190 research outputs found

    The Proteome of Biologically Active Membrane Vesicles from Piscirickettsia salmonis LF-89 Type Strain Identifies Plasmid-Encoded Putative Toxins

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    Indexación: Scopus.Piscirickettsia salmonis is the predominant bacterial pathogen affecting the Chilean salmonid industry. This bacterium is the etiological agent of piscirickettsiosis, a significant fish disease. Membrane vesicles (MVs) released by P. salmonis deliver several virulence factors to host cells. To improve on existing knowledge for the pathogenicity-associated functions of P. salmonis MVs, we studied the proteome of purified MVs from the P. salmonis LF-89 type strain using multidimensional protein identification technology. Initially, the cytotoxicity of different MV concentration purified from P. salmonis LF-89 was confirmed in an in vivo adult zebrafish infection model. The cumulative mortality of zebrafish injected with MVs showed a dose-dependent pattern. Analyses identified 452 proteins of different subcellular origins; most of them were associated with the cytoplasmic compartment and were mainly related to key functions for pathogen survival. Interestingly, previously unidentified putative virulence-related proteins were identified in P. salmonis MVs, such as outer membrane porin F and hemolysin. Additionally, five amino acid sequences corresponding to the Bordetella pertussis toxin subunit 1 and two amino acid sequences corresponding to the heat-labile enterotoxin alpha chain of Escherichia coli were located in the P. salmonis MV proteome. Curiously, these putative toxins were located in a plasmid region of P. salmonis LF-89. Based on the identified proteins, we propose that the protein composition of P. salmonis LF-89 MVs could reflect total protein characteristics of this P. salmonis type strain. © 2017 Oliver, Hernández, Tandberg, Valenzuela, Lagos, Haro, Sánchez, Ruiz, Sanhueza-Oyarzún, Cortés, Villar, Artigues, Winther-Larsen, Avendaño-Herrera and Yáñez.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcimb.2017.00420/ful

    Neisseria gonorrhoeae PilV, a type IV pilus-associated protein essential to human epithelial cell adherence

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    Type IV pili (Tfp) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the Gram-negative etiologic agent of gonorrhea, facilitate colonization of the human host. Tfp are assumed to play a key role in the initial adherence to human epithelial cells by virtue of the associated adhesin protein PilC. To examine the structural and functional basis for adherence in more detail, we identified potential genes encoding polypeptides sharing structural similarities to PilE (the Tfp subunit) within the N. gonorrhoeae genome sequence database. We show here that a fiber subunit-like protein, termed PilV, is essential to organelle-associated adherence but dispensable for Tfp biogenesis and other pilus-related phenotypes, including autoagglutination, competence for natural transformation, and twitching motility. The adherence defect in pilV mutants cannot be attributed to reduced levels of piliation, defects in fiber anchoring to the bacterial cell surface, or to unstable pilus expression related to organelle retraction. PilV is expressed at low levels relative to PilE and copurifies with Tfp fibers in a PilC-dependent fashion. Purified Tfp from pilV mutants contain PilC adhesin at reduced levels. Taken together, these data support a model in which PilV functions in adherence by promoting the functional display of PilC in the context of the pilus fiber

    What controls the isotopic composition of Greenland surface snow?

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    International audienceWater stable isotopes in Greenland ice core data provide key paleoclimatic information, and have been compared with precipitation isotopic composition simulated by isotopically enabled atmospheric models. However, post-depositional processes linked with snow metamorphism remain poorly documented. For this purpose, monitoring of the isotopic composition (d18O, dD) of near-surface water vapor, precipitation and samples of the top (0.5 cm) snow surface has been conducted during two summers (2011-2012) at NEEM, NW Greenland. The samples also include a subset of 17O-excess measurements over 4 days, and the measurements span the 2012 Greenland heat wave. Our observations are consistent with calculations assuming isotopic equilibrium between surface snow and water vapor. We observe a strong correlation between near-surface vapor d18O and air temperature (0.85 ± 0.11‰ °C-1 (R = 0.76) for 2012). The correlation with air temperature is not observed in precipitation data or surface snow data. Deuterium excess (d-excess) is strongly anti-correlated with d18O with a stronger slope for vapor than for precipitation and snow surface data. During nine 1-5-day periods between precipitation events, our data demonstrate parallel changes of d18O and d-excess in surface snow and near-surface vapor. The changes in d18O of the vapor are similar or larger than those of the snow d18O. It is estimated using the CROCUS snow model that 6 to 20% of the surface snow mass is exchanged with the atmosphere. In our data, the sign of surface snow isotopic changes is not related to the sign or magnitude of sublimation or deposition. Comparisons with atmospheric models show that day-to-day variations in near-surface vapor isotopic composition are driven by synoptic variations and changes in air mass trajectories and distillation histories. We suggest that, in between precipitation events, changes in the surface snow isotopic composition are driven by these changes in near-surface vapor isotopic composition. This is consistent with an estimated 60% mass turnover of surface snow per day driven by snow recrystallization processes under NEEM summer surface snow temperature gradients. Our findings have implications for ice core data interpretation and model-data comparisons, and call for further process studies. © Author(s) 2014

    Una VisiĂłn General del Sistema Financiero Colombiano

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    Desde finales de los 80 el sistema financiero colombiano ha experimentado cambios sensibles. En efecto, la liberalización financiera, el fortalecimiento de la regulación prudencial, la conversión de un número importante de sociedades en establecimientos de crédito, el aumento en los requisitos de capital, etc. han determinado un cambio de perfil en el sistema. Adicionalmente, en el pasado reciente las autoridades han tomado medidas en cuanto a la estructura de los encajes, aumentos en los requisitos de capital, el acceso al crédito externo, etc. que afectan de manera importante a las entidades financieras. A raíz de estas medidas ha surgido un debate acerca del tipo de sistema financiero que resulta más deseable para Colombia. La discusión es de vital importancia puesto que la estructura de encajes, las formas de intervención del Banco de la República en los mercados cambiario y monetario, la supervisión y todo el aparato regulatorio deben ser consistentes con el tipo de sistema que se desee. Con el fin de contribuir al debate, en este documento se presenta una breve descripción del estado actual del sistema financiero y su evolución reciente, se plantea una reflexión normativa acerca del tipo de sistema financiero que puede resultar más deseable y, finalmente,se presentan algunas recomendaciones.

    Anthropogenic Space Weather

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    Anthropogenic effects on the space environment started in the late 19th century and reached their peak in the 1960s when high-altitude nuclear explosions were carried out by the USA and the Soviet Union. These explosions created artificial radiation belts near Earth that resulted in major damages to several satellites. Another, unexpected impact of the high-altitude nuclear tests was the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that can have devastating effects over a large geographic area (as large as the continental United States). Other anthropogenic impacts on the space environment include chemical release ex- periments, high-frequency wave heating of the ionosphere and the interaction of VLF waves with the radiation belts. This paper reviews the fundamental physical process behind these phenomena and discusses the observations of their impacts.Comment: 71 pages, 35 figure

    Guidelines for the management of pregnancy in women with cystic fibrosis

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    Women with cystic fibrosis (CF) now regularly survive into their reproductive years in good health and wish to have a baby. Many pregnancies have been reported in the literature and it is clear that whilst the outcome for the baby is generally good and some mothers do very well, others find either their CF complicates the pregnancy or is adversely affected by the pregnancy. For some, pregnancy may only become possible after transplantation. Optimal treatment of all aspects of CF needs to be maintained from the preconceptual period until after the baby is born. Clinicians must be prepared to modify their treatment to accommodate the changing physiology during pregnancy and to be aware of changing prescribing before conception, during pregnancy, after birth and during breast feeding. This supplement offers consensus guidelines based on review of the literature and experience of paediatricians, adult and transplant physicians, and nurses, physiotherapists, dietitians, pharmacists and psychologists experienced in CF and anaesthetist and obstetricians with experience of CF pregnancy. It is hoped they will provide practical guidelines helpful to the multidisciplinary CF teams caring for pregnant women with CF
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