the return of gene expression in the recovery group back to baseline expression observed in sham-operated controls. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate that skeletal muscle atrophy in response to disuse is accompanied by dynamic epigenetic modifications that are associated with alterations in gene expression, and that these epigenetic modifications and gene expression profiles are reversible after skeletal muscle returns to normal activity

    Muscle wasting and the temporal gene expression pattern in a novel rat intensive care unit model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Acute quadriplegic myopathy (AQM) or critical illness myopathy (CIM) is frequently observed in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. To elucidate duration-dependent effects of the ICU intervention on molecular and functional networks that control the muscle wasting and weakness associated with AQM, a gene expression profile was analyzed at time points varying from 6 hours to 14 days in a unique experimental rat model mimicking ICU conditions, i.e., post-synaptically paralyzed, mechanically ventilated and extensively monitored animals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the observation period, 1583 genes were significantly up- or down-regulated by factors of two or greater. A significant temporal gene expression pattern was constructed at short (6 h-4 days), intermediate (5-8 days) and long (9-14 days) durations. A striking early and maintained up-regulation (6 h-14d) of muscle atrogenes (muscle ring-finger 1/tripartite motif-containing 63 and F-box protein 32/atrogin-1) was observed, followed by an up-regulation of the proteolytic systems at intermediate and long durations (5-14d). Oxidative stress response genes and genes that take part in amino acid catabolism, cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, muscle development, and protein synthesis together with myogenic factors were significantly up-regulated from 5 to 14 days. At 9-14 d, genes involved in immune response and the caspase cascade were up-regulated. At 5-14d, genes related to contractile (myosin heavy chain and myosin binding protein C), regulatory (troponin, tropomyosin), developmental, caveolin-3, extracellular matrix, glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, cytoskeleton/sarcomere regulation and mitochondrial proteins were down-regulated. An activation of genes related to muscle growth and new muscle fiber formation (increase of myogenic factors and JunB and down-regulation of myostatin) and up-regulation of genes that code protein synthesis and translation factors were found from 5 to 14 days.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Novel temporal patterns of gene expression have been uncovered, suggesting a unique, coordinated and highly complex mechanism underlying the muscle wasting associated with AQM in ICU patients and providing new target genes and avenues for intervention studies.</p

    Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible y Derechos Humanos: paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas / Derechos Humanos y empresas

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    Nota previa / Cástor Miguel Díaz Barrado (pp. 7-9). -- Unión Europea: Derechos Humanos y desarrollo sostenible / Araceli Mangas Martín (pp. 13 - 26). -- Paz, seguridad y gobernanza: el ODS 16 y la Agenda 2030 de desarrollo sostenible / José Antonio Sanahuja (pp. 27 - 54). -- La aplicación extraterritorial de los Derechos Humanos por acciones de empresas / Pablo Antonio Fernández Sánchez (pp. 57 - 60). -- Hacia un futuro tratado internacional sobre las empresas y los Derechos Humanos / Eugenia López-Jacoiste (pp. 61 - 73). -- La importancia del enfoque de los Derechos Humanos en los objetivos de desarrollo del sostenible / Diana M. Verdiales López (pp. 75 - 90). -- La perspectiva de género en la resolución de conflictos armados: las mujeres como agentes de paz / Cristina del Prado Higuera (pp. 93 - 106). -- La mutilación genital femenina desde una perspectiva integral y multidisciplinar / Cristina Hermida del Llano (pp. 107 - 120). -- Poner fin al maltrato, la explotación, la trata y todas las formas de violencia y tortura contra los niños: la trata de niños / María Ángeles Cano Linares (pp. 123 - 136). -- Participación juvenil en el fortalecimiento de las instituciones y el establecimiento de la paz: programas de participación juvenil del sistema de Naciones Unidas / Enrique Hernández Díez (pp. 137 - 160). -- Estado de la violencia criminal en la sociedad internacional: respuestas de la comunidad internacional para avanzar hacia el objetivo 16, Agenda 2030 / Sagrario Morán Blanco (pp. 163 - 178). -- Fortalecer la recuperación y devolución de bienes robados: justicia y reparación del daño causado a las víctimas y la sociedad como metas del objetivo 16 de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible / Francisco Jiménez García (pp. 179 - 192). -- El derecho internacional, los ODS y la lucha contra el crimen transnacional / Juan Manuel Rodríguez Barrigón (pp. 193 - 216). -- El derecho internacional frente a la criminalidad financiera transnacional: la prevención y sanción del blanqueo de capitales / Jorge Urbaneja Cillán (pp. 217 - 232). -- Acceso a la justicia y objetivos del desarrollo sostenible / Florabel Quispe Remón (pp. 235 - 248). -- Paz y objetivos de desarrollo sostenible: la contribución del objetivo 16 / Elena C. Díaz Galán (pp. 249 - 262). -- Seguridad sanitaria y empresas / Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández (pp. 265 - 272). -- El acaparamiento de tierras por empresas multinacionales y la seguridad alimentaria / Adriana Fillol Mazo (pp. 273 - 288). -- Importancia y características de los planes nacionales de empresas y Derechos Humanos en relación con el desarrollo sostenible / Alberto Jiménez-Piernas García (pp. 289 - 301). -- Objetivo de desarrollo sostenible 16. Principios rectores y espacio iberoamericano: el caso Berta Cáceres / Ana Manero Salvador (pp. 305 - 315). -- Derechos de los pueblos indígenas: marcos de protección en la Agenda 2030 y en los principios rectores sobre empresas y Derechos Humanos / Juan Daniel Oliva Martínez y Adriana Sánchez Lizama (pp. 317 - 331

    Mechanisms Underlying Intensive Care Unit Muscle Wasting : Intervention Strategies in an Experimental Animal Model and in Intensive Care Unit Patients

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    Critically ill patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) commonly develop severe muscle wasting and weakness and consequently impaired muscle function. This not only delays respirator weaning and ICU discharge, but has deleterious effects on morbidity, mortality, financial costs, and quality of life of survivors. Acute Quadriplegic Myopathy (AQM) is one of the most common neuromuscular disorders underlying ICU muscle wasting and paralysis, and is a consequence of modern intensive care interventions, although the exact causes remain unclear. Muscle gene/protein expression, intracellular signalling, post-translational modifications, muscle membrane excitability, and contractile properties at the single muscle fibre level were explored in order to unravel the mechanisms underlying the muscle wasting and weakness associated with AQM and how this can be counteracted by specific intervention strategies. A unique experimental rat ICU model was used to address the mechanistic and therapeutic aspects of this condition, allowing time-resolved studies for a period of two weeks. Subsequently, the findings obtained from this model were translated into a clinical study. The obtained results showed that the mechanical silencing of skeletal muscle, i.e., absence of external strain (weight bearing) and internal strain (myosin-actin activation) due to the pharmacological paralysis or sedation associated with the ICU intervention, is likely to be the primary mechanism triggering the preferential myosin loss and muscle wasting, features specifically characteristic of AQM. Moreover, mechanical silencing induces a specific gene expression pattern as well as post-translational modifications in the motor domain of myosin that may be critical for both function and for triggering proteolysis. The higher nNOS expression found in the ICU patients and its cytoplasmic dislocation are indicated as a probable mechanism underlying these highly specific modifications. This work also demonstrated that passive mechanical loading is able to attenuate the oxidative stress associated with the mechanical silencing and induces positive effects on muscle function, i.e., alleviates the loss of force-generating capacity that underlie the ICU intervention, supporting the importance of early physical therapy in immobilized, sedated, and mechanically ventilated ICU patients

    Mechanisms Underlying Intensive Care Unit Muscle Wasting : Intervention Strategies in an Experimental Animal Model and in Intensive Care Unit Patients

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    Critically ill patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) commonly develop severe muscle wasting and weakness and consequently impaired muscle function. This not only delays respirator weaning and ICU discharge, but has deleterious effects on morbidity, mortality, financial costs, and quality of life of survivors. Acute Quadriplegic Myopathy (AQM) is one of the most common neuromuscular disorders underlying ICU muscle wasting and paralysis, and is a consequence of modern intensive care interventions, although the exact causes remain unclear. Muscle gene/protein expression, intracellular signalling, post-translational modifications, muscle membrane excitability, and contractile properties at the single muscle fibre level were explored in order to unravel the mechanisms underlying the muscle wasting and weakness associated with AQM and how this can be counteracted by specific intervention strategies. A unique experimental rat ICU model was used to address the mechanistic and therapeutic aspects of this condition, allowing time-resolved studies for a period of two weeks. Subsequently, the findings obtained from this model were translated into a clinical study. The obtained results showed that the mechanical silencing of skeletal muscle, i.e., absence of external strain (weight bearing) and internal strain (myosin-actin activation) due to the pharmacological paralysis or sedation associated with the ICU intervention, is likely to be the primary mechanism triggering the preferential myosin loss and muscle wasting, features specifically characteristic of AQM. Moreover, mechanical silencing induces a specific gene expression pattern as well as post-translational modifications in the motor domain of myosin that may be critical for both function and for triggering proteolysis. The higher nNOS expression found in the ICU patients and its cytoplasmic dislocation are indicated as a probable mechanism underlying these highly specific modifications. This work also demonstrated that passive mechanical loading is able to attenuate the oxidative stress associated with the mechanical silencing and induces positive effects on muscle function, i.e., alleviates the loss of force-generating capacity that underlie the ICU intervention, supporting the importance of early physical therapy in immobilized, sedated, and mechanically ventilated ICU patients