987 research outputs found


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    The internet became an important part of the company's informational system. In order to take advantage on the Internet's interactive nature, a lot of companies have created their own websites. Companies use the website for numerous applications: to promote themselves, online shopping, and communication with targeted clients. This study reveals the fact that the company's size and field of activity have influence on website's functionality and interactivity. Small companies use the website to successfully compete corporations which do not have yet necessary stimulants to fully exploit the internet capacities.websites, informational system, company's promotion, market studies, on line selling, targeted audience communication


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    The internet became an important part of the company’s informational system. In order to take advantage on the Internet’s interactive nature, a lot of companies have created their own websites. Companies use the website for numerous applications: to promote themselves, online shopping, and communication with targeted clients. This study reveals the fact that the company’s size and field of activity have influence on website’s functionality and interactivity. Small companies use the website to successfully compete corporations which do not have yet necessary stimulants to fully exploit the internet capacities


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    In order to be competitive in the current competitive environment is essential for a company to consider the necessity to enter the online market and into the digital business environment. Entering on electronics market is not an easy decision to make. Thweb site, online sales, online market, online store

    Aspects Regarding Fly Control of Quadcopter

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    Quadcopter is one of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which has two pairs of identical fixed pitched rotor propellers. It can fly autonomously based on pre-programmed flight or manually controlled by a remote, and every movement achieved by varying the speed of each rotor independently. The orientation of quadcopter axes relative to a reference line and its direction of motion are known as attitude. Fly control factors are affected by attitude determination which can be calculated from 3 possible angles using combined measurement. Gyroscope and accelerometer are primary sensors to control quadcopter attitude, but magnetometer sensor and GPS also used to enhance the stability during flight. This paper will focus on details of function and mathematical formula of every factor regarding fly control and comparative data of 2 types of orientation sensor used in this system

    Regulatory Capital Modelling for Credit Risk

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    Abstract. The Basel II internal ratings-based (IRB) approach to capital adequacy for credit risk plays an important role in protecting the Australian banking sector against insolvency. We outline the mathematical foundations of regulatory capital modelling for credit risk, and extend the model specification of the IRB approach to a more general setting than the usual Gaussian case. It rests on the proposition that quantiles of the distribution of conditional expectation of portfolio percentage loss may be substituted for quantiles of the portfolio loss distribution. We present a more compact proof of this proposition under weaker assumptions. The IRB approach implements the so-called asymptotic single risk factor (ASRF) model, an asset value factor model of credit risk. The robustness of the model specification of the IRB approach to a relaxation in model assumptions is evaluated on a portfolio that is representative of the credit exposures of the Australian banking sector. We measure the rate of convergence, in terms of number of obligors, of empirical loss distributions to the asymptotic (infinitely fine-grained) portfolio loss distribution; and we evaluate the sensitivity of credit risk capital to dependence structure as modelled by asset correlations and elliptical copulas. A separate time series analysis takes measurements from the ASRF model of the prevailing state of Australia's economy and the level of capitalisation of its banking sector. These readings find general agreement with macroeconomic indicators, financial statistics and external credit ratings. However, given the range of economic conditions, from mild contraction to moderate expansion, experienced in Australia since the implementation of Basel II, we cannot attest to the validity of the model specification of the IRB approach for its intended purpose of solvency assessment. With the implementation of Basel II preceding the time when the effect of the financial crisis of 2007-09 was most acutely felt, our empirical findings offer a fundamental assessment of the impact of the crisis on the Australian banking sector. Access to internal bank data collected by the prudential regulator distinguishes our research from other empirical studies on the IRB approach and recent crisis

    PID Controller Tuning Optimization with Genetic Algorithms for a Quadcopter

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    This paper is focused on the dynamic of mathematical modeling, stability, nonlinear gain control by using Genetic algorithm, utilizing MATLAB tool of a quadcopter. Previously many researchers have been work on several linear controllers such as LQ method; sliding mode and classical PID are used to stabilize the Linear Model. Quadcopter has a nonlinear dynamics and unstable system. In order to maintain their stability, we use nonlinear gain controllers; classical PID controller provides linear gain controller rather than nonlinear gain controller; here we are using modified PID control to improve stability and accuracy. The stability is the state of being resistant to any change. The task is to maintain the quadcopter stability by improving the performance of a PID controller in term of time domain specification. The goal of PID controller design is to determine a set of gains: Kp, Ki, and Kd, so as to improve the transient response and steady state response of a system as: by reducing the overshoot; by shortening the settling time; by decrease the rise time of the system. Modified PID is the combination of classical PID in addition to Genetic Algorithm. Genetic algorithm consists of three steps: selection, crossover, and mutation. By using Genetic algorithm we correct the behavior of quadcopter

    Neural networks in multiphase reactors data mining: feature selection, prior knowledge, and model design

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    Les rĂ©seaux de neurones artificiels (RNA) suscitent toujours un vif intĂ©rĂȘt dans la plupart des domaines d’ingĂ©nierie non seulement pour leur attirante « capacitĂ© d’apprentissage » mais aussi pour leur flexibilitĂ© et leur bonne performance, par rapport aux approches classiques. Les RNA sont capables «d’approximer» des relations complexes et non linĂ©aires entre un vecteur de variables d’entrĂ©es x et une sortie y. Dans le contexte des rĂ©acteurs multiphasiques le potentiel des RNA est Ă©levĂ© car la modĂ©lisation via la rĂ©solution des Ă©quations d’écoulement est presque impossible pour les systĂšmes gaz-liquide-solide. L’utilisation des RNA dans les approches de rĂ©gression et de classification rencontre cependant certaines difficultĂ©s. Un premier problĂšme, gĂ©nĂ©ral Ă  tous les types de modĂ©lisation empirique, est celui de la sĂ©lection des variables explicatives qui consiste Ă  dĂ©cider quel sous-ensemble xs ⊂ x des variables indĂ©pendantes doit ĂȘtre retenu pour former les entrĂ©es du modĂšle. Les autres difficultĂ©s Ă  surmonter, plus spĂ©cifiques aux RNA, sont : le sur-apprentissage, l’ambiguĂŻtĂ© dans l’identification de l’architecture et des paramĂštres des RNA et le manque de comprĂ©hension phĂ©nomĂ©nologique du modĂšle rĂ©sultant. Ce travail se concentre principalement sur trois problĂ©matiques dans l’utilisation des RNA: i) la sĂ©lection des variables, ii) l’utilisation de la connaissance apriori, et iii) le design du modĂšle. La sĂ©lection des variables, dans le contexte de la rĂ©gression avec des groupes adimensionnels, a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e avec les algorithmes gĂ©nĂ©tiques. Dans le contexte de la classification, cette sĂ©lection a Ă©tĂ© faite avec des mĂ©thodes sĂ©quentielles. Les types de connaissance a priori que nous avons insĂ©rĂ©s dans le processus de construction des RNA sont : i) la monotonie et la concavitĂ© pour la rĂ©gression, ii) la connectivitĂ© des classes et des coĂ»ts non Ă©gaux associĂ©s aux diffĂ©rentes erreurs, pour la classification. Les mĂ©thodologies dĂ©veloppĂ©es dans ce travail ont permis de construire plusieurs modĂšles neuronaux fiables pour les prĂ©dictions de la rĂ©tention liquide et de la perte de charge dans les colonnes garnies Ă  contre-courant ainsi que pour la prĂ©diction des rĂ©gimes d’écoulement dans les colonnes garnies Ă  co-courant.Artificial neural networks (ANN) have recently gained enormous popularity in many engineering fields, not only for their appealing “learning ability, ” but also for their versatility and superior performance with respect to classical approaches. Without supposing a particular equational form, ANNs mimic complex nonlinear relationships that might exist between an input feature vector x and a dependent (output) variable y. In the context of multiphase reactors the potential of neural networks is high as the modeling by resolution of first principle equations to forecast sought key hydrodynamics and transfer characteristics is intractable. The general-purpose applicability of neural networks in regression and classification, however, poses some subsidiary difficulties that can make their use inappropriate for certain modeling problems. Some of these problems are general to any empirical modeling technique, including the feature selection step, in which one has to decide which subset xs ⊂ x should constitute the inputs (regressors) of the model. Other weaknesses specific to the neural networks are overfitting, model design ambiguity (architecture and parameters identification), and the lack of interpretability of resulting models. This work addresses three issues in the application of neural networks: i) feature selection ii) prior knowledge matching within the models (to answer to some extent the overfitting and interpretability issues), and iii) the model design. Feature selection was conducted with genetic algorithms (yet another companion from artificial intelligence area), which allowed identification of good combinations of dimensionless inputs to use in regression ANNs, or with sequential methods in a classification context. The type of a priori knowledge we wanted the resulting ANN models to match was the monotonicity and/or concavity in regression or class connectivity and different misclassification costs in classification. Even the purpose of the study was rather methodological; some resulting ANN models might be considered contributions per se. These models-- direct proofs for the underlying methodologies-- are useful for predicting liquid hold-up and pressure drop in counter-current packed beds and flow regime type in trickle beds

    Assessing the Basel II Internal Ratings-Based Approach: Empirical Evidence from Australia

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    The Basel II internal ratings-based (IRB) approach to capital adequacy for credit risk implements an asymptotic single risk factor (ASRF) model. Measurements from the ASRF model of the prevailing state of Australia's economy and the level of capitalisation of its banking sector find general agreement with macroeconomic indicators, financial statistics and external credit ratings. However, given the range of economic conditions, from mild contraction to moderate expansion, experienced in Australia since the implementation of Basel II, we cannot attest to the validity of the model specification of the IRB approach for its intended purpose of solvency assessment. With the implementation of Basel II preceding the time when the effect of the financial crisis of 2007-09 was most acutely felt, our empirical findings offer a fundamental assessment of the impact of the crisis on the Australian banking sector. Access to internal bank data collected by the prudential regulator distinguishes our research from other empirical studies on the IRB approach and recent crisis.Comment: Addressed critiques of the Basel II IRB approach in the literature and updated figures, as well as general editing to tighten the pros

    Regulatory Capital Modelling for Credit Risk

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    The Basel II internal ratings-based (IRB) approach to capital adequacy for credit risk plays an important role in protecting the Australian banking sector against insolvency. We outline the mathematical foundations of regulatory capital for credit risk, and extend the model specification of the IRB approach to a more general setting than the usual Gaussian case. It rests on the proposition that quantiles of the distribution of conditional expectation of portfolio percentage loss may be substituted for quantiles of the portfolio loss distribution. We present a more economical proof of this proposition under weaker assumptions. Then, constructing a portfolio that is representative of credit exposures of the Australian banking sector, we measure the rate of convergence, in terms of number of obligors, of empirical loss distributions to the asymptotic (infinitely fine-grained) portfolio loss distribution. Moreover, we evaluate the sensitivity of credit risk capital to dependence structure as modelled by asset correlations and elliptical copulas. Access to internal bank data collected by the prudential regulator distinguishes our research from other empirical studies on the IRB approach.Comment: Updated figures and references to theorems/laws, as well as general editing to tighten the prose. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1412.006

    Evaluation of the Content of Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Arsenic, Tin, Copper and Zinc during the Production Process Flow of Tomato Broth

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    Heavy metals are among the largest contaminants of food products. Once metals are present in vegetables, their concentrations are rarely modified by industrial processing techniques, although in some cases washing may decrease the metal content. The main objective of this study was to quantify the effect of industrial processing on the content of lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, tin, copper and zinc in tomatoes and products resulting on flow technology of tomato broth. For the determination of essential elements and/or potentially toxic was use atomic absorption spectrometry. The analytical results for quantitative evaluation the concentrations of the investigated elements on the samples of tomatoes taken from the technological process of the production of tomato broth indicated the presence of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn but with a level of concentration that significantly decreased in the finished product and the absence of metals Hg and As in all investigated samples. Effect of industrial processing on the content of tin in tomato samples analyzed was characterized by fluctuations in the residual content that led to a significant increase in concentration of 0.100 ± 0.041 mg kg-1 (tomatoes - unprocessed) to 0.200 ± 0.041 mg kg-1 (tomato broth)
