2,579 research outputs found


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    Cangara, Hafid, 2009. Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo PersadaEfendy, Omong Uchjana, 2004. Dinamika Komunikasi. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosda KaryaDwiyanto, Agus, 2010, Reformasi Birokrasi Publik di Indonesia, Yogyakarta : Gajahmada university pressGronroos, Christian, 1990. Servis management and marketing: managing the moments of truth in servis competition, Singapore: Maxwell MacmillianM.A.K Halliday dan Ruqaya hasan. Bahasa konteks dan Teks. Terjemahaan oleh Asruddin Barori Tou. Yogyakarta:  Gajahmada Press. 1994Mahmudi, 2007, Manajemen Kinerja Sektor Publik, Yogyakarta : UPP STIM YKPNUndang-undang nomor: 14 tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan informasi PublikUndang-undang nomor: 23 tahun 2000 tentang Pembentukan Propinsi BantenUndang-undang nomr 25 tahun 2009 tentang pelayanan publikPERKI nomor: 1 tahun 2010 tentang Standar Layanan informasi PublikPERKI nomor: 5 tahun 2016 tentang Metode dan teknik evaluasi keterbukaan informasi badan publik.PERMENDAGRI nomor: 3 tahun 2017 tentang Pedoman pengelolaan pelayanan informasi dan dokumentasi dilingkungan Kementerian Dalam negeri dan Pemerintah daerahKeputusan Gubernur nomor : 499.05/kep.216-Huk/2013 tentang Perubahan keputusan Gubernur Banten nomor : 499.05/kep.673-Huk/2011 tentang Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi dilingkungan Propinsi Bante


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    Praktik pengalaman lapangan (PPL) merupakan program yang wajib dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa program pendidikan. Program PPL ini dimulai dengan melakukan pemilihan sekolah, observasi, pembekalan dan pelaksanaan. Program PPL dilaksanakan selama satu bulan dengan 128 SKS. Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi kegiatan mengajar dan non mengajar Mts Negeri Godean merupakan salah satu sekolah yang menjadi tempat praktik pengalaman lapangan. Mts Negeri Yogyakarta merupakan sekolah menengah pertama yang terdapat di Klaci, Sidoagung Sleman. Masing-masing terdiri dari empat kelas untuk kelas VII, VIII, dan IX. Dalam hal ini, siswa merupakan sasaran kegiatan PPL. Adapun penilaian mencakup karakter siswa, minat belajar, serta hasil belajarnya. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan kondisi yang telah dilaksanakan, mahasiswa PPL merumuskan dan merancang berbagai program yang akan dilaksanakan selama kegiatan PPL berlangsung. Program yang direncanakan berhasil dilaksanakan dengan baik. Ada berbagai indikator yang menunjukan keberhasilan pelaksanaan program PPL UNY Tahun 2015 di Mts N Godean. Berbagai keberhasilan ini dikarenakan koordinasi yang baik antara sekolah dengan mahasiswa PPL UNY 2015 serta antar Mahasiswa PPL Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi UNY yang telah mengantarkan keterlaksanaan program PPL UNY 2015 di Mts N Godean

    Frank Robertson v. Commercial Security Bank : Brief of Appellant

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    Appeal From Judgment Of The Third Judicial District Court For Salt Lake County Honorable J. E. Banks, Judg

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika SMP Dengan Metode Inkuiri Pada Persamaan Dan Pertidaksamaan Linear Satu Variabel

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    The aim of this study produces mathematics instructional materials, on linear equations and inequalities one variable with inquiry methods that valid, practical, and effective criteria in terms of student achievement and self-confidence. This study is developmental research. It is adapted from Reiser & Dempsey models. The research through several phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The instructional materials is consists of syllabi, lesson plans, student sheet activity, and daily tests. The results showed that is the valid criteria valid, practical, and effective. Validity of development product is determined by the expert validation, the practicality is determined by the assessment of teachers, and students, while the effectiveness in terms of student achievement and self-confidence. Achievements of students achieving an average of 76.9412 beyond the KKM 70, while the confidence of students from 55.88% to 82.35% on minimal good category

    Application Sales Hdm Batik Company Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    Scientific writing contains a simple program of computerization penjulan batik, using penginputan goods through production and sales process, which will then be automatically saved in a database and will exit the output display will be received by the customer or buyer as an invoice or receipt and view report required by the batik entrepreneurs. Scientific writing is supported by Visual Basic Programming Language Version 6.0 through the sales process and penginputan makes computerized data processing becomes more efficient and accurate and can provide inventory information available


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    The bark of  Albizia lebeckioides  and  Albizia falcataria  have been examined for their chemical constituents. A. lebeckioides has yielded the steroidal ketone, stigmasta-4,22-dien-3-one, and a triterpene alcohol as the major neutral components.  A. falcataria  has yielded a similar triterpene  and fatty ester as its major constituents. The toxicity of the compounds was evaluated in bioassay against termites. The results showed that lupenone and stigmastadienone were toxic  ioNeotermes dalbergiae  species. In contrast these compounds were less toxic to Cryptotermes cynocephalus species. Key words: Insecticidal plants / Albizia lebeckioides I Albizia falcataria I Bark / Extracts / Chemical constituents / Toxicity / Termite

    Validation Tool for E-government Portals in Malaysia Based on MAMPU Guideline

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    The importance of web usability in the new age of World Wide Web cannot be denied. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) organization has come out with guideline on how the web should be to convenience of all the people including the disable. However, web usability problem still be a pressing problem. Tons of website published on the web does not comply with the W3C standard. In this new era, Government is going paperless. This is the concept of E-government. It is a concept where Government made contacts with their customers (citizens) online. With website being the main source of communication on the web and to make sure that this concept runs well, it is important that the E-Government websites are convenient to the users. Usability testing has become an important aspect of website development currently, but most of the companies do not include usability testing in their website iteration time whether because of the cost of hiring usability professional or the time just does not allow them to hold a usability testing session. Thus, come the idea of automated testing using web tools. In this study, the author will develop an automated web usability tools specifically for Malaysia’s E-government website. The rules of usability are referred to guideline created by Malaysian Administration, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) an organization responsible for the modernisation of the country. The study will help the E-government portals to achieve user friendly website hence improving Malaysia’s position in Global E-Government ranking. The method use in this project is rapid programming where all small functions are developed first and at the end, the system will be combined. The result will be the website showing all the errors in usability contained in the website and it is up to the developer to fix the error and to maintain the website. Finally, this project is hoped to be the first of many other evaluation tools with greater functions ahead