75 research outputs found

    Continuous Time Continuous Space Homeostatic Reinforcement Learning (CTCS-HRRL) : Towards Biological Self-Autonomous Agent

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    Homeostasis is a biological process by which living beings maintain their internal balance. Previous research suggests that homeostasis is a learned behaviour. Recently introduced Homeostatic Regulated Reinforcement Learning (HRRL) framework attempts to explain this learned homeostatic behavior by linking Drive Reduction Theory and Reinforcement Learning. This linkage has been proven in the discrete time-space, but not in the continuous time-space. In this work, we advance the HRRL framework to a continuous time-space environment and validate the CTCS-HRRL (Continuous Time Continuous Space HRRL) framework. We achieve this by designing a model that mimics the homeostatic mechanisms in a real-world biological agent. This model uses the Hamilton-Jacobian Bellman Equation, and function approximation based on neural networks and Reinforcement Learning. Through a simulation-based experiment we demonstrate the efficacy of this model and uncover the evidence linked to the agent's ability to dynamically choose policies that favor homeostasis in a continuously changing internal-state milieu. Results of our experiments demonstrate that agent learns homeostatic behaviour in a CTCS environment, making CTCS-HRRL a promising framework for modellng animal dynamics and decision-making.Comment: This work is a result of the ongoing collaboration between Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus and Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris France. This work is jointly supervised by Prof. Boris Gutkin and Prof. Veeky Baths. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2109.0658

    Drosophila SPF45: A Bifunctional Protein with Roles in Both Splicing and DNA Repair

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    The sequence of the SPF45 protein is significantly conserved, yet functional studies have identified it as a splicing factor in animal cells and as a DNA-repair protein in plants. Using a combined genetic and biochemical approach to investigate this apparent functional discrepancy, we unify and validate both of these studies by demonstrating that the Drosophila melanogaster protein is bifunctional, with independent functions in DNA repair and splicing. We find that SPF45 associates with the U2 snRNP and that mutations that remove the C-terminal end of the protein disrupt this interaction. Although animals carrying this mutation are viable, they are nevertheless compromised in their ability to regulate Sex-lethal splicing, demonstrating that Sex-lethal is an important physiological target of SPF45. Furthermore, these mutant animals exhibit phenotypes diagnostic of difficulties in recovering from exogenously induced DNA damage. The conclusion that SPF45 functions in the DNA-repair pathway is strengthened by finding both genetic and physical interactions between SPF45 and RAD201, a previously uncharacterized member of the RecA/Rad51 protein family. Together with our finding that the fly SPF45 protein increases the survival rate of mutagen-treated bacteria lacking the RecG helicase, these studies provide the tantalizing suggestion that SPF45 has an ancient and evolutionarily conserved role in DNA repair

    Fine tuning of RFX/DAF-19-regulated target gene expression through binding to multiple sites in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    In humans, mutations of a growing list of regulatory factor X (RFX) target genes have been associated with devastating genetics disease conditions including ciliopathies. However, mechanisms underlying RFX transcription factors (TFs)-mediated gene expression regulation, especially differential gene expression regulation, are largely unknown. In this study, we explore the functional significance of the co-existence of multiple X-box motifs in regulating differential gene expression in Caenorhabditis elegans. We hypothesize that the effect of multiple X-box motifs is not a simple summation of binding effect to individual X-box motifs located within a same gene. To test this hypothesis, we identified eight C. elegans genes that contain two or more X-box motifs using comparative genomics. We examined one of these genes, F25B4.2, which contains two 15-bp X-box motifs. F25B4.2 expression in ciliated neurons is driven by the proximal motif and its expression is repressed by the distal motif. Our data suggest that two X-box motifs cooperate together to regulate the expression of F25B4.2 in location and intensity. We propose that multiple X-box motifs might be required to tune specific expression level. Our identification of genes with multiple X-box motifs will also improve our understanding of RFX/DAF-19-mediated regulation in C. elegans and in other organisms including humans

    Methods to Study Centrosomes and Cilia in Drosophila

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    The deposited item is a book chapter and is part of the series " Methods in Molecular Biology book series ([MIMB, volume 1454]) published by the publisher Humana Press.The deposited book chapter is a pre-print version and hasn't been submitted to peer reviewing.There is no public supplementary material available for this publication.This publication hasn't any creative commons license associated.Centrioles and cilia are highly conserved eukaryotic organelles. Drosophila melanogaster is a powerful genetic and cell biology model organism, extensively used to discover underlying mechanisms of centrosome and cilia biogenesis and function. Defects in centrosomes and cilia reduce fertility and affect different sensory functions, such as proprioception, olfaction, and hearing. The fly possesses a large diversity of ciliary structures and assembly modes, such as motile, immotile, and intraflagellar transport (IFT)-independent or IFT-dependent assembly. Moreover, all the diverse ciliated cells harbor centrioles at the base of the cilia, called basal bodies, making the fly an attractive model to better understand the biology of this organelle. This chapter describes protocols to visualize centrosomes and cilia by fluorescence and electron microscopy.Fundação Portuguesa para a Ciência e Tecnologia grants: (SFRH/BPD/87479/2012, SFRH/BD/52176/2013); EMBO installation grant; ERC starting grant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chk2 and p53 Are Haploinsufficient with Dependent and Independent Functions to Eliminate Cells after Telomere Loss

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    The mechanisms that cells use to monitor telomere integrity, and the array of responses that may be induced, are not fully defined. To date there have been no studies in animals describing the ability of cells to survive and contribute to adult organs following telomere loss. We developed assays to monitor the ability of somatic cells to proliferate and differentiate after telomere loss. Here we show that p53 and Chk2 limit the growth and differentiation of cells that lose a telomere. Furthermore, our results show that two copies of the genes encoding p53 and Chk2 are required for the cell to mount a rapid wildtype response to a missing telomere. Finally, our results show that, while Chk2 functions by activating the p53-dependent apoptotic cascade, Chk2 also functions independently of p53 to limit survival. In spite of these mechanisms to eliminate cells that have lost a telomere, we find that such cells can make a substantial contribution to differentiated adult tissues

    Coordinated genomic control of ciliogenesis and cell movement by RFX2

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    The mechanisms linking systems-level programs of gene expression to discrete cell biological processes in vivo remain poorly understood. In this study, we have defined such a program for multi-ciliated epithelial cells (MCCs), a cell type critical for proper development and homeostasis of the airway, brain and reproductive tracts. Starting from genomic analysis of the cilia-associated transcription factor Rfx2, we used bioinformatics and in vivo cell biological approaches to gain insights into the molecular basis of cilia assembly and function. Moreover, we discovered a previously unrecognized role for an Rfx factor in cell movement, finding that Rfx2 cell-autonomously controls apical surface expansion in nascent MCCs. Thus, Rfx2 coordinates multiple, distinct gene expression programs in MCCs, regulating genes that control cell movement, ciliogenesis, and cilia function. As such, the work serves as a paradigm for understanding genomic control of cell biological processes that span from early cell morphogenetic events to terminally differentiated cellular functionsclose171


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    Systemic métal ion levels in patients with modular-neck stems: A prospective cohort study

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    1. Mise en perspective Le remplacement prothétique de la hanche est une des interventions les plus fréquentes en chirurgie orthopédique. La prothèse totale de hanche (PTH) est généralement composée d'une partie fémorale (tige + tête) et d'une partie acétabulaire (cupule + insert). Plusieurs couples de frottement existent entre la tête et l'insert acétabulaire (métal-polyéthylène, métal-métal, céramique-céramique, céramique-polyéthylène) et de nombreux designs se trouvent sur le marché (tiges droites ou anatomiques, prothèses modulaires etc). Les prothèses avec couple de frottement métal-métal (MoM) ont provoqué un vaste débat ces dernières années en raison d'un taux de défaillance anormalement élevé, en relation avec la génération de débris et d'ions métalliques provenant de l'usure et/ou de la corrosion des surfaces articulaires. Les causes de défaillance sont de plusieurs natures : Ostéolyse/descellement, formation de « pseudo-tumeurs » constituées de tissus inflammatoires et nécrotiques, avec parfois une composante kystique, réactions d'hypersensibilité au métal. Ces réactions sont regroupées sous l'acronyme ALTR (Adverse Local Tissue Reactions). Il a été démontré que les taux sanguins d'ions métalliques, plus particulièrement de Cobalt (Co) et de chrome (Cr), sont augmentés chez les patients porteurs de PTH à couple de frottement MoM, qu'ils sont liés aux phénomènes d'usure et/ou de corrosion métallique et que des taux élevés sont corrélés avec la survenue d'ALTR. 2. Problématique Récemment, il a été démontré que les réactions de type ALTR se produisaient non seulement chez les patients porteurs de couples de frottement métal-métal, mais également, dans certains cas, chez des patients porteurs de tiges à col modulaire avec un couple de frottement différent. Les débris et ions métalliques proviennent à ce moment de l'interface entre la tige et le col modulaire. Nous avons donc voulu vérifier si les prothèses à col modulaire utilisées dans notre service libéraient plus d'ions métalliques que leur version non-modulaire et si cela était associé à un taux d'ALTR plus élevé, étant donné qu'il n'y avait alors aucune donnée dans la littérature sur ce modèle précis de prothèse. 3. Méthode Nous avons mené une étude de cohorte monocentrique sur 60 patients. 40 étaient porteurs d'une prothèse à tige SPS (Symbios©) modulaire, 10 d'une tige SPS monobloc et 10 autres patients constituaient un groupe contrôle exempt de prothèse. Les patients ont été revus avec un recul minimum d'une année depuis la date de l'opération. Nous avons prélevé un échantillon sérique, un autre sanguin, qui ont été analysés par spectrométrie de masse, permettant une détermination atomique quantitative. Les ions Cobalt (Co), Chrome (Cr), Titane (Ti), Molybdène (Mo), Vanadium (V) et Aluminium (Al) ont été étudiés. Le résultat clinique a été estimé à l'aide du Oxford Hip Score. Les patients présentant des concentrations de cobalt ou de chrome supérieures à 2 pg/L ont été investigués par IRM, à la recherche de signes d'ALTR. 4. Conclusion Les taux sériques et sanguins de ions Co, Cr et Ti étaient significativement plus élevés dans le groupe des patients avec col modulaire et 1 cas d'ALTR a été mis en évidence dans ce même groupe. Ceci corrobore les résultats d'autres études, faites sur des implants au design similaire, et doit donc nous inciter à une certaine retenue dans l'utilisation de ce type de tiges prothétiques. D'autre part, cela devrait nous encourager à mettre en place un suivi plus étroit des patients porteurs de ce type d'implants. Des études ultérieures seront nécessaires afin de définir un algorithme fiable pour la prise en charge de ces patients

    Généalogie et idéologie chez Nietzsche et Foucault (La fabrication du consentement dans les sociétés libérales)

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    Cette recherche s inscrit dans trois perspectives. Celle d abord de l histoire des idées : quels sont les liens précis entre la pensée de Nietzsche et l œuvre de Foucault ? Ce dernier ne cesse de revendiquer son nietzschéisme, mais, par delà des références allusives, il n a consacré à Nietzsche qu un article, des cours dont certains seulement ont été publiés, et une conférence. Réciproquement, dans quelle mesure la pensée de Nietzsche trouve-t-elle un éclairage dans les analyses foucaldiennes ? Celle ensuite plus proprement philosophique : quels sont les liens entre volonté de savoir et volonté de puissance ? Ces deux concepts sont au cœur de l entreprise généalogique, et c est leur articulation qu elle vise à mettre en lumière. La généalogie permettrait ainsi de produire une analyse conjointe de la subjectivité et de l espace social. Celle enfin de la politique : en quoi la généalogie permet-elle de comprendre le jeu du pouvoir et du savoir dans notre civilisation ? L hypothèse de départ est que la généalogie permet de mettre au jour des mécanismes qui demeurent inintelligibles à partir des savoirs positifs traditionnels. La psychè contemporaine ne serait compréhensible qu à partir des concepts élaborés par la généalogie. Cette dernière permettrait de dévoiler le biais idéologique des savoirs qui sont à l origine de nos actions. Corrélativement, elle permettrait de montrer que le fonctionnement de l idéologie n est pas celui qui jusqu à présent a été théorisé. La méthode utilisée est celle d une mise en tension de textes choisis dans les œuvres respectives de Friedrich Nietzsche et de Michel Foucault. Il s agit donc d une démarche comparative permettant non une superposition ni une juxtaposition, mais un éclairage réciproque des textes entre eux, et, partant, des pensées entre elles.This research follows three perspectives. First, that of the history of ideas: what are the precise links between Nietzsche s thought and Foucault s work? The latter keeps asserting his Nietzscheanism but, in spite of allusive references, he has only devoted to Nietzsche one article, courses among which some have not been published yet, and a conference. Conversely, to which extent is Nietzsche s thought clarified by Foucault s analyses? Then, a more strictly philosophical perspective: what are the links between the will to learn and the will to power? These two concepts are at the heart of the genealogical undertaking, which aims at shedding light on the way they link up together. Genealogy would thus allow a joint analysis of subjectivity and social space. Last, the political perspective: does genealogy allow a better understanding of the interplay between knowledge and power in our civilization? The initial assumption is that genealogy can bring to light mechanisms which remain unintelligible on the basis of positive traditional knowledge. The contemporary psychè could only be understood with the help of the concepts elaborated by genealogy. The latter would allow to unveil the ideological distortion of knowledge which is at the bottom of our actions. Correlatively, it would allow to make clear that the mechanisms of ideology do not correspond to what has been theorized so far. The method used consists in confronting texts selected in the respective works of Friedrich Nietzsche and Michel Foucault. So - far from superposition or juxtaposition - this is a comparative approach allowing a reciprocal illumination of texts, and hence thoughts, with one another.LYON-ENS Sciences (693872304) / SudocLYON-ENS LSH (693872305) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Evidence for an Inducible Repair-Recombination System in the Female Germ Line of Drosophila Melanogaster. II. Differential Sensitivity to Gamma Rays

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    In a previous paper, we reported that the reactivity level, which regulates the frequency of transposition of I factor, a LINE element-like retrotransposon, is enhanced by the same agents that induce the SOS response in Escherichia coli. In this report, we describe experimental evidence that, for identical genotypes, the reactivity levels correlate with the sensitivity of oogenesis to gamma rays, measured by the number of eggs laid and by frequency of dominant lethals. This strongly supports the hypothesis that the reactivity level is one manifestation of an inducible DNA repair system taking place in the female germ line of Drosophila melanogaster. The implications of this finding for the understanding of the regulation of I factor are discussed and some other possible biological roles of this system are outlined