146 research outputs found

    A multiagent urban traffic simulation Part I: dealing with the ordinary

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    We describe in this article a multiagent urban traffic simulation, as we believe individual-based modeling is necessary to encompass the complex influence the actions of an individual vehicle can have on the overall flow of vehicles. We first describe how we build a graph description of the network from purely geometric data, ESRI shapefiles. We then explain how we include traffic related data to this graph. We go on after that with the model of the vehicle agents: origin and destination, driving behavior, multiple lanes, crossroads, and interactions with the other vehicles in day-to-day, ?ordinary? traffic. We conclude with the presentation of the resulting simulation of this model on the Rouen agglomeration

    De l'ontologie du domaine de la croissance urbaine Ă  celle d'un modĂšle dynamique de croissance urbaine sous SpaCelle

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    International audienceDans cet article, nous approfondissons une réflexion engagée sur les questions de validation de modÚle de simulation. Nous présentons un exercice original de " validation sémantique ". La démarche consiste à mettre en relation une ontologie " thématique " qui identifie les processus intervenus dans l'évolution spatiale des villes durant la seconde moitié du XXÚme siÚcle avec une ontologie du modÚle réalisé sur Rouen à l'aide de la plate-forme SpaCelle, automate cellulaire géographique. Le but de la démarche est de faciliter l'interprétation du modÚle rouennais qui intÚgre un nombre assez important de rÚgles plus ou moins complexes, par la mise en relation de celles-ci avec les processus qu'elles représentent dans l'univers de la croissance urbaine

    Cartographies préventives du risque lié aux " crues rapides " dans le nord de la France

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    National audienceThis article aims to better assess the risk due to flash floods occurring at the end of the spring or during summer in the north of the Parisian Basin. Most of the hydrological studies focused in this area on classical floods as overflowing and water table rising but not on floods rarely occurring in dry valleys. Based on sensitive and relevant parameters observed at two various scales, such approach might address to the stakeholders and to the risk managements a few preventive maps. The mapping firstly defines the flash floods risk at a regional scale comparing urban densities and the spatial distribution of sensitive watersheds to hazard. The latter are identified according to morphological characteristics. This exploratory approach permits us to detect high degree of risk in several bottom valleys due to the strong land lobby. Another mapping is secondly defined at local scales. Influence of the structural efficiency of a catchment is combined with the distribution of houses within the studied watershed. Our knowledge on exposed areas and those of local expert advices validate results. So, this approach gives satisfying results and should be used to anticipate exposed urban areas.Le risque lié aux " crues rapides " printaniÚres et estivales constitue une préoccupation grandissante dans les régions du nord de la France (bassin parisien). Cependant, peu d'études ont été menées sur ce type de phénomÚnes et les analyses hydrologiques se sont essentiellement focalisées sur les inondations par débordement ou par remontée de nappes. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous proposons alors d'offrir aux gestionnaires du risque des cartographies préventives sur l'aléa " crues rapides ", et ce à deux niveaux d'observation. Une premiÚre spatialisation des zones à risque à une échelle régionale a été réalisée en confrontant la localisation des bassins versants sensibles à l'aléa aux foyers de population. Cette approche exploratoire permet de voir que le risque est élevé dans certaines vallées du fait de la forte pression fonciÚre. En croisant l'efficacité structurelle interne des bassins versants, mesurée par l'automate cellulaire RuiCells, à la distribution spatiale des zones bùties aux échelles fines, il est possible d'affiner le diagnostic régional en passant à une échelle " intra-bassin ". Les cartes proposées sur quelques bassins versants paraissent conformes à notre connaissance du terrain et aux dires des experts locaux. Ces essais cartographiques donnent des résultats encourageants qui pourraient, à court terme, améliorer la prise en compte de ce risque encore mal connu et sous-estimé dans ces régions

    Application of cellular automata modeling to analyze the dynamics of hyper-concentrated stream flows on loamy plateaux (Paris Basin, North-west France)

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    International audienceFor several years, flash floods appear frequently on small dry valleys of the Paris Basin, in the North of France. These “hyper-concentrated stream flows” are defined as floods with sudden apparition, rapid rising time and important specific flow. They are produced by intense rainfall (>50mm.h-1) over small areas (<40kmÂČ) and present single features. The catchment morphology is a first-order controlling factor of floods dynamic. For a better understanding of such type of processes, analysing the morphological signature of these catchments becomes of paramount importance. Therefore, classical morphometric methods do not consider the dynamics generated by the catchments structure. So we develop a new tool based on spatial analysis and the cellular automata “Ruicells” is proposed. It allows us to integrate the catchment geometry, the slopes pattern and the drainage network in order to simulate runoff response at different outlets. First results attempt to validate the influence of drainage network on the hydrological response of the catchments, while size of drainage area has a minor influence. Moreover, the application of cellular automata modelling highlights the causes of spatial and temporal variability of flows as for example the relation between the location of streaming areas and water paths

    A multiagent urban traffic simulation. Part II: dealing with the extraordinary

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    In Probabilistic Risk Management, risk is characterized by two quantities: the magnitude (or severity) of the adverse consequences that can potentially result from the given activity or action, and by the likelihood of occurrence of the given adverse consequences. But a risk seldom exists in isolation: chain of consequences must be examined, as the outcome of one risk can increase the likelihood of other risks. Systemic theory must complement classic PRM. Indeed these chains are composed of many different elements, all of which may have a critical importance at many different levels. Furthermore, when urban catastrophes are envisioned, space and time constraints are key determinants of the workings and dynamics of these chains of catastrophes: models must include a correct spatial topology of the studied risk. Finally, literature insists on the importance small events can have on the risk on a greater scale: urban risks management models belong to self-organized criticality theory. We chose multiagent systems to incorporate this property in our model: the behavior of an agent can transform the dynamics of important groups of them

    ModĂ©lisation de la dynamique potentielle d’un bassin versant et mesure de son efficacitĂ© structurelle

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    International audienceLes indices morphomĂ©triques ont Ă©tĂ© les toutes premiĂšres mesures crĂ©Ă©es en gĂ©omorphologie pour comparer les caractĂ©ristiques morphologiques des bassins versants et pour quantifier leur comportement hydrologique potentiel. Alors que toutes ces mĂ©thodes se retrouvent aujourd'hui en prĂ©ambule de nombreux ouvrages d’hydrologie, plusieurs auteurs en soulignent toutefois les limites. Le caractĂšre statique et cloisonnĂ© des indices calculĂ©s ne permet pas notamment de prĂ©dire la rĂ©ponse hydrologique des bassins. Il nous semblait ainsi nĂ©cessaire de crĂ©er des indices plus pertinents. Pour cela, nous nous sommes tournĂ©s vers une nouvelle mĂ©thode de simulation distribuĂ©e de type automate cellulaire. Les expĂ©riences numĂ©riques portant sur 422 bassins d’une grande variĂ©tĂ© apportent des Ă©lĂ©ments nouveaux, en particulier le rĂŽle des organisations spatiales morphologiques sur les rĂ©activitĂ©s locales et globales des bassins versants. La structure de l’automate RuiCells permet Ă©galement de calculer des indices synthĂ©tiques Ă  partir d’expĂ©riences numĂ©riques en tout point de l’espace. Un indice d’efficacitĂ© IE est proposĂ© afin de quantifier l’efficacitĂ© structurelle du rĂ©seau sur chaque cellule : les plus fortes valeurs identifient les points potentiellement les plus rĂ©actifs

    Integrated obesity care management system -implementation and research protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nearly 50% of Canadians are overweight and their number is increasing rapidly. The majority of obese subjects are treated by primary care physicians (PCPs) who often feel uncomfortable with the management of obesity. The current research proposal is aimed at the development and implementation of an innovative, integrated, interdisciplinary obesity care management system involving both primary and secondary care professionals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We will use both action and evaluative research in order to achieve the following specific objectives. The first one is to develop and implement a preceptorship-based continuing medical education (CME) program complemented by a web site for physicians and nurses working in Family Medicine Groups (FMGs). This CME will be based on needs assessment and will be validated by one FMG using questionnaires and semi structured interviews. Also, references and teaching tools will be available for participants on the web site. Our second objective is to establish a collaborative intra and inter-regional interdisciplinary network to enable on-going expertise update and networking for FMG teams. This tool consists of a discussion forum and monthly virtual meetings of all participants. Our third objective is to evaluate the implementation of our program for its ability to train 8 FMGs per year, the access and utilization of electronic tools and the participants' satisfaction. This will be measured with questionnaires, web logging tools and group interviews. Our fourth objective is to determine the impact for the participants regarding knowledge and expertise, attitudes and perceptions, self-efficacy for the management of obesity, and changes in FMG organization for obesity management. Questionnaires and interviews will be used for this purpose. Our fifth objective is to deliver transferable knowledge for health professionals and decision-makers. Strategies and pitfalls of setting up this program will also be identified.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This project is relevant to health system's decision-makers who are confronted with an important increase in the prevalence of obesity. It is therefore critical to develop strategies allowing the management of obesity in the 1<sup>st </sup>line setting. Results of this research project could therefore influence health care organization in the field of obesity but also eventually for other chronic diseases.</p

    : Recueil de fiches pédagogiques du réseau MAPS

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    DoctoralLe réseau thématique MAPS «Modélisation multi-Agent appliquée aux Phénomènes Spatialisés » propose depuis 2009 des évènements scientifiques ayant pour but de diffuser les pratiques de modélisations multi-agents au sein des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (SHS). Ce collectif pluridisciplinaire de chercheurs, d’enseignants-chercheurs et de doctorants est labellisé en tant que â‰Ș réseau thématique » par le Réseau National des Systèmes Complexes (GIS RNSC) et bénéficie du soutien du CNRS au titre de la Formation Permanente. Depuis 2009, plusieurs modĂšles ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s au cours d'Ă©vĂ©nements MAPS. Ces modĂšles ont fait l'objet de fiches pĂ©dagogiques dĂ©taillĂ©es destinées aux communautés éducatives et universitaires et en particulier aux enseignants qui souhaiteraient faire découvrir la modélisation à leurs étudiants, mais aussi à ceux qui envisagent d’approfondir certains aspects avec un public plus averti. Elles sont également destinées à tous les curieux qui souhaiteraient découvrir ce que la modélisation apporte aux SHS, du point de vue heuristique et du point de vue opérationnel. Enfin, elles sont aussi des supports pour toutes les personnes qui souhaiteraient diffuser les réflexions scientifiques sur la modélisation et la simulation qui ont présidé à la rédaction de ces fiches

    HARMONI at ELT: project status and instrument overview

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    International audienceHARMONI is the first light visible and near-IR integral field spectrograph for the ELT. It covers a large spectral range from 450 nm to 2450 nm with resolving powers from 3500 to 18000 and spatial sampling from 60 mas to 4 mas. It can operate in two Adaptive Optics modes - SCAO (including a High Contrast capability) and LTAO - or with NOAO. The project is preparing for Final Design Reviews. HARMONI is a work-horse instrument that provides efficient, spatially resolved spectroscopy of extended objects or crowded fields of view. The gigantic leap in sensitivity and spatial resolution that HARMONI at the ELT will enable promises to transform the landscape in observational astrophysics in the coming decade. The project has undergone some key changes to the leadership and management structure over the last two years. We present the salient elements of the project restructuring, and modifications to the technical specifications. The instrument design is very mature in the lead up to the final design review. In this paper, we provide an overview of the instrument's capabilities, details of recent technical changes during the red flag period, and an update of sensitivities
