126 research outputs found

    Resonant tunneling of electromagnetic waves through polariton gaps

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    We consider resonant tunneling of electromagnetic waves through an optical barrier formed by dielectric layers with the frequency dispersion of their dielectric permiability. The frequency region between lower and upper polariton branches in these materials presents a stop band for electromagnetic waves. We show that resonance tunneling through this kind of barriers is qualitatevely different from tunneling through other kind of optical barriers as well as from quantum mechanic tunneling through a rectangular barrier. We find that the width of the resonance maxima of the transmission coeffcient tends to zero as frequency approach the lower boundary of the stop band in a very sharp non-analytical way. Resonance transmission peaks give rise to new photonic bands inside the stop band if one considers periodical array of the layers.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Relativistic instant-form approach to the structure of two-body composite systems

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    A new approach to the electroweak properties of two-particle composite systems is developed. The approach is based on the use of the instant form of relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics. The main novel feature of this approach is the new method of construction of the matrix element of the electroweak current operator. The electroweak current matrix element satisfies the relativistic covariance conditions and in the case of the electromagnetic current also the conservation law automatically. The properties of the system as well as the approximations are formulated in terms of form factors. The approach makes it possible to formulate relativistic impulse approximation in such a way that the Lorentz-covariance of the current is ensured. In the electromagnetic case the current conservation law is ensured, too. The results of the calculations are unambiguous: they do not depend on the choice of the coordinate frame and on the choice of "good" components of the current as it takes place in the standard form of light--front dynamics. Our approach gives good results for the pion electromagnetic form factor in the whole range of momentum transfers available for experiments at present time, as well as for lepton decay constant of pion.Comment: 26 pages, Revtex, 5 figure

    Self-induced and induced transparencies of two-dimensional and three- dimensional superlattices

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    The phenomenon of transparency in two-dimensional and three-dimensional superlattices is analyzed on the basis of the Boltzmann equation with a collision term encompassing three distinct scattering mechanisms (elastic, inelastic and electron-electron) in terms of three corresponding distinct relaxation times. On this basis, we show that electron heating in the plane perpendicular to the current direction drastically changes the conditions for the occurrence of self-induced transparency in the superlattice. In particular, it leads to an additional modulation of the current amplitudes excited by an applied biharmonic electric field with harmonic components polarized in orthogonal directions. Furthermore, we show that self-induced transparency and dynamic localization are different phenomena with different physical origins, displaced in time from each other, and, in general, they arise at different electric fields.Comment: to appear in Physical Review

    Can Inflating Braneworlds be Stabilized?

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    We investigate scalar perturbations from inflation in braneworld cosmologies with extra dimensions. For this we calculate scalar metric fluctuations around five dimensional warped geometry with four dimensional de Sitter slices. The background metric is determined self-consistently by the (arbitrary) bulk scalar field potential, supplemented by the boundary conditions at both orbifold branes. Assuming that the inflating branes are stabilized (by the brane scalar field potentials), we estimate the lowest eigenvalue of the scalar fluctuations - the radion mass. In the limit of flat branes, we reproduce well known estimates of the positive radion mass for stabilized branes. Surprisingly, however, we found that for de Sitter (inflating) branes the square of the radion mass is typically negative, which leads to a strong tachyonic instability. Thus, parameters of stabilized inflating braneworlds must be constrained to avoid this tachyonic instability. Instability of "stabilized" de Sitter branes is confirmed by the BraneCode numerical calculations in the accompanying paper hep-th/0309001. If the model's parameters are such that the radion mass is smaller than the Hubble parameter, we encounter a new mechanism of generation of primordial scalar fluctuations, which have a scale free spectrum and acceptable amplitude.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX 4.

    BPS Branes in Cosmology

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    The possibility to study the M/string theory cosmology via 5d bulk & brane action is investigated. The role of the 4-form field in the theory of BPS branes in 5d is clarified. We describe arguments suggesting that the effective 4d description of the universe in the ekpyrotic scenario (hep-th/0103239) should lead to contraction rather than expansion of the universe. To verify these arguments, we study the full 5d action prior to its integration over the 5th dimension. We show that if one adds the potential V(Y) to the action of the bulk brane, then the metric ansatz used in the ekpyrotic scenario does not solve the dilaton and gravitational equations. To find a consistent cosmological solution one must use a more general metric ansatz and a complete 5d description of the brane interaction instead of simply adding an effective 4d bulk brane potential V(Y).Comment: 18 pages, revte

    Melanesian and Asian origins of Polynesians: mtDNA and Y chromosome gradients across the Pacific

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    The human settlement of the Pacific Islands represents one of the most recent major migration events of mankind. Polynesians originated in Asia according to linguistic evidence or in Melanesia according to archaeological evidence. To shed light on the genetic origins of Polynesians, we investigated over 400 Polynesians from 8 island groups, in comparison with over 900 individuals from potential parental populations of Melanesia, Southeast and East Asia, and Australia, by means of Y chromosome (NRY) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. Overall, we classified 94.1% of Polynesian Y chromosomes and 99.8% of Polynesian mtDNAs as of either Melanesian (NRY-DNA: 65.8%, mtDNA: 6%) or Asian (NRY-DNA: 28.3%, mtDNA: 93.8%) origin, suggesting a dual genetic origin of Polynesians in agreement with the "Slow Boat" hypothesis. Our data suggest a pronounced admixture bias in Polynesians toward more Melanesian men than women, perhaps as a result of matrilocal residence in the ancestral Polynesian society. Although dating methods are consistent with somewhat similar entries of NRY/mtDNA haplogroups into Polynesia, haplotype sharing suggests an earlier appearance of Melanesian haplogroups than those from Asia. Surprisingly, we identified gradients in the frequency distribution of some NRY/mtDNA haplogroups across Polynesia and a gradual west-to-east decrease of overall NRY/mtDNA diversity, not only providing evidence for a west-to-east direction of Polynesian settlements but also suggesting that Pacific voyaging was regular rather than haphazard. We also demonstrate that Fiji played a pivotal role in the history of Polynesia: humans probably first migrated to Fiji, and subsequent settlement of Polynesia probably came from Fiji

    Problems with Tachyon Inflation

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    We consider cosmological consequences of string theory tachyon condensation. We show that it is very difficult to obtain inflation in the simplest versions of this theory. Typically, inflation in these theories could occur only at super-Planckian densities, where the effective 4D field theory is inapplicable. Reheating and creation of matter in models where the tachyon potential V(T) has a minimum at infinitely large T is problematic because the tachyon field in such theories does not oscillate. If the universe after inflation is dominated by the energy density of the tachyon condensate, it will always remain dominated by the tachyons. It might happen that string condensation is responsible for a short stage of inflation at a nearly Planckian density, but one would need to have a second stage of inflation after that. This would imply that the tachyon played no role in the post-inflationary universe until the very late stages of its evolution. These problems do not appear in the recently proposed models of hybrid inflation where the complex tachyon field has a minimum at T << M_p.Comment: 13 page

    Pyrotechnic Universe

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    One of the central points of the ekpyrotic cosmological scenario based on Horava-Witten theory is that we live on a negative tension brane. However, the tension of the visible brane is positive in the usual HW phenomenology with stronger coupling on the hidden brane, both for standard and non-standard embedding. To make ekpyrotic scenario realistic one must solve the problem of the negative cosmological constant on the visible brane and fine-tune the bulk brane potential with an accuracy of 105010^{-50}. In terms of a canonically normalized scalar field ϕ\phi describing the position of the brane, this potential must take a very unusual form V(ϕ)e5000ϕMpV(\phi)\sim e^{-{5000 \phi\over M_p}}. We describe the problems which appear when one attempts to obtain this potential in string theory. The mechanism for the generation of density perturbations in this scenario is not brane-specific; it is a particular limiting case of the mechanism of tachyonic preheating. Unlike inflation, this mechanism exponentially amplifies not only quantum fluctuations, but also initial inhomogeneities. As a result, to solve the homogeneity problem in this scenario, one would need the branes to be parallel to each other with an accuracy better than 106010^{-60} on a scale 103010^{30} times greater than the distance between the branes. Thus, at present, inflation remains the only robust mechanism that produces density perturbations with a flat spectrum and simultaneously solves all major cosmological problems.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figs. The issue of the brane tension is clarified and a new Appendix explaining constraints on the parameters is adde

    Inflation and Preheating in NO models

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    We study inflationary models in which the effective potential of the inflaton field does not have a minimum, but rather gradually decreases at large ϕ\phi. In such models the inflaton field does not oscillate after inflation, and its effective mass becomes vanishingly small, so the standard theory of reheating based on the decay of the oscillating inflaton field does not apply. For a long time the only mechanism of reheating in such non-oscillatory (NO) models was based on gravitational particle production in an expanding universe. This mechanism is very inefficient. We will show that it may lead to cosmological problems associated with large isocurvature fluctuations and overproduction of dangerous relics such as gravitinos and moduli fields. We also note that the setting of initial conditions for the stage of reheating in these models should be reconsidered. All of these problems can be resolved in the context of the recently proposed scenario of instant preheating if there exists an interaction g2ϕ2χ2{g^2} \phi^2\chi^2 of the inflaton field ϕ\phi with another scalar field χ\chi. We show that the mechanism of instant preheating in NO models is much more efficient than the usual mechanism of gravitational particle production even if the coupling constant g2g^2 is extremely small, 1014g2110^{-14} \ll g^2 \ll 1.Comment: 10 pages, revte

    Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX collaboration

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    Extensive experimental data from high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions were recorded using the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The comprehensive set of measurements from the first three years of RHIC operation includes charged particle multiplicities, transverse energy, yield ratios and spectra of identified hadrons in a wide range of transverse momenta (p_T), elliptic flow, two-particle correlations, non-statistical fluctuations, and suppression of particle production at high p_T. The results are examined with an emphasis on implications for the formation of a new state of dense matter. We find that the state of matter created at RHIC cannot be described in terms of ordinary color neutral hadrons.Comment: 510 authors, 127 pages text, 56 figures, 1 tables, LaTeX. Submitted to Nuclear Physics A as a regular article; v3 has minor changes in response to referee comments. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm