96 research outputs found

    Labor force plans and labor force status

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    Many U.S. women who were in their late 60s at the turn of the century were still employed. These women graduated from college in the 1950s, an era when women’s labor force participation was low. Data from the U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau Survey of the college class of 1957 was used to examine labor force expectations of these women when they completed college. Logit analysis was applied to four labor force categories: full-time, part-time, unemployed, and not in the labor force. In 1957, many women underestimated their future labor force participation. By 1964, though, the trend toward increasing future work expectations may have begun. After examining the retirement literature and factors encouraging older women to continue working, Current Population Survey data on college-educated women aged 65 to 69 in 2003 were used to explore the labor force participation of this cohort later in life.education, labor force, labor force expectations

    A Visit to China: Observations of a Developing Country

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    The author travelled to the People\u27s Republic of China with a delegation of economists. This paper contains observations made during professional discussions as well as more general thoughts about the people and the sights of China. Appreciation is expressed to Dennis Yu for his comments on the manuscript. This paper is dedicated to the memory of my mother, Ruth Leppel, who died August 4, 1990. Among other things, she taught me the value of good writing

    Determinants of Voluntary and Involuntary Part-Time Employment

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    This study analyzes the determinants of part-time employment of men and women. Multinomial logit estimation indicated that the impacts of the explanatory variables on part-time employment status differ according to whether that status is voluntary or involuntary. Furthermore, the factors influencing part-time employment status vary with gender and age.Part Time; Women

    Factors related with the university degree selection in Spanish public university system. An structural equation model analysis

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11135-014-0008-9Students take into account different factors in their choice of university studies and college. Some are global, as the quality of the degree (ratio available places/firstchoice places in, cut-off grade, etc.), and others are subjective factors (e.g.: my friends are also taking this degree). In this work we present a partial multivariate model that takes into account the weight of the different variables shown by different works linked to this decision. We have studied three samples (n = 372 from the Universidad Pablo de Olavide; n = 2,244 from the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, and n = 543 from the Universitat de Barcelona) from several degrees in the 2010 2011 and 2011 2012 academic years, all of them new students, coming from high school, and who had choosen these universities as first choice. The global effect shows that the structural model fits reasonably well in the three universities studied. Similarly, university and specialty models show different intensity effects, and we found that, in the case of Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) and Universitat de Barcelona (UB), they show higher intensity than in Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO). This makes us think that in most urban universities with a clear and regular offer of degrees (engineering in the case of UPV, and Health and Social Sciences in the case of UB), personal and social factors are more important than in the case of universities, as is the case of UPO, with an offer and dimension not yet completely defined.Guàrdia Olmos, J.; Peró Cebollero, M.; Hervás Jorge, A.; Capilla Lladró, R.; Soriano Jiménez, PP.; Porras Yañez, M. (2014). Factors related with the university degree selection in Spanish public university system. An structural equation model analysis. Quality and Quantity. March(2014):1-19. doi:10.1007/s11135-014-0008-9S119March2014Baker, S., Brown, B.: Images of excellence: constructions of institutional prestige and reflections in the university choice process. Br. J. Sociol. Educ. 28(3), 377–391 (2007)Browne, M.W., Cudeck, R.: Alternative ways of assessing model fit. Sociol. Methods Res. 21, 230–258 (1992)Capilla, R.: Análisis estratégico de los estudios TIC en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Tesis Doctoral no Publicada. Valencia: Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia. (2009). http://riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/5767 . Retrieved 11 Mar 2014Ford, D.Y.: The underrepresentation of minority students in gifted education: problems and promises in recruitment and retention. J. Spec. Educ. 31(1), 4–14 (2008)Guàrdia, J., Peró, M., Hervás, A., Capilla, R., Soriano, P.P., Porras, M.: Factores asociados con la decisión de cursar estudios universitarios de Psicología. Una aproximación mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Anuario de Psicologia 42(1), 87–104 (2012)Guerra, C., & Rueda, E.M.: Estudio longitudinal de los jóvenes en el tránsito de la enseñza secundaria a la universidad: orientación, expectativas, toma de decisiones y acogida de los nuevos estudiantes en la universidad. Dirección General de Universidades. Estudios y Análisis (2005)Hu, L., Bentler, P.M.: Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Struct. Equ. Model. 6, 1–55 (1999)Huang, Sh, Fang, N.: Predicting student academic performance in an enginnering dynamics course: a comparison for four types of predictive mathematical models. Comput. Educ. 61, 133–145 (2013)Leppel, K., Williams, M.L., Waldauer, C.: The impact of parental occupation and socioeconomic status on choice of college major. J. Fam. Econ. Issues 22(4), 373–394 (2001)Maringe, F.: University and course choice Implications for positioning, recruitment and marketing. Int. J. Educ. Manage. 20(6), 466–479 (2006)Muñiz, J.: Utilización de los test. En J. Muñiz, A.M. Fidalgo, E. García-Cueto, R. Martínez y R. Moreno (Eds.). Análisis de los ítems, (pp. 133–172). Madrid: La Muralla, S.A (2005)Murphy, P.E., McGarrity, R.A.: Marketing universities: a survey of student recruitment activities. Coll. Univ. 53(3), 249–261 (1978)Ory, D.T., Mokhtarian, P.L.: The impact of non-normality, sample size and estimation technique on goodness-of-fit measures in structural equation modeling: evidence from ten empirical models of travel behavior. Qual. Q. 44(3), 427–445 (2010)Palomo, J., Dunson, D.B., Bollen, K.: Bayesian structural equation modeling. In: Lee, S.Y. (ed.) Handbook of Latent Variable and Related Models, pp. 163–179. Elsevier, New York (2007)Perna, L.W., Titus, M.A.: Understanding differences in the choice of college attended: the role of state public policies. Rev. High. Educ. 27(4), 501–525 (2004)Poon, W.Y., Lee, S.Y.: A Distribution Free Approach for Analysis of Two-level Structural Equation Model. Elsevier, New York (1994)Price, I., Matzdorf, F., Smith, L., Agahi, H.: The impact of facilities on student choice of university. Facilities 21(10), 212–222 (2003)Raymond, S.: Predicting academic succes of first-year engineering students from standardized test scores and psychological variables. Int. J. Eng. Educ. 17(1), 75–80 (2001)Turner, C.S.V., Thompson, J.R.: Socializing women doctoral students: minority and majority experiences. Rev. High. Educ. 6, 232–241 (1993)Veenstra, C.P., Dey, E.L., Herrin, G.D.: Is modeling of freshman engineering succes different from modeling of non-engineering succes? J. Eng. Educ. 97, 467–479 (2008)Yurtseven, T.: How does the image of engineering affect student recruitment and retention? A perspective from the USA. Glob. J. Eng. Educ. 6(2), 267 (2002

    Advancing gendered analyses of entrepreneurship:A critical exploration of entrepreneurial activity among gay men and lesbian women

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    This paper advances contemporary gendered analyses of entrepreneurial activity by exploring self-employment amongst gay men and lesbian women. Within current entrepreneurial debate, heterosexual women have become the visible embodiment of the gendered subject. Our contribution is to queer this assumption when focusing upon the entrepreneurial activity of gays and lesbians. Our core question investigates if ‘there is evidence of differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals in their likelihood of being entrepreneurially active?’ To address this question, we contrast competing notions of gender stereotypes and discrimination whilst drawing on findings from a large-scale population-based study of 163,000 UK adults. We find few differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals; this persists after examining intersectional patterns and considering if gay and lesbian entrepreneurs choose particular sectors, geographies or forms of self-employment. As our discussion highlights, the value of this study lies within its critique of contemporary analyses of gender which assume it is an end point rather than a foundation for analysing gender as a multiplicity

    Levels of depression in transgender people and its predictors: results of a large matched control study with transgender people accessing clinical services

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    Background: Depression is a serious disorder which significantly impacts wellbeing and quality of life. Studies exploring mental wellbeing in the transgender population are mostly limited by small, non-homogenous samples and lack of matched controls. This study aimed to address these limitations and explore depression rates in a large sample of transgender people, compared with matched controls from the general population, as well as factors predicting depression in those taking cross-sex hormone treatment (CHT) compared to those not. Methods: Transgender individuals (n=913) completed a measure of depression, measures which predict psychopathology (self-esteem, victimization, social support, interpersonal problems), and information regarding CHT use. Participants were matched by age and experienced gender with adults from the general population who had completed the measure of depression. Results: Individuals were categorized as having no, possible or probable depressive disorder. Transgender individuals not on CHT had a nearly four-fold increased risk of probable depressive disorder, compared to controls. Older age, lower self-esteem, poorer interpersonal function and less social support predicted depressive disorder. Use of CHT was associated with less depression. Limitations: Participants were attending a national gender identity service and therefore represent only a sub-group of transgender people. Due to the cross-sectional design, longitudinal research is required to fully confirm the finding that CHT use reduces depression. Conclusion: This study confirms that non-treated transgender individuals have an increased risk of a depressive disorder. Interventions offered alongside gender affirming treatment to develop interpersonal skills, increase self-esteem and improve social support may reduce depression and prepare individuals for a more successful transition

    Labor force plans and labor force status: U.S. women of the college class of 1957

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    Many U.S. women who were in their late 60s at the turn of the century were still employed. These women graduated from college in the 1950s, an era when women's labor force participation was low. Data from the U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau Survey of the college class of 1957 was used to examine labor force expectations of these women when they completed college. Logit analysis was applied to four labor force categories: full-time, part-time, unemployed, and not in the labor force. In 1957, many women underestimated their future labor force participation. By 1964, though, the trend toward increasing future work expectations may have begun. After examining the retirement literature and factors encouraging older women to continue working, Current Population Survey data on college-educated women aged 65 to 69 in 2003 were used to explore the labor force participation of this cohort later in life
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