6 research outputs found

    The Usability of E-learning Platforms in Higher Education: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    The use of e-learning in higher education has increased significantly in recent years, which has led to several studies being conducted to investigate the usability of the platforms that support it. A variety of different usability evaluation methods and attributes have been used, and it has therefore become important to start reviewing this work in a systematic way to determine how the field has developed in the last 15 years. This paper describes a systematic mapping study that performed searches on five electronic libraries to identify usability issues and methods that have been used to evaluate e-learning platforms. Sixty-one papers were selected and analysed, with the majority of studies using a simple research design reliant on questionnaires. The usability attributes measured were mostly related to effectiveness, satisfaction, efficiency, and perceived ease of use. Furthermore, several research gaps have been identified and recommendations have been made for further work in the area of the usability of online learning

    مصادر ضغوط العمل لدى عمال الصحة وسبل مواجهتها في المصالح الإستعجالية «دراسة ميدانية بالمركز الاستشفائي بعنابة»

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    تزايد الاهتمام بدراسة ضغوط العمل وانعكاساته على الصحة النفسية في مختلف منظمات العمل نظرا لمصادره المختلفة. البحث الحالي دراسة مصادر ضغوط العمل لدى عمال الصحة الشبه طبيين وسبل مواجهتها في المصالح الإستعجالية. لقد أسفرت الدراسة على وجود مؤشرات جلية بالنسبة للوظيفة، البيئة المادية، المنظمة في حين كانت ضعيفة فيما يتعلق بالعوامل الوسيطية أين كان مستوى الصلابة النفسية مرتفع لدى مفردات العينة. أما عن السبل الفعالة التي يمكن استخدامها فتتمثل في تقديم الخدمات الإنمائية لعمال الصحة الشبه الطبيين

    Sensor-based and vision-based human activity recognition: A comprehensive survey

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