177 research outputs found

    De la prévision météo à la prévision environnementale

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    National audienceL'augmentation des capacités de calcul et la généralisation des satellites pour l'observation de l'atmosphère, de la terre et des océans ont permis le formidable essor de la prévision en météorologie et son extension à d'autres domaines : océanographie, prévision des crues, etc..

    Draft Genome Sequences of Four Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. achromogenes Strains, 23051, 23053, 23055, and 23056, Isolated from Senegalese Sole ( Solea senegalensis )

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    International audienceThe bacterial species Aeromonas salmonicida officially has five subspecies. A large majority of the currently available sequences come from Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, which causes furunculosis in salmonids. We present the genomic sequences of four Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. achromogenes strains. This will help increase the robustness of genomic analyses for this subspecies

    Dynamique Hydro-Erosive Actuelle Des Bassins Versants Endoreiques De La Region De Niamey (Sud-Ouest Du Niger)

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    La généralisation du ravinement et la baisse de la productivité des terres sont quelques-unes des principales contraintes qui assaillent l’utilisation des sols au Sahel. Pour gérer efficacement ces sols, une évaluation des processus hydro-érosifs est nécessaire. Ce travail a ainsi pour objectif d’analyser la dynamique hydro-érosive sur un site expérimental installé depuis 2004 dans la région de Niamey (Niger). Sur ce site, le dispositif de mesure est composé de huit parcelles de mesures de ruissellement et d’érosion, des stations hydrométriques à l’exutoire des deux bassins versants endoréiques et de plusieurs piquets destinés aux suivis morpho-dynamiques des ravines. Après une décennie d’observation, les ruissellements mesurés sur les parcelles se caractérisent par une dynamique saisonnière croissante sur les surfaces encroûtées (croûtes biologique et d’érosion) et décroissante sur les surfaces cultivées. Le coefficient de ruissellement varie de 5 % sur la surface cultivée à 58 % sur la croûte d’érosion. Au cours des 10 années de mesure, ce coefficient a connu une forte croissance en particulier sur la jachère (+ 80 %) et sur la surface cultivée (+ 300 %), traduisant ainsi la dégradation des sols. A l’échelle des bassins versants, l’augmentation du coefficient de ruissellement s’accompagne d’une érosion aréolaire qui décape le sol à une vitesse moyenne de 5 mm/an et d’une érosion linéaire active, de l’ordre de 4 m3/an au niveau des ravines suivies. Les transferts sédimentaires qui en résultent agissent sur le fonctionnement morpho-sédimentaire des cours d’eau. Des aménagements antiérosifs sont nécessaires pour dissiper les processus hydro-érosifs et préserver les services écosystémiques des sols des bassins. Widespread gullying and the declining land productivity are some of the main constraints plaguing land use in the Sahel. In order to effectively manage these soils, it has become necessary to assess the hydro-erosive processes. The current study, thus, aims at analyzing the hydro-erosion dynamics on an experimental site installed since 2004 in the Niamey region (Niger Republic). On this site, the measurement device is made up of eight runoff and erosion measurement plots, hydrometric stations at the outlet of the two endorheic watersheds and several stakes intended for morpho-dynamic monitoring of the gullies. After a decade of observation, the runoff measured on the plots is characterized by an increasing seasonal dynamic on encrusted surfaces (biological and erosion crusts) and a decreasing one on cultivated surfaces. The runoff coefficient varies from 5% on the cultivated area to 58% on the erosion crust. Over the 10 years of measurement, this coefficient has greatly increased, especially on the fallow (+ 80%) and on cultivated area (+ 300%); this increase consequently reflects soil degradation. At the watershed scale, the increase in the runoff coefficient is accompanied by area erosion (or the erosion of the area out of the basin) which strikes the soil at an average speed of 5 mm/year and active linear erosion measuring 4 m3/year as observed at the monitored (the ongoing investigated) gullies. The resulting sediment transfers act on the morpho-sedimentary functioning of rivers. Anti-erosion facilities are necessary to dissipate the hydro-erosive processes and preserve the ecosystem services of the soil in the basin

    Increasing river flows in the Sahel ?

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    Despite the drought observed since 1968 in most of the West African Sahel, runoff and rivers discharges have been increasing in the same region. This trend is related with land use change rather than climate change. This paper aims to describe the regional extension of such a phenomenon and to demonstrate that the increase in runoff is observed from the point scale up to the regional scale. It highlights the opposition of functioning between a Sahelian zone, where the Sahel’s paradox applies, and the Sudanian and Guinean areas, where runoff has been logically decreasing with the rainfall. The current trend is evidenced using experimental runoff plots and discharge data from the local to the regional scales

    A pervasive role for biomass burning in tropical high ozone/low water structures.

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    Air parcels with mixing ratios of high O3 and low H2O (HOLW) are common features in the tropical western Pacific (TWP) mid-troposphere (300-700 hPa). Here, using data collected during aircraft sampling of the TWP in winter 2014, we find strong, positive correlations of O3 with multiple biomass burning tracers in these HOLW structures. Ozone levels in these structures are about a factor of three larger than background. Models, satellite data and aircraft observations are used to show fires in tropical Africa and Southeast Asia are the dominant source of high O3 and that low H2O results from large-scale descent within the tropical troposphere. Previous explanations that attribute HOLW structures to transport from the stratosphere or mid-latitude troposphere are inconsistent with our observations. This study suggest a larger role for biomass burning in the radiative forcing of climate in the remote TWP than is commonly appreciated.We thank L. Pan for coordinating the CONTRAST flights and her constructive criticism of an early version of the manuscript; S. Schauffler, V. Donets and R. Lueb for collecting and analysing AWAS samples; T. Robinson and O. Shieh for providing meteorology forecasts in the field; and the pilots and crews of the CAST BAe-146 and CONTRAST Gulfstream V aircrafts for their dedication and professionalism. CAST was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council; CONTRAST was funded by the National Science Foundation. Research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, is performed under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). A number of the US-based investigators also benefitted from the support of NASA as well as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The views, opinions, and findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an official National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or US Government position, policy or decision. We would like to acknowledge high-performance computing support from Yellowstone (ark:/85065/d7wd3xhc) provided by NCAR's Computational and Information Systems Laboratory. NCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms1026

    Adventurous Physical Activity Environments: A Mainstream Intervention for Mental Health

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    Adventurous physical activity has traditionally been considered the pastime of a small minority of people with deviant personalities or characteristics that compel them to voluntarily take great risks purely for the sake of thrills and excitement. An unintended consequence of these traditional narratives is the relative absence of adventure activities in mainstream health and well-being discourses and in large-scale governmental health initiatives. However, recent research has demonstrated that even the most extreme adventurous physical activities are linked to enhanced psychological health and well-being outcomes. These benefits go beyond traditional ‘character building’ concepts and emphasize more positive frameworks that rely on the development of effective environmental design. Based on emerging research, this paper demonstrates why adventurous physical activity should be considered a mainstream intervention for positive mental health. Furthermore, the authors argue that understanding how to design environments that effectively encourage appropriate adventure should be considered a serious addition to mainstream health and well-being discourse

    Large-Scale Phenotyping of an Accurate Genetic Mouse Model of JNCL Identifies Novel Early Pathology Outside the Central Nervous System

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    Cln3Δex7/8 mice harbor the most common genetic defect causing juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL), an autosomal recessive disease involving seizures, visual, motor and cognitive decline, and premature death. Here, to more thoroughly investigate the manifestations of the common JNCL mutation, we performed a broad phenotyping study of Cln3Δex7/8 mice. Homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice, congenic on a C57BL/6N background, displayed subtle deficits in sensory and motor tasks at 10–14 weeks of age. Homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice also displayed electroretinographic changes reflecting cone function deficits past 5 months of age and a progressive decline of retinal post-receptoral function. Metabolic analysis revealed increases in rectal body temperature and minimum oxygen consumption in 12–13 week old homozygous Cln3Δex7/8mice, which were also seen to a lesser extent in heterozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice. Heart weight was slightly increased at 20 weeks of age, but no significant differences were observed in cardiac function in young adults. In a comprehensive blood analysis at 15–16 weeks of age, serum ferritin concentrations, mean corpuscular volume of red blood cells (MCV), and reticulocyte counts were reproducibly increased in homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice, and male homozygotes had a relative T-cell deficiency, suggesting alterations in hematopoiesis. Finally, consistent with findings in JNCL patients, vacuolated peripheral blood lymphocytes were observed in homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 neonates, and to a greater extent in older animals. Early onset, severe vacuolation in clear cells of the epididymis of male homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice was also observed. These data highlight additional organ systems in which to study CLN3 function, and early phenotypes have been established in homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice that merit further study for JNCL biomarker development

    DMTs and Covid-19 severity in MS: a pooled analysis from Italy and France

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    We evaluated the effect of DMTs on Covid-19 severity in patients with MS, with a pooled-analysis of two large cohorts from Italy and France. The association of baseline characteristics and DMTs with Covid-19 severity was assessed by multivariate ordinal-logistic models and pooled by a fixed-effect meta-analysis. 1066 patients with MS from Italy and 721 from France were included. In the multivariate model, anti-CD20 therapies were significantly associated (OR = 2.05, 95%CI = 1.39–3.02, p < 0.001) with Covid-19 severity, whereas interferon indicated a decreased risk (OR = 0.42, 95%CI = 0.18–0.99, p = 0.047). This pooled-analysis confirms an increased risk of severe Covid-19 in patients on anti-CD20 therapies and supports the protective role of interferon

    LHCb calorimeters: Technical Design Report

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    LHCb RICH: Technical Design Report

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