1,462 research outputs found


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    Diseases caused by cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus are reported with increasing frequency. Epstein-Barr virus damages usually are due to reactivation of latent infection. while cytomegalovirus disease result from primary or reactivated infection in susceptible hosts. The booth infections can have oral manifestations


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    The study investigates the value creation by companyconsumer interaction on the example of the advertising agency DeConi, Bulgaria

    Cephalometric evaluation of the cranial base in the Bulgarian population

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    INTRODUCTION: The cranial base is a relatively stable area of the craniofacial region used in many radio­graphic cephalometric analyses. The cephalometric analyses are generally based on the Caucasian cephalo­metric standards and there has been concern about elaborating the cephalometric analysis to be more spe­cific for the Bulgarian patients.AIM: The aim of the present study was to determine the cephalometric norms of the cranial bases for the Bulgarian population and to compare them to other standards.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Lateral cephalograms of 90 orthodontically untreated Bulgarian adults with clinically excellent occlusion were evaluated and the anteroposterior skeletal measurements of the cra­nial base were assessed using standard cephalometric analyses. The data were processed with statistical package SPSS 19.0.RESULTS: Based on gender, we established statistically significant differences. The mean values of cranial base indicators did not differ between subjects of different age in the sample.CONCLUSION: The mean values for the total sample can be used as cephalometric standards for Bulgar­ians. Cephalometric values identified for Bulgarian subjects are expected to help in the simplification of orthodontic diagnoses

    Understanding destination image: The case of Linz, European Capital of Culture 2009

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    In an industry that sells experiences rather than tangible products, destination image is an important strategic marketing tool through which destinations, such as Linz, Austria, compete with each other, strengthen their positioning on the market and attract potential visitors. A literature review suggests a lack of agreement among destination image researchers as to how to define, conceptualise and operationalise tourism destination image since it is of a “complex, multiple, relativistic and dynamic nature” (Gallarza et al., 2002: 56). Initially, an exploratory online survey was conducted to unveil the destination image of Linz held by its potential visitors and to identify its cognitive and affective dimensions. The findings of this first stage influenced the formation of the questionnaire used to collect data from 400 visitors during the European Capital of Culture Event in Linz in 2009 during the summer month of August. Different statistical techniques such as t-tests, ANOVAs, MANOVAs and factor analysis were employed to analyse the collected data. This thesis contributes to the existing body of knowledge on destination image by presenting and discussing a conceptual framework of Linz’s multi-staged (“a priori” and “on situ”) process of image formation and development. This model is also linked with consumer behaviour and a set of image determinants (including information sources, socio-demographic and psychological factors, and a major cultural event) elicited from the literature related to destination image. The proposed conceptual framework has implications for marketers, tourist destination planners and authorities

    Herpes virus infection in dental patients

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    Херпес симплекс вирус тип 1 (HSV1) и тип 2 (HSV2) причиняват прояви в устната кухина. И двете херпесни инфекции са за цял живот и вирусите остават латентни в сетивните нервни ганглии. В световен мащаб около 67% имат HSV1 инфекция, a около 11% имат HSV2 инфекция.Целта на настоящото проучване бе определяне на остра и хронична HSV1 и HSV2 в серум при пациенти от рутинната дентална практика с подозирани орални прояви при херпесни инфекции. Изследвахме 139 лица. Повишени нива на HSV1 IgM отчетохме при 18% и същият бе процентът за активна HSV2 херпесна инфекция. От цялата група дентални пациенти едновременна активна инфекция с двата херпесни вируса имаха 13.6%. Припокриване на двете остри херпесни инфекции наблюдавахме в 77% от случаите на остра инфекция.Препоръките на денталните лекари са: да се избягва стоматологично лечение при пациенти с остра инфекция, от една страна - за предотвратяване разпространението на вируса у носителя, a от друга - за прекъсване възможността от инфекция с участието на стоматолога и денталния персонал. Особеност и при двата вируса е, че реактивирането им може да протече и субклинично, поради което персоналът, извършващ манипулациите, трябва да носи предпазни очила, маски и ръкавици и да осигурява качествена дезинфекция.Herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 causes manifestations in the oral cavity. Both herpes infections last a lifetime and the viruses remain in the sensory nerve ganglion. Worldwide about 67% of the population have HSV1 infection and about 11% HSV2 infection.The purpose of this study was to determine acute and chronic HSV1 and HSV2 in the serum of patients in routine dental practice with suspected oral manifestations of herpes infections. We examined 139 persons. Elevated levels of IgM to HSV1 and HSV2 were found in 18%. Of all the dental patients acute co-infection (HSV1 and HSV2) was detect in 13.6 %. An overlap of the two acute herpes infections we observed in 77% of the cases of acute infection.The recommendations of dental practitioners are to avoid dental treatment in patients with acute infection and to prevent the spread of the virus in the dental office