1,054 research outputs found

    The second law of thermodynamics at the microscopic scale

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    In quantum statistical mechanics, equilibrium states have been shown to be the typical states for a system that is entangled with its environment, suggesting a possible identification between thermodynamic and von Neumann entropies. In this paper, we investigate how the relaxation toward equilibrium is made possible through interactions that do not lead to significant exchange of energy, and argue for the validity of the second law of thermodynamics at the microscopic scale.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figur

    Statistical mechanics of covariant systems with multi-fingered time

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    Recently, in [Class. Quantum Grav. 33 (2016) 045005], the authors proposed a new approach extending the framework of statistical mechanics to reparametrization-invariant systems with no additional gauges. In this work, the approach is generalized to systems defined by more than one Hamiltonian constraints (multi-fingered time). We show how well known features as the Ehrenfest- Tolman effect and the J\"uttner distribution for the relativistic gas can be consistently recovered from a covariant approach in the multi-fingered framework. Eventually, the crucial role played by the interaction in the definition of a global notion of equilibrium is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Test 1379: Case 1290 Manual Diesel 12-Speed

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    EXPLANATION OF THE TEST PROCEDURE General Tractors are tested at the University of Nebraska according to the Agricultural Tractor Test Code approved by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers and the Society of Automotive Engineers or official Nebraska test procedure. The manufacturer selects the tractor to be tested and certifies that it is a stock model. Each tractor is equipped with the common power consuming accessories such as power steering, power lift pump, generator, etc., if available. Power consuming accessories may be disconnected only when the means for disconnecting can be reached from the operating station. An official representative of the company is present during the test to see that the tractor gives its optimum performance. Additional weight may be added to the tractor as ballast if the manufacturer recommends use of such ballast. The static tire loads and the tire inflation pressures must conform to the Tire Standards published by the ASAE and SAE. Preparation for Test The engine crankcase is drained and refilled with new oil conforming to specifications in the operator\u27s manual. The operator\u27s manual is also used as the guide for selecting the proper fuel and for routine lubrication and maintenance operations . The tractor is limbered up for 12 hours on the drawbar, using each gear with light to heavy loads during the limber-up period. Preliminary adjustment of the tractor is permitted at this time. Any parts added or replaced during the limber-up run, or any subsequent runs, are mentioned in the individual test reports. The tractor is equipped with approximately the amount of added ballast that is to be used during the drawbar runs. PTO Performance Power take-off performance runs are made by connecting the power take-off (or the belt pulley if no power take-off is available) to a dynamometer. During a preliminary power take-off run the manufacturer\u27s representative may make adjustment for the fuel, ignition or injection timing and governor control settings. These settings must be maintained for the remainder of the test. The manually operated governor control mechanism is set to provide the high-idle speed specified by the manufacturer. During the power take-off runs an ambient air temperature of approximately 75 0 F. is maintained. Maximum power is obtained at the rated engine speed specified by the manufacturer with the governor control lever set for maximum power. This same setting is used for all subsequent PTO runs. Time of the run is two hours. Whenever the power take-off speed during the maximum power run differs from the speeds set forth in the ASAE and SAE standards, an additional run is made at either 540 or 1000 rpm of the power take-off shaft. Time of this run is one hour. Drawbar Performance Maximum drawbar power is shown for the normal field speed selected by the manufacturer. All engine adjustments are the same as those used in the power take-off runs. If the manufacturer specifies a different rated engine speed for drawbar operations, then the position of the manually operated governor control is changed to provide the high-idle speed specified. Maximum drawbar power is determined within the following limits: (1) slip of the drivers must not exceed 15% for pneumatic tires on the concrete test course or 7% for steel cleats on the well packed earthen test course, (2) ground speeds must not exceed 15 miles per hour, (3) safe stability limits of the tractor must not be exceeded, (4) no other operating limit of the tractor must be exceeded. Drawbar load is applied until the manufacturer\u27s rated engine speed is obtained with maximum governor control lever setting. Travel speed, drawbar pull and other data are recorded over two 500-foot straight level areas. Fuel consumption is determined at the manufacturer\u27s selected travel speed with the drawbar pull set: (1) as near to the pull at maximum power as possible, (2) 75% of the pull at maximum power, (3) 50% of the pull at maximum power, and (4) maintaining the same load and travel speed as in (3) by shifting to a higher gear and reducing the engine rpm. This summary shows only the drawbar horsepower, corresponding travel speed and fuel consumption at 100%, 75% or 50% loads, and 50% of pull at reduced engine speed. The maximum drawbar pull, with ballast, and the corresponding drive-wheel slippage is also shown. The maximum drawbar horsepower and the corresponding speed and drawbar pull, up to 6 gears or travel speeds, are shown in the individual test reports. Sound Measurement Sound is recorded during each of the Varying Power and Fuel Consumption runs as the tractor travels on a straight section of the test course. The dB(A) sound level is obtained with the microphone located near the right ear of the operator. Bystander sound readings are taken with the microphone placed 25 feet from the line of travel of the tractor. An increase of 10 dB(A) win approximately double the loudness to the human ear

    Functional contribution of the mesencephalic locomotor region to locomotion

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    Parce qu'il est naturel et facile de marcher, il peut sembler que cet acte soit produit aussi facilement qu'il est accompli. Au contraire, la locomotion nécessite une interaction neurale complexe entre les neurones supraspinaux, spinaux et périphériques pour obtenir une locomotion fluide et adaptée à l'environnement. La région locomotrice mésencéphalique (MLR) est un centre locomoteur supraspinal situé dans le tronc cérébral qui a notamment pour rôle d'initier la locomotion et d'induire une transition entre les allures locomotrices. Cependant, bien que cette région ait initialement été identifiée comme le noyau cunéiforme (CnF), un groupe de neurones glutamatergiques, et le noyau pédonculopontin (PPN), un groupe de neurones glutamatergiques et cholinergiques, son corrélat anatomique est encore un sujet de débat. Et alors qu'il a été prouvé que, que ce soit lors d’une stimulation de la MLR ou pour augmenter la vitesse locomotrice, la plupart des quadrupèdes présentent un large éventail d'allures locomotrices allant de la marche, au trot, jusqu’au galop, la gamme exacte des allures locomotrices chez la souris est encore inconnue. Ici, en utilisant l'analyse cinématique, nous avons d'abord décidé d'identifier d’évaluer les allures locomotrices des souris C57BL / 6. Sur la base de la symétrie de la démarche et du couplage inter-membres, nous avons identifié et caractérisé 8 allures utilisées à travers un continuum de fréquences locomotrices allant de la marche au trot puis galopant avec différents sous-types d'allures allant du plus lent au plus rapide. Certaines allures sont apparues comme attractrices d’autres sont apparues comme transitionnelles. En utilisant une analyse graphique, nous avons également démontré que les transitions entre les allures n'étaient pas aléatoires mais entièrement prévisibles. Nous avons ensuite décidé d'analyser et de caractériser les contributions fonctionnelles des populations neuronales de CnF et PPN au contrôle locomoteur. En utilisant des souris transgéniques exprimant une opsine répondant à la lumière dans les neurones glutamatergiques (Glut) ou cholinergiques (CHAT), nous avons photostimulé (ou photo-inhibé) les neurones glutamatergiques du CnF ou du PPN ou les neurones cholinergiques du PPN. Nous avons découvert que les neurones glutamatergiques du CnF initient et modulent l’allure locomotrice et accélèrent le rythme, tandis que les neurones glutamatergiques et cholinergiques du PPN le ralentissent. En initiant, modulant et en accélérant la locomotion, notre étude identifie et caractérise des populations neuronales distinctes de la MLR. Définir et décrire en profondeur la MLR semble d’autant plus urgent qu’elle est devenue récemment une cible pour traiter les symptômes survenant après une lésion de la moelle épinière ou liés à la maladie de Parkinson.Because it is natural and easy to walk, it could seem that this act is produced as easily as it is accomplished. On the contrary, locomotion requires an intricate and complex neural interaction between the supraspinal, spinal and peripheric neurons to obtain a locomotion that is smooth and adapted to the environment. The Mesencephalic Locomotor Region (MLR) is a supraspinal brainstem locomotor center that has the particular role of initiating locomotion and inducing a transition between locomotor gaits. However, although this region was initially identified as the cuneiform nucleus (CnF), a cluster of glutamatergic neurons, and the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN), a cluster of glutamatergic and cholinergic neurons, its anatomical correlate is still a matter of debate. And while it is proven that, either under MLR stimulation or in order to increase locomotor speed, most quadrupeds exhibit a wide range of locomotor gaits from walk, to trot, to gallop, the exact range of locomotor gaits in the mouse is still unknown. Here, using kinematic analysis we first decided to identify to assess locomotor gaits C57BL/6 mice. Based on the symmetry of the gait and the inter-limb coupling, we identified and characterized 8 gaits during locomotion displayed through a continuum of locomotor frequencies, ranging from walk to trot and then to gallop with various sub-types of gaits at the slowest and highest speeds that appeared as attractors or transitional gaits. Using graph analysis, we also demonstrated that transitions between gaits were not random but entirely predictable. Then we decided to analyze and characterize the functional contributions of the CnF and PPN’s neuronal populations to locomotor control. Using transgenic mice expressing opsin in either glutamatergic (Glut) or cholinergic (CHAT) neurons, we photostimulated (or photoinhibited) glutamatergic neurons of the CnF or PPN or cholinergic neurons of the PPN. We discovered that glutamatergic CnF neurons initiate and modulate the locomotor pattern, and accelerate the rhythm, while glutamatergic and cholinergic PPN neurons decelerate it. By initiating, modulating, and accelerating locomotion, our study identifies and characterizes distinct neuronal populations of the MLR. Describing and defining thoroughly the MLR seems all the more urgent since it has recently become a target for spinal cord injury and Parkinson’s disease treatment

    Local and Global Error Models to Improve Uncertainty Quantification

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    In groundwater applications, Monte Carlo methods are employed to model the uncertainty on geological parameters. However, their brute-force application becomes computationally prohibitive for highly detailed geological descriptions, complex physical processes, and a large number of realizations. The Distance Kernel Method (DKM) overcomes this issue by clustering the realizations in a multidimensional space based on the flow responses obtained by means of an approximate (computationally cheaper) model; then, the uncertainty is estimated from the exact responses that are computed only for one representative realization per cluster (the medoid). Usually, DKM is employed to decrease the size of the sample of realizations that are considered to estimate the uncertainty. We propose to use the information from the approximate responses for uncertainty quantification. The subset of exact solutions provided by DKM is then employed to construct an error model and correct the potential bias of the approximate model. Two error models are devised that both employ the difference between approximate and exact medoid solutions, but differ in the way medoid errors are interpolated to correct the whole set of realizations. The Local Error Model rests upon the clustering defined by DKM and can be seen as a natural way to account for intra-cluster variability; the Global Error Model employs a linear interpolation of all medoid errors regardless of the cluster to which the single realization belongs. These error models are evaluated for an idealized pollution problem in which the uncertainty of the breakthrough curve needs to be estimated. For this numerical test case, we demonstrate that the error models improve the uncertainty quantification provided by the DKM algorithm and are effective in correcting the bias of the estimate computed solely from the MsFV results. The framework presented here is not specific to the methods considered and can be applied to other combinations of approximate models and techniques to select a subset of realization

    Orléans – Zac Bourgogne, rue Saint-Flou

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    La fouille de la rue Saint-Flou à Orléans (Loiret) a eu lieu durant trois mois et demi de juillet à octobre 2010. Elle s’intègre dans le vaste projet de la zone d’aménagement concertée (Zac) Bourgogne qui entraîne la restructuration de trois îlots du centre historique d’Orléans, à l’est de l’ancien castrum, intra muros, aux abords immédiats de la muraille antique. Le site a fait l’objet d’un diagnostic archéologique en 2008 réalisé par l’Inrap. Sur les parcelles du site de la rue Saint-Flou, ..

    Blois – 2 rue Pierre-Mosnier

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    Le projet d’extension d’un bâtiment existant – création d’une classe d’une emprise de 75 m2 dans l’école Clérancerie sur les parcelles cadastrées DH 398pp et DH 401pp – a conduit à la réalisation d’un diagnostic effectué par l’Inrap les 24 et 25 mars 2016. L’assiette du projet est située dans un secteur archéologique très sensible dans le quartier de Vienne, en rive gauche. Il est implanté à quelques dizaines de mètres de la fouille du 2 rue du Puis-Neuf réalisée en 2013 et 2014 et qui a nota..

    Ymonville – Les Hyèbles

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    Situé à 30 km au sud-est de Chartres, le site d’Ymonville les Hyèbles a été fouillé sur près de 8 ha, mais s’étend bien au-delà des limites de l’emprise étudiée. Il a livré une quantité remarquable d’informations, révélant certains aspects d’une communauté celte prospère, de la fondation présumée du site autour des ve et ive s. av. J.-C., jusqu’à son abandon dans le courant du ier s. av. J.-C. Les premiers témoins d’occupation remontent au Hallstatt D2-D3, mais le site prend réellement son es..

    Orléans – Zac Bourgogne, rue Calvin, rue de l’Université et rue du Gros-Anneau

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    La fouille de l’îlot Calvin à Orléans (Loiret) a eu lieu durant quatre mois de novembre 2010 à février 2011. Elle s’intègre dans le projet de Zone d’Aménagement Concertée Bourgogne de trois îlots du centre historique d’Orléans, aux abords orientaux de la muraille antique. Cette fouille est la seconde des quatre opérations archéologiques confiées à l’Inrap dans l’emprise de la Zac. L’étude documentaire menée par le SAMO et les sondages archéologiques réalisés par l’Inrap en 2008 ont alors perm..

    Blois, ville et territoire ligérien depuis les premières installations humaines jusqu’à nos jours

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    L’objectif du PCR « Blois, ville et territoire ligérien depuis les premières installations humaines jusqu’à nos jours » est de proposer un système d’analyse des données archéologiques urbaines de la ville de Blois. Cet objectif est le même que celui des documents d’évaluation du patrimoine archéologique des villes de France (Depavf). L’accent sera tout d’abord mis sur l’étude archéologique et historique du faubourg de Vienne et de la plaine alluviale de la rive gauche. Le but de cette équipe ..
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