138 research outputs found

    BerÀttelser om hjÀrnskada : ett narrativt anhörigperspektiv i socialt arbete

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmĂ€. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnĂ€ytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller endast tillgĂ€ngliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Syftet med pro gradu- avhandlingen Ă€r att med hjĂ€lp av levnadsberĂ€ttelser fĂ„ en större förstĂ„else för traumatisk hjĂ€rnskada och anhöriga till traumatiskt hjĂ€rnskadade, samt att undersöka hur anvĂ€ndbart ett narrativt anhörigperspektiv Ă€r i socialt arbete. Kan det sociala arbetet synliggöras med hjĂ€lp av levnadsberĂ€ttelser och kan det narrativa perspektivet fungera som ett slags arbetsredskap i socialt arbete? Undersökningen fokuserades pĂ„ nĂ€ra anhöriga till traumatiskt hjĂ€rnskadade och gjordes med hjĂ€lp av fem enskilda narrativa intervjuer samt en narrativ gruppintervju med anhöriga. Undersökningen Ă€r relaterad till praktikforskning, eftersom jag undersöker hur anvĂ€ndbart det narrativa perspektivet Ă€r i mitt eget arbete. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjĂ€lp av "berĂ€ttelseanalys och "narrativ analys, som baserar sig pĂ„ Jukka Valkonens (2007) analysmetod. I Vilma HĂ€nninens (1998) och i Kirsi Nousiainens (2004) doktorsavhandlingar Ă€r begreppen "det narrativa perspektivet" och "identitet" i fokus. Dessa avhandlingar har varit centrala i min avhandling, liksom Ă€ven Anna Johanssons (2005) bok om narrativ teori och metod. Andra centrala begrepp Ă€r "biografiskt arbete" och "upplevelse av sjukdom" och "betydelse". Begreppet "rehabiliterande socialt arbete" beskrivs i min avhandling med hjĂ€lp av Eeva Liukkos (2006) bok, "Kuntouttavaa sosiaalityötĂ€ paikantamassa". Resultaten frĂ„n intervjuerna pĂ„visar att de anhöriga till hjĂ€rnskadade har ett stort behov att fĂ„ berĂ€tta om sina upplevelser i anslutning till hjĂ€rnskadan. I berĂ€ttelserna förekommer olika upplevelser av sjukdom, bland annat olika kĂ€nslor, sorg och stress. Resultaten tyder pĂ„ att det biografiska arbetet som de anhöriga gjort, handlar bĂ„de om att innefatta hjĂ€rnskadan i sin biografi och om att försöka anpassa sig till situationen. I viss mĂ„n handlar det biografiska arbetet ocksĂ„ om att acceptera det som hĂ€nt. Identiteten hos de anhöriga pĂ„verkas frĂ€mst av rollförĂ€ndringar. Trots att traumatisk hjĂ€rnskada klingar negativt, har den inte enbart en negativ betydelse för de anhöriga, eftersom berĂ€ttelserna ocksĂ„ handlar om att vĂ€xa som mĂ€nniska, om att hitta sig sjĂ€lv, samt om att hitta nya möjligheter i livet. Tidigare forskning, bla Strandberg (2006), har pĂ„visat de anhörigas betydelse för de hjĂ€rnskadades bemĂ€strande av sin livssituation. Min studie tyder pĂ„ att ett narrativt perspektiv inom hjĂ€rnskadevĂ„rden, i form av enskilda samtal eller samtal i grupp, som tar tar de anhöriga i beaktande, Ă€r anvĂ€ndbart i socialt arbete och kan underlĂ€tta helhetssituationen för familjer med traumatisk hjĂ€rnskada

    Pseudo-hyperkahler Geometry and Generalized Kahler Geometry

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    We discuss the conditions for additional supersymmetry and twisted supersymmetry in N = (2, 2) supersymmetric non-linear sigma models described by one left and one right semi-chiral superfield and carrying a pair of non-commuting complex structures. Focus is on linear non-manifest transformations of these fields that have an algebra that closes off-shell. We find that additional linear supersymmetry has no interesting solution, whereas additional linear twisted supersymmetry has solutions with interesting geometrical properties. We solve the conditions for invariance of the action and show that these solutions correspond to a bi-hermitian metric of signature (2, 2) and a pseudo-hyperkaehler geometry of the target space.Comment: Letters in Mathematical Physics : electronically published versio

    Mixed Emotions in Active Social Media Use - Fun and Convenient or Shameful and Embarrassing?

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    This paper discusses self-perceived observations of social media use among undergraduate students. 132 media diaries are analyzed in order to identify media usage patterns and profiles. The purpose was to go beyond a typical snapshot acquired from a cross-sectional survey design. The students were asked to report in detail of their media use and to reflect on their behavior. The diaries have been analyzed using NVivo with the focus on the explication of the students’ own reflections on their media and social media consumption. Results show four different media consumption profiles. Most of the students were active social media users. An interesting finding is that 17 % of the students experience their social media behavior as problematic and their reflections revealed strong negative emotions. The perception of negative behavior is expressed as a feeling of shame, guilt, and embarrassment.ye

    Immigrant reproductive dysfunction facilitates ecological speciation

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    The distributions of species are not only determined by where they can survive – they must also be able to reproduce. Although immigrant inviability is a well-established concept, the fact that immigrants also need to be able to effectively reproduce in foreign environments has not been fully appreciated in the study of adaptive divergence and speciation. Fertilization and reproduction are sensitive life-history stages that could be detrimentally affected for immigrants in non-native habitats. We propose that “immigrant reproductive dysfunction” is a hitherto overlooked aspect of reproductive isolation caused by natural selection on immigrants. This idea is supported by results from experiments on an externally fertilizing fish (sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus). Growth and condition of adults were not affected by non-native salinity whereas males spawning as immigrants had lower sperm motility and hatching success than residents. We interpret these results as evidence for local adaptation or acclimation of sperm, and possibly also components of paternal care. The resulting loss in fitness, which we call “immigrant reproductive dysfunction,” has the potential to reduce gene flow between populations with locally adapted reproduction, and it may play a role in species distributions and speciation

    Pollinatörers exponering för vÀxtskyddsmedel via pollen, nektar och luft i jordbrukslandskapet

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    Syftet med projekt, AirBeeSafe, var att öka kunskapen om bin och andra pollinerande insekters exponering för olika vÀxtskyddsmedel i odlingslandskapet. Projektet utfördes i ett samarbete mellan SLU Centrum för kemiska bekÀmpningsmedel i miljön (CKB) och Biologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, samt lantbrukare och biodlare. Finansiering gavs av NaturvÄrdsverket och det strategiska forskningsomrÄdet BECC, Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate. Under 2020 och 2021 studerades Ätta lokaler i SkÄne under upp till tolv veckor, fördelat pÄ tre tidsperioder, maj till oktober. Provlokalerna valdes utifrÄn en gradient av jordbruksintensitet. Honungsbin (Apis mellifera) anvÀndes som modellorganism och i varje lokal placerades tvÄ bisamhÀllen. Prover av luft (154 st), pollen (114 st), bivÀvnad (65 st), och nektar (66 st) samlades in och analyserades kvantitativt för koncentrationen av upp till 108 vÀxtskyddsmedel. För att uppskatta risker för bin och andra pollinatörer viktades de funna halterna av vÀxtskyddsmedel med deras akuta toxicitet för honungsbin. Dessa riskindex för enskilda Àmnen summerades sedan för alla substanser funna i ett prov. Insamlat pollen identifierades till vÀxtart eller grupp. UppmÀtta summahalter och riskindex för luft ökade med ökande andel Äkermark i det omgivande landskapet, medan det för pollen inte fanns nÄgot sÄdant samband. Generellt var det ofta nÄgra fÄ Àmnen som gav ett stort utslag pÄ riskindexet. Pollen var den matris dÀr flest Àmnen detekterades och dÀr höga summahalter och högst riskindex förekom. Det Àmne som utgjorde störst risk i pollen var insekticiden indoxakarb, följt av betydligt lÀgre vÀrden för fungiciden penkonazol och insekticiderna acetamiprid och imidakloprid. Pollenidentifieringen visade att bÄde grödor och vilda vÀxter bidrar till risken. I luft var herbiciden prosulfokarb och fungiciden penkonazol de mest riskfyllda Àmnena. Indoxakarb var Àven det mest riskfyllda Àmnet utifrÄn analysen av bivÀvnad, medan insekticiden tiakloprid var ett riskfyllt Àmne som förekom i bÄde bin och nektar. Indoxakarbs godkÀnnande som vÀxtskyddsmedel har dock gÄtt ut (september 2022), liksom godkÀnnandena för imidakloprid (2018) och tiakloprid (2021), sÄ fynden av de Àmnena bör minska pÄ sikt och göra att riskbilden för bin och andra pollinatörer förÀndras. Riskindexen för pollen, bivÀvnad och nektar var statistiskt relaterade, medan riskindexet för luft var orelaterat till de tre andra matriserna. Luftprover verkar alltsÄ kunna ge en nÄgot annan bild av riskerna för bin och andra pollinatörer Àn prover av de andra matriserna. I framtida övervakning av risker frÄn vÀxtskyddsmedel för bin och andra pollinatörer föreslÄs, av praktiska och etiska skÀl samt med tanke pÄ ekologisk relevans, att detta i första hand sker genom bestÀmning av halter i pollen insamlat av honungsbin och berÀkning av riskindex baserade pÄ akut toxicitet för honungsbin. DÄ riskindex baserade pÄ lufthalter inte relaterade till riskindex baserade pÄ pollenhalter kan man ocksÄ tÀnka sig kompletterande mÀtningar av luft

    A preliminary study on the induction of dioestrous ovulation in the mare – a possible method for inducing prolonged luteal phase

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    BACKGROUND: Strong oestrous symptoms in the mare can cause problems with racing, training and handling. Since long-acting progesterone treatment is not permitted in mares at competition (e.g. according to FEI rules), there is a need for methods to suppress unwanted cyclicity. Spontaneous dioestrous ovulations in the late luteal phase may cause a prolongation of the luteal phase in mares. METHODS: In this preliminary study, in an attempt to induce ovulation during the luteal phase, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (3000 IU) was injected intramuscularly in four mares (experimental group) in the luteal phase when a dioestrous follicle ≄ 30 mm was detected. A fifth mare included in this group was not treated due to no detectable dioestrous follicles ≄ 30 mm. Four control mares were similarly injected with saline. The mares were followed with ultrasound for 72 hours post injection or until ovulation. Blood samples for progesterone analysis were obtained twice weekly for one month and thereafter once weekly for another two to four months. RESULTS: Three of the hCG-treated mares ovulated within 72 hours after treatment and developed prolonged luteal phases of 58, 68 and 82 days respectively. One treated mare never ovulated after the hCG injection and progesterone levels fell below 3 nmol/l nine days post treatment. Progesterone levels in the control mares were below 3 nmol/l within nine days after saline injection, except for one mare, which developed a spontaneously prolonged luteal phase of 72 days. CONCLUSION: HCG treatment may be a method to induce prolonged luteal phases in the mare provided there is a dioestrous follicle ≄ 30 mm that ovulates post-treatment. However, the method needs to be tested on a larger number of mares to be able to draw conclusions regarding its effectiveness

    High-Density Microwell Chip for Culture and Analysis of Stem Cells

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    With recent findings on the role of reprogramming factors on stem cells, in vitro screening assays for studying (de)-differentiation is of great interest. We developed a miniaturized stem cell screening chip that is easily accessible and provides means of rapidly studying thousands of individual stem/progenitor cell samples, using low reagent volumes. For example, screening of 700,000 substances would take less than two days, using this platform combined with a conventional bio-imaging system. The microwell chip has standard slide format and consists of 672 wells in total. Each well holds 500 nl, a volume small enough to drastically decrease reagent costs but large enough to allow utilization of standard laboratory equipment. Results presented here include weeklong culturing and differentiation assays of mouse embryonic stem cells, mouse adult neural stem cells, and human embryonic stem cells. The possibility to either maintain the cells as stem/progenitor cells or to study cell differentiation of stem/progenitor cells over time is demonstrated. Clonality is critical for stem cell research, and was accomplished in the microwell chips by isolation and clonal analysis of single mouse embryonic stem cells using flow cytometric cell-sorting. Protocols for practical handling of the microwell chips are presented, describing a rapid and user-friendly method for the simultaneous study of thousands of stem cell cultures in small microwells. This microwell chip has high potential for a wide range of applications, for example directed differentiation assays and screening of reprogramming factors, opening up considerable opportunities in the stem cell field

    Psychodynamic Guided Self-help for Adult Deperssion through the Internet: A Randomised Controlled Trial.

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    Abstract Background and aims: Psychodynamic psychotherapy (PDT) is an effective treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD), but not all clients with MDD can receive psychotherapy. Using the Internet to provide psychodynamic treatments is one way of improving access to psychological treatments for MDD. The aim of this randomised controlled trial was to investigate the efficacy of an Internet-based psychodynamic guided self-help treatment for MDD. Methods: Ninety-two participants who were diagnosed with MDD according to the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview were randomised to treatment or an active control. The treatment consisted of nine treatment modules based on psychodynamic principles with online therapist contact. The active control condition was a structured support intervention and contained psychoeducation and scheduled weekly contacts online. Both interventions lasted for 10 weeks. The primary outcome measure was the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). Results: Mixed-effects model analyses of all randomised participants showed that participants receiving Internet-based PDT made large and superior improvements compared with the active control group on the BDI-II (between-group Cohen’s d = 1.11). Treatment effects were maintained at a 10-month follow-up. Conclusions: Internet-based psychodynamic guided self-help is an efficacious treatment for MDD that has the potential to increase accessibility and availability of PDT for MDD
